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(FE4) Draft Z


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Chapter 1: Drafted units unite! - 22 turns

I have everyone? That's pretty scary! Everyone does well in the arena, even the mighty Arden! Sigurd and Alec charge through, capturing Genoa on turn 4. Good work, Alec and his javelin! Ayra tries to murder Alec, but his speed is high enough with his ring to not get doubled!

Alec gets hit by a 4%, meaning he can't chip Gandolf. It wouldn't be easy at 28%, anyway. The girls get their staves, Ayra and Dew team up and Sigurd captures on turn 10!

Only Alec joins him in the forest, he also kills Jamka with a javelin! The others round up thieves and try to clear the arena. Arden eventually catches up, but that's by the turn 22 capture!

Sigurd  17 25 47 22 00 16 15 12 13 03 Silver Sword, Steel Lance, Javelin, Skill/Magic Rings
Dierdre 04 71 27 00 14 09 12 06 04 17 Silence, Aura, Circlet 
Alec	12 07 40 15 01 13 15 06 10 00 Iron Sword, Speed Ring, Iron Lance, Javelin, Steel Sword
Arden   06 76 38 14 00 05 04 04 14 00 Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Slim Sword
Midale  07 25 33 12 00 10 11 03 09 01 Iron Bow
Edain   05 80 30 00 13 09 09 12 01 10 Relive, Warp
Dew 	04 74 29 04 00 07 16 15 01 02 Iron Sword
Ayra	08 49 36 14 00 18 19 04 09 02 Iron Blade


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Chapter 2: The Nodion Idiot Brigade - 32 turns

Alec and Ayra clear the arena, the others... not so much! The Nodions actually survive for once, Edain and Dierdre have to do a fair amount of healing, and Lachesis goes home so they can guard it. Elliot and pals are no trouble, capture on turn 10!

Sigurd and Alec take on the next castle, Edain ready to warp them a little later. Midale goes back in preparation of Fury's squad. It takes a little dancing, but I get the Elite Ring and kill Macbeth on turn 19! Sigurd gets warped back to Herhein, which means he's quicker than my usual returning strategy. Ayra and Dew don't need to hold out that long before the horsies arrive.Clement is actually much easier than usual, suiciding on Sigurd. Dierdre manages to avoid several 86%'s without prayer, which is scary. Capture on turn 27!

Sigurd does his thing again, getting past the armours. Fury dies at the hands of Midale, the knights actually lived! Finish on turn 32!

Sigurd  25 43 56 25 00 22 19 14 15 03 Silver Sword, Steel Lance, Javelin, Skill/Barrier/Elite/Shield Rings
Dierdre 09 23 29 00 17 09 12 06 04 21 Silence, Aura, Circlet, Return, Live 
Alec	17 53 41 17 01 14 17 07 13 00 Iron Sword, Speed Ring, Iron Lance, Javelin, Steel Sword
Arden   09 99 41 15 00 05 05 04 16 00 Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Slim Sword, Pursuit Ring
Midale  09 97 33 12 00 10 12 03 10 01 Iron Bow, Steel Bow
Edain   08 60 32 00 13 10 11 13 01 10 Relive, Warp, Cutter
Dew 	06 87 30 04 00 08 17 16 03 02 Iron Sword, Slim Sword
Ayra	14 53 41 15 00 21 23 04 09 02 Iron Blade, Steel Blade


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Chapter 3: Warpalicious - 18 turns

Alec promotes, woo! Dew gets the Light Sword, Elite Ring and Pursuit Ring. What crazy things could I have planned? Sigurd rushes in, killing anything that looks at him funny. The others mop up, Arden taking some good hits. Beany falls on turn 5!

The pair in the forest distact Elty, Alec and Arden clear up the pirates. Sigurd destroys Shagall on turn 12! Hey look! Edain's ready to warp him! Dew gets the strength village... and becomes amazing!

He gets warped, also grabs the Leg Ring for a super turn 18 capture!

