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(FE4) Draft ZI

General Horace

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This has to be like, a new record or something. AND NO PENALTIES. :D

Oh, and obligatory "Midayle sucks"



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Why're you bolding Daisy? She's terribad. She's not that great at providing funds because she gets ORKO'd by everything.

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Chapter 3 - 17/79 Turns

To Madino - 4/66 Turns

Sigurd and Cuan ran ahead, with Sigurd killing all the knights and Cuan getting a mage out of his way on turn 4 with the Hero Lance so Sigurd could crit blick Jacoban on turn 4. Alec killed some Axe Armours with the Armourcutter, and Azel killed some knights in the bottom corner. Levin prepared for the Cross Knights.

Sigurd   28.59     59   25   0   22    20   18   16   3   Silver Sword, Javelin, Speed Ring, Shield Ring, Barrier Ring, Return
Alec     14.36     38   13   0   13    12    7   11   3   Steel Sword, Iron Lance, Cutter   
Azel     10.30     35    1  12    8    12    6    4   8   Fire, Thunder, Elite
Cuan     19.50     49   27   0   15    17    8   15   3   Hero Lance, Javelin, 
Aideen   18.40     38    3  18   10    14   17    2  11   Relive, Return, Warp
Deirdre  Manfloy'd
Levin    11.09     39    1  13   14    21   10    6   9   Elwind, Bargin, Skill Ring

To Sivail - 6/72 Turns

Sigurd double critted Eltshan, Levin killed all the cross knights. (Well, most of them)

To Orgahil - 7/79 Turns

Alec Hero Sworded all the Orgahil pirates minus the boss (who had 4 HP left) and the hand axe dude. (btw, Alec got the strength village) on the enemy phase. Sigurd returned home, and Alec killed the boss next Sigurd phase. He canto'd back towards Madino, leaving Azel to deal with the hand axe guys.

Alec sold his leg ring next turn, and Sigurd bought it, left Agusty, and was warped by Aideen. He then ran and killed the boss. Cuan got the restore staff, Levin got the defence boost village. Alec might promote next chapter! And he isn't terrible anymore!

According to my Calculations, it will take Levin and Tiltyu another 72 turns to fall in love :facepalm: unless love growths are the +3 (in this case) from being on the same map, added on to the +5 for adjacents. I can't even use Jealousy because Tiltyu is on the bottom of Levin's priority.

LevinxTiltyu sux

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Chapter 4 - 31/110 Turns

I don't care if this one sucked, I needed to get Holsety and build love points between Levin and Tiltyu. I don't remember the castle specific seizes, but it dun really matter, because it was a bad clear anyway. On the plus side, everyone except Tiltyu is close to promotion.

Stats in a sec.

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Chapter 5 - 21/131 Turns

Ok, so I don't know how to calculate love growths properly. Levin and Tiltyu fell in love 1 turn after Sigurd could have seized. Unit stats in a sec.

Sigurd, Soloist - 182 Kills.


With Alec's horribad start, he was often kept back, so it was all Siggy for most of the game. Actually, when the others got competant, it was still kinda all Sigurd.

Alec, The slow starter - 52 Kills


He got horribly screwed by the RNG early on, then once he got the strength village in chapter 3, he was ok. Once he promoted, he was very good with the Hero Lance. Unpaired.

Levin, Slowed down by Tiltyu - 32 Kills


I don't think he ever used Holsety, and didn't do anything worth noting other than killing half the Cross Knights. I guess that's an accomplishment. Still, passing some nice stuff down to Arthur.

Azel, Lester's Bane - 32 Kills


Yep, Azel did as much as Levin. He's not half bad upon promotion.

Tiltyu, the-worst-unit-in-gen-1-that-argueably-has-the-best-kid - 16 Kills


I didn't think she had that many kills, but w/e. She just barely managed to promote. Holsety!Arthur better be good.

Aideen, Warpalooza - 0 Kills


She has more staves in her storage too, like Return, and... there's more, but I don't remember. Lester and Lana will be poor.

