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(FE4) Draft Z


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Can I just throw away the rest of my picks I don't want any of these. Jamka simply so I can give the Killer bow to Briggid. Oh and I can't pick for oval anymore because someone drafted his picks already.

EDIT: Also we can kill people that could join you right?

EDIT2: Oh and since I drafted Jamka we can start this now right?

Edited by Blazing_Soul
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Towards the end of a draft, you're typically left with the characters nobody wants. There's no penalty for killing a drafted unit, Asaello and Linda often see themselves get murdered. Blazing_Soul, both you and I are finished drafting, so you can start.

My take on my cast;

Sigurd - Yay

Dierdre - Not so yay!

Alec - I've only ever paired him once but he always helps out

Midale - No time for Claude!

Dew - I pair him with Ayra quite a lot, plus it makes lowering the bridge less painful.

Arden - I shall strive to promote him again!

Edain - Healing, yay!

Ayra - Astra, yay!

Celice - Don't end up with 16 speed!

Julia - Don't end up with like 15 skill!

Oifaye - He'll retire early

Lester - He's never the star but he makes things easier.

Rana - Her warping will come in handy.

Skasaha - Great stats, Astra and Sol? Yay!

Lakche - More great stats!

Tristan - He'll probably end up with the spare hero sword, and maybe the pursuit ring

Femina - If Tristan stinks, she'll end up with them instead.

Hawk - Sety lite, yay!

Daisy - Free money!

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Oh good well here's to a good run starting after my night out.

Sigurd - He won't let me down......I hope.

Diadora - I think she'll serve her purpose for the chapters she's around.

Ethlin - She's going to be epic. I'll make sure of that.

Caun - He's gonna make things quite easy for me.

Azel - I hope he does his job well.....

Jamka - I gotta use Aideen to get him......blows....

Beowulf - Oh he would've went perfect with Lachesis but screw it he'll be with Biggid if it kills him.

Briggid - That bow better be worth the Holsety.......

Celice - He'll be good.......I have faith in him....

Julia - My number one healer come 2nd gen.

Oifaye - He will do what he has to do.......then quit.

Leaf - He will be Master Knight before ch.8.....Then uphill from there.

Altenna - She's gonna hit stuff hard.......

Patty - She's gonna do her job......and then some....

Faval - He's gonna have a field day on ch.9 hope he doesn't die.......

Amid - I ended up with him because I waited to late to get Arden.....I think he'll do a good job.

Johalva - He's not his brother but he'll help I hope......

Laylea - She needs a knight ring and I think she'll be good to go......

Linda - I figured why not get the sub with Holy Blood she'll prove her worth to me I think.

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I don't know why, but mine usually end up with horrible speed. It makes endgame easier when people actually want to attack him, but he won't double Hilda!

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Asaello. Might be able to do something. Oh who am I kidding he'll suck.

Sigurd: He's only one of like the three best units in FE history.

Diadora: Someone's gotta heal.

Lex: Hero Axe stuff and tank. Thanks to him my need for a healer is lessened for a while. Will stay glued to Fury once she joins up.

Fin: Mostly got him because I fail at reading and thought we went through Gen. 1 and then Gen. 2. Oh well Hero Lance(Before Fury) and Prayer is worth it. Forever alone.

Holyn: Needed a good foot soilder and he was the best one available. Forever alone.

Sylvia: Dances. Either Claude or Holyn. Most likely Claude.

Fury: Flies and heals once she promotes. If only Lex was a little faster.

Claude: Heals and forever alone. Too bad because that Valkyrie staff might be some help.

Celice: Elite and Leg rings to start things off. Hopefully that takes him to promotion in one chapter and the rushing begins.

Julia: Resire will be helpful against the dark mages in chapter 7 and then she'll basically be a healbot that can fight.

Mana: Celice takes a lot of damage if he gets hit early on. Then she's Rana .5 or something like that.

Fee: Dracoknight!Fee will rape all that stands before her.

