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(FE7) Sou and Naggy's private draft challenge


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Soul and I started a draft in IP chat because I was interested in the Lyn mode drafts here. Truthfully, I originally wanted LNM, but Soul said that was gay, and we got into an argument that escalated to minor fisticuffs before we agreed that LHM was fine. I have to win, though. He called me a shit-eating pony fucker.


Six units each plus Lyn

Undrafted units can't do anything but recruit and trade, 3 turn penalty for breaking this rule

Matthew is allowed to open doors in his joining chapter, though

Also, we'll each do one chapter per post, and alternate.

Draft pool: Kent, Sain, Florina, Wil, Dorcas, Serra, Erk, Rath, Matthew, Nils, Lucius, Wallace.

Soul went first and picked Florina, probably for her tits that you can't see anyway. I was smart and was about to choose Sain and Kent, but then JB said it first with this dumb grin on his face. I punched him for being a smartass while Soul took Lucius and Nils, which means he now had the three most molestable units in Lyn mode. Needing something to counter this quickly, I chose Dorcas and Rath, on the grounds that they looked them most like rapists of the remaining units. Soul then took Wallace and Serra, I don't know what he was thinking, maybe he was thinking about dinner. For my final round I chose Wil and Erk, leaving Soul with the gay thief.

[spoiler=Soul's team]







[spoiler=Naglfar's team]








P| 5| 5|
1| 5| 4|
2| 7| 4|
3| 5| 5|
4| 7| 7|
5| 5| 4|
6| 5| 4|
7| 2| 6|
7x| 5| 5|
8| 5| 5|
9| 4| 4|
10| 7|11|

Soul, you drafted first, you play first, bro.

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ok, nice opening.

Name: Alan

Affinity: Ice


So here I start, with the casual Lyn walk-in-the-park Chapter that happens to be Ch 1...

Turn 1: Lyndis moves forward and Waits.

Turn 2: Lyndis moves up, then left and Waits.

Turn 3: Lyndis attacks the Batta and weakens him on Enemy Phase while killing the other Brigand.

Turn 4: Lyndis kills Batta the Beast.

Turn 5: Seize.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Lyndis    2.33  17  4   7  10   6   2   1

5 turns.

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Name: Naglfar

Affinity: Wind

Prologue: 5 turns

Same as Soul, nothing to see here.

Lyn |02/00|17| 5| 7| 9| 6| 2| 0


1st: Tie, 5 turns

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Chapter 1

Enter Kent and Sain...who will just sit in the corner, doing nothing.

Turn 1: Lyndis attacks the Brigand, who happens to suicide to her on Enemy Phase..

Turn 2: Lyndis moves forward.

Turn 3: Lyndis moves forward again.

Turn 4: Lyndis goes to a Forest and jugs a Vulnerary.

Turn 5: Lyndis attacks the boss, and the boss suicides to her on Enemy Phase.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Lyndis    4.64  19  5   9  11   7   3   1

5 turns.

Your move.

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Chapter 1: 4 turns

Enter Sain and Kent, who participate.

Lyn and Kent stay back and mostly self-improve while Sain rushes the boss with Kent's sword. Sain kills on turn 4 player phase. Strength and speed? Awesome.

Lyn |02/00|17| 5| 7| 9| 6| 2| 0
Sain|02/00|20| 9| 4| 7| 4| 6| 0
Kent|01/00|20| 6| 6| 7| 2| 5| 1


1st: Naglfar, 9 turns

2nd: Soul, 10 turns

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Chapter 2

I've got a bad feeling about this...>_>

Turn 1: Kent hands Lyndis his Iron sword and a Vulnerary, and then he heads to the South corner with Sain. Lyndis moves forward to the first Brigand's range.

Turn 2, 3, 4: Lyndis hits the wall and eventually breaks it, holding off the enemies around that area.

Turn 5: The path is blocked by a Brigand. Lyndis uses a Vulnerary instead as the Brigand suicides to her, leaving entry to the temple.

Turn 6: Lyndis attacks Glass. Glass suicides on Lyndis.

Turn 7: Seize.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Lyndis    6.46  20  6  10  13   9   4   1

7 turns.

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Chapter 2: 4 turns

I'm not sure why you didn't pick one of these guys, Soul.

Lyn and Kent kill like one bandit while iron lance!Sain breaks the wall down in two turns. Sain gets to fight more bandits while Kent and Lyn storm the temple. Sain and Kent team up to smash Glass and let Lyn seize on turn four.

Lyn |02/00|17| 5| 7| 9| 6| 2| 0
Sain|03/00|21|10| 4| 7| 5| 6| 0
Kent|02/00|21| 7| 6| 8| 2| 5| 2


1st: Naglfar, 13 turns

2nd: Soul, 17 turns

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Chapter 3

Enter Florina. YESZ.

Turn 1: Sain gives Florina his Lance goes back to his corner, along with Kent. Lyndis moves forward. Florina goes to the village and gets me 2000 bucks.

Turn 2: Lyndis places herself by the Forest and kills enemies there. Florina places herself at a Brigand's range.

Turn 3: Lyndis moves forward and kills the Archer in the way. Florina uses a Vulnerary, and crtikills both that were ganging up on her. Hooray.

Turn 4: Lyndis weakens the other annoying Archer for Florina to kill.

