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(FE12) Another FE12 draft.

Wen Yang


9 members have voted

  1. 1. Who has the best team?

    • Emerald Yoshi
    • Naglfar
    • Blues
    • Vicious Sal
    • Kopfjager

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OP team list fixed and format-changed. Poll added. Thanks for the suggestion Sal. :):

Also, mid-run team analysis:

Marth: Has issues with Exp gain since he kept having to run for the throne ASAP, and didn't grow Str well for me, though a couple Energy Drops fixed that issue. He's also currently my best sword-user.

Arran: Has utility early on, but is perma-benched from chapter 10 onwards.

MU: ORKOs everything she attacks, and can tank hits like a boss. Very useful, too bad she only has 7 move.

Rody: Kicks ass and takes names from chapter 1. His speed has been a bit lagging though, and he has issues with failing to double Wyverns.

Cecil: Capped Spd and Skl very fast, procced Mag often enough to my liking. Was a great if fragile staffbot, and once she promoted she turns into a ORKOing machine.

Caeda: OMGWTF Caeda. She's so insanely Str-blessed it's not funny. A flying, 10-move ORKO machine that massacres whatever I set her to.

Cord: Lackluster. Good Spd, but poor Str and HP/Def. He's likely benched from 13 onwards in favor of the tougher, stronger Belf.

Bord: Lackluster AND costs a lot of turns. Even as a pirate his Spd is kinda lacking. He might get benched in the near future since Minerva has been cooperating.

Julian: Kickass growths, but he sees combat so rarely he doesn't get to benefit from it much. Still the best thief possible.

Radd: Useless. His bases makes him a dead weight. Benched from chapter 10 onwards.

Navarre: Hits hard, but he's been having issues with his Spd growth. Still, I expect to be able to salvage him from his rut. Kinda underwhelming for him though.

Feena: Fragile as hell, but so damn useful I can't afford NOT to deploy her. Dancer FTW!!!

Minerva: Her Str and Spd has grown pretty nicely, which makes her a pretty usable flier, though I still need some star shard aid at times. Will likely get fed boosters or carry the star orb in the future. Hooray for A axes right off the bat.

Belf: Good bases, will replace Cord from chapter 13 onward.

Est: Still waiting on her.

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Had to start over!

Prologue: horse turns

More stuff. It was faster this time. Everyone not named Ryan was worse, though, that annoys me.

Name   |Level|Class|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Marth  |08/--| Lord|27| 9| 0|10|11|11| 8| 0
Naglfar|10/--| Mage|22| 8| 9| 8| 9|10| 3| 7
Arran  |--/03|Pally|26|10| 1|12|11| 4|10| 6
Ryan   |07/00| Arch|24|10| 0| 9| 7| 5|11| 0
Wrys   |we'll find out soon

Chapter 1: 5 turns

Sloppier than last time because everyone is weaker, especially MU. Same turncount, at least.

Name   |Level|Class|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Marth  |09/--| Lord|28| 9| 0|10|11|12| 8| 0
Naglfar|10/--| Mage|22| 8| 9| 8| 9|10| 3| 7
Arran  |--/03|Pally|26|10| 1|12|11| 4|10| 6
Ryan   |07/00| Myrm|24| 8| 0|15|14| 5| 9| 0
Wrys   |should have remembered to get the stats earlier

Chapter 2: 6 turns

Catria get.

Everyone pulled their weight well, though I was put in the bizarre situation of being forced to give Arran the boss kill. That's kind of a pain, but it's only one boss kill, so oh well. Ryan one-rounded a draco by critting him twice at 8%, how nice of him.

Name   |Level|Class|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Marth  |09/--| Lord|28| 9| 0|10|11|12| 8| 0
Naglfar|11/--| Mage|23| 8| 9| 8| 9|10| 3| 7
Arran  |--/04|Pally|27|10| 1|13|11| 4|10| 6
Ryan   |08/00| Myrm|25| 8| 0|16|14| 6| 9| 0
Catria |07/00|  Peg|22| 7| 2| 9|15| 9| 8| 6
Wrys   |not long now?

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Chapter 3: 17 turns

Yeah, I went around the long way. Pushing through the middle isn't happening with this team. Palla and Catria dealt with most of the dracoknights, but everyone else helped separate them and/or pick them off. The rest was easy, Matthis was recruited smoothly, Marth had no impediments, and saw no combat, for that matter. Ryan finally hit D swords. Catria got a bunch of strength and defence, and MU now has more strength than magic, for god's sake. What happened to the magic and speed he had last time? Damn it. At the very least, he's good at chipping away at bosses by hitting RES, and got the boss kill here.

Name   |Level|Class|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Marth  |09/--| Lord|28| 9| 0|10|11|12| 8| 0
Naglfar|13/--| Mage|24|10| 9| 9|10|11| 3| 8
Arran  |--/04|Pally|27|10| 1|13|11| 4|10| 6
Ryan   |10/00| Myrm|27|10| 0|17|16| 7| 9| 0
Catria |10/00|  Peg|24| 9| 2|12|17|10|11| 6
Matthis|04/00|  Cav|21| 7| 0| 3| 7| 1| 9| 0
Julian |06/00|Thief|20| 7| 0| 8|14| 7| 6| 0
Wrys   |was it C4?

Chapter 3x: 6 turns

push through matthis sucks catria saves wrys marth seizes

Chose not to field Julian because I can only take six guys. MAN am I glad I decided to make Matthis go swordmaster after he promotes. He has no skill or speed of his own. I think I'll have to forge him something. And yes, Taurus is glued to him until further notice.

Name   |Level|Class|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Marth  |10/--| Lord|29|10| 0|10|11|13| 8| 0
Naglfar|13/--| Mage|24|10| 9| 9|10|11| 3| 8
Arran  |--/04|Pally|27|10| 1|13|11| 4|10| 6
Ryan   |10/00| Myrm|27|10| 0|17|16| 7| 9| 0
Catria |10/00|  Peg|24| 9| 2|12|17|10|11| 6
Matthis|05/00|  Cav|22| 7| 0| 4| 7| 1|10| 0
Julian |06/00|Thief|20| 7| 0| 8|14| 7| 6| 0
Wrys   |06/00|Staff|18| 0| 3| 6| 8| 4| 4| 7

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Ok, chapter update and stats update.

Chapter 10: 3/79 turns.

Marth got his boots and I had to use Luke and MU to deal with the bishops. Merric kills Ellerean with ease and... Marth gets to seize the throne just in time as well. Luke and MU get more EXP and Frey's near a level up.