Now, here are some kids base stats:






More rings in the convoy too.

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Chapter 6 - 21 Turns

Gogogo Leg Ring, although the Knight ring would have saved a couple turns. Oh well. Celice got held up at the hand axe dudes, and was trapped, so Lana warped Julia down and she rezired all of the remaining ones. Arthur killed one thing, Dannan, with a Holsety Crit. I love Pursuit-Continue-Critical-Wrath Holsety already.

Stats after arena, (and Celice's promotion)

Celice   20.04     58  22    7   22    16  12   17   11   Silver Sword, Hero Sword, lots of rings
Lana     04.15     31   1   13    9    10  15    2    8   Lots of staves
Lester   03.02     29   8    6    7    10   6    7    1   Steel Bow
Oifaye   17.57     42  17    9   18    16   8   18    8   Light Sword, Cutter, Steel Blade
Julia    03.72     25   0   13    8    11   6    3   15   Rezire, Relive
Arthur   05.78     32   2   10   12    14   7    3    6   Holsety, Elwind, Skill Ring, Magic Ring
Johalva  13.55     43  17    0    8    16   5   14    1   Hero Axe
Shanan   12.00     38  18    0   22    23  10   13    4   Balmung, Steel Blade
Daisy    01.00     24   3    1    4    13   6    2    3   Sleep Sword

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Wow, your Lester sucks. Should've drafted Jamka

I'm thinking my Dimna might even be be better than that, especially with the Isaac village.

Edited by Darros
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Chapter 1~

Evans to Genoa! 9/9/24/24 Turns!

Sigurd books it to Genoa, Noish stays behind, Fin runs around trying to not get killed. I didn't even kill Kinbois. He just vanished~

Genoa to Marpha! 13(+3 Aideen)/25/38/38 Turns!

Sigurd recruits Ayra! Yay! Also, the Staff events are done so I can give them to Claude or Lachesis later. Dew and Ethlin then go back to Evans and be useless while Aideen tries to avoid being attacked so she can chat Jamka up later. Noish takes on Gandolf's troops. BUT because Fin sucks I need to use Aideen to heal him. I'll live with that.

Also, Sigurd's Silver Sword broke, wasting a good six turns because he needed to fight with an Iron Lance. -_________-

Yeah I made sure it was repaired before trekking to Marpha.

Marpha to Verdane! 13(+3 Aideen)/41/54/54 Turns!

Hey Jamka, thanks for whittling Sigurd to almost death forcing me to take another Aideen penalty so he doesn't die later. Fuck you. Nonetheless he's recruited. Let's see how well he fares. Gotta live for that Pursuit/Continue/Charge combo.

Also, hello Staffbot. Now, go silence Sandima and take cheap kills so you don't die later. Even though you die anyway after fucking your brother.

Anyway, Sigurd one rounds Sandima and seized on Turn 37. Awesome.




Chapter 2~

Evans to Nodion! 4/4/58/58 Turns!

Sigurd clears the arena! Jamka clears the arena! Fin, Holyn, and Diadora all stop at the Swordfighter! Noish stops at the Lance Knight! Diadora buys a Live Staff! Holyn buys a Steel Blade!

Ethlin gets the Light Brand and then retreats to sell it, Holyn will need that later.

And... Turn 4 chatting between Sigurd and Lachesis!

Nodion to Heirhein! 9/13/67/67 Turns!

Sigurd kills Elliot on Turn 6, giving Lachesis a chance to spread her wings and kill stuff! Starting with the Arena which she clears two levels in. She also picks up the Return staff which will prove useful when it's time to recruit Fury.

Phillip falls on Turn 9 to a team of Jamka, Sigurd, and Fin. On Turn 13 Sigurd and Jamka kill Boldo! Yay!

Heirhein to Anphony! 10/23/77/77 Turns!

