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(FE12) Another FE12 draft.

Wen Yang


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Chapter 11: 11 turns

I got everything and the chapter is over, that is all that matters

i hate deserts

and 12 move super-enemies

Name   |Level|Class|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Marth  |13/--| Lord|32|11| 0|11|13|15|10| 0
Naglfar|20/03| Sage|34|14|14|19|18|18| 4|12
Ryan   |11/09|Draco|36|21| 1|20|18|12|19| 3
Catria |20/00|  Peg|31|12| 2|19|20|16|14| 7
Julian |11/00|Thief|25|12| 0|13|17|12| 9| 0
Feena  |07/--|Dance|20| 5| 0| 6|19|12| 6| 0
Castor |09/00|Pirat|26|12| 0| 5|13| 5| 7| 0
Barst  |09/00|Fight|30|16| 0|11|11| 9| 8| 0
Samto  |10/00| Myrm|26| 9| 0|14|14| 4| 9| 0
Wendell|--/10| Bish|29| 1| 8| 6|14| 4| 6|10
Wrys   |13/00|Staff|21| 0| 4| 9|13| 8| 4|12

Matthis|11/00|  Cav|28|10| 0| 6|11| 1|12| 0
Elrean |10/00| Mage|26| 1| 8| 5|11| 2| 8| 3
Arran  |--/05|Pally|27|10| 1|13|11| 4|10| 6
Malice |10/00|Archr|25|11| 0| 6| 9| 9|12| 0

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Chapter 12: 10 turns

This is why I use savestates. Figuring out how to keep my extremely brittle non-Catria-and-Ryan units alive took a few tries. That reinforcements ambush was just unfair, too. Regardless, I promoted Catria, handed out some effective weapons and distributed stat boosters (but sold the stupid icon). Then certain people got even more overlevelled.

Name   |Level|Class|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Marth  |14/--| Lord|33|12| 0|11|14|16|10| 0
Naglfar|20/05| Sage|35|15|17|20|19|18| 4|12
Ryan   |11/11|Draco|38|22| 1|22|19|12|20| 3
Catria |20/07|Falco|48|18| 3|24|26|18|19|10
Julian |12/00|Thief|26|13| 0|14|17|12| 9| 0
Feena  |09/--|Dance|21| 6| 0| 8|20|14| 6| 2
Castor |10/00|Pirat|27|13| 0| 8|15| 6| 9| 0
Barst  |10/00|Fight|31|17| 0|12|11|10| 8| 0
Samto  |13/00| Myrm|28|11| 0|14|18| 4| 9| 0
Wendell|--/10| Bish|29| 1| 8| 6|14| 4| 6|10
Wrys   |15/00|Staff|22| 0| 4| 9|14| 8| 4|12

Matthis|11/00|  Cav|28|10| 0| 6|11| 1|12| 0
Elrean |10/00| Mage|26| 1| 8| 5|11| 2| 8| 3
Arran  |--/05|Pally|27|10| 1|13|11| 4|10| 6
Malice |10/00|Archr|25|11| 0| 6| 9| 9|12| 0

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My Draug is a 20/1 Draco at Chapter 5... =3

I'm proud.



Might change, cause I need to know the rules (didn't write them down). Also, does Julian save more turns than he costs? Boots might do the trick..

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My Draug is a 20/1 Draco at Chapter 5... =3

I'm proud.



Might change, cause I need to know the rules (didn't write them down). Also, does Julian save more turns than he costs? Boots might do the trick..

Julian definetly savesmmore turns than he costs, or at least gets valuable items for you when you dont need him to svae turns.

Like that chapter where you get tiki, or the chapter when Marth returns to Altea. At least imo.

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Chapter 13: 6 turns

fucking dragons, thank god Marth can walk on water

Name   |Level|Class|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Marth  |14/--| Lord|33|12| 0|11|14|16|10| 0
Naglfar|20/06| Sage|36|15|18|21|20|19| 4|12
Ryan   |11/13|Draco|40|23| 1|24|19|12|20| 5
Catria |20/12|Falco|52|19| 3|26|26|20|22|10
Julian |12/00|Thief|26|13| 0|14|17|12| 9| 0
Feena  |10/--|Dance|21| 7| 0| 9|21|15| 6| 2
Castor |11/00|Pirat|28|13| 0| 8|15| 7| 9| 0
Samto  |13/00| Myrm|28|11| 0|14|18| 4| 9| 0
Wendell|--/11| Bish|29| 1| 9| 7|14| 4| 6|10
Wrys   |16/00|Staff|23| 0| 5| 9|14| 9| 4|12
Leiden |15/00|  Cav|34|12| 0|14|15|10|11| 1

Barst  |10/00|Fight|31|17| 0|12|11|10| 8| 0
Matthis|11/00|  Cav|28|10| 0| 6|11| 1|12| 0
Elrean |10/00| Mage|26| 1| 8| 5|11| 2| 8| 3
Arran  |--/05|Pally|27|10| 1|13|11| 4|10| 6
Malice |10/00|Archr|25|11| 0| 6| 9| 9|12| 0

Chapter 13x: 4 turns

FoW and ballistae, fantastic

I'm making an effort to feed Castor experience but he's being a turd and getting awful levels.