Sigurd  27 75 58 25 00 22 20 14 17 03 Silver Sword, Thunder Sword, Skill/Barrier/Power/Shield/Leg Rings
Dierdre 09 23 29 00 17 09 12 06 04 21 Kidnapping
Alec	21 91 44 19 06 21 20 09 18 05 Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Javelin, Steel Lance, Cutter, Restore
Arden   13 62 44 19 01 05 06 04 17 01 Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Slim Sword, Speed Ring
Midale  12 07 35 12 01 10 14 03 11 01 Iron Bow, Steel Bow
Edain   12 00 34 00 15 10 12 17 01 11 Relive, Warp, Libro, Magic Ring
Dew 	19 05 39 15 01 14 22 21 10 02 Iron Sword, Slim Sword, Light Sword, Elite/Pursuit Rings
Ayra	19 21 46 17 00 25 24 06 10 02 Silver Sword, Prayer Sword, Hero Sword



Chapter 4: Oh so very cold! 23 turns!

Dew and Ayra promote! Some kit is shuffled around, Midale can't clear the arena... which stinks! Neither pairing is finished so I'll have to be careful! Dew gets the leg ring and they charge on!

Dew actually does most of the work, letting Sigurd capture on turn 11! They return home, giving Sigurd the leg ring back. Silesia is taken but I'm not saving it. Sigurd runs through, capturing on turn 23.

Sigurd  29 40 60 25 00 22 21 14 17 03 Silver Sword, Thunder Sword, Skill/Barrier/Power/Shield/Leg Rings
Dierdre 09 23 29 00 17 09 12 06 04 21 Kidnapping
Alec	26 03 46 20 06 22 21 10 21 05 Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Javelin, Steel Lance
Arden   17 16 45 20 01 05 06 05 19 01 Speed Ring, Pursuit Ring, Slim Sword
Midale  17 40 37 15 01 10 16 03 13 02 Iron Bow, Steel Bow, Hero Bow
Edain   17 75 39 01 17 13 13 21 02 11 Relive, Warp, Libro, Magic Ring, Restore
Dew 	30 -- 43 22 09 21 27 26 18 06 Light Sword, Return Ring, Steel Blade, Hero Sword, Elite Ring, Knight Ring
Ayra	22 49 48 23 00 30 29 07 12 05 Prayer Sword, Silver Sword, Silver Blade, Cutter



Chapter 5: Must beat Integrity! - 19 turns!

Arden and Midale fail the arena, so they can't promote. Items get tossed about and I go! Langbart dies on turn 5, standard stuff! Ayra's also now into Dew! Slightly disturbing but it's fine. Arden takes the villages, then promotes.

Phinora was grabbed on turn 10, it's Sigurd soloing from now on. The swordies cut down the dragons, Sigurd also cleverly lures Leptop. This means I can capture on turn 19, woo!


Dang! I still didn't beat Horace!

Sigurd: Surprisingly unlucky - 143 kills


Despite getting hit by everything, including 2 Meteor's at 12%, he has fared pretty well. Let's see what that Knight Ring does for Celice!

Dew: Boy of Steel - 51 kills


He actually hit 30 before Sigurd. I don't get why people say he's hard to train. He can get 12 levels with the Elite Ring and Light Sword against the Cross Knights. Pursuit helps too but still, he's promoting in chapter 4.

Ayra: Mrs Boy of Steel? - 28 kills


Great as well, she was a slightly fragile, less evasive Dew. Those kids will be good though!

Midale: Not his day - 23 kills


He had some pretty horrible level ups, and I couldn't get the Killer Bow. That made him a sad panda. Thanks for an easy Lester though!

Edain: Above violence - 0 kills


Saved a few turns by warping. Healing's also pretty nice. I'm still surprised I wasn't stuck with Briggid.

Arden: Forever alone - 13 kills


Better off in the first gen draft, as he actually gets claim to some resources. Still, not a bad perfomance.

Alec: Forever alone... together! - 44 kills


Provided much needed help in the early chapters. Lost his edge when Dew and Ayra got going. Still, he's a fantastic 3rd or 4th pick. Nobody seems to want him!

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Um... yeah, he was. Looks like I'm redoing my second gen ^^.

EDIT: Make that the entire draft. That's what I get for not reading properly!

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Prologue: Again - 11 turns

I'll keep this quick, Jungby in 5 turns thanks to Sigurd and Alec. Midale runs back to Chalphy, Arden does very little.

Sigurd ends up with very little health, but gets lucky. Alec and Midale team up and save the Speed Ring village. Arden's still at base, defending. Sigurd gets his sword, and captures on turn 11!

