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So I'm gonna play tales of vesperia again.


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I am listing and charting out all the songs I will be using for this playthrough.

Here is my current list: (It goes Game/Song Name/In ToV usage)


ToS2 		Run Through			Crisis
TOS2 		Climb it Hastily 		Townspeople Events
ToI		Peer into the Dark Abyss	Evil Descriptions
ToH		Valliea's Crystal Knights	Cumor Knights
TOS2		Standing the Pain		Knights - Negative
ToS2		Avenger - Richter		Zagi Encounter
ToX		The Moving Gigantic Ship	On Boat


ToTW RM2	Full Force			Reg. Battle World Map 1
ToG		Scorched Brawl			Reg. Battle Desert
ToI		Break Through with sword...	Reg. Battle Dungeons
ToS2		The More that I Try		Reg. Battle Caves
ToTW RM3	The Sword Sparks		Reg. Ocean Battle
ToX		Interstitial World		Reg. Battle Last+Secret Area
ToA		The Arrow was Shot		Reg. Human Enemies
ToTW RM2	The Edge of a Descision		Guild HUman Enemies
ToTW RM2	Encounter			Knight Battle
ToX		Melee Dance			Giganto Monsters
ToA 		Awkward Justice			Human Boss
TOS2		Person Who concieves...		Zagi Battle 1 Thru 4
ToTW RM2	Goede ~OverDose~		Zagi Battle 5
ToI		Releasing the sword...		Yeager Battle
ToTW RM2	The Die Is Cast			Schwann Battle
ToS2		Beat the Angel			Estelle Battle
ToTW RM2	The Dreadnought			Alexei Battle
ToH		Fly! Anti Air			Flynn Battle
ToTW RM2	Into the Battle			Gauche/Droite Battle
ToG		Impatient Sword			Duke Part 1
ToS2		The Wilderness of Sadness	Duke Part 2
ToTW RM3	Widdersin			Duke Part 3
ToA		Eternal Mind			Arena Human Boss
ToTW RM2	Time Battle			Arena Dhaos

	Victory Themes

ToTW RM2	Battleend			Knight Battle Victory
TOS2 		Won The Battle			Reg. Battle Grassland Victory
ToA		Victory!			Reg. Battle Dungeon Victory
ToG		Raise the Song of Victory	Boss Battle Victory


ToA		Serious				Castle
ToTW RM2	Theme of Mysterious		Deidon Hold
ToX		A Palace Bathed in Sunlight	Halure
ToH		Crystal World Quartia		Aspio
ToG		Dance of Ruling Water		1St Port Town
ToG		Pascal's Theme			2nd Port Town
ToS2		Desert Flower			Desert Town

		World Map

ToA		New World			World Map Part 1
ToG		Progress & Same # of Dreams	World Map Part 2
ToG		Hot Sand and Heat Maze Myraid	World Map Desert
ToI		This Advancement, Will not...	World Map Final


ToA		Nature Dungeon			Forest
ToS2		Search A Seal			Underground
ToG		Frozen Heel			Snowy Area
ToS		Escape from Enemy Base		Battleship
ToA		Relic of the Wandering Frenzy	Zaude
ToS2		Ginnumgagap			Ex Dungeon

Edited by someonewhodied
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