Name   |Level|Class|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Marth  |14/--| Lord|33|12| 0|11|14|16|10| 0
Naglfar|20/07| Sage|37|15|19|22|21|20| 4|12
Ryan   |11/13|Draco|40|23| 1|24|19|12|20| 5
Catria |20/12|Falco|52|19| 3|26|26|20|22|10
Julian |12/00|Thief|26|13| 0|14|17|12| 9| 0
Feena  |10/--|Dance|21| 7| 0| 9|21|15| 6| 2
Castor |13/00|Pirat|30|13| 0| 9|15| 7| 9| 0

Samto  |13/00| Myrm|28|11| 0|14|18| 4| 9| 0
Wendell|--/11| Bish|29| 1| 9| 7|14| 4| 6|10
Wrys   |16/00|Staff|23| 0| 5| 9|14| 9| 4|12
Leiden |15/00|  Cav|34|12| 0|14|15|10|11| 1
Barst  |10/00|Fight|31|17| 0|12|11|10| 8| 0
Matthis|11/00|  Cav|28|10| 0| 6|11| 1|12| 0
Elrean |10/00| Mage|26| 1| 8| 5|11| 2| 8| 3
Arran  |--/05|Pally|27|10| 1|13|11| 4|10| 6
Malice |10/00|Archr|25|11| 0| 6| 9| 9|12| 0

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Chapter 14: 7 turns

Since a large portion of this chapter is experience milking, I siphoned as much as I could into my unpromoted units, though Castor and Samto failed to score any good levels again. The addition of Xane to block the three-space chokepoints was very convenient. Also, Starsphere and Lightsphere! Again, even though it cost me a turn! Master Seal! Money! A good chapter. Sucks very much that the Starsphere isn't the FE3 Starsphere, but whatever.

Name   |Level|Class|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Marth  |16/--| Lord|35|13| 0|12|15|17|11| 1
Naglfar|20/11| Sage|39|15|21|25|23|22| 4|14
Ryan   |11/14|Draco|40|24| 1|25|20|12|20| 5
Catria |20/14|Falco|54|20| 3|26|26|20|22|10
Julian |12/--|Thief|26|13| 0|14|17|12| 9| 0
Feena  |11/--|Dance|22| 8| 0|10|21|16| 6| 2
Castor |14/00|Pirat|31|14| 0| 9|15| 7| 9| 0
Samto  |16/00| Myrm|30|11| 0|14|20| 5| 9| 0
Wendell|--/11| Bish|29| 1| 9| 7|14| 4| 6|10
Wrys   |17/00|Staff|23| 0| 5| 9|15| 9| 4|12
Leiden |16/00|  Cav|34|13| 0|15|16|10|11| 1
Xane   |05/--|Chmln|20| 3| 0| 3|11|10| 6|10

Barst  |10/00|Fight|31|17| 0|12|11|10| 8| 0
Matthis|11/00|  Cav|28|10| 0| 6|11| 1|12| 0
Elrean |10/00| Mage|26| 1| 8| 5|11| 2| 8| 3
Arran  |--/05|Pally|27|10| 1|13|11| 4|10| 6
Malice |10/00|Archr|25|11| 0| 6| 9| 9|12| 0

Chapter 15: 8 turns

Started by selling things for CASH and then I put Castor in the arena with a devil axe because that's the only practical use for the things, especially since it doesn't even give especially good weapon experience in this game. Unfortunately he decided to only get one point in defence, but 43/12 concrete durability at 20/1 isn't exactly bad. Next to be pushed to 20/1 was Samto, who became a mini-Ryan in exchange for most of my remaining money.

Pretty average chapter, really. Went shopping a little, with some rounds in the arena to get money for it.

Name   |Level|Class|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Marth  |17/--| Lord|36|13| 0|13|16|17|11| 1
Naglfar|20/11| Sage|39|15|21|25|23|22| 4|14
Ryan   |11/15|Draco|41|24| 1|26|21|12|21| 6
Catria |20/15|Falco|54|20| 3|26|26|20|22|10
Julian |14/--|Thief|27|14| 0|16|20|13|10| 0
Feena  |12/--|Dance|23| 9| 0|11|22|17| 6| 2
Castor |20/03| Zerk|45|22| 0|13|20| 9|12| 0
Samto  |20/02|Draco|36|18| 1|10|16| 7|18| 3
Wendell|--/12| Bish|29| 1| 9| 8|15| 5| 6|10
Wrys   |18/00|Staff|23| 0| 5| 9|15| 9| 4|13
Leiden |16/00|  Cav|34|13| 0|15|16|10|11| 1
Xane   |05/--|Chmln|20| 3| 0| 3|11|10| 6|10

Barst  |10/00|Fight|31|17| 0|12|11|10| 8| 0
Matthis|11/00|  Cav|28|10| 0| 6|11| 1|12| 0
Elrean |10/00| Mage|26| 1| 8| 5|11| 2| 8| 3
Arran  |--/05|Pally|27|10| 1|13|11| 4|10| 6
Malice |10/00|Archr|25|11| 0| 6| 9| 9|12| 0

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm at chapter 19 right now, and I just passed the 100 turns mark iirc in chapter 17. So I'm at 110 turns?

Hammerne is god.

Draftee update:

Arran is thrown in the papershredder, Warren has been dumped at level 11, Dice took over. Bantu was Arena'd to level 16, and never deployed. Money waste for kicks.

Useful team:

Sarah, Marth, Draug,. Malicia, Cain, Caesar, Dice, Xane, Jake etc..

Samson has been reclassed and benched, Julian is still base level.

I will try to update my turns in a week or so. But right now I'm doing goooood, writing everything down.

EDIT: Oh yes, I am working on the other drafts as well:

Fe12 draft: Chapter 12

Fe11: Soyo reclass: No, not started yet

Fe11: Standard: Chapter 12?

Fe11: Generics: Chapter 7?

Edited by Vicious Sal
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have finished this draft, And You will know how many turns it took when I post the entire freaking Log of it.<BR><BR>Do I eat a big 44 turn penalty if I do not recruit the sisters? <BR><BR>I do not seems to find in the rules you have to recruit them, so... It kinda depends if I want a 1 turn (that may yield a 44x3 penalty) or a two turn.

Edited by Vicious Sal
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Update: Boy was i mad when medeus killed lena, elice and nyna... Marth stood there and medeus was still alive... I had to adapt my 1 turn strat, and guess what, I had exactly enough rescue and again uses left! 2 of each! Recruited maria, crit medeus, he kills the other three sisters, again marth, critblick medeus for good. I still have the save in case I get a penalty if i don't get the sisters, but the rules don't state you have to get them. Kopf, can you clarify this for me? =o

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  • 1 month later...