Chapter 10x: 2/81 turns.

This is when my turn lead on Kopfjager is screwed up. I'm stuck with 7 move units, so unfortunately I'm not able to finish on time but on the bright side Frey kills a fake roro and levels up. Man, I forgot to kill the other fake Roro that attacked him on EP1, but oh well.

Also, Frey got some arena levelling, so:

Yeah, Roger STILL HASn't GOT A LEVEL UP! I think I'm gonna give him some arena training.

EDIT: No stats I suppose. Tried spreadsheet and it screwed up the code. >.<

Ah, I'm losing tirns here. Well 2 were unneeded because I was trying my luck on the elysian whp. Oh well. Merric gets to kill a lot this level, Luke acts like a baws and Takes out the enemies from the west. MU gives Merric assisatance, along side Frey. Marth charges for the throne room with Feena's help and LUke comes in time to pierce the enemies out of the way.

Currently halfway in chapter 12. Frey and Linde have been early promoted at 17 and 15 respectively.

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Ok, Chapter 12 done, tally: 107 turns.

Frey can instantly use Dragonpike on promotion, which is a HUGE bonus. Linde can double a few fire dragpns, another plus. Oh, and Merric kills more, awesome. Luke still levels up, he's already capped skill spped and str

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Chapter 4: 12 turns

Forged Matthis a +3 mt/+15 hit iron sword and called it Pikachu.

Marth slowed down to get Castor, reinforcements nearly killed people. Yumina's Rescue staff got MU in place to help Matthis kill the boss so Marth could finally end the damn chapter. Looks like Marth went without any combat again, but there were plenty of good level ups.

Name   |Level|Class|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Marth  |10/--| Lord|29|10| 0|10|11|13| 8| 0
Naglfar|14/--| Mage|25|10| 9|10|11|12| 3| 9
Arran  |--/04|Pally|27|10| 1|13|11| 4|10| 6
Ryan   |11/00| Myrm|28|10| 0|17|16| 8|10| 0
Catria |11/00|  Peg|25| 9| 2|13|18|11|11| 7
Matthis|07/00|  Cav|24| 8| 0| 4| 9| 1|10| 0
Julian |08/00|Thief|22| 9| 0|10|15| 9| 7| 0
Wrys   |08/00|Staff|19| 0| 3| 7|10| 5| 4| 8
Castor |07/00|Huntr|24|10| 0| 7|10| 4| 6| 0

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Ok, Chapter 13 and 13 x are done.

Chapter 13 was very cruel, I'll say that, but honestly it went much faster than chapter 12. Dragonpike Frey did it again, OH YEAH! He got the +2 speed orb to one round the dragons. Luke acts baws again and kills more stuff. Really, he cant imporve further anymore. :|

Robert's picking up with his good growths now, so He'll start doubling soon. Merric was early promoted at level 18. Eh, he's ok, but has utility, and that's all I care for. Norne still has to wait for that elysian whip. Oh, and Beck didn't see any fighting cause... he's a little slow, I'll admit. He still has good weapon ranks though. MU helped Luke kill the boss as Marth seized before any reinforcements could arrive. Also, GO LINDE! She's got such aweseom stats, its not even funny! I'm gonna post the stats once I'm done with chapter 14. Also, I used up my last thief staff. :(

13x was simple, but I'm glad Feena dodged all three ballisticians. o.O Marth gets the Iote's Shield with ease.

13- 8/115 turns

13x: 3/118 turns

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Um blues, did you forget to get the chapter 11 Elysian Whip?

it's at the top-left corner of the map in case you didn't know.

Yeah I did try but got unlucky with it, I waited two turns the see if Marth OR Luke could get the Elysian Whip but didn't happen. Unless I actually have to move Norne all the way to the cornermost square over there? >.<

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Chapter 14 done in 8 turns.I couldve dinished it one turn earlier, but I wanted the again staff, so wasted a turn using marth to open the again staff chest. Talisman ain't worth another turn though, so cool.

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Chapter 5: 6 turns

Ryan promoted, and I got the guy and the stuff. Marth still didn't fight anyone. Also did a little in the arena, and forged Castor a +15 hit axe dubbed Don't Miss. Ryan was the MVP, his 10 move and tendency to be tinked by just about everything making up for the boss knocking him down to 4 HP.

Name   |Level|Class|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Marth  |10/--| Lord|29|10| 0|10|11|13| 8| 0
Naglfar|14/--| Mage|25|10| 9|10|11|12| 3| 9
Arran  |--/04|Pally|27|10| 1|13|11| 4|10| 6
Ryan   |11/01|Draco|32|15| 1|13|12| 8|16| 3
Catria |11/00|  Peg|25| 9| 2|13|18|11|11| 7
Matthis|08/00|  Cav|25| 8| 0| 4|10| 1|11| 0
Julian |08/00|Thief|22| 9| 0|10|15| 9| 7| 0
Wrys   |09/00|Staff|19| 0| 3| 7|10| 6| 4| 9
Castor |07/00|Huntr|24|10| 0| 7|10| 4| 6| 0
Barst  |05/00|Fight|26|12| 0|10|11| 6| 7| 0

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Anyway, update on my progress:

Chapter 13: 8/111 turns

This chapter sure made me glad I bought a bunch of dragonpikes back in chapter 11. Caeda and Minerva did most of the dragon-slaying work, while Beck is recruited for his items. I also bought some Physics since I broke my last one in this very chapter. I set my units up in the river in turn 7, and massacred the enemies by the castle in turn 8, seizing with Marth at that same turn. Julian got me the Dragonpike and Wrymslayer.

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		21	1	40	17	0	22	22	23	16	0
Aina		Archer		20/5	54	41	23	3	24	28	18	20	3
Rody		Paladin		20/8	3	45	25	1	20	23	25	17	6
Cecille		Sage		20/9	12	44	5	18	27	25	23	1	14
Arran		Dracoknight	??/5	71	26	11	1	13	11	4	12	3
Cord		Hero		10/1	70	29	13	0	17	20	8	10	3
Bord		Berserker	10/1	55	32	17	0	11	14	3	11	0
Julian		Thief		8	67	21	8	0	9	16	9	7	0
Caeda		Falcoknight	20/10	26	40	21	3	26	26	28	17	14
Radd		Archer		7	5	22	8	0	5	8	2	8	0
Navarre		Paladin		15/3	14	36	20	0	17	16	12	15	7
Feena		Dancer		8	66	21	7	0	8	19	15	5	1
Minerva		Dracoknight	??/11	35	37	17	1	16	22	16	19	3
Belf		Swordmaster	15/1	53	39	14	1	24	19	8	11	3
Est		Pegasus Knight	6	90	21	7	2	8	14	12	8	6

Chapter 13x: 3/114 turns

Marth charges to the chest, while Caeda, Minerva, Rody, Luke, and Cecille cleans up enemies. Aina is sent east to bait Kleine, and crit-blicked her on EP1. Aina killed the last foe on turn 3, right after Marth got the Iote's Shield.