Shanan: He has a decent starting inventory.

Janne: Mounted healer.

Leen: Dancer.

Asaello: Might die or else he'll be a crappier Faval without a 30 MT weapon to fall back on. Or basically an archer.

Sety: Well he'll be reliant on the Magic ring and Continue to deal damage, but Lightning and Elwind are epic.

Corple: Reserve and Libro spam.

Overall I think I'll do fine. Might have a problem with Lex and Fury, but I'll figure it out.

Edited by oval
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Hannibal or Sharlow. Wow what great choices. Alright Sharlow.

Sigurd: Has never let me down so far

Deirdre: Early staffbot. If she even survives long enough

Lachesis: Will hopefully attain the Elite ring in chapter 2, and be promoted somewhere in 3

Tiltyu: Not very useful but hey, Arthur with lolsety

Levin: Movement is the only thing keeping him down

Noish: Obvious husband for Lachesis. Candidate for Pursuit ring along with Levin(though Levin doesn't REALLY need it)

Celice: Typical lord fare except this one doesn't suck like almost all the others

Julia: staffbot

Delmud: His 23 Str cap is gonna disappoint me. Candidate for second hero sword

Nanna: Gen 2 healbot with decent offense if I get lucky

Arthur: Holsety on a horse. I see him getting tons of kills

Tinny: Levin!Tinny is IMO the best Tinny available. Not phenomenal, but decent

Aless: My third holy weapon user(or second, for most of gen 2) and one of the 5 gen 2 cavs. Might not be too great, but should be very useful

Dimna: At least he has pursuit and a horse

Johan: Good combo with Radney. Also on a horse

Radney: No horse, but at least pursuit. Shouldn't be awful

Roddleban: See Radney

Sharlow: When a game asks you to choose between one fail and the other, you flip a coin

I notice I have less gen 1's than erryone else.

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You've got Noish, you'll be fine! I made the fatal mistake of not having an early unit in my first draft... so many penalties!

Prologue: Flaming Sigurd - 11 turns

Arden stays behind to guard the castle, Sigurd and Alec team up to capture Jungby on turn 5! Midale has to skedaddle, he can't dodge that well. Meanwhile Alec gets the Speed ring, and becomes a little Sigurd. With some clever positioning, Sigurd gets his sword and across the bridge without the army blocking it.

It takes a little fiddling but I get a turn 11 capture!

Sigurd  10 52 40 19 00 14 13 09 10 03 Silver Sword, Iron Lance, Steel sword
Alec	06 42 36 12 00 10 12 05 07 00 Iron Sword, Speed Ring
Arden   04 18 37 14 00 05 04 04 13 00 Iron Sword
Midale  03 72 32 10 00 07 09 03 08 01 Iron Bow


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Prologue: 17+12 turns

Bah. The RNG fucked me over and made it look like all those axe guys had a 70% chance of hitting Sigurd and Noish. So I had to use Ethlin en route to both castles to heal them. I had Ardan protect the castle and along the way Azel just had to get hit. Bah. Noish gets the speed ring (for now)

Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Items
Sigurd	10	41	14	0	14	13	7	10	3	Stl Swd, Slv Swd, Iron Lance
Noishe	8	36	12	0	9	9	4	8	0	Stl Swd, Spd ring

Yea fuck you too, Noishe. Why hasn't your Def moved from its base in those 5 levels? Why have you only gained 1 Str? Why do you hate me so?

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Chapter 1: 33 turns (62 total)

Sigurd and Noish both get a Javelin to have a counter against those pesky archers. Ethlin and Lex also deploy and trail behind because I want those sexy items they can get. I will also attempt to recruit Ayra. (you might be getting by now that I'm not playing this very competitively)

Recruiting Ayra works, Lex gets his Hero Axe. Sigurd and Noish are both worked to the bone. I am now regretting not getting more earlygame power.