Word adds stuff in code tags, deal with it.

Another Fe12 Draft (Reclass)

End of prologue stats:

Yes, I know, this is an awsm team. Hooray for Hunters. Gaggles sucks though, but only because of his move. Anyway: Stats were taken from last turn of prologue, before finishing map, so Exp isn't shown. Also, My Unit is A Sage named Sarah, Type 1 Hair, Brown, and tiger face stripes. Humane, Diverse & Kind iirc.


[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Unit  	Lv    	Exp  	Hp   	Str    	Mag 	Skll  	Spd  	Lck  	Def   	Res  	Class[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Marth   10    	X 		30    	11    	0      	12    	14    	12    	11    	0      	Lord[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Cain 	11    	X 		29    	13    	0      	10    	12    	6      	12    	0      	Cav[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Gaggs   10    	X 		26    	10    	0      	9      	11    	8      	11    	0      	Archer[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Draug   14    	X 		27    	16    	0      	8      	12    	7      	17    	0      	Knight[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Sarah   10    	X 		28    	5      	11    	11    	11    	11    	5      	7      	Mage[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]

Chapter 1

Before chapter 1 I put all the items in convoy, to have money and not lose weapons. Well, In Rody & luke's inventory actually. Anyway. All my units ORKO everything on the map. Except Lorenz. CAV! Draug however, ORKO's Lorenz with his silver lance. Yes, Draug has hit A lances already, better than silver available. Gravidus ready. He Orko's the boss. That's Boss. Malicia Get. Arran is worst/Ties for worst in every single stat with my current team, even gaggles. Gaggles is an archer. Mag is treated as STR in Sarah's case ofc. Since he does have higher Str than her, but she's a mage, so I checked mag for her. Also, Try routing the map in 3 Turns (Except maybe Lorenz or so) and visiting all the houses before Marth seizes. :P

6 Turns

Chapter 2

Sooooo Easy, Arran gets the thief, Catria gets Warren, then goes visiting houses with arran. Draug pushes through, everyone does well. Marth seizes. It's boring to write this when the team is so godly…

6 Turns

Chapter 3:

Palla takes on the draco's alone, just for the seal. Marth visits the village, while Draug clears the eastern draco's Turn 1 EP, the others move to the bridge. After marth gets the key, Arran takes it, Arran is no fighter, he's a utility thingie. He opens the bridge, Meanwhile, Reinforcements come from the north, all handled by Draug who catches up and moves ahead. Marth gets Julian, and then rushes back. Pretty straightforward.

14 Turns

Chapter 3x

Yawn, can it be more straightforward?

6 Turns

Chapter 4

Yumina rescues Marth, Ogma gets me Sirius, Sirius is cool. Rest prank around at the start. Map is routed, easy stuff. Stats coming up here, Draug Promoted at chapter 5 BASE, he was level 20.


[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Unit  	Lv    	Exp  	Hp   	Str    	Mag 	Skll  	Spd  	Lck  	Def   	Res  	Class[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Marth   13    	49    	32    	14    	0      	15    	16    	15    	12    	0      	Lord[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Sarah   14    	42    	31    	5      	15    	12    	15    	12    	7      	7      	Mage[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Draug   20/1 	0      	32    	23    	1      	12    	21    	9      	18    	4      	Draco[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Gaggs   11    	25    	27    	10    	0      	9      	12    	8      	11    	0      	Archer[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Mali 	5      	42    	19    	0      	5      	1      	7      	13    	4      	7      	Cleric[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Warren 6      	22    	21    	7      	0      	11    	15    	5      	7      	0      	Myrm[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Arran   3      	61    	Base                                                                                 		Pal[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Sirius	1      	52    	30    	14    	0      	11    	15    	4      	9      	0      	Zerker[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]

4 Turns

Chapter 5

Marth for the hammerne, Draug goes for the Boss, then for the Draco's, then for that running thief, and finally kills the physic bishop. He was busy. Rickard was recruited and Arran got the Secret Shop. Sirius handled the enemies near the boss area after draug left. Malicia rescues Marth. He seizes.

9 Turns

Chapter 6

Gordin takes the mage, then the secret book bishop, Julian takes the chests. Draug took the swarm bishop, and opened the door. He then decimated the throne room. The rest went West, Arran & Marth went on, the rest took on the reinforcements. Arran had his shining moment, Draug attacked with a Steel lance instead of silver iirc, and he had left the boss with one Hp, Arran could steel lance him for 3 damage or so, for the final blow. Marth seized. =3

6 Turns

Chapter 6x

You know, rescues, end.

Oh yeah, Caesar get

1 Turn

Chapter 7

Nabarl & Draug rape the thieves, Arran even pitches in a bit, his last pitch probably… Feena dances southward, welcoming Marth, who gets to the boss faster than ever before. Everyone else goes for a dragonstone, and they feel confident, so the decide to clear two of the heroes. Astram not however, which is a shame…Firestone for bantu, mucho exp received, quick clear.

5 Turns

Chapter 8

Marth for Bantu, Sarah goes north, gets danced, north again, OHKo'ing Roger. Sirius got Leo shard. Firestone 2 obtained. Sarah rescues, Draug kills the armors, with an iron axe. He then moves in for Jeorge. Marth has been rescued, and seizes Turn 3. Oh, right, Cain as well!

3 Turns

Chapter 9

Standard chest, convoy, boots, village, rescue strat. For info: Julian gets boots turn 2, send to convoy, marth uses them, gets danced, goes for village and gets rescued. Bishop Sarah is WTFpwn btw, like, a magical dracoknight without the move… Bantu has been trained here somewhere, to level 16, which is a waste of money, stupid arena. He has not been deployed ever. Yet he still arena'd up to level 16 for kicks. And Wyvernstones etc form the secret shop do not help.