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		21	24	40	17	0	22	22	23	16	0
Aina		Archer		20/6	46	42	23	3	25	29	19	20	3
Rody		Paladin		20/8	23	45	25	1	20	23	25	17	6
Cecille		Sage		20/9	36	44	5	18	27	25	23	1	14
Arran		Dracoknight	??/5	71	26	11	1	13	11	4	12	3
Cord		Hero		10/1	70	29	13	0	17	20	8	10	3
Bord		Berserker	10/1	55	32	17	0	11	14	3	11	0
Julian		Thief		8	67	21	8	0	9	16	9	7	0
Caeda		Falcoknight	20/10	54	40	21	3	26	26	28	17	14
Radd		Archer		7	5	22	8	0	5	8	2	8	0
Navarre		Paladin		15/3	46	36	20	0	17	16	12	15	7
Feena		Dancer		8	66	21	7	0	8	19	15	5	1
Minerva		Dracoknight	??/11	62	37	17	1	16	22	16	19	3
Belf		Swordmaster	15/1	53	39	14	1	24	19	8	11	3
Est		Pegasus Knight	6	90	21	7	2	8	14	12	8	6

Chapter 14: 6/120 turns

Caeda takes out the thief and dragon to the left, sending the warp staff to the convoy. Everyone else massacres the enemies in front of them. Marth talked to Gato on turn 3, and immediately ran for the throne, with some aid from Feena. Usage of the Warp Staff allowed Julian to get all the treasures just before Marth seized. Every enemy in the map - Tiki included - are massacred for Exp.

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		22	73	41	18	0	23	23	24	16	0
Aina		Archer		20/8	14	44	23	4	26	29	20	21	3
Rody		Paladin		20/10	61	46	25	1	22	25	25	17	6
Cecille		Sage		20/11	46	45	6	20	27	25	25	1	15
Arran		Dracoknight	??/5	71	26	11	1	13	11	4	12	3
Cord		Hero		10/1	70	29	13	0	17	20	8	10	3
Bord		Berserker	10/2	32	33	17	0	12	15	3	11	0
Julian		Thief		8	67	21	8	0	9	16	9	7	0
Caeda		Falcoknight	20/11	85	41	22	3	26	26	29	17	14
Radd		Archer		7	5	22	8	0	5	8	2	8	0
Navarre		Paladin		15/4	36	36	20	0	18	17	13	15	7
Feena		Dancer		9	44	21	7	0	9	20	16	5	1
Minerva		Dracoknight	??/13	78	38	19	1	17	23	16	19	3
Belf		Swordmaster	15/1	90	39	14	1	24	19	8	11	3
Est		Pegasus Knight	6	90	21	7	2	8	14	12	8	6
Xane		Freelancer	Doesn't matter at all

Chapter 15: 9/129 turns

The majority of my group heads down, while Minerva and Caeda flies over to kill the ballistas. Aina is warped into Est's room to kill the general there to ensure her safety. Minerva later cleans up the left side of the map while Rody massacres the reinforcements from the northern fort. Caeda gets to kill the boss who was a wimp against her Wing Spear, and Est recruit Abel right before Marth seizes.

A lot of arena training is done for Est

Est is promoted

Est receives an Arms Scroll

Caeda receives a Talisman

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		23	19	42	18	0	24	24	24	16	0
Aina		Archer		20/9	71	45	24	4	27	29	21	21	3
Rody		Paladin		20/12	60	48	25	1	22	25	25	18	6
Cecille		Sage		20/14	23	46	6	20	28	25	27	1	17
Arran		Dracoknight	??/5	71	26	11	1	13	11	4	12	3
Cord		Hero		10/1	70	29	13	0	17	20	8	10	3
Bord		Berserker	10/2	98	33	17	0	12	15	3	11	0
Julian		Thief		8	67	21	8	0	9	16	9	7	0
Caeda		Falcoknight	20/12	94	41	22	3	26	26	30	17	16
Radd		Archer		7	5	22	8	0	5	8	2	8	0
Navarre		Paladin		15/5	62	37	21	1	18	18	14	15	7
Feena		Dancer		10	64	22	7	0	10	21	16	5	1
Minerva		Dracoknight	??/15	31	40	20	1	19	23	17	20	3
Belf		Swordmaster	15/1	90	39	14	1	24	19	8	11	3
Est		Swordmaster	20/1	0	34	21	1	22	22	20	13	5
Xane		Freelancer	Doesn't matter at all
Abel		Bishop		??/1	0	32	7	3	11	12	7	9	9

Chapter 16: 5/134 turns

Xane copied Cecille, then gets danced and warped Cecille to Astram's bunch. Cecille Nosferatu'd the whole bunch to oblivion, then blocks the entrance to the treasure room, while Xane warps Julian into the room the next turn. Caeda took down the Geosphere thief. All the treasures except the Master Seal and the Shaver are gotten, and Marth seized on turn 5.

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		23	73	42	18	0	24	24	24	16	0
Aina		Archer		20/10	22	46	24	5	27	29	21	21	3
Rody		Paladin		20/13	40	49	25	1	23	25	25	18	6
Cecille		Sage		20/15	77	46	7	20	28	25	27	1	17
Arran		Dracoknight	??/5	71	26	11	1	13	11	4	12	3
Cord		Hero		10/1	70	29	13	0	17	20	8	10	3
Bord		Berserker	10/2	98	33	17	0	12	15	3	11	0
Julian		Thief		8	67	21	8	0	9	16	9	7	0
Caeda		Falcoknight	20/13	17	41	22	3	26	26	30	18	16
Radd		Archer		7	5	22	8	0	5	8	2	8	0
Navarre		Paladin		15/6	14	38	21	1	18	19	14	16	7
Feena		Dancer		11	9	22	8	0	10	22	17	5	1
Minerva		Dracoknight	??/15	64	40	20	1	19	23	17	20	3
Belf		Swordmaster	15/1	90	39	14	1	24	19	8	11	3
Est		Swordmaster	20/2	23	35	22	1	22	23	21	13	5
Xane		Freelancer	Doesn't matter at all
Abel		Bishop		??/1	0	32	7	3	11	12	7	9	9
Macellan	Sorcerer	??/1	0	29	6	4	9	10	7	4	6