Sigurd	17	47	16	0	15	16	10	11	3	"Stl Swd, Slv Swd, Stl Lance, Javelin, Skl ring, Mag ring
Noishe	15	41	17	0	13	12	6	10	0	Stl Swd, Spd ring, Javelin, Iron Lance

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Chapter 1: 33 turns (62 total)

Sigurd and Noish both get a Javelin to have a counter against those pesky archers. Ethlin and Lex also deploy and trail behind because I want those sexy items they can get. I will also attempt to recruit Ayra. (you might be getting by now that I'm not playing this very competitively)

Recruiting Ayra works, Lex gets his Hero Axe. Sigurd and Noish are both worked to the bone. I am now regretting not getting more earlygame power.

Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luck Def Res Items

Sigurd 17 47 16 0 15 16 10 11 3 "Stl Swd, Slv Swd, Stl Lance, Javelin, Skl ring, Mag ring


Noishe 15 41 17  %3

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I've had a lot of free time.


To Jungby: 8/8

Sigurd solo'd his way to Jungby and got there by turn 5. He missed orkoing the three guards by 1 Str so I got the speed ring to help his survival against those archers. Then I had to make sure Midir had an escape route after joing at an incovienit time forcing me to wait till turn 8. Lex got the village near his starting point, and used the churches to advance. Fin basically hid near the castle till he 4Rko'd one of the handaxe bandits and then made his way towards the center village for some possible exp. Not to bad so far.

To Evans:7/15

Sigurd's Steel Sword was running low so Alvis was nice enough to give him a Silver one. What a nice guy, Anyhow Sigurd thanks to a string of terrible luck and no Ethlin healing siezed with exactly 1 hp. I hate the 1RN system especially when you're fighting about 10 guys who have 5% hit and 4 who have 25%(and you can't counter them). Ah well it's over at least. Lex got the northeast village, and then distracted an archer and a hand axe guy for Sigurd. Fin tried not to die. He really needs the talk from Cuan and his Steel Lance.

Total: 15 turns

Unit    Level  HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs   Items
Sigurd  12.99  43 19  1 15 17  9 10  3   Speed ring
Lex      8.26  37 11  0 11 11  9 11  0
Fin      2.28  33 10  0  8 10  9  7  0

Chapter 1

To Genoa: 6/6

Arena'd it up some (Sigurd Clear, Lex 4, and Fin 5), and then marched on down to the castle. Well Sigurd did. Fin and Lex just stole some kills and tried to not die. Ira decided chasing Dew and Aideen would be more worthwhile then protecting the castle so Sigurd had an easy sieze. Now how to take care of that army with two nearly dead horses? Oh wait I have Sigurd.

To Marpha:6/12

Sigurd solo. Stupidity made me lose a turn by forgeting to repair the Silver Sword before leaving Genoa. Fin and Lex both heal up at the church while Sigurd almost gets killed by Gandalf thanks to WTD. This part taught me two things. 1) Repair your Silver Sword after every castle even if it's at 30 uses and 20) leave some of the arena done for free heals between castles.

To Verdane: 15/27

Killed Jamuka and recruited Diadora. Lex went for the Hero Axe, while the rest went for the castle. Sigurd couldn't be as aggresive as I wanted because one Fenrir hit would've killed him. After Diadora silenced Sandima, Sigurd got most of the archers on EP and killed the boss 2 turns later. Fin and Diadora got hit into prayer range on the last EP, and survived. Oh and Sigurd gave his money to healbot.

I'm quite pleased with this chapter. Two simple moves could've saved two turns, but I'm not to fussed.

Total: 42 turns

Unit    Level  HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs   Items  
Sigurd  18.89  51 21  6 23 20 12 12  3   Speed, Skill, Magic rings
Lex     12.84  41 11  0 11 12 10 12  0
Fin      6.31  34 11  0 12 11 11  8  0
Diadora  5.79  28  0 15  9 12  6  3 18

Chapter 2

To Herihein: 10/10

Fin and Holyn cleared the arena, Lex got to 7, and Sigurd stopped at 6 for the free healing. Your basic Sigurd rush. I got to Lachesis before her Paladins died and they remained alive and at full health thanks to Diadora. Fin got the Silver Lance, Lex the Return Ring, and Sigurd the Barrier ring.