5 Turns

Chapter 10

An annoying chapter, because of placement and an excalibur NOT crit. Draug had to block the sniper, so Merric could move below a pillar tile, so he would not crit a shaver mage, so the cleric would heal that one instead of ellerean, blocking the way to the seize/throwing away my silver card. It's possible however, but seriously, two fliers here make it so much easier.

2 Turns

Chapter 10x

Do we need to explain?

Yes, we do, we got a Warren replacement, named Dice.

1 Turn


[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Unit  	Lv    	Exp  	Hp   	Str    	Mag 	Skll  	Spd  	Lck  	Def   	Res  	Class[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Marth   15    	35    	34    	16    	0      	16    	18    	17    	13    	0      	Lord[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Sarah   20/5 	?      	45    	8      	23    	18    	22    	17    	10    	18    	Bishop[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Draug   20/11   ?      	41    	26    	1      	16    	23    	14    	23    	4      	Draco[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Gaggs   13    	23    	28    	11    	0      	9      	14    	9      	11    	0      	Archer[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Mali 	11    	07    	21    	0      	11    	1      	12    	14    	5      	11    	Cleric[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Warren 9      	21    	22    	9      	0      	13    	16    	8      	8      	0      	Myrm[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Arran   4      	35    	TRASHCAN                                                                   		Pal[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Sirius	4      	54    	35    	16    	0      	13    	18    	5      	11    	0      	Zerker[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Cain 	11    	49    	27    	11    	0      	17    	17    	6      	9      	0      	Myrm[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Caesar 12    	11    	28    	13    	0      	13    	14    	6      	11    	0      	Merc[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Bantu   12    	43    	21    	5      	0      	4      	6      	1      	6      	2      	Wrinkly[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Dice 	12    	89    	Base                                                                                 		Pirate[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Feena   Why 	The  	Hell  	Do   	I   		Bother  Listing  You  	Any  	way  	?[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Julian	Tell   	Me   	Why 	I   		Am   	Listing  You  	Again   Please  ?      	PJOEG[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]

Chapter 11

Haha, the desert chapter! And I have a QWERTYBishop who decimates everything in her path. And a flying Dragonrider showing dragons why they have riders. I could have done 6 Turns, but it would mean missing out on the Wing, Whip, Shield, Scroll, Sword, Icon. The book wasn't obtained. Malicia kept Physiccing Sarah, who went for the boss, with a Rescue staff at the ready. She rescued marth on turn 7, the turn after he got the speedwing. Malicia was in range of the sword, Draug the whip, Sirius the shield, jake the Scroll, something, something… Secret shop obtained. Jake obtained. The 100% Speed growth sniper with auto B in Bows. That's worth a lot. Since you still have Scorpio for his bas base speed. And dragon give a shitton of Exp, so he will level easily with Oneshotting wyverns. The map was routed.

7 Turns

Chapter 12

Easier than the other draft. I had Sirius, Draug, Sarah, and even: GAGGLES! Yes, Gaggles got two base levels, both with speed. I promoted him at level 15, and his warrior beefyness made him rock the team. He's not the best, but he is Beast. 7 Move, so he can finally GET THERE! 19 Magical speed for doubling the fire dragon, and B in bows for oneshotting the wyverns, Gaggles suddenly got STR, HP, and just overall BEAST. Marth had a total of FOUR escorts, instead of 2 in my other draft. He was safe all the time. Just like last time, I kept the rest at the start, for those fire dragons and wyverns that spawn close to them. This will be warrens last chapter, - 6 speed upon promotion is to bad, his Wyrmslayer chip was helpful, but here it end for the medonian ex hunter now myrmidon.


[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Unit  	Lv    	Exp  	Hp   	Str    	Mag 	Skll  	Spd  	Lck  	Def   	Res  	Class[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Marth   18    	43    	37    	19    	0      	16    	20    	20    	14    	0      	Lord[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Sarah   20/11   65    	47    	10    	25    	21    	25    	21    	12    	19    	Bishop[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Draug   20/14   29    	43    	26    	1      	17    	23    	15    	25    	4      	Draco[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Gaggs   15/2 	32    	41    	17    	0      	11    	19    	11    	12    	1      	Warrior[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Mali 	16    	08    	25    	0      	14    	2      	17    	14    	7      	12    	Cleric[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Warren 10    	67    	22    	9      	0      	14    	17    	8      	9      	0      	Myrm[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Arran   4      	35    	TRASHCAN                                                                   		Pal[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Sirius	6      	12    	38    	18    	0      	14    	19    	7      	13    	0      	Zerker[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Cain 	13    	05    	28    	11    	0      	18    	19    	8      	10    	0      	Myrm[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Caesar 13    	92    	29    	14    	0      	13    	15    	6      	11    	0      	Merc[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Bantu   12    	43    	21    	5      	0      	4      	6      	1      	6      	2      	Wrinkly[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Dice 	13    	24    	29    	15    	0      	5      	14    	6      	9      	0      	Pirate[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Feena   Why 	The  	Hell  	Do   	I   		Bother  Listing  You  	Any  	way  	?[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Julian	Just  	Tell   	Me   	Why 	I   		Am   	Listing  You  	Again   Please  ?      	[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Jake 	2      	45    	32    	11    	1      	12    	14    	12    	10    	5      	Sniper[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]

7 Turns

Chapter 13

Sirius, Dice, Draug & Marth go over the water to the throne I didn't bother with any of the chests, They barge through the Ice dragons, and the mages suck, so they get there nice and Easy. Dice had to stay behind a bit, he was still unpromoted fragileness. He did help clear a nice path though. Sirius and Draug just did the last bit. The rest hung around, and fed on the two parties coming in from the left and right. Bantu isn't getting deployed, never, Arran… Lets not got there… Warren was great help, but has been outclassed. Samson will be benched,, and Ugh, Wolf…