I wanted the Elite Ring so I had to waste a couple of turns to make sure Voltz could get killed easily. In the process I obliterated half of his knights, which is never a bad thing. Holyn managed to snag it in the end. Sigurd killed the boss again, shocker, and seized on Turn 23. The rest of Voltz's crew died to the Turn 22 Enemy Phase.

Anphony to Mackily! (+7 Levin)

Sigurd, Fin, and Noish charge off while Holyn follows close behind. Diadora and Lachesis play doctor, and Jamka sticks to Lachesis. That's right, people. JamkaxLachesis. What. Up.

Anyway, Lachesis uses Return to get Levin to Evans so he can intercept Fury and recruit her. Sylvia just chills. Damn you, Horace, for picking Levin and forcing these seven turns on me! D:

Anyway I'm going to be stopping for now, but I'm more than halfway through Chapter 2! Yay!

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Wow, your Lester sucks. Should've drafted Jamka

I'm thinking my Dimna might even be be better than that, especially with the Isaac village.

It's ok, all he's going to do is run and get villages!

Chapter 7 - 23/44 Turns


Oifaye grabbed Celice's 50 kill Hero Sword, he'll do well with it, and quite frankly, nobody else I have will do anything with it anyhow. Shanan killed everything around Yied with Balmung, and just kinda sat around I forgot I had him drafted and didn't clear the arena with him. Celice ran from Castle to castle, the mage sisters were idiots and suicided on Celice at 1 range, and Celice crit blicked Blume for the 23 turn seize.

Arthur did all the worth at Melgan with Holsety. He killed more or less everything.

Celice   23.36     63  24    7   22    17  15   17   12   Silver Sword, lots of rings
Lana     07.70     34   1   14   11    12  12    4    8   Lots of staves
Lester   04.88     29   8    7    7    10   6    7    1   Steel Bow
Oifaye   18.65     43  17    9   18    17   8   18    8   Light Sword, Cutter, Hero Sword
Julia    08.42     28   0   18   11    13   7    4   19   Rezire, Relive
Arthur   15.96     44   3   14   19    21  12    6    8   Holsety, Wind, Skill Ring, Magic Ring
Johalva  16.35     46  19    0   10    17   5   15    2   Hero Axe
Shanan   16.68     42  21    0   26    24  10   16    4   Balmung, Steel Blade
Daisy    01.38     24   3    1    4    13   6    2    3   Sleep Sword

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Anphony to Mackily! (+7 Levin)

That's only a 3 turn Levin penalty since he doesn't have his Holy Weapon at that point, I think.

I just saved you 4 turns. 8D

Edited by Luka M
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Chapter 8 11/55 Turns

To Blume again - 5 Turns

I thought Ishtar was in this chapter? Anyway, Lana warped Celice to Lenster in the base, and the others took on Muhammed and Co.


NPC Ishtar?

To Meios? - 6 Turns

Celice Ran, enemies killed themselves on Hawk. Tinny and Brohalva at the children, Brohalva will be able to dual wield Hero Weapons with no opposition (other than Lester)

Celice   26.40     68  24    7   22    18  16   18   13   Silver Sword, lots of rings
Lana     10.25     38   1   16   11    14  19    5    8   Lots of staves
Lester   08.00     34   9    8    8    13   6    9    2   Killer Bow
Oifaye   21.59     46  19    9   19    19   9   19    8   Light Sword, Cutter, Hero Sword, Power + Skill Ring
Julia    10.36     30   0   20   11    14   7    4   21   Rezire, Relive
Arthur   26.40     60   9   20   22    22  18   15   13   Holsety, Wind, Skill Ring
Johalva  20.81     50  22    0   15    21   5   19    5   Hero Axe, Hero Bow
Shanan   19.90     46  22    0   27    24  11   17    4   Balmung, Steel Blade
Daisy    01.38     24   3    1    4    13   6    2    3   Sleep Sword
Tinny    13.60     40   3   12   17    19  16    3    9   Elthunder, Elwind

Johalva is actually kind of good.