Sigurd  11 46 41 17 01 15 16 09 11 03 Silver Sword, Iron Lance, Steel sword
Alec	04 89 34 10 00 11 10 04 08 00 Iron Sword, Speed Ring
Arden   03 76 36 13 00 05 04 03 13 00 Iron Sword
Midale  03 78 33 09 00 07 09 03 08 00 Iron Bow 


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Chapter 5: 47 turns (261 total)

Surprisingly Tiltyu gets some kills and reaches level 19. Nothing much special, other than me killing off every undrafted mother. 2nd gen transfers remain the same as listed before.

Sigurd: Did a lot, but felt underpowered in comparison to normal play. Might be because he got some below average stats.

Noishe: Actually a very good draft. It should be pretty common knowledge that even Ardan can reliably double with the pursuit ring, so I gave it to Noishe and saw him do well. The only thing I do not like about him is the weapon levels. He got 88 kills on his steel sword, and 66 on the light sword, showing how good he can be IMO. (Also he was statistically average everywhere)

Lachesis: Lachesis is Lachesis. Sucks before promotion, w1n afterward.

Levin: If Lachesis is Lachesis, Levin will be Levin.

Tiltyu: I honest to god tried promoting her (for increased base stats on Arthur and Tinny) but she was really just a carrier of Levin's potent seed.

If anything about 1st gen, I regret not drafting one or two more units.

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Chapter 1: Once More! - 23 turns

A reasonable spell from everyone in the arena. Alec and Arden grab Steel Swords, Alec also steals the Javelin. Boogie!

Sigurd and Alec get swarmed by axe fighters, Midale manages to poke a hole in the defense, letting them kill Kinbois and capture Genoa on turn 4!

The team all trundle along, Dew held out pretty well. All the talkie things are done, Gandolf falls on turn 11! Jamka causes a little trouble, but he falls to Sigurd. Dierdre appears, silences and prayer tanks. Capture on turn 23! I was slower than last time but that was because my Sigurd had no speed last time, so axe fighters would target him.

Sigurd  17 16 48 21 01 17 17 11 14 04 Silver Sword, Steel Lance, Javelin, Skill/Magic Rings
Dierdre 05 43 27 00 16 09 12 07 04 18 Silence, Aura, Circlet 
Alec	10 57 37 13 01 13 13 05 08 00 Iron Sword, Speed Ring, Javelin, Steel Sword
Arden   06 93 36 14 00 06 04 04 14 00 Iron Sword, Steel Sword
Midale  07 53 35 12 00 07 12 03 09 00 Iron Bow
Edain   04 40 29 00 13 08 09 12 02 10 Relive, Warp
Dew 	04 63 30 04 00 07 15 13 04 00 Iron Sword, Slim Sword
Ayra	07 72 34 11 01 18 17 05 07 01 Iron Blade, Slim Sword


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Chapter 2: Encore, Encore! - 32 turns

Only Alec and Ayra clear the arena, the others get stuck at various stages and Sigurd needs it for healing. Dierdre gets Return and Live. Go!

Midale actually gets Elliot, Sigurd survives on 4HP to capture on turn 11! The idiot trio actually block Phillip off from killing my squishy units. Sigurd goes in alone, just scraping 50 kills on his sword. He kills Voltz then Macbeth, breaking his sword on turn 19!

Edain warps him and Alec back, she then spends some quality time with Midale. Dierdre sacrifices herself, silencing Clement, allowing Sigurd to capture on turn 27.

Sigurd runs ahead, Midale is warped back to kill Fury. Capture on turn 32!

Sigurd  25 92 58 23 01 20 19 16 16 04 Silver Sword, Steel Lance, Javelin, Skill/Elite/Barrier Rings
Dierdre 09 51 30 00 20 09 12 07 06 20 Silence, Aura, Circlet, Return, Live 
Alec	16 40 43 15 01 15 16 07 10 00 Iron Sword, Speed Ring, Javelin, Steel Sword
Arden   08 62 37 16 00 06 04 04 15 00 Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Pursuit Ring
Midale  11 22 37 14 00 08 13 03 09 00 Iron Bow, Steel Bow
Edain   07 40 31 00 14 09 10 13 04 10 Relive, Warp
Dew 	05 61 30 05 00 07 16 13 04 00 Iron Sword, Slim Sword
Ayra	10 62 35 12 01 21 19 05 07 01 Iron Blade, Slim Sword, Steel Blade


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Chapter 3: Dew Hood, forest fighter - 17 turns

Alec promotes and borrows the Hero Lance from Fin. Ayra also clears, the others get stuck at various stages. Dew gets himself the Light Sword, Elite and Pursuit Rings!