4 Turns

Chapter 13x

Got Iote's Shield, Poor Claine… ;___;

2 Turns

Chapter 14

Trained Cain to level 16 to cap his speed, then promoted him, and give him a speedwing to get him away from that horrible 16 speed. Going from 20 to 16! Stupid promotion "gains". Cain was able to take the warp staff thief, and the dragon, while the rest concentrated on moving forward. Sarah with her rescue staff went West, Marth went north, and got rescued soon after. Malicia took out the thief staff for a nice and shiny Again staff. Screw Tiki. (Tiki is still cute as a button, and I would regret skipping her in a normal playthrough)

4 Turns

Chapter 15

Dice and Caesar get trained to level 20, get their seals, and become instant powerhouses. Swordmaster Caesar has A in swords, Dice the hero is doing amazing. 24 & 23 speed. Sarah starts her Mend training, I want her at C staves at least, and have xane for copying Malicia for A staves. Marth gets Feena'd, Agained, etc. Forgot to buy door keys, so I had to warp Julian south. I went through the prison. Draug, Cain and Sirius cleared the entire boss area, and afterwards, Draug went shopping.

5 Turns

Chapter 16:

Warp Julian for Bullion, Wing and Rescue, Feena Malicia, and warp Draug into the same room, have him block and guard Julian. He got Mercurius. Cain went for the geosphere. The rest got barried, pure watered, etc, and barged through the throne room. Marth seized turn 3. Got fortify & Physic. Got Mercurius and those three treasures. Why the hell does Marth not take his own stuff when he leaves the castle?

3 Turns

Chapter 16x

Stupid Katarina, Talk, Kill berserkers, next turn, talk, feena, talk, kill everything. Stupid Katarina…

2 Turns

Chapter 17

Had to get Samson to warm the bench, but had to get him. So Marth, with door key, goes for it. He is accompanied by Draug, Jake, Caesar, Sarah. Cain goes for nosferatu, Sirius takes the eastern Draco's. Cain Takes the Southern. Gordin & Dice take the northern ones. Jake takes the Western ones, with help from Caesar. Marth, Sarah, who physics like hell now, and draug, go for the throne. Marth gets agained by Malicia, and recruits the slow queen, 8 Speed wtf. And Samson is recruited as well. Reclass to horseman, and benched. Not gonna deploy you.

4 Turns

Chapter 18

Xane, for once deployed, gets the again staff, copies Malicia, and Malicia herself restores it. One hammerne use left. (That was a stupid move actually) Marth heads for the village, Caesar & Sarah go for the Seize point. Armorslayer fun. I used Nosferatu first, but did it without a second try. Nosferatu tomes are useful against glowers. So, having done that, Marth got rescued and seized turn 3. Wolf barely survived with his pack. I am stuck on recruiting him… I do not like chapter 19 for that…

3 Turns.


[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Unit  	Lv    	Exp  	Hp   	Str    	Mag 	Skll  	Spd  	Lck  	Def   	Res  	Class[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Marth   25    	19    	50    	224  	0      	18    	25    	27    	18    	2      	Lord[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Sarah   20/19   16    	54    	10    	25    	21    	25    	28    	14    	23    	Bishop[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Draug   20/20   00    	48    	26    	1      	21    	23    	18    	28    	4      	Draco[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Gaggs   15/7 	14    	46    	20    	0      	12    	22    	11    	15    	1      	Warrior[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Mali 	20/5 	71    	37    	3      	24    	5      	20    	18    	12    	12    	Sage[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Warren 10    	67    	22    	9      	0      	14    	17    	8      	9      	0      	Myrm[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Arran   4      	35    	TRASHCAN                                                                   		Pal[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Sirius	12    	29    	45    	23    	0      	15    	23    	8      	16    	0      	Zerker[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Cain 	20/7 	22    	39    	21    	1      	19    	23    	14    	18    	3      	Draco[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Caesar 20/7 	43    	45    	24    	1      	19    	29    	8      	13    	3      	Merc[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Bantu   12    	43    	21    	5      	0      	4      	6      	1      	6      	2      	Wrinkly[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Dice 	20/6 	27    	44    	20    	1      	16    	26    	13    	16    	4      	Hero[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Feena   Why 	The  	Hell  	Do   	I   		Bother  Listing  You  	Any  	way  	?[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Julian	Just  	Tell   	Me   	Why 	I   		Am   	Listing  You  	Again   Please  ?      	[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Jake 	11    	19    	38    	16    	1      	15    	23    	16    	17    	6      	Sniper[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Kat  	Base                                                                                                         		Sage[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"] 

Chapter 19

Ok, This was TORTURE, so let's get this SHIT DONE!

Everyone moves NE, Draug is danced, and poleaxes three pallys on EP. Thank god for my C axes training. Later in the chapter he'll do hammer rape. Marth gets Roshea, Vyland shows up, Sedgar is pulled, Roshea recruits vyland, who recruits sedgar the same turn, using max move, cain cleared some of the Warriors prior to this. Caesar took the thief out who was in the way. Marth is rescued, and sedgar moves with him. Meanwhile Draug kills the boss, preventing reinforcements, and marth seizes after wolf is recruited.

7 Turns

Chapter 20

Ok, easy chapter. Draug gets master key, and he gets the brave axe. Malicia thiefs the brave bow. Marth + feena get the brave lance, bullion, sword and again staff. Mercurius Caesar does 19 damage, he crits hardin. Marth seizes. I also got fortify.

