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general forum is getting out of hand

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im talking about the topics that pop up all the time in the general forum such as "what are you eating?"

I feel that those topics don't belong there, and that polls like that should be in a sub forum in the introduction forum.

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you can close all of the food-related threads if you want. people are aboosing of them! :lol:

You should also Herons (that aren't mod's [me, Lyle, and CGV]) should clean up after their own mistakes since they can close their own topics

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You should also Herons (that aren't mod's [me, Lyle, and CGV]) should clean up after their own mistakes since they can close their own topics

what topics have I made that I should close?

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what topics have I made that I should close?

I was just saying for future event's that anyone who has the option to close their own topic's should if it's not useful anymore, or other reasons that I can't think off

Also I forgot that you were a Royal when I wrote that

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there's no need to close them, if we could just move them then that'd be fine.

damn you took my idea

Why not post and pin them in FFtF

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If they're crazy, move them to the craziness section. If staff really feel they shouldn't fall under the rest of the craziness, create a sub-forum for polls?

that's what I'm TRYING to do...

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It may as well be. Nothing goes on there except spam and "hello".

Spam isn't supposed to be there though. If you're going to create a subforum for polls, it should be in FFtF.

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Not all of them are "polls". They're mostly intro topics.

If you look at the "profile" topics in that forum then they'd belong there too. Besides, the fact that you don't gain post count there pretty much gives incentive to spam it. And believe me, people do.

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It may as well be. Nothing goes on there except spam and "hello".

I believe part of your job is taking care of messes like that, though. Not encourage it through allowing even more >.>

There's is a reason every post is "Hello." It's the Introductions board D:

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Quite frankly it's pointless to me to bother with that forum because noone takes it seriously.

Now if you could gain posts from it or we made a sub-forum then yeah I'd be inclined to moderate spammers there. (hint hint vincent)

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But what to generic, off-the-wall polls have to do with the Introduction forums? If any sub-forum should have the polls, it should be in the general section, or in the craziness section. And even then, at the quality of the polls, they don't really deserve to be in a serious portion of the board :/

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One point I'm trying to focus on is that they belong there because those profile topics belong there, but they don't necesarily need to be jumbled with the hello topics. If anything it should be named "profile" or something...

Another point is that Introductions is not taken seriously at all. I'd like to fix that.

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Numerous polls such as condiments, weather, favorites, should remain in a poll section away from profiles--the answers can be placed in the profiles, but the polls belong somewhere else.

Also, introductions aren't supposed to be a place to be taken seriously. It and the craziness section are usually the only places spam should be tolerated.

You keep talking about clearing up things which don't belong, and taking care of spam. Reordering the forums doesn't fix that: doing your job does.

Edited by Celice
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