Turn 5: Lyndis goes for the boss, and the boss suicides on Enemy Phase.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Lyndis    7.82  20  6  11  14  10   5   1
Flo-Chan  2.41  18  6   7  10   8   4   4

5 turns.

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I'm actually not sure what's better, Kent and Sain, or Florina. I'm inclined to say Florina, but idk.

In the last LHM draft (which I hosted, the non auction one) the player who had Florina destroyed me (IIRC no one else finished), especially in the Chapter with Heintz. I had Kent and Rath for horses. I couldn't get Sain.

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Chapter 3: 5 turns

Enter Wil. fart

Wil's only contribution was to shoot a merc who would later suicide in Kent's face on the enemy phase of turn three. At least it was a contribution. Sain and Kent were crazy as usual, but Sain faced (more) death chance because he can't dodge axes, and I almost lost a turn because Mani Katti!Lyn still can't one-round bandits without a critical and I didn't notice this. Also I have no money. Oh well.

Florina sat in the corner and fed her horse. She can fight some other time.

Lyn |03/00|18| 6| 8|10| 7| 2| 0
Sain|05/00|23|10| 6| 7| 5| 6| 1
Kent|03/00|22| 8| 6| 9| 2| 6| 2
Wil |02/00|20| 6| 5| 5| 6| 5| 0


1st: Naglfar, 18 turns

2nd: Soul, 22 turns

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Yeah, Wallace should be good enough against Lundgren. Lyn with some levels under her belt can do the job, too.

Lyn would take an extra turn though because it requires to to kill and seize. Unless he suicides on enemy phase.

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I know very welll why I drafted Florina, thank you.

Chapter 4

Defend chapter. By default, it's lame.

For 7 Turns, Florina held off the Brigands to prevent them from killing Natalie. Florina killed Mercenaries and Lyndis' left-overs (She fails to 1RKO most enemies barring Mercenaries with an Iron sword).

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Lyndis    8.87  21  7  11  14  10   5   1
Flo-Chan  4.12  19  7   7  11  10   4   5

7 turns.

You should count 7-turns too, Naggy.

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I know very welll why I drafted Florina, thank you.

Yes. I figured it out.

Chapter 4: 7 turns

Obviously. Everyone went and got experience points, while Florina and Natalie did their nails. Dorcas joined, or something.

From now on all the chapters Florina wins at will be coming. I can only hope I can stay ahead with my stronger and more numerous combat units.

Name  |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Lyn   |04/00|19| 7| 8|11| 7| 2| 0
Sain  |06/00|23|11| 7| 8| 6| 6| 1
Kent  |06/00|25| 9| 7|10| 3| 6| 2
Wil   |02/00|20| 6| 5| 5| 6| 5| 0
Dorcas|03/00|30| 7| 7| 6| 3| 3| 0


1st: Naglfar, 25 turns

2nd: Soul, 29 turns

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Chapter 5

I didn't bother recruiting Serra in this chapter, since she'd be pretty useless, anyway.

Turn 1: Lyndis moves a bit forward at the Brigand's range. Florina kills the Archer.

Turn 2: Lyndis moves to the right, and Florina rescues her and moves to the South-East.

Turn 3: Florina drops Lyndis at the Forest next to Bug and steps aside.

Turn 4: Lyndis kills the Archer. Florina moves to the North to the Brigand's range.

Turn 5: Florina kills the remaining enemy.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Lyndis    9.95  22  8  12  14  11   5   1
Flo-Chan  5.05  20  8   7  12  10   4   5

5 turns.

Could've been a 4-turn if Lyndis critikilled Bug.

Back to you, Nags.

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Chapter 5: 4 turns

Lyn, Wil and Dorcas fumbled with the enemies near the start, trying to stop missing them long enough to kill them. Erk cut through the middle, dealing with a mercenary on the way, while Kent and Sain went over the north side. Florina and Serra hid. Erk chipped Bug for 10 on turn 3, then another 10 on turn 4 to let Sain do the last 9.

Name  |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Lyn   |04/00|19| 7| 8|11| 7| 2| 0
Sain  |07/00|24|12| 7| 8| 6| 7| 1
Kent  |06/00|25| 9| 7|10| 3| 6| 2
Wil   |02/00|20| 6| 5| 5| 6| 5| 0
Dorcas|04/00|31| 8| 7| 6| 3| 3| 0
Erk   |01/00|17| 5| 6| 7| 3| 2| 4


1st: Naglfar, 29 turns

2nd: Soul, 34 turns

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Chapter 6

Turn 1: Lyndis visits the house to the North and recruits Matthew. Matthew unlocks the Door, and Rath waits on the switch. Florina visits the house close to her and retrives a Door Key and moves back at the two Mercenaries' range.

Turn 2: Florina moves forward. Matthew opens the closest Chest and retrieves the Angelic Robe. Lyndis and Serra move forward.

Turn 3: Florina kills the Soldier next to the Door. Matthew attacks the Soldier next to the other door. Lyndis and Serra move forward again.

Turn 4: Florina opens the Door next to her. Matthew opens the Door next to him.

Turn 5: Florina stands on the switch and reveals the boss. Lyndis 1RKO's the boss. Matthew retrieves the Armor Slayer. Serra stands on the last switch.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Lyndis   10.65  23  9  13  14  11   5   2
Flo-Chan  5.68  20  8   7  12  10   4   5
Serra     1.11          Who cares

5 turns.

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