7 Turns


[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Unit  	Lv    	Exp  	Hp   	Str    	Mag 	Skll  	Spd  	Lck  	Def   	Res  	Class[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Marth   26    	82    	51    	27    	2      	21    	27    	30    	22    	5      	Lord[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Sarah   20/20   00    	55    	10    	25    	21    	25    	28    	14    	23    	Bishop[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Draug   20/20   00    	48    	26    	1      	21    	23    	18    	28    	4      	Draco[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Gaggs   15/8 	95    	47    	21    	0      	13    	22    	12    	15    	1      	Warrior[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Mali 	20/8 	25    	37    	3      	26    	7      	23    	19    	13    	14    	Sage[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Warren 10    	67    	22    	9      	0      	14    	17    	8      	9      	0      	Myrm[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Arran   4      	35    	TRASHCAN                                                                   		Pal[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Sirius	13    	62    	46    	24    	0      	16    	24    	8      	16    	0      	Zerker[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Cain 	20/9 	84    	41    	22    	1      	21    	23    	15    	18    	3      	Draco[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Caesar 20/10   59    	47    	24    	1      	20    	30    	9      	15    	3      	Merc[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Bantu   12    	43    	21    	5      	0      	4      	6      	1      	6      	2      	Wrinkly[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Dice 	20/8 	18    	45    	20    	1      	17    	26    	14    	16    	4      	Hero[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Feena   Why 	The  	Hell  	Do   	I   		Bother  Listing  You  	Any  	way  	?[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Julian	Just  	Tell   	Me   	Why 	I   		Am   	Listing  You  	Again   Please  ?      	[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Jake 	13    	15    	40    	18    	1      	16    	25    	18    	17    	7      	Sniper[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Kat  	Base                                                                                                         		Sage[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Wolf 	Base                                                                                                         		General[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]

Chapter 20x

I make my way up with Caesar and draug, marth runs along happily, danced by feena at times, I do not care about the chests, and in the end Draug ORKO's Eremiya. Marth seizes. Everyone was kept alive thanks to physic and fortify. Jake also sniped some shiz.

4 Turns

Chapter 21

Used two warp uses, two again uses, and a hammerne use, my last, on the again staff. I warped draug to the secret shop, and bought stuff, warped feena to dance for marth at one point. I agained sarah twice, who had no problem with my saved nosferatu tomes. I rescued him after cain killed the boss with brave lance. Got starlight obviously.

6 Turns

Chapter 22

In base, cap stats, mostly speed and strength, all over the place. Epic moment: Caesar facing another Swordmaster, with 8 crit on him. No one doubled, Caesar was critted twice by that bitch, and still owned him like no tomorrow. Base arena that was.

Okay, Burn two again staff uses in this chapter, master key draug arrives near the left door, although he doesn't open it yet. Otherwise it's a terribad enemy phase. Instead, He moves 1 left of the door, Caesar trades with him the key next turn, and draug barges in, he gets agained and kills the boss with the brave lance. MArth walks in, warp feena, dance for marth, seize.

4 Turns

Chapter 23

This was soooo easy, do all magical things first, then cast SILENCE on everyone! Suck on that, mage dragons and sorcerers! You got owned, big time. First I warp MU next to gharnef, she rescues Caesar, who wyrmslayers a mage dragon, on EP, a fire dragon attacks him. One dragon is still in the way, he takes that out next PP. Everyone moves up, Marth walks up. Second turn, Caesar clears the last mage dragon in the way, Sarah ORKO's gharnef, Malicia and Xane again Marth twice, and he seizes turn 2.

2 Turns

Ohhhh, Ahhhhhhh!


This is it. Xane is not deployed, Draco Minerva is. I have two staff users, Minerva, feena two rescue uses and two again uses. How do you one turn this? Easy: It's all Rng dependable, but it worked out well.

Move three units East, South and west of the place Sarah will be. Sarah moves between them, rescues Minerva. Instead of the usual south where the rescued unit ends up, Minerva ends up north from sarah, those two tiles are the difference, now she can recruit maria. Again staff Sarah, and rescue Marth, Marth now fights medeus, mine had 33 damage, and 16 crit. He crits Medeus. But oh no, medeus kills off the three remaining sisters, and is back at full health!

No worries, feena dances for maliesia, who again staffs Marth, who now DOES crit Medeus into oblivion.

1 Turn

I am glad I used up all the staffs exactly, although I could probably have used them better at other places. This was my first time though, so I am very satisfied. There is a note about the turncount o the final chapter, I did not recruit three of the sisters. 3. NOT recruiting a drafted unit has a 44 turn penalty (as in, get them all). . It is not stated here that the free units are considered drafted, So I did not recruit them, they died as enemies, cause of medeus. Rule four explicitely states: 4. Losing drafted unit (death in combat) has a 22 turn penalty. You may however keep undesired drafted units on the bench. Free units are considered drafted for these rules. The sisters, except maria, who didn't die and was recruited, were killed as enemies, by an enemy, medeus. I have not broken the rules. So my One Turn stands. I have a log of Kopf confirming this even though he wanted to change the rules afterwards. I haven't broken these rules however.

Battle stats:

Draug: 339 B, 154 W

Sarah: 168 B, 124 W

Marth: 117 B, 66 W

Caesar: 86 B, 64 W

Gordin: 123 B, 51 W

Sirius: 82 B, 51 W

Jake: 44B, 38 W

Cain: 80 B, 36 W

Dice: 52 B, 36 W

Bantu: 25 B, 25 W

Warren: 43 B, 18 W

Arran: 17 B, 3 W

Samsom: 0 B, 0 W

Wolf: 0 B, W

Malliesia: 13 B, 8 W

Xane: 8 B, 3 W

Feena: 15 B, 0 W

Julian: 1 B, 0 W

Katarina: 0B, 0W

Character reviews:


Draug is wtfpwn, he stomps everything, and he takes shit from no one, he kept doubling because of braves, had C axes, Gravidus, he rocked the socks of every enemy that saw him. He is Fe12 Haar. With speed and Hp growth switched, his Hp is a bit low for a draco. Not that it mattered though. Would draft again, actually, have drafted again, I have him in all my Fe12 drafts.