To Anphony: 8/18

Sylvia went and got all the villages that weren't being attacked which basicaly got her the Knight Ring. Lex and Fin were topped off by Diadora and Fin got the Hero Lance before joining up Sigurd up north. The Silver SWord got 50 kills which should help boss killing. Fin got into prayer range and Hero Lance'd Voltz's army plus a couple of armors. Lex got to 20 and Returned to the castle. Sigurd got both rings and Sylvia got the Armorslayer for some money.

To Mackily: 12/28

Diadora healed Sigurd and Fin as the made their way towards Mackily. Lex promoted and headed towards their as well. After clearing the two Cavalier groups, Lex Returned and went to deal with Fury. Sigurd and Fin took their time getting to Mackily to avoid the Sleep Staff. Holyn helped some too.

To Augusty: 11/37

Recruited Fury on turn 29 and she was stuck to Lex since. Fin, Sigurd, and Holyn handled the castle.

Total: 79

Unit    Level  HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs   Items  
Sigurd  25.15  59 24  1 22 23 14 23 10   Speed, Elite, Defense, Barrier Rings
Lex     21.28  48 21  0 19 13 10 19  3   Skill Ring
Fin     18.05  43 16  0 17 14 16 13  1  
Diadora  9.98  29  2 17  9 12  7  3 20 
Holyn   16.35  44 15  0 21 18  3 11  1
Sylvia  Dancer
Fury     8.52  33 11  1 12 19  7 11  9

Edited by oval
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Chapter 2: 66 turns (128 total)

Both of Noishe (!) and Sigurd ace the arena. Targets this chapter are Pursuit ring, Elite ring on Lachesis or lots of money to buy it next chapter, Thief Sword for that purpose or all those villages where Levin spawns. Also Hero Lance. I reckon Lachesis might want it.

The first army isn't any sort of trouble, but that Goddamn Philip just friggin' keeps on activating Great Shield. This way I end up taking way longer dealing with him than I reasonably should. Unfortunately also does this, and taking him down takes yet again. Noishe promotes mid-chapter. Diadora dies when I use her to protect Mackilly.

Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Items	   
Sigurd	24	55	19	0	19	16	13	14	3	Silver Sword, Light Sword, Skill Ring, Barrier Ring, Shield Ring, Magic Ring	   
Noishe	23	47	22	5	18	16	7	17	5	Steel Sword, Speed Ring, Javelin, Iron Lance, Elite Ring	   
Diadora	12	30	2	21	12	12	6	3	22	Aura, Live	   
Levin	11	39	3	15	13	20	8	5	9	Elwind	   
Lachesis	8	29	9	9	12	16	6	9	10	Prayer Sword, Return, Relive, Cutter	 

Chapter 3: 44 turns (174 total)

Hero Sword, Tiltyu, Elite Ring for Lachesis. Noishe and Sigurd ace the Arena again. Noishe sells his Elite after finishing it and buys Light Sword and the Magic ring (Cause he's better with it than Sigurd) He then sells the Spd ring and buys the Pursuit.

The chapter is the usual flaying around the map. *I don't like this chapter*

Chapter 4: 42 turns (214 total)

meh. Nothing much happened. Had Tiltyu loot some villages and grab all the civvies for exp.

Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	   
Sigurd	30	62	23	0	21	20	15	17	5	   
Noishe	30	53	24	6	20	17	8	18	6	   
Diadora	12	30	2	21	12	12	6	3	22	   
Levin	28	55	4	27	27	30	14	7	17	   
Lachesis	26	40	24	12	19	23	11	19	11	   
Tiltyu	14	37	3	12	22	14	13	2	11	 

Chapter 5:

Had it beaten, then noticed Dew and Aideen had fallen in love so I have to redo the chapter and kill Dew as well.

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