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Alright, this shit is weird.

The game crashes when you finish your turn, because of Ishtar has no army (because it's gone) so the game craps out.

However, for whatever reason, you are able to attack Ishtar, and if you kill her, NPC Julius shows up and takes here away. Then the game resumes normally, I take it.

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Chapter 8 post

To Blume again - 5 Turns

I thought Ishtar was in this chapter? Anyway, Lana warped Celice to Lenster in the base, and the others took on Muhammed and Co.


NPC Ishtar?

... That's interesting.

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Chapter 9 - 14/69 Turns

Standard Celice rush. Shanan killed Altenna and Trabant. Didn't kill Areone, Celice had like 30% displayed hit on him. Will have to give him a skill ring soon. Didn't recruit Sharlow, wasn't worth it.

Done Chapter 10, but too lazy to post details. I'll do it tomorrow. Celice, Oifaye, Brohalva, Tinny, and Arthur are all level 30. I don't know how Brohalva made it, but he did, and his stats are sexy. Lester is dangerously close to cap ramming magic. :awesome:

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Continuing Chapter 2~

Anphony to Mackily, Part 2~ 13(+3 Levin)/39/93/93 Turns!

Thanks to Luka for informing me that Levin is only a three turn penalty, because he's not using Cheatsety.

So yeah, Sigurd goes insane, Critblicks Clement, and everyone else kills more stuff. Holyn, with the Elite Ring, shazams to promotion level, and is Returned by Lachesis to promote! Yay!

Also, Levin recruits Fury. The mothers have arrived~

Mackily to Augusty! 15/54/108/108 Turns!

Fury clears the arena! Yeah! Then she flies up to join the main party, hopefully she can garner a few love points with Noish.

Sigurd failed to critblick Shagall so I was forced to seize on Turn 51 instead of Turn 50. Oh well. Got some extra EXP for everyone.

Also, Zyne's troops proved a lot more troublesome this time than they did on my last playthrough.






Sigurd: He's Sigurd. The SSS doesn't have 100 kills by this point, unlike last run, but I think that's a good thing. It's giving more rounded EXP to everyone else. I'm still going to be seeing a +100 kill SSS by the end of Gen 1 anyway.

Diadora: Having Ethlin's Live Staff is a big boon for her because it makes her a lot more useful. Having two solid healers is a great aspect. Too bad she's being lolkidnapped.

Noish: Slim Sword and Speed Ring are still proving wonders for Noish. Pairing him with Fury to give Fee and Sety a welcome boost. Pursuit/Critical/Continue? Yes please!

Fin: He fell behind early on because of a massive amount of Axes, but now he's picking up and really becoming a team player. I hope he can promote before he leaves, so he has a solid Gen 2 start.

Jamka: Jamka's the fuckin' man, and he's probably one of my best units, but then again when is he not? Going to be pairing him with Lachesis, after a suggestion from Doku. Although Delmud doesn't get any good items unless I give Jamka the rings, Jamka's superior stats and skills are perfection for Delmud and Nanna.

Lachesis: She's currently staffbotting but doing very well with it. She was influental in getting Levin to Evans Castle to recruit Fury, and also getting Holyn to Evans to promote with Return.

Holyn: Holyn is Holyn, I'm sad I won't be pairing him but he really has nothing to offer for the kids besides a nice stat boost in HP and Skill. His skills don't get inherited because he has Pursuit from his class (and Sety and Fee already get it from Fury), and none of the kids will be using Moonlight Sword. So Holyn's pretty useless as a parent this round, but he is still a very talented combatant. I'm glad to be having him on board again.

Fury: She cleared the arena. She cleared the fucking arena. Fury is already impressive, and I can't wait to see what else she can pull. I may slap the Elite Ring on her to merely catch her up with everyone else but she is doing well on her own.

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Fury: She cleared the arena. She cleared the fucking arena. Fury is already impressive, and I can't wait to see what else she can pull. I may slap the Elite Ring on her to merely catch her up with everyone else but she is doing well on her own.