Sarah: (My Unit)

Sage to Bishop, amazing, staff training was cut short but she got C staves, B would be nice, but oh well, rescue is level E anyway, and she could go anywhere she wanted and rescue marth after she had decimated the map.Warp was used by her as well, thief staff was used, even with D and C only, staves were aplenty for her. And well, Magic, Gharnef killer, gave her talismans for Res, why IDK, cause I used silence staff anyway. But yeah, Gharnef did a pitiful 5 gamage with Imhullu. She is amazing, and the synergy with Xane and malicia was tremendous!


Insane, got two robes and shield to cap Hp and Def, he capped speed and STr naturally, he was plain fantastic, he had running to do, offcourse, but he is able to get Exp just fine. Hardly used in the in base arena. He is an amazing Lord in this game, and his double crit on medeus was the icing on the cake.


Boy oh boy, Hardin killer extraordinaire, He capped STR and SPD, gave him some robe, He does his job so well, he needs a bit of in base arena, but that's nothing much, then he promotes and doubles with great damage forever. Great pick, absolutely fantastic!


Gaggles was the odd ball of this team, he had the stats as an archer, but in the first 12 chapters, he gained only 3 extra levels or so. He had the stats, but the move was horrible. He wasn't durable either. Then I promoted him early after some spd levels in the in base arena, and he was a warrior with durability, move, strength, speed and great bows. He doubled fire dragons in chapter 12, and oneshotted the wyverns, so his offense skyrocketed all of a sudden. He needed a wing every now and then, but he was a great unit once he was promoted.


Sirius was allround decent, his D axe start was lame, but he got out of that soon enough, and he became a vital team member, he could cross waters and he could go where only fliers could easily go, assisting them, taking out stuff across the water, he did really well. In the end, I just dumped him with stat boosters, even though he didn't get to use them that much. He was still great all the time, always reliable.


He needs scorpio to get going with his speed, but he potshots wyverns with auto silver, gets tremendous exp, levels up, and has 100% speed growth. He was the epitome of reliable, no screwy levels, never. So he just started, and never stopped doubling.


Cain has troubles in the classes I gave him. Cav would never double. Myrm would double, but upon promotion he would lose 4 speed. Speed capped Myrm is faster than Level 1 draco after promo. 20 vs 18 speed. That sucked. His Str and Def and Hp were never on draug's level, but he always performed well with taking out wishwash and some meteor or swarm units and that kind of stuff. He's not that fantastic. He needed a wing after promo. And well, his stats were there, but not… Way UP THERE! His flight still made him pretty damn valuable, because xane was often maliesia, and he would act as mini draug, instead of xane.


Dice the pirate, steady chip as a pirate, great speed boost as a hero, that made him good, that speed, never a problem with that, the lacklustre str is less though, but silvers and poleaxes/hammers made up for it.


I still haven't stuck to one name for her. She was great, HAMMERNE! Hammerne is invaluable. I have probably misused some rescue/warp/again staff uses, but the extra uses saved so many turns. She had great stats as well, I capped her speed and Mag with the secret shop, and gave her a robe iirc. Anyway, she was great, was the best staffbot around, and having two of them was even better! I love drafting this very bad girl! >=D

The rest:


Won 25 battles in the arena, and was never deployed, money waste for kicks.

Arran: Shining moment: Chapter six after I made screw up, killing the boss.

Warren: Steady chip but later replaced by the much better Dice

Samson: Benched as soon as I could

Wolf: Horrible recruitment to figure out, benched anyways.

Katarina: Aw, Katarina, sad you just didn't have the oompf to make it o the team…



[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Unit  	Lv    	Exp  	Hp   	Str    	Mag 	Skll  	Spd  	Lck  	Def   	Res  	Class[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Marth   30    	-- 		60    	27    	2      	24    	27    	32    	27    	6      	Lord[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Sarah   20/20   -- 		55    	10    	25    	21    	25    	28    	14    	23    	Bishop[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Draug   20/20   -- 		48    	26    	1      	21    	23    	18    	28    	4      	Draco[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Gaggs   15/11   56    	50    	21    	0      	15    	24    	12    	16    	1      	Warrior[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Mali 	20/11   62    	45    	3      	30    	8      	25    	20    	14    	14    	Sage[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Sirius	14    	97    	47    	29    	0      	17    	28    	9      	17    	0      	Zerker[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Cain 	20/3 	49    	43    	22    	1      	24    	23    	18    	20    	4      	Draco[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Caesar 20/16   03    	60    	24    	1      	21    	30    	11    	16    	4      	Merc[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Dice 	20/10   49    	46    	20    	1      	18    	26    	15    	16    	4      	Hero[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Jake 	16    	03    	43    	24    	1      	18    	29    	20    	19    	7      	Sniper[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Feena   14    	47                                                                                                    	Dancer[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Julian	Base                                                                                                         		Thief[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Xane	Malicia Draug   Sarah   No   	One  	Else  	Ever 	So    	Who 	Cares   [/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Arran   4      	35    	TRASHCAN                                                                   		Pal[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Warren 10    	67    	22    	9      	0      	14    	17    	8      	9      	0      	Myrm[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Kat  	Base                                                                                                         		Sage[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Wolf 	Base                                                                                                         		General[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Bantu   12    	43    	21    	5      	0      	4      	6      	1      	6      	2      	Wrinkly[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]Sams	Base                                                                                                         		Horseman[/size][/font]

[font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]
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Chapter 16: 2 turns

Warped Julian to get the elysian whip and bullion. Warped Jeorge to recruit Astram. Warped Catria to clean up in the throne room. The rest was straightforward, but took too long to get right. Of course, I grabbed the Geosphere.

