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(FE4) Draft Z


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1: quit yammering

2: no offense but Sigurd and Celice both have the thunder sword, though I admittedly didn't bother getting 50 kills on it. I blame Sigurd. Oh and I don't pay attention to any other drafts.

1: No.

2: @Shin. @Shin.

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I've had this done for a while, just kept forgetting to post it.

Chapter 3

To Madino: 4/4

Everyone clears the arena or gets far enough. Fin goes for the Lance knights to the left while everyone else goes north. Sylvia helps Holyn keep up some, and makes it safer for Fury who isn't durable enough yet. After clearing most of the badguys Holyn goes around killing pirates to save the villages particulary the restore one.

To Silvail: 10/14

Fin counter/retreats on 2 enemey phases worth of Cross Knights. On the third turn Sigurd does the countering leaving enough for me to kill on my turn and talk to Eltashan. Waited a bit before capturing to get the Life Ring for Fury.

To Orgahil: 10/24

Holyn killed all of the pirates, and got the Leg ring. Sigurd had to run all the way there with nothing to do.

Total: 103

Unit    Level  HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs   Items  
Sigurd  28.05  63 30  1 22 24 16 20 10   Speed, Elite, Power, Barrier Rings
Lex     24.76  50 22  0 20 15 10 21  3   Skill Ring
Holyn   20.21  48 17  1 23 18  4 11  1   Leg Ring
Sylvia  Dancer                           Knight Ring
Fury    15.52  36 13  1 14 21  9 18  9   Defense, Life Ring
Claude  20.85  34  0 21 14 15  9  5 20

Chapter 4

31 turns

I've noticed that most of the summaries are Sigurd rush so I'll just do a full chapter summary instead of a castle-by-castle one.

Forced as many kills into Fury as I could and she got to 20 before I captured the first castle. She and Lex went back for her promotion while Sigurd and Holyn captured the castle. Sigurd made it back the turn I could advance to the next castle. I skipped Silesia because I don't need Holsety. The swordmaster army was kinda tough, but Sigurd bypassed them and siezed before they could do much damage.

Total: 134

Unit    Level  HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs   Items  
Sigurd  30.00  65 30  1 22 24 16 21 10   Speed, Elite, Power, Barrier, Leg Rings 
Lex     27.86  52 23  5 20 16 11 22  3   Magic, Skill Rings
Holyn   24.73  53 25  4 27 22  4 13  4
Sylvia  Dancer                           Knight Ring
Fury    22.78  39 17  8 20 28  9 21 15   Defense, Life Rings
Claude  28.89  38  2 22 15 19 12  9 23

Chapter 5

21 turns

Sigurd rush. Claude got all the nearby villages and bought the Pursuit ring so Corpl could either fight better or sell it for money. Tyrfing was repaired to around 45 uses and that was enough to get the level done. Pairings were done before I could seize which was nice.

Unit    Level  HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs   Items  
Sigurd  30.00  65 30  1 22 24 16 21 10   Speed, Elite, Power, Barrier, Leg Rings 
Lex     30.00  55 25  5 20 17 11 22  3   Magic, Skill Rings
Holyn   25.71  51 25  4 27 22  5 13  4
Sylvia  Dancer                           Knight Ring
Fury    28.14  44 17  8 22 30  9 25 15   Defense, Life Rings
Claude  29.15  39  2 22 15 20 12  9 23   Pursuit Ring

Chapter 6

26 turns

Celice is the new Sigurd. Oifaye helps too, but mostly he goes for the Skill ring village. Fee is amazing. Orkoing with her 50 use Hero lance and if she takes to much damage she goes into ambush mode and crit kills everything before they move. Only problem she has is against bosses and handaxes. Julia got Resire too.

Total: 203

Unit    Level  HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs   Items  
Celice  19.04  58 22  5 15 18 19 18  4   Speed, Elite, Power, Barrier, Leg Rings 
Mana     1.15  Base
Oifaye  16.11  41 17  9 23 17  8 17  8   Skill Ring
Julia    1.40  Base  
Fee     13.60  41 14  2 14 21  8 21 10   Defense, Life Rings

Chapter 7

23 turns

Shannan clears Yeid and Promoted Celices gets there asap. Fin stomps the armors on his side, and Jane gets villages for healbotting. I don't think she'll promote, but she'll get close. Also just realizing that this probably the one game were a dancer is kinda useless. After one dance Celice is so far ahead no one can hope to keep up with him. oh well what are you gonna do.

Forgot to get stas, but Celice was 23ish, Oifaye was 18 Fee was 19, Fin was 23, and Shannan was 15.