Sigurd and Alec do their thing, letting him capture on turn 5. The others spend some time together, whilst Arden steals XP. Because I'm stupid, I forgot to get the Return Ring. However, through Dew's brilliant distraction, I get to Shaggy a turn earlier than last time, letting Sigurd capture on turn 11! Dew also eats the strength village. Fin gets his lance back.

Sigurd gets warped to Madino to steal the Leg Ring. He boogies past, taking the castle on turn 17. Madino explodes but Midale and Edain are now wed! The end!

Sigurd  28 18 62 24 02 21 20 16 17 05 Silver Sword, Thunder Sword Power/Skill/Shield/Barrier/Leg Rings
Dierdre Kidnap!
Alec	21 31 48 18 06 20 19 08 15 05 Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Javelin, Iron Lance, Clipper
Arden   12 34 41 19 00 08 05 06 18 00 Iron Sword, Steel Sword
Midale  14 24 39 15 01 10 16 04 11 00 Iron Bow, Steel Bow, Speed Ring
Edain   13 20 36 02 16 09 14 18 05 11 Relive, Warp, Libro, Return
Dew 	18 27 36 13 01 10 19 15 07 01 Iron Sword, Slim Sword, Elite Ring, Pursuit Ring, Light Sword
Ayra	15 82 38 13 01 24 21 05 07 01 Iron Blade, Slim Sword, Steel Blade, Silver Sword, Hero Sword



Chapter 4: Repeat! - 24 turns

Ayra and Dew promote! Arden and Midale sit around level 15. Dew gets the Magic, Leg and Elite rings. Dew takes out the priest and pegasuses(?). However, I'm slightly slower than last time with a turn 12 capture.

Sigurd and Dew share the Return Ring to get home, Silesia falls and Sigurd rushes by. Midale and Alec get the kids. I notice I've forgotten to put Alec through the arena but it doesn't really matter. Capture on turn 24!

Sigurd  30 -- 64 25 02 22 20 17 17 06 Silver Sword, Thunder Sword Power/Skill/Shield/Barrier/Leg Rings
Dierdre Kidnap!
Alec	23 53 49 19 07 21 19 09 15 05 Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Javelin, Iron Lance, Steel Lance
Arden   15 32 44 20 00 08 05 06 20 01 Steel Sword, Clipper
Midale  20 62 43 17 01 12 20 04 12 00 Iron Bow, Steel Bow, Speed Ring, Hero Bow
Edain   17 20 39 04 16 10 15 20 06 11 Relive, Warp, Libro, Return
Dew 	29 41 40 22 07 20 27 20 14 06 Slim Sword, Light Sword, Knight Ring, Magic Ring, Hero Sword, Elite Ring, Return Ring
Ayra	21 60 41 20 01 30 28 05 11 04 Iron Blade, Slim Sword, Steel Blade, Silver Sword, Silver Blade


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Chapter 5: Sigurd's ever-repeating error - 18 turns

Midale promotes! Arden doesn't! Sigurd is short on cash so Dew gives him some. Sigurd goes ahead, murders his father with words and captures on turn 5!

He then steals Phinora on turn 9! Everybody loves each other, yay! Sigurd gets to Leptor's army but takes an unholy number of hits. Thankfully, Prayer lets him dodge Thorhammer, Leptor taking a hit on enemy phase. That means on turn 18, Sigurd kills him then captures!


Same as last time, yeah!

Sigurd, Captain Prayer - 144 kills


That Prayer at the end was magical. He didn't turn out too badly, Dew was his best friend.

Midale, Better than last time - 28 kills


Ending up with Jamka-esque skill, he did a lot better this time around. Hopefully Lester will feel it too!

Edain, Too cool for promotion - 0 kills


More random healing and warping. Pairing her with Claude would have been nice but it's far too inefficient and it kills Lester

Ayra, Virtually Defenseless - 15 kills


That defense can't be healthy. She did bits and bobs but Dew was far better at tanking.

Dew, Army Killer - 52 kills


I really do love Dew, he's great. He beat the Cross Knights, Pirates, Wind Mages and the Pegasus squad. He also got plenty of kills on the Hero Sword. Celice will always remember Uncle Dew!

Alec, Not blessed really - 34 kills


Great in the early game but lost his sparkle around chapter 2. Still, he helped get Ayra quickly so I can't complain.