Name   |Level|Class|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Marth  |18/--| Lord|37|14| 0|14|17|18|11| 1
Naglfar|20/12| Sage|40|16|22|25|24|23| 4|14
Ryan   |11/15|Draco|41|24| 1|26|21|12|21| 6
Catria |20/15|Falco|54|20| 3|26|26|20|22|10
Julian |14/--|Thief|27|14| 0|16|20|13|10| 0
Feena  |13/--|Dance|23|10| 0|12|23|17| 6| 2
Castor |20/03| Zerk|45|22| 0|13|20| 9|12| 0
Samto  |20/02|Draco|36|18| 1|10|16| 7|18| 3
Wendell|--/13| Bish|29| 1| 9| 8|15| 5| 6|10
Wrys   |18/00|Staff|23| 0| 5| 9|15| 9| 4|13

Leiden |16/00|  Cav|34|13| 0|15|16|10|11| 1
Xane   |05/--|Chmln|20| 3| 0| 3|11|10| 6|10
Barst  |10/00|Fight|31|17| 0|12|11|10| 8| 0
Matthis|11/00|  Cav|28|10| 0| 6|11| 1|12| 0
Elrean |10/00| Mage|26| 1| 8| 5|11| 2| 8| 3
Arran  |--/05|Pally|27|10| 1|13|11| 4|10| 6
Malice |10/00|Archr|25|11| 0| 6| 9| 9|12| 0

Chapter 16x: 2 turns

Far simpler.

Name   |Level|Class|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Marth  |19/--| Lord|38|15| 0|15|18|19|11| 1
Naglfar|20/13| Sage|40|16|23|26|24|23| 4|14
Ryan   |11/16|Draco|42|24| 1|26|22|12|21| 6
Catria |20/16|Falco|55|21| 3|26|26|21|22|10
Feena  |13/--|Dance|23|10| 0|12|23|17| 6| 2
Xane   |05/--|Chmln|20| 3| 0| 3|11|10| 6|10
Wrys   |19/00|Staff|24| 0| 5| 9|15|10| 5|14

Julian |14/--|Thief|27|14| 0|16|20|13|10| 0
Castor |20/03| Zerk|45|22| 0|13|20| 9|12| 0
Samto  |20/02|Draco|36|18| 1|10|16| 7|18| 3
Wendell|--/13| Bish|29| 1| 9| 8|15| 5| 6|10
Leiden |16/00|  Cav|34|13| 0|15|16|10|11| 1
Barst  |10/00|Fight|31|17| 0|12|11|10| 8| 0
Matthis|11/00|  Cav|28|10| 0| 6|11| 1|12| 0
Elrean |10/00| Mage|26| 1| 8| 5|11| 2| 8| 3
Arran  |--/05|Pally|27|10| 1|13|11| 4|10| 6
Malice |10/00|Archr|25|11| 0| 6| 9| 9|12| 0

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Chapter 17: 5 turns

Started by selling the bullion from the previous chapter and getting Leiden to 20/1.

Leiden and Samto blocked the chokepoint to keep the dragons from flanking me. I needed to blow my last Rescue charge to get Julian to open the door to the boss punctually, though in retrospect that might not have been necessary. The rest was Feena being handy, and units with crazy move doing what they do best.

Name   |Level|Class|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Marth  |20/--| Lord|39|16| 0|16|18|20|12| 1
Naglfar|20/13| Sage|40|16|23|26|24|23| 4|14
Ryan   |11/17|Draco|43|25| 1|26|22|13|21| 6
Catria |20/16|Falco|55|21| 3|26|26|21|22|10
Feena  |14/--|Dance|23|11| 0|13|24|18| 6| 2
Wrys   |20/00|Staff|24| 0| 6|10|15|11| 5|15
Julian |15/--|Thief|28|14| 0|16|20|14|10| 0
Castor |20/04| Zerk|46|23| 0|13|21| 9|12| 0
Samto  |20/03|Draco|36|19| 1|10|16| 8|18| 3
Wendell|--/13| Bish|29| 1| 9| 8|15| 5| 6|10
Leiden |20/01|Pally|40|18| 1|22|19|10|13| 7

Xane   |05/--|Chmln|20| 3| 0| 3|11|10| 6|10
Barst  |10/00|Fight|31|17| 0|12|11|10| 8| 0
Matthis|11/00|  Cav|28|10| 0| 6|11| 1|12| 0
Elrean |10/00| Mage|26| 1| 8| 5|11| 2| 8| 3
Arran  |--/05|Pally|27|10| 1|13|11| 4|10| 6
Malice |10/00|Archr|25|11| 0| 6| 9| 9|12| 0
Astram |--/05|Horse|30|14| 1|12|13| 5|14| 3

Chapter 18: 4 turns

Now I want my fucking Rescue charge back. At least I only lost one turn because of it, thanks to Feena and the Lifesphere not being all that far away.

Name   |Level|Class|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Marth  |21/--| Lord|39|16| 0|17|19|21|13| 1
Naglfar|20/14| Sage|41|16|24|27|25|23| 4|15
Ryan   |11/17|Draco|43|25| 1|26|22|13|21| 6
Catria |20/16|Falco|55|21| 3|26|26|21|22|10
Feena  |14/--|Dance|23|11| 0|13|24|18| 6| 2
Wrys   |20/00|Staff|24| 0| 6|10|15|11| 5|15
Julian |15/--|Thief|28|14| 0|16|20|14|10| 0
Castor |20/05| Zerk|47|23| 0|14|22| 9|12| 0
Samto  |20/04|Draco|37|19| 1|10|16| 8|18| 3
Wendell|--/13| Bish|29| 1| 9| 8|15| 5| 6|10
Leiden |20/03|Pally|41|19| 1|23|19|11|13| 8
Xane   |06/--|Chmln|20| 4| 0| 3|12|10| 6|10

Barst  |10/00|Fight|31|17| 0|12|11|10| 8| 0
Matthis|11/00|  Cav|28|10| 0| 6|11| 1|12| 0
Elrean |10/00| Mage|26| 1| 8| 5|11| 2| 8| 3
Arran  |--/05|Pally|27|10| 1|13|11| 4|10| 6
Malice |10/00|Archr|25|11| 0| 6| 9| 9|12| 0
Astram |--/05|Horse|30|14| 1|12|13| 5|14| 3

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