Fury always clears the Arena with her cute little Slim Lance.

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Chapter 10 - (x+x=7+7+10)

24/93 Turns.

Alvis was a dick and proc'd great shield like 7 times, but w/e. Holsety Arthur had like 40 displayed hit on him, which saddened me.

Stats in a sec

Celice   30.00     73  25    9   22    19  19   19   14   Silver Sword, lots of rings
Lana     22.83     51   4   27   16    23  28   12    9   Lots of staves
Lester   14.78     34   9   12    9    16   7   11    3   Killer Bow
Oifaye   30.00     58  22    9   24    21  13   20    8   Light Sword, Cutter, Hero Sword, Power + Skill Ring
Julia    10.36     30   0   20   11    14   7    4   21   Rezire, Relive
Arthur   30.00     65  11   23   27    22  19   16   15   Holsety, Wind, Skill Ring
Johalva  29.01     62  24    0   20    21   5   25    5   Hero Axe, Hero Bow
Shanan   26.62     58  23    0   30    25  11   18    4   Balmung, Steel Blade
Daisy    01.48     24   3    1    4    13   6    2    3   Sleep Sword
Tinny    30.00     61   6   24   24    27  26   10   14   Elthunder, Elwind, Tornado

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Epilogue - 23/116 Turns

To Edda - 4 Turns

Arthur Holsety'd everything, and Celice Hero Sworded the boss.

To Dozel - 4 Turns

Shanan soloed the Swanchika's dudes army with Oifaye, while Lana ran through the forest to freege, and rescued Arthur over.

To Freege - 3 Turns

Celice moved, was rescued by Lana, then Arthur Holsety'd everything again, and avenged Tiltyu's death. He also killed the boss with a wrath crit. Shanan was sent back to Chalphy to take care of Arion.

To Velothemer - 6 Turns

Ishtar almost killed Arthur, who in turn killed her with a Holsety Wrath Crit. Julia had enough money for the leg ring, so she bought it off Celice.

To Barhara - 6 Turns

Julia 1RKO'd Julius with Narga on turn 5, Celice seized the next turn because his leadership stars were needed to boost accuracy.

And that's it, total turncount is 116+131 for a total of 247 Turns! Unit stats in a sec.

Celice, glitch married to Daisy, 142 kills


Had +40 Skill for some reason, trying to figure out why. lol 204 hit

He was pretty awesome, promoted in chapter 7.

Shanan, Fond of Radney, 32 Kills


It was nice having two invincible units. He didn't do a whole lot though.

Brohalva, Fond of Radney, 29 Kills


His shining moment was chapter 9, when he brought down an entire squadron of Dracoknights by himself.

Lester, Tinny on his mind, 8 Kills


lol, he's slightly better than base Dimna. He was reaching his magic cap.

Arthur, Fond of Femina, 119 Kills


Invincible unit #2, with 1-2 range. Don't let people get him.

Oifaye, Tinny on his mind, 51 kills


Why people don't use him is beyond me. He was great until he started getting hit by sleep staves.

Daisy, Glitch married Celice, 0 Kills


Never left the castle.

Lana, Fond of Johalva, 0 Kills


Wasn't very useful, until the final chapter. 5 move and no offence sucks, and you don't need warp as much in gen 2.

Julia, Fond of nobody, 24 Kills + Julius


I don't even think I need her promoted to kill Julius. Wasn't as good due to Arthur existing.

Tinny, Fond of Johalva, 15 Wins


B Staves were nice, she kinda needed pursuit to be awesome in combat, and Arthur had that already. Still alright though.

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I had the best turncount shaver in gen 1, and the second best in gen 2, so it wasn't very tough actually. Warp saved many turns, as did lolsety Arthur.

Drafting 3rd really sucks in FE4 drafts, because you give the other player Levin!Arthur, or have two bad to mediocre mothers.

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