Chapter 16x: 1/135 turns

Putting Cecille in the very front of my group with Nosferatu equipped causes all enemies that remained on the enemy phase to attack her, hence comitting suicide, allowing for a 1-turn Clear. Katarina is naturally killed for Exp. :3:

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		24	0	43	18	0	24	24	25	17	0
Aina		Archer		20/10	42	46	24	5	27	29	21	21	3
Rody		Paladin		20/13	55	49	25	1	23	25	25	18	6
Cecille		Sage		20/16	35	47	8	20	28	25	28	1	17
Arran		Dracoknight	??/5	71	26	11	1	13	11	4	12	3
Cord		Hero		10/1	70	29	13	0	17	20	8	10	3
Bord		Berserker	10/2	98	33	17	0	12	15	3	11	0
Julian		Thief		8	67	21	8	0	9	16	9	7	0
Caeda		Falcoknight	20/13	32	41	22	3	26	26	30	18	16
Radd		Archer		7	5	22	8	0	5	8	2	8	0
Navarre		Paladin		15/6	14	38	21	1	18	19	14	16	7
Feena		Dancer		11	9	22	8	0	10	22	17	5	1
Minerva		Dracoknight	??/15	78	40	20	1	19	23	17	20	3
Belf		Swordmaster	15/1	90	39	14	1	24	19	8	11	3
Est		Swordmaster	20/2	63	35	22	1	22	23	21	13	5
Xane		Freelancer	Doesn't matter at all
Abel		Bishop		??/1	0	32	7	3	11	12	7	9	9
Macellan	Sorcerer	??/1	0	29	6	4	9	10	7	4	6

Chapter 17: 7/142 turns

Marth recruited Tomas, then went for the Angelic Robe village. Julian went for the treasure room, escorted by Minerva, Rody, and Est, while everyone else heads straight for the throne. Cecille rescues Marth after he picks up the Angelic Robe, and all enemies in the map are massacred, Sheema and Samson included. Marth seized on turn 7.

Est receives an Angelic Robe

Minerva receives 2x Goddess Icon, 1x Secret Book

Navarre receives a Speedwing

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		24	81	43	18	0	24	24	25	17	0
Aina		Archer		20/10	98	46	24	5	27	29	21	21	3
Rody		Paladin		20/14	30	50	25	1	23	25	25	18	6
Cecille		Sage		20/17	71	48	8	21	28	25	29	1	17
Arran		Dracoknight	??/5	71	26	11	1	13	11	4	12	3
Cord		Hero		10/1	70	29	13	0	17	20	8	10	3
Bord		Berserker	10/2	98	33	17	0	12	15	3	11	0
Julian		Thief		8	67	21	8	0	9	16	9	7	0
Caeda		Falcoknight	20/14	58	42	23	3	26	26	30	18	16
Radd		Archer		7	5	22	8	0	5	8	2	8	0
Navarre		Paladin		15/8	1	40	21	1	18	23	15	17	7
Feena		Dancer		11	69	22	8	0	10	22	17	5	1
Minerva		Dracoknight	??/16	44	41	20	1	22	23	22	21	3
Belf		Swordmaster	15/1	90	39	14	1	24	19	8	11	3
Est		Swordmaster	20/4	33	44	24	1	23	24	22	14	5
Xane		Freelancer	Doesn't matter at all
Abel		Bishop		??/1	0	32	7	3	11	12	7	9	9
Macellan	Sorcerer	??/1	0	29	6	4	9	10	7	4	6
Tomas		Bishop		??/1	0	27	6	3	4	8	9	8	9

Chapter 18: 3/145 turns

Marth heads for the village, while Cecille went and Nosferatanked the entire right side of the map. Everyone else in myu team heads north to massacre the Wolfguards. Marth got the Lifesphere on turn 2, and was rescued by Cecille on turn 3 for seizing the throne. Also... Caeda capped her Str... Naturally. o_O

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		25	38	44	19	0	24	25	26	18	0
Aina		Archer		20/11	25	47	24	5	28	29	21	22	3
Rody		Paladin		20/15	18	51	25	1	23	25	25	18	6
Cecille		Sage		20/19	26	49	8	21	28	25	30	1	17
Arran		Dracoknight	??/5	71	26	11	1	13	11	4	12	3
Cord		Hero		10/1	70	29	13	0	17	20	8	10	3
Bord		Berserker	10/2	98	33	17	0	12	15	3	11	0
Julian		Thief		8	67	21	8	0	9	16	9	7	0
Caeda		Falcoknight	20/15	25	42	24	3	26	26	30	18	16
Radd		Archer		7	5	22	8	0	5	8	2	8	0
Navarre		Paladin		15/8	31	40	21	1	18	23	15	17	7
Feena		Dancer		12	14	23	8	0	11	23	18	5	1
Minerva		Dracoknight	??/17	17	42	21	1	23	23	22	22	3
Belf		Swordmaster	15/1	90	39	14	1	24	19	8	11	3
Est		Swordmaster	20/5	23	45	24	1	24	25	22	15	5
Xane		Freelancer	Doesn't matter at all
Abel		Bishop		??/1	8	32	7	3	11	12	7	9	9
Macellan	Sorcerer	??/1	0	29	6	4	9	10	7	4	6
Tomas		Bishop		??/1	0	27	6	3	4	8	9	8	9

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Chapter 6: 9 turns

This was an adventure. Arran and Wrys had to go south and block a chokepoint to keep Frey and Norne out of the action, so my best tank (barring Ryan) and healer were busy. Julian was busy too, getting Libra, which effectively put him out of commission for the duration of the chapter. Catria had to kill the Swarm bishop over two rounds, and then trade-train the door key. I then had to slow down a little so people wouldn't die because this game has MILLIONS OF ARMOUR KNIGHTS and only Ryan could handle them head-on, the same Ryan who barely escapes being two-rounded by the bishops in the throne room. Thankfully they prioritise healing their buddies, which made them much less dangerous. Anyway, when Ryan had softened the enemies up sufficiently, everyone else was able to spend the next couple turns cleaning up while Shiida got Samto. MU got the boss kill, so that gets me Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius and Cancer.