Arden, Man of Copper - 10 kills


Sadly, he didn't promote. He fairs much better in a 1st gen draft, where he actually has some claim to resources. He did a reasonable job though!


Chapter 6: Celice strikes again! - 19 turns

My kids appear and the twins are looking good! Celice goes ahead to get tonnes of kills. Lester and co. appear. He has 3 luck, yay. Celice captures on turn 7!

Amid and Femina appear. Amid goes off to hide, THIS TIME! Femina flies about trying to get XP. Isaac is taken on turn 14. There were a few funny turns of not doing anything.

Julia is warped down for her tome, Celice has taken the Thunder Sword out of storage and kills all the axe knights with it. Meanwhile, the others murder and pillage the best they can. Horace was right, the leg ring does save a few turns! Capture on turn 19!

Celice  21 58 58 20 06 20 15 14 18 07 Silver Sword, Slim Sword, Skill/Leg/Elite/Knight Rings, Thunder Sword
Julia   01 40 24 00 11 08 11 05 03 14 Relive, Rezire
Oifaye  15 10 40 16 09 17 16 08 17 08 Cutter, Javelin
Skasaha 04 84 30 12 01 17 16 14 08 00 Hero Sword, Iron Blade, Slim Sword, Magic/Pursuit/Return Rings, Light Sword
Lakche  03 65 29 11 00 16 14 13 06 00 Silver Blade, Silver Sword, Iron Blade, Barrier Ring, Steel Sword, Prayer Sword, Clipper
Lester  02 04 29 09 01 08 11 03 09 00 Silver Bow, Hero Bow, Steel Bow, Iron Bow, Skill/Speed Rings
Lana	04 00 31 03 09 10 09 14 03 08 Restore, Recover, Return, Libro, Warp, Relive, Live
Tristan 03 70 30 11 00 10 10 05 10 00 Iron Sword
Femina  03 47 29 11 01 09 17 04 08 09 Slim Lance, Berserk Sword



Chapter 7: Do-over - 22 turns

Last chapter went pretty well! Celice promotes and hands the Elite ring to Lakche, whilst swapping the Silver Sword and Knight Ring for Skasaha's 50 kill Hero Sword. Yied is taken on turn 10, yay!

The gang take on the army whilst Celice makes his way down. Skasaha gets Liza, Daisy also clears the arena! Brock is defeated on turn 17!

Using Fin as bait, all the mages ignore Celice, letting him get to Blume unhindered. Lakche talks to Shannan whilst her team kill Jabarro. Capture on turn 22!

Celice  23 12 61 25 06 22 18 15 21 10 Hero Sword, Thunder Sword, Power/Skill/Shield/Leg Rings, Tron
Julia   06 50 26 01 16 08 12 05 03 17 Relive, Rezire
Oifaye  15 10 40 16 09 17 16 08 17 08 Cutter, Javelin, Slim Lance, Silver Sword
Skasaha 11 86 37 15 02 23 19 17 12 01 Silver Sword, Light Sword, Magic Ring, Iron Sword, Slim Sword, Knight Ring
Lakche  15 07 40 17 01 25 18 18 11 00 Silver Blade, Prayer Sword, Clipper, Slim Sword, Elite Ring, Barrier Ring
Lester  07 48 34 11 01 10 15 06 10 00 Silver Bow, Hero Bow, Steel Bow, Iron Bow, Skill/Speed Rings
Lana	08 05 35 03 10 11 12 17 03 08 Restore, Recover, Return, Libro, Warp, Relive, Live
Tristan 07 26 35 14 00 12 12 05 12 00 Iron Sword, Steel Sword
Femina  07 04 30 13 01 09 19 04 08 09 Slim Lance, Berserk Sword, Fire Sword, Thief Sword, Shield Ring
Daisy   04 24 24 03 01 04 15 06 02 04 Sleep Sword, Iron Sword


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Celice promotes and hands the Elite ring to Radney,

How'd you pull THAT one off?! :O

Also, I wonder who gave you the idea for the Thunder Sword.

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I drafted Radney though. Which is what integrity might have been getting at.

Chapter 8: 20 turns

Celice promotes and I learn to rush. Aless happily crits his way through Ishtar and Blume. Hoping to promote quite some people with the elite ring next chapter.