Total: 233

Chapter 8

17 turns

Fin takes care of the rushing knights and Celice kills everyone else. Shanan helps with Blume because Celice is low after barely killing Ishtar. Also Asaelo dies because screw getting Daisy over there for a crappy unit. Sety is as durable as ever. It's wierd, but he's still killing everything. I may do this pairing more often. An epic Fee+ a serviceable Sety is not bad at all.

Total: 250

Unit    Level  HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs   Items  
Celice  30.00  73 30  9 22 24 26 22 14   Speed, Power, Barrier, Leg Rings 
Oifaye  21.27  45 17  9 24 20 12 18  8   Skill Ring
Mana     3.80  24  0 11  7 10  8  1 11
Julia   17.43  39  2 23 12 13  9 10 23
Fee     25.46  53 23 10 21 29 11 28 16   Defense, Life Power Rings
Shannan 19.42  47 19  1 28 25 11 13  4   Bargain Ring
Janne    7.55  32  8  7 12 11  4  5  7
Fin     25.67  48  24  0 21 23 19 18  4  Speed Ring 
Leen    Dancer
Sety    24.50  54 12 23 20 27 16 18 14   Magic Ring

Chapter 9

To Lutheca: 5/5

17 turns

I wanted to Recruit Corple for fun, so that cost me a couple of turns. Hannibals group puts up a bit of a fight, but tank Sety takes care of them after Celice busts through a line of them. The rest of the level was gettting money for Corpl, Celice running max movement every turn, and everyone else killing for fun. Logs for FE4 drafts are pretty boring. Sigurd/Celice solo can only be written in so many different ways.

Total: 267

Unit    Level  HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs   Items  
Celice  30.00  73 30  9 22 24 26 22 14   Speed, Power, Barrier, Leg Rings 
Mana     4.40  24  0 11  7 10  8  1 12 
Oifaye  26.32  50 19  9 27 22 13 18  9   Skill Ring
Julia   19.35  41  2 23 12 14 10 10 24   Defense Ring
Fee     30.00  57 26 11 23 30 11 28 16   Power, Defense Tings
Shannan 23.88  53 20  1 35 27 13 14  5   Bargian, Skill Ring
Janne    8.65  33  8  7 13 11  4  5  7  
Fin     27.49  49 24  0 22 23 19 18  4   Speed Ring
Leen     6.34  28  3  3  2 10 10  2  9   Knight Ring
Sety    30.00  61 15 24 21 30 19 18 15   Magic Ring
Corple   7.45  30  2 12 11 11 17  3 13   Pursuit Ring

Chapter 10


Shannan decided to help Celice out this chapter. He stood by the gate after the first castle and killed everything once it opened. Oh Fee, Sety, and Oifaye helped too. Shannan got the Ishtar kill. I make Fee take a bunch of damage so she can lure Palmank a little closer to Celice. It actually might've saved a turn. Also Corpl promotes. Thanks for letting him warp you around Mana.

Total: 289

Unit    Level  HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs   Items  
Celice  30.00  73 30  9 22 24 26 22 14   Speed, Power, Barrier, Leg Rings 
Mana     4.40  24  0 11  7 10  8  1 12 
Oifaye  30.00  56 21  9 28 24 15 21  9   Skill Ring
Fee     30.00  57 26 11 23 30 11 28 16   Power, Defense Tings
Shannan 30.00  63 23  1 35 28 16 19  5   Bargain, Skill Rings
Janne   14.06  34  9  9 17 12  4  7  9
Fin     30.00  50 24  0 22 25 20 20  4   Speed Ring  
Leen     8.24  30  4  4  2 11 10  2 11   Knight Ring
Sety    30.00  61 15 24 21 30 19 18 15   Magic Ring
Corple  20.55  41  3 21 15 19 24  6 21   Pursuit Ring 



Corpl helps out a bit with some rescue staffing, but otherwise mostly a Celice solo, with Sety taking out the Baron army. Fee and Sety helped on Ishtar's army and made the Dark Warlords a piece of cake. Celice took his time on Juluis because screw the walk to Velthomer and back.

Total: 316

Unit    Level  HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs   Items  
Celice  30.00  73 30  9 22 24 26 22 14   Speed, Power, Barrier, Leg Rings 
Oifaye  30.00  56 21  9 28 24 15 21  9   Skill Ring
Julia   Dead
Fee     30.00  57 26 11 23 30 11 28 16   Power, Defense Tings
Shannan 30.00  63 23  1 35 28 16 19  5   Skill, Bargain Rings
Janne   16.20  35 10 10 17 12  5  7  9  
Fin     30.00  50 24  0 22 25 20 20  4   Speed Ring
Leen    10.84  32  5  5  2 11 11  2 13
Sety    30.00  61 15 24 21 30 19 18 15   Magic Ring
Corple  30.00  50  6 27 21 23 30 11 23   Pursuit, Elite Rings

Edited by oval
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