Name   |Level|Class|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Marth  |11/--| Lord|30|10| 0|10|11|14| 8| 0
Naglfar|15/--| Mage|26|10| 9|11|12|13| 3| 9
Arran  |--/05|Pally|27|10| 1|13|11| 4|10| 6
Ryan   |11/02|Draco|33|16| 1|14|13| 9|16| 3
Catria |13/00|  Peg|27| 9| 2|13|19|13|11| 7
Matthis|09/00|  Cav|26| 9| 0| 4|11| 1|11| 0
Julian |08/00|Thief|22| 9| 0|10|15| 9| 7| 0
Wrys   |10/00|Staff|20| 0| 3| 7|11| 6| 4| 9
Castor |08/00|Pirat|25|12| 0| 5|13| 4| 7| 0
Barst  |05/00|Fight|26|12| 0|10|11| 6| 7| 0
Samto  |05/00| Myrm|22| 6| 0|10|11| 3| 7| 0

Chapter 6x: 2 turns

lol this is the smallest map I've ever seen

Name   |Level|Class|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Marth  |11/--| Lord|30|10| 0|10|11|14| 8| 0
Naglfar|15/--| Mage|26|10| 9|11|12|13| 3| 9
Arran  |--/05|Pally|27|10| 1|13|11| 4|10| 6
Ryan   |11/03|Draco|34|17| 1|15|14|10|17| 3
Catria |13/00|  Peg|27| 9| 2|13|19|13|11| 7
Matthis|10/00|  Cav|27| 9| 0| 4|11| 1|12| 0
Julian |08/00|Thief|22| 9| 0|10|15| 9| 7| 0
Wrys   |10/00|Staff|20| 0| 3| 7|11| 6| 4| 9
Castor |08/00|Pirat|25|12| 0| 5|13| 4| 7| 0
Barst  |06/00|Fight|27|13| 0|10|11| 7| 8| 0
Samto  |05/00| Myrm|22| 6| 0|10|11| 3| 7| 0
Wendell|--/07| Bish|26| 1| 6| 5|13| 4| 5|10

Chapter 7: 6 turns

I managed to barely get Navarre in range to attack the boss on turn 5 so Scorpio!Catria could double and kill him (she critted him anyway) to let Marth seize, but it turns out the movement cost of gates is higher than 1? What?

I missed some things like the robe, one seal and the Wo Dao. This really is a "bring a full roster of fliers" chapter, isn't it? At least the extra turn meant I got another turn's worth of experience points. Ryan hit D axes! That means steel and hand axes. Look out. also itt: amazing level ups everywhere

Name   |Level|Class|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Marth  |11/--| Lord|30|10| 0|10|11|14| 8| 0
Naglfar|15/--| Mage|26|10| 9|11|12|13| 3| 9
Arran  |--/05|Pally|27|10| 1|13|11| 4|10| 6
Ryan   |11/04|Draco|35|18| 1|16|15|11|17| 3
Catria |15/00|  Peg|27|11| 2|15|20|14|11| 7
Matthis|10/00|  Cav|27| 9| 0| 4|11| 1|12| 0
Julian |09/00|Thief|23|10| 0|11|16|10| 7| 0
Wrys   |10/00|Staff|20| 0| 3| 7|11| 6| 4| 9
Castor |08/00|Pirat|25|12| 0| 5|13| 4| 7| 0
Barst  |06/00|Fight|27|13| 0|10|11| 7| 8| 0
Samto  |06/00| Myrm|23| 6| 0|11|12| 3| 7| 0
Wendell|--/07| Bish|26| 1| 6| 5|13| 4| 5|10
Feena  |02/--|Dance|17| 3| 0| 3|14| 9| 5| 0

Edited by Naglfar
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Chapter 19: 8/153 turns

Minerva flies north, got Agained by Cecille, then killed off the boss in turn one. Everyone else makes their way to the boss area the slow way. Est makes short work of the warriors on the east. The Village is ignored, and Marth seized on turn 8 with every enemy dead.

Cecille receives a Spirit Dust

Minerva receiver a Dracoshield

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		26	28	45	20	0	25	25	27	18	0
Aina		Archer		20/12	45	48	24	5	29	29	22	22	3
Rody		Paladin		20/15	47	51	25	1	23	25	25	18	6
Cecille		Sage		20/20	--	49	9	24	28	25	30	1	17
Arran		Dracoknight	??/5	71	26	11	1	13	11	4	12	3
Cord		Hero		10/1	70	29	13	0	17	20	8	10	3
Bord		Berserker	10/2	98	33	17	0	12	15	3	11	0
Julian		Thief		8	67	21	8	0	9	16	9	7	0
Caeda		Falcoknight	20/15	48	42	24	3	26	26	30	18	16
Radd		Archer		7	5	22	8	0	5	8	2	8	0
Navarre		Paladin		15/8	68	40	21	1	18	23	15	17	7
Feena		Dancer		12	70	23	8	0	11	23	18	5	1
Minerva		Dracoknight	??/19	80	44	22	1	24	23	24	24	4
Belf		Swordmaster	15/1	90	39	14	1	24	19	8	11	3
Est		Swordmaster	20/7	10	47	24	1	26	25	23	16	5
Xane		Freelancer	Doesn't matter at all
Abel		Bishop		??/1	24	32	7	3	11	12	7	9	9
Macellan	Sorcerer	??/1	0	29	6	4	9	10	7	4	6
Tomas		Bishop		??/1	0	27	6	3	4	8	9	8	9

Chapter 20: 7/160 turns

Heavy usage of Warp and rescue (mostly on Julian) allowed me to get all the treasures on this map. Marth took the treasures in the main treasure room himself. Aina finished off Hardin using Parthia, and geosphere support allows her to ORKO him thanks to a crit. I'm gonna miss those spheres. ;_;

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		27	41	46	20	0	25	25	28	18	0
Aina		Archer		20/16	22	52	24	5	30	29	23	23	3
Rody		Paladin		20/18	22	54	25	1	23	25	25	19	6
Cecille		Sage		20/20	--	49	9	24	28	25	30	1	17
Arran		Dracoknight	??/5	71	26	11	1	13	11	4	12	3
Cord		Hero		10/1	70	29	13	0	17	20	8	10	3
Bord		Berserker	10/2	98	33	17	0	12	15	3	11	0
Julian		Thief		8	67	21	8	0	9	16	9	7	0
Caeda		Falcoknight	20/17	9	44	24	3	26	26	30	18	16
Radd		Archer		7	5	22	8	0	5	8	2	8	0
Navarre		Paladin		15/9	21	40	22	1	19	23	15	17	7
Feena		Dancer		13	68	24	9	0	12	24	19	5	1
Minerva		Dracoknight	??/20	--	45	22	1	24	23	25	24	4
Belf		Swordmaster	15/1	90	39	14	1	24	19	8	11	3
Est		Swordmaster	20/7	50	47	24	1	26	25	23	16	5
Xane		Freelancer	Doesn't matter at all
Abel		Bishop		??/1	57	32	7	3	11	12	7	9	9
Macellan	Sorcerer	??/1	0	29	6	4	9	10	7	4	6
Tomas		Bishop		??/1	0	27	6	3	4	8	9	8	9

Chapter 20x: 5/165 turns

Charge forward in the darkness. Est gets to off Eremiya once and for all after she made me sweat with that damned meteor of hers.