Celice		27	62	25	10	22	17	30	22	11
Julia		14	35	3	23	11	16	7	4	23
Oifaye		23	48	20	9	22	18	11	18	8
Roddlevan  	8	36	11	0	16	16	5	11	0
Radney		7	32	12	1	15	17	8	11	1
Delmud		17	50	22	0	13	13	12	18	0
Nanna		16	40	18	5	11	10	24	13	4
Arthur		16	50	6	15	20	21	15	5	7
Tinny		7	34	1	10	14	13	10	2	7
Johan		18	47	18	0	11	15	6	16	1
Dimna		7	35	17	0	11	12	6	11	0
Aless		18	54	22	4	13	14	14	19	7

Chapter 9: Killing off a lot of recruitables is always more efficient - 19 turns

Dimna gets the Killer bow and does well in the arena. Elite ring is passed around left and right, most notably Arthur uses it to reach promotion. Aless and Delmud also promote into awesomeness. After arena'ing the elite ring stays on Tinny. Oifaye takes the hero lance, Celice takes a power and barrier ring. I need/want to promote Nanna this chapter to have access to B staves in the following one.

To first castle: Excersize in steamrolling, made difficult by a wild Altenna and Trabant. Leave Aless and Arthur behind to deal with him, everyone moves ahead. I don't even bother to deploy Roddlevan and Radney anymore(they just suck). Oifaye dies.

To second castle: Aless and Arthur attempt to catch up. Tinny and Julia are caught by Trabant's team and now face extinction. Celice rushes along to the second town and captures it, then he takes the enemy reinforcements like a boss.

To third castle: I send Johan back to promote and guard the home castle, Julia and Tinny stay at the first one, and Aless stays on the second one. Celice runs down to the third one. Arthur attempts to catch up even more.

To fourth castle: Everybody does their thing. Tinny gains 5 or so levels doing it.

Celice		30	68	25	10	22	17	30	22	12
Julia		17	38	3	23	11	18	7	4	24
Oifaye		DEAD								
Roddlevan		DO NOT CARE								
Radney		DO NOT CARE								
Delmud		23	56	23	0	26	21	14	21	3
Nanna		20	43	18	5	12	11	25	14	4
Arthur		23	59	14	19	22	22	17	10	12
Tinny		16	43	1	12	21	20	17	3	9
Johan		22	52	25	0	12	19	6	24	5
Dimna		12	40	18	0	11	12	7	14	0
Aless		23	61	24	9	16	18	16	24	15

Chapter 10: Yurius why are you such a douche - 27 turns

Tinny promotes, gets Tron and all the good B ranked staffs. Nanna also promotes but since she's still stuck at staves C I am disappoint. I also finally remember to transfer the Silver Blade to Delmud. Delmud also gets a Power ring. Arthur gets a Speed ring for lulz. In an attempt to salvage at least one of them, Radney will get all the civilians(if she survives).

To first castle: Kay so Julia disappeared. Lucky for me Tinny promoted to do any healing and restoring needed. Dimna, Roddlevan and Radney are used as bait; Dimna doesn't survive.

Second castle: A bit out of the way. Arthur is posted in front of the Cavalry army and they suicide into him. Celice runs up to the castle and immediately back.

Third castle: This and the final part of this chapter are the ones I hate. I run around killing the sleep staves for some turns, then lure Ishtar and Julius away with Arthur and Celice runs up and takes the castle, after which those two fuckers leave.

To final castle: Celice makes a sprint to the Tyrfing guy, everyone else massacres the armies. Celice then returns and kills Alvis.

Celice	30	68	25	10	22	17	30	22	12
Julia	KIDNAPPED LOL								
Nanna	29	52	24	9	18	18	30	22	6
Delmud	28	62	23	2	27	24	18	23	3
Arthur	30	66	14	21	22	22	20	11	12
Tinny	28	55	5	20	24	27	25	8	15
Aless	30	70	24	11	16	18	20	24	17
Johan	25	55	27	0	12	21	6	25	6
Roddlevan	9	36	11	1	17	16	5	11	0
Radney	16	41	15	2	16	20	12	13	2
Oifaye	DIED LOL								

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Final chapter - if Alvis had hugged Yurius more often, would he have become less of a douche?

Arthur does arena to get money for Holsety, and also sells his speed ring. Which Celice then buys, and then he sells his Hero sword. Which Nanna then takes. Who also grabs a Return ring. (hey I gotta defend myself from Arion right?)

