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The Serenes Forest Ball


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Boy, this ball idea was a huge success. I daresay I've earned myself a spot in the greatest topic ever awards.

I'd also like to nominate myself for the tavern topic and the party topic(I told Songy to make it).

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um. . . how about the new punch Lyle put out?

Apparently Fireman did something to the water too. . .


*goes to get the new punch*

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A soft drink would be nice! ^_^

Alright, great! *runs off the the snack table and gets Des and himself a glass of Coke, then returns.* Here you are. Enjoy. *hands glass to Des*

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I'd also like to nominate myself for the tavern topic and the party topic(I told Songy to make it).

Well the tavern idea was influenced by me, but i'll give it to you. I'll just count the two topics as one.

But the next set of awards won't be for another month or so.

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Alright, great! *runs off the the snack table and gets Des and himself a glass of Coke, then returns.* Here you are. Enjoy. *hands glass to Des*


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Fireman, I'm afriad I must cut off our epic waltz, but Nightmare is bored, so I must start our dance. We shall waltz again later.

*Cue Wood Carving Partita*

Okay. Nightmare! Get over here!

*chuckles* I'm only joking with you. I'm really not much of a dancer. I'll just watch.

*reaches for punch* On second thought...never mind.

Oh no you don't! You're dancing with me after I finish with Nightmare, Mister!

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You got anymore green tea MaSu?

Sure do. I got tons of it *hands death some green tea*

Boy, this ball idea was a huge success. I daresay I've earned myself a spot in the greatest topic ever awards.

I have earned a spot in that LONG ago (hotel,bianchi rebelion,partysleepover)

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Alright, great! *runs off the the snack table and gets Des and himself a glass of Coke, then returns.* Here you are. Enjoy. *hands glass to Des*

Thank you! ^_^

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Do not drink any of the drinks Lyle has provided (or whoever) they will make you want to strip

*epic facepalm*

Is anything here safe to drink?

Here's your new punch Cymb. ^_^

Thanks. . . *analyzes punch carefully*

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Sure do. I got tons of it *hands death some green tea*

I have earned a spot in that LONG ago (hotel,bianchi rebelion,partysleepover)

Thanks. *Sits and drinks quietly*

Edited by DeathSentence
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Thanks. *Sits and drinks quietly*

Yay! I have a green tea drinking buddy! So yeah.....im waiting for my lady....whats new with you?

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Fireman, I'm afriad I must cut off our epic waltz, but Nightmare is bored, so I must start our dance. We shall waltz again later.

*Cue Wood Carving Partita*

Okay. Nightmare! Get over here!

Oh no you don't! You're dancing with me after I finish with Nightmare, Mister!


Also, @Cymb, lemme check the list

Coke(has cocane in it)



Bud Light

Sierra Mist

lemonade(it's not lemonade....)

punch(has sleep drugs in it)

water(has poision in it)


Gatorade(I made it with my blood, sweat, and tears.)

orange juice

orange soda(it's OJ+the Coke....)

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Also, @Cymb, lemme check the list

Coke(has cocane in it)



Bud Light

Sierra Mist

lemonade(it's not lemonade....)

punch(has sleep drugs in it)

water(has poision in it)


Gatorade(I made it with my blood, sweat, and tears.)

orange juice

orange soda(it's OJ+the Coke....)


Can I have a Pepsi, please, Emerald?

*throws punch into the plants*

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