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		28	1	47	21	0	25	25	28	18	0
Aina		Archer		20/16	45	52	24	5	30	29	23	23	3
Rody		Paladin		20/18	56	54	25	1	23	25	25	19	6
Cecille		Sage		20/20	--	49	9	24	28	25	30	1	17
Arran		Dracoknight	??/5	71	26	11	1	13	11	4	12	3
Cord		Hero		10/1	70	29	13	0	17	20	8	10	3
Bord		Berserker	10/2	98	33	17	0	12	15	3	11	0
Julian		Thief		8	67	21	8	0	9	16	9	7	0
Caeda		Falcoknight	20/17	69	44	24	3	26	26	30	18	16
Radd		Archer		7	5	22	8	0	5	8	2	8	0
Navarre		Paladin		15/9	21	40	22	1	19	23	15	17	7
Feena		Dancer		13	68	24	9	0	12	24	19	5	1
Minerva		Dracoknight	??/20	--	45	22	1	24	23	25	24	4
Belf		Swordmaster	15/1	90	39	14	1	24	19	8	11	3
Est		Swordmaster	20/9	27	48	24	1	28	26	24	17	5
Xane		Freelancer	Doesn't matter at all
Abel		Bishop		??/1	57	32	7	3	11	12	7	9	9
Macellan	Sorcerer	??/1	0	29	6	4	9	10	7	4	6
Tomas		Bishop		??/1	0	27	6	3	4	8	9	8	9

Chapter 21: 7/172 turns

WTFAAAAAARGH at 22 spd enemies. Caeda and Minerva heads North, Caeda taking care of the thieves, while Minerva getting the Talisman off the cave, and then emptying the secret shop except for arms scrolls. Everyone else heads north then east, with most of the party then heading south-east, and Marth heading North-east. Caeda clears the path for Marth, who visits the village before being Rescued by Cecille!Xane, breaking my last Rescue Staff. Rody ORKOs the boss with the Brave Lance, and Marth approaches the castle, gets Agained, and seized on turn 7.

Marth receives 2x Energy Drop

Aina receives 3x Goddess Icon

Cecille receiver 1x Angelic Robe, 3x Spirit Dust

Caeda receives 1x Angelic Robe, 3x Dracoshield, 4x Talisman

Minerva receives 1x Energy Drop, 1x Secret Book

Est receives 1x Angelic Robe, 2x Speedwing

Navarre receives 1x Speedwing, 2x Secret Book

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		29	28	48	25	0	25	25	29	18	0
Aina		Sniper		20/17	26	53	24	5	30	29	30	23	3
Rody		Paladin		20/19	99	55	25	1	24	25	25	19	6
Cecille		Sage		20/20	--	56	9	30	28	25	30	1	17
Arran		Dracoknight	??/5	71	26	11	1	13	11	4	12	3
Cord		Hero		10/1	70	29	13	0	17	20	8	10	3
Bord		Berserker	10/2	98	33	17	0	12	15	3	11	0
Julian		Thief		8	67	21	8	0	9	16	9	7	0
Caeda		Falcoknight	20/18	87	51	24	3	26	26	30	24	24
Radd		Archer		7	5	22	8	0	5	8	2	8	0
Navarre		Paladin		15/11	65	42	24	1	25	25	17	19	7
Feena		Dancer		14	52	24	10	0	13	25	20	5	1
Minerva		Dracoknight	??/20	--	45	24	1	26	23	25	24	4
Belf		Swordmaster	15/1	90	39	14	1	24	19	8	11	3
Est		Swordmaster	20/11	43	56	24	1	29	30	26	18	6
Xane		Freelancer	Doesn't matter at all
Abel		Bishop		??/2	35	32	7	4	11	13	7	9	9
Macellan	Sorcerer	??/1	0	29	6	4	9	10	7	4	6
Tomas		Bishop		??/1	0	27	6	3	4	8	9	8	9

Chapter 22: 5/177 turns

A mad rush to the throne is the name of the game here. Anything that got in the way is massacred by the vanguard of 10-move units consisting of Navarre, Rody, Minerva, and Caeda, while Marth follows. Caeda kills off the boss on turn 5, allowing Marth to seize at once.

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		30	--	49	25	0	25	25	30	19	0
Aina		Sniper		20/18	52	53	24	5	30	29	30	23	3
Rody		Paladin		20/20	--	56	25	1	24	25	25	19	6
Cecille		Sage		20/20	--	56	9	30	28	25	30	1	17
Arran		Dracoknight	??/5	71	26	11	1	13	11	4	12	3
Cord		Hero		10/1	70	29	13	0	17	20	8	10	3
Bord		Berserker	10/2	98	33	17	0	12	15	3	11	0
Julian		Thief		8	67	21	8	0	9	16	9	7	0
Caeda		Falcoknight	20/20	--	52	24	3	26	26	30	24	24
Radd		Archer		7	5	22	8	0	5	8	2	8	0
Navarre		Paladin		15/13	28	43	25	1	26	25	18	20	8
Feena		Dancer		14	52	24	10	0	13	25	20	5	1
Minerva		Dracoknight	??/20	--	45	24	1	26	23	25	24	4
Belf		Swordmaster	15/1	90	39	14	1	24	19	8	11	3
Est		Swordmaster	20/13	46	58	24	1	29	30	28	19	6
Xane		Freelancer	Doesn't matter at all
Abel		Bishop		??/2	86	32	7	4	11	13	7	9	9
Macellan	Sorcerer	??/1	0	29	6	4	9	10	7	4	6
Tomas		Bishop		??/1	0	27	6	3	4	8	9	8	9
Nagi		Manakete	15	0	32	8	2	12	14	10	6	10

Chapter 23: 4/181 turns

Cecille pulls out the Starlight and laughs on Gharnef's face. Another mad dash chapter, though with my units being stat-capped all over the place, the enemies don't really stand a chance. On EP3 Gharnef walks out of his Throne and chose to attack Cecille - who was blocking the stairs so he could not attack Marth. He missed. Cecille proceeded to laugh in his face and ORKOs him with extreme ease, and massacred the Glower sorcerers that came after him to boot. Marth seized on turn 4.