To first castle: Arthur and Tinny enjoy getting silenced. (to be continued)

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I did actually mean Lakche. The rest of my log says her name and how else would I be using Skasaha? Curse Integrity and his keen eye for typo's! The thunder sword means that Celice can actually counter the axe knights at 2 range.

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Chapter 8: More! - 13 turns

Both swordtwins are painfully close to promotion. Celice is warped to Lenster and dances past everyone for a turn 7 capture! Meanwhile, Oifay, Lester and Tristan defeat the mage sisters. Celice says hello to Hawk and goes on to capture on turn 13. The others are warped to eat the children.

Celice  26 29 64 25 06 22 19 16 22 11 Hero Sword, Thunder Sword, Power/Skill/Shield/Leg Rings
Julia   16 47 36 02 23 10 14 11 05 24 Relive, Rezire
Oifaye  18 36 43 19 09 17 16 09 17 08 Cutter, Javelin, Slim Lance, Silver Sword
Skasaha 22 70 47 21 02 25 24 22 19 04 Silver Sword, Light Sword, Magic Ring, Iron Sword, Slim Sword, Knight Ring, Elite Ring
Lakche  18 75 43 18 01 25 19 18 12 00 Silver Blade, Prayer Sword, Clipper, Slim Sword, Barrier Ring, Cutter
Lester  12 18 39 13 01 11 18 07 13 00 Silver Bow, Hero Bow, Steel Bow, Iron Bow, Skill/Speed Rings
Lana	I forgot
Tristan 14 74 45 16 00 12 14 05 14 00 Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Hero Sword
Hawk	17 01 40 04 23 18 25 04 09 17 Lightning, Recover
Femina  11 16 32 14 02 09 21 06 08 10 Slim Lance, Berserk Sword, Fire Sword, Thief Sword, Shield Ring, Hero Lance
Daisy   07 08 26 03 01 04 16 06 02 05 Sleep Sword, Iron Sword



Chapter 9: Yum! - 15 turns

The swordtwins promote and Lester ends up with the Elite Ring. Tristan also gets the Pursuit Ring, turning him into a little Oifay. Hannibal-land is stolen on turn 2. The next place is taken on turn 6. And then turn 11. Skasaha felt like killing Trabant and Altenna. Celice gets into a little trouble with Areone, but it plays to my favour, letting me promote Julia. Capture on turn 15!

Celice  30 -- 70 25 06 22 20 18 22 11 Hero Sword, Thunder Sword, Power/Skill/Shield/Leg Rings, Earth Sword
Julia   Promoted but kidnapped!
Oifaye  20 45 45 19 09 19 16 11 18 08 Cutter, Javelin, Slim Lance, Silver Sword
Skasaha 27 48 51 27 06 27 27 25 22 07 Silver Sword, Light Sword, Magic Ring, Iron Sword, Slim Sword, Knight Ring, Skill Ring
Lakche  22 91 47 26 01 30 25 22 17 04 Silver Blade, Prayer Sword, Clipper, Slim Sword, Barrier Ring, Cutter, Speed Ring
Lester  19 86 47 16 03 12 21 11 15 00 Silver Bow, Hero Bow, Steel Bow, Iron Bow, Speed/Elite Rings, Killer Bow
Lana	I forgot again
Tristan 17 86 48 18 00 12 14 05 15 00 Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Hero Sword, Pursuit Ring
Hawk	19 21 41 04 27 18 26 04 09 21 Lightning, Recover, Elwind, Barrier Ring
Femina  13 70 34 15 03 09 21 07 11 10 Slim Lance, Berserk Sword, Fire Sword, Thief Sword, Shield Ring, Hero Lance
Daisy   07 92 26 03 01 04 16 06 02 05 Sleep Sword, Iron Sword



Chapter 10: Death to Amid... um... Alvis! - 24 turns

Tristan promotes, Daisy fails and Rana staff spams so she can rescue. Celice goes alone as he's the only one with enough res, apart from Hawk. Celice captures on turn 4! He then buys the Speed Ring and takes the next one on turn 8. The others hang around so they don't get put to sleep, and so

Hawk can warp them later. Celice takes the next castle on turn 14, with 6HP remaining.Skasaha and Tristan are warped first, that lets Celice sneak by and grab his sword. Meanwhile, Daisy and Femina take the children. Hawk warps people back, and Celice gets Alvis on turn 24!