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		30	--	49	25	0	25	25	30	19	0
Aina		Sniper		20/18	93	53	24	5	30	29	30	23	3
Rody		Paladin		20/20	--	56	25	1	24	25	25	19	6
Cecille		Sage		20/20	--	56	9	30	28	25	30	1	17
Arran		Dracoknight	??/5	71	26	11	1	13	11	4	12	3
Cord		Hero		10/1	70	29	13	0	17	20	8	10	3
Bord		Berserker	10/2	98	33	17	0	12	15	3	11	0
Julian		Thief		8	67	21	8	0	9	16	9	7	0
Caeda		Falcoknight	20/20	--	52	24	3	26	26	30	24	24
Radd		Archer		7	5	22	8	0	5	8	2	8	0
Navarre		Paladin		15/14	44	44	25	1	26	25	19	20	8
Feena		Dancer		15	8	25	10	0	14	25	21	5	1
Minerva		Dracoknight	??/20	--	45	24	1	26	23	25	24	4
Belf		Swordmaster	15/1	90	39	14	1	24	19	8	11	3
Est		Swordmaster	20/14	66	59	24	1	29	30	29	20	6
Xane		Freelancer	Doesn't matter at all
Abel		Bishop		??/3	13	33	7	4	11	14	8	9	10
Macellan	Sorcerer	??/1	0	29	6	4	9	10	7	4	6
Tomas		Bishop		??/1	0	27	6	3	4	8	9	8	9
Nagi		Manakete	15	56	32	8	2	12	14	10	6	10

Final chapter: 3/184 turns

Since I have no Rescue staves remaining and only have a single, 2-use Again staff, I can't do the 2-turn strategy for this chapter. Instead, I massacred some dragons on turn 2, and only got to the priestesses on turn 3, using an Again charge on Merric - reclassed to cavalier - so he can reach Elice. Medeus himself put up more of a fight than his Shadow Dragon self, needing the combined power of Est (Mercurius), Aina (Parthia), Caeda (Gradivus), and Marth to take down, and I still needed that last again charge on Marth to kill him off in that turn.

Final review:

Marth: Was kinda Str-screwed to the point of needing two drops to cap his str, but got somewhat Spd-blessed early on. Did his job, and even managed to cap his level in the end. Giving him the boots definitely saved a LOT of turns. his 0 Res had me sweating on some occasions though when enemy mages decide to bomb him with Meteors and Swarm multiple times in one turn.

Aina: My Archer/Sniper!MU, who kicked butt from prologue till the end. She capped Str, Skl, Spd, and Def naturally, and capped Lck with some stat boosters. She ORKOed Hardin using Parthia, and was crucial in the final chapter as she's one of the only units who can ORKO the 24-25 SPD Fire dragons and the 25-26 SPD Wyverns.

Arran: Being a Draco allows him some usefulness for chasing down thieves. He still gets benched permanently once chapter 10 rolls in.

Rody: My go-to guy for any difficult situation during the early game. He kinda peters out after promoting though for some reason, in part because he's ground-bound. Still a kickass unit for the entire game. Capped Str, Spd, and Lck naturally.

Cecille: Staffbots her way to level 20, then she promotes and starts kicking ass. She caps Skl, Spd, and Lck naturally, and although her Def never ever improves beyond its abysimal level, some Angelic robes and Nosferatu tomes allowed her to solo parts of some chapters with ease. She just caps Mag thanks to her getting every single Spirit Dust I got my hands on. She also laughs in Gharnef's face and kicked his ass so badly it's not funny.

Cord: I regret drafting him. Not only does he cost a turn, but he was also decidedly mediocre. He was benched the instant Belf joined my group.

Bord: Ick Bord. He costed me around 5 turns to get, and is another mediocrity that gets benched once better units become available. When you get benched in favor of Bishop!Abel you know you suck.

Julian: His growths are good, but I always have him so busy running around that he rarely gets any chance to fight. This results in him being OHKOed by the dragons in chapter 12-14, which leads to him gaining no exp, which leads to him being unusable as a combat unit later on. Still useful for what he does, though.

Caeda: OMGWTF Caeda. She capped Str, Skl, Spd, and Lck naturally, capped Def after some dracoshield feeding, and nearly capped Res after some Talisman usage. She's the one I rely on in the late stages of the game for any tough jobs that needs doing. She also gets to be my Gradivus user. I really hate the fact that falcos have a measly 26 Spd cap in this game though. >_<

Radd: His bases are horrid to the point of him being unable to be used as a combat unit. Was benched soon after recruitment. Waste of a draft slot.

Navarre: He lagged behind Rody for most of the game, but then finally caught up, and exceeded him in the end. Was a bit underwhelming at first, but redeemed himself in the end.

Feena: <3 Feena. Saves up many turns and makes many impossible things possible. Of course, she's so fragile that nearly any enemy OHKOs her.

Minerva: Needed some early help by way of stat boosters, but with them, she ended up being the one I rely on to truck through tough spots in the midgame. Her being another 10-move flier helped a LOT in dealing with those annoying as hell Wyverns in chapters 12 and 13. Her 23 Spd cap lets her down come lategame though, because enemies stop being doubled by that spd then.

Belf: Replaces Cord for a few chapters, then gets replaced by Est in return once she joins. Still pretty decent though.

Est: She costed me ~25k gold worth of arena usage, but the end result was worth it. She massacred anything that even looks at her, and in the final chapter was much-needed for killing off them 25+ spd dragons and wyverns.

Xane: Copied Cecille most of the time, because you can never have too many high-rank staff users. ;):

Abel: Did some healing help, but was mostly useless.

Macellan: Perma-benched. Those bases are plain unserviceable dude.

Tomas: Perma-benched. At least Abel supports some units I use.

Nagi: She gets to OHKO a dragon in chapter 22, and that's it.

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Chapter 8: 5 turns

Catria dipped down to get Leo while Marth, Julian and Ryan went straight for Jeorgetown. Managed to get the arms scroll. Recruited Jeorge, of course.

Name   |Level|Class|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Marth  |12/--| Lord|31|11| 0|11|12|14| 9| 0
Naglfar|16/00| Mage|27|10| 9|12|12|13| 3| 9
Ryan   |11/05|Draco|35|18| 1|17|15|11|18| 3
Catria |15/00|  Peg|27|11| 2|15|20|14|11| 7
Matthis|10/00|  Cav|27| 9| 0| 4|11| 1|12| 0
Julian |10/00|Thief|24|11| 0|12|17|11| 8| 0
Castor |08/00|Pirat|25|12| 0| 5|13| 4| 7| 0
Barst  |06/00|Fight|27|13| 0|10|11| 7| 8| 0
Samto  |07/00| Myrm|24| 7| 0|11|13| 4| 7| 0
Wendell|--/07| Bish|26| 1| 6| 5|13| 4| 5|10
Feena  |02/--|Dance|17| 3| 0| 3|14| 9| 5| 0

Arran  |--/05|Pally|27|10| 1|13|11| 4|10| 6
Wrys   |10/00|Staff|20| 0| 3| 7|11| 6| 4| 9

Chapter 9: 7 turns

This was kind of dumb. Long story short, my guys cleared away enemies while Marth went to grab Minerva and Julian went for the boots and Capricorn. Ryan found the Barrier staff pretty handy. Julian FedExed the boots to Marth, who ate them on his way to the village. One stupid thief thought it'd be funny to stand on the village to hold Marth up a turn, but visiting the village and subsequently getting rescued into seize range by Wendell one turn later didn't really make much difference, because on turn 7 Feena was close enough to dance for Marth and save that lost turn. A bunch of people used that turn to get some experience from the boss while Ryan had a go in the arena.

Name   |Level|Class|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Marth  |12/--| Lord|31|11| 0|11|12|14| 9| 0
Naglfar|17/00| Mage|27|10| 9|13|13|14| 3| 9
Ryan   |11/06|Draco|35|18| 1|18|16|11|19| 3
Catria |17/00|  Peg|28|11| 2|16|20|15|13| 7
Matthis|10/00|  Cav|27| 9| 0| 4|11| 1|12| 0
Julian |10/00|Thief|24|11| 0|12|17|11| 8| 0
Castor |09/00|Pirat|26|12| 0| 5|13| 5| 7| 0
Barst  |08/00|Fight|29|15| 0|10|11| 8| 8| 0
Samto  |08/00| Myrm|25| 8| 0|12|13| 4| 7| 0
Wendell|--/08| Bish|27| 1| 6| 6|14| 4| 5|10
Feena  |03/--|Dance|18| 3| 0| 4|15|10| 5| 0
Wrys   |11/00|Staff|21| 0| 3| 8|11| 7| 4|10

Arran  |--/05|Pally|27|10| 1|13|11| 4|10| 6

Chapter 10: 7 turns

Man. Competent enemies. Even Ryan's hardly durable lately. Recruiting Elrean cost a turn, too. But that's eleven star shards!

I think Elrean and Malice might end up on the bench.

Name   |Level|Class|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Marth  |13/--| Lord|32|11| 0|11|13|15|10| 0
Naglfar|17/00| Mage|27|10| 9|13|13|14| 3| 9
Ryan   |11/07|Draco|35|19| 1|19|16|12|19| 3
Catria |18/00|  Peg|29|11| 2|17|20|15|14| 7
Matthis|11/00|  Cav|28|10| 0| 6|11| 1|12| 0
Julian |11/00|Thief|25|12| 0|13|17|12| 9| 0
Castor |09/00|Pirat|26|12| 0| 5|13| 5| 7| 0
Barst  |08/00|Fight|29|15| 0|10|11| 8| 8| 0
Samto  |08/00| Myrm|25| 8| 0|12|13| 4| 7| 0
Wendell|--/09| Bish|28| 1| 7| 6|14| 4| 5|10
Feena  |04/--|Dance|18| 4| 0| 4|16|11| 5| 0
Wrys   |11/00|Staff|21| 0| 3| 8|11| 7| 4|10
Elrean |10/00| Mage|26| 1| 8| 5|11| 2| 8| 3

Arran  |--/05|Pally|27|10| 1|13|11| 4|10| 6

Chapter 10x: 2 turns

First thing I did was train MU to lv20 and promote him, getting him the 16 speed I was hoping for plus a good bonus everywhere else. Julian took Scorpio for the magic 19 speed, while Catria took Taurus on top of Gemini and Leo. Feena got the Lady Sword, in case an opportunity to actually attack something came up.

yep, feena killed one because devil axe + double attack

yep, that was short

Name   |Level|Class|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Marth  |13/--| Lord|32|11| 0|11|13|15|10| 0
Naglfar|20/01| Sage|34|13|12|17|16|17| 4|11
Ryan   |11/07|Draco|35|19| 1|19|16|12|19| 3
Catria |19/00|  Peg|30|12| 2|18|20|16|14| 7
Matthis|11/00|  Cav|28|10| 0| 6|11| 1|12| 0
Julian |11/00|Thief|25|12| 0|13|17|12| 9| 0
Feena  |05/--|Dance|18| 4| 0| 4|17|12| 6| 0

Castor |09/00|Pirat|26|12| 0| 5|13| 5| 7| 0
Barst  |08/00|Fight|29|15| 0|10|11| 8| 8| 0
Samto  |08/00| Myrm|25| 8| 0|12|13| 4| 7| 0
Wendell|--/09| Bish|28| 1| 7| 6|14| 4| 5|10
Wrys   |11/00|Staff|21| 0| 3| 8|11| 7| 4|10
Elrean |10/00| Mage|26| 1| 8| 5|11| 2| 8| 3
Arran  |--/05|Pally|27|10| 1|13|11| 4|10| 6
Malice |10/00|Archr|25|11| 0| 6| 9| 9|12| 0

Edited by Naglfar
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Before I forget my turn counts:

Chapter 15: 10 turns

I sent a buffed up Berserker Robert to take on all the enemies, Abel eats a critical as well. I think I did it in 9 turns, someone tell me where the theif with the rapier appears on turn 10?

Chapter 16: 11 turns

Played this too slow and safely, unfortunately. Man, I wished I had killed Astram earlier. >.< I also took all chest items

Chapter 16x: 2 turns

Eh, I killed everyone normally. Coolio?

Total turns taken: 149.

Man that stinks.

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Chapter 17: 7 turns/ 156 turns

So i just pummel everyone with my main force while Robert, Lena and Merric stay behind to kill the theif heading towrds the west village.

I make one wrong move that makes Marth take another turn...oh well. Don't care.

Frey capped spd and str now. :3

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