Celice  30 -- 70 25 06 22 20 18 22 11 Hero Sword, Power/Skill/Speed/Shield/Leg Rings, Tyrfing
Julia   Promoted but kidnapped!
Oifaye  22 71 46 20 09 19 17 12 19 08 Cutter, Javelin, Slim Lance, Silver Sword, Return Ring
Skasaha 30 -- 54 27 06 27 27 26 22 09 Silver Sword, Light Sword, Magic Ring, Iron Sword, Slim Sword, Knight Ring, Skill Ring
Lakche  27 59 52 27 01 30 27 25 19 04 Silver Blade, Prayer Sword, Clipper, Cutter, Wind Sword
Lester  25 44 54 22 05 15 23 14 19 05 Silver Bow, Hero Bow, Steel Bow, Iron Bow, Killer Bow
Lana	29 70 56 11 21 18 23 30 13 10 Restore, Recover, Return, Libro, Rescue
Tristan 22 90 56 20 00 21 23 06 19 03 Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Hero Sword, Pursuit Ring, Thunder Sword
Hawk	27 03 48 04 28 20 30 05 10 21 Lightning, Recover, Elwind, Barrier Ring, Bargain Ring, Warp, Libro
Femina  26 06 41 19 04 13 26 11 15 10 Slim Lance,Fire Sword, Thief Sword, Shield Ring, Hero Lance, Elite Ring, Speed Ring
Daisy   14 88 30 04 01 06 20 11 04 07 Sleep Sword, Iron Sword



Epilogue: Hawkman - 25 turns

Everyone does well in the arena, except Daisy, who stays at home with Oifaye. Edda holepunched on turn 4! Brian falls to Skasaha, Celice buys the Return Ring and captures Dozel on turn 8! Rescue! Lana makes things a little quicker by rescuing Celice. Freege is then taken on turn 13! A lot of them ignored Celice in favour of Lester.

Celice gets past the army, killing Ishtar and 2 of the pegasus sisters. The third tries to kill Femina but Hawk puts her to sleep. Velthomer captured on turn 20! Celice sells the Leg Ring and Julia buys it. They dash down, teaming up to kill Julius on turn 25!


243 turns!

Celice, Speed Bandit - 139 kills


That speed ring meant that he could double some stuff he couldn't before! Like 2 of the peg sisters. Loves the Thunder Sword, it helped him ace chapter 6.

Julia, Barely promoted! - 37 kills


Again, her low move hurts but she got a few nice kills here and there.

Skasaha, Dew 2.0 - 60 kills


That's some crazy luck! Once he swapped swords with Celice, he killed everything in his path. He rarely needed healing and could borrow the Elite Ring when it suited him.

Lakche, forgot to cap speed - 25 kills


Didn't cap speed but look at that luck! She would have been the same as her brother if I had given her a 50 kill+ weapon. He was just a little more durable.

Lester, Little Midale - 28 kills


Thankfully, he wasn't as doomed as he was last time. He provided support to the Swordies. Also started with 3 luck.

Lana, Peace out! - 0 kills


She came in handy rescuing and warping. Oddly low res which meant she had to steer clear of any staves.

Tristan, Better than Oifaye - 14 kills


His stats weren't too spectacular but once he got the Pursuit Ring, he overtook Oifaye. His health isn't bad for a sub too!

Hawk, Manly Hawk! - 12 kills


Afraid of nothing. He took over warping in chapter 10. Putting a peg sister to sleep helped out a lot too. Long live Hawk!

Femina, Is it a bird? Yes - 9 kills


Helped out flying around. It meant anything out of reach could be killed! Also distracted Musar, silly man!

Oifaye, getting old - 5 kills


He did less and less, the last chapter saw him sitting with Daisy.

Daisy, free money - 0 kills


She supplied the others with a little money. However, her stats are similar to base level Dew's, so she saw no combat at all.

Edited by Dokutayuu
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Final chapter - if Alvis had hugged Yurius more often, would he have become less of a douche?



@Shin: I meant is it a coincidence that Celice has your Thunder Sword only one draft after I put it to such use? ;D

But good going! The record is yours until Horace busts it open momentarily.

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@Shin: I meant is it a coincidence that Celice has your Thunder Sword only one draft after I put it to such use? ;D

But good going! The record is yours until Horace busts it open momentarily.

1: quit yammering

2: no offense but Sigurd and Celice both have the thunder sword, though I admittedly didn't bother getting 50 kills on it. I blame Sigurd. Oh and I don't pay attention to any other drafts.

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