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MoonAdept's Roleplay-Forum Sprites


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Hi! I Stared spriting a few years ago, and I've been lurking for a while, so I decided to make my own topic! gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

I do a lot of requests on fire emblem roleplay forums, mostly splices.


Katara, my first character ever. a Swordmaster who got knocked up before the final battle.


Lilith, one of my own characters. She's a happy-peppy Shaman!


Lilith as a druid. My first try at custom body and hair! I wanted the cloak to look like Sanaki's. or Micaiah's third-tier clothing change



These are the same person; she's another one of my characters, Karina. The first one is her as a Pegasus Knight, and the second is her a s a Falcon Knight.


A full body I did for someone on a forum. Chelsea, a Ranger (who happens to be Karina's sort-of lover).


Eve, a Swordmaster possessed by an ancient demon (based off of Illyria from Angel, if you couldn't tell).

That's all for now, I ahve to find my more recent ones... Let me know what you all think!

EDIT: added a almost-full custom!

Edited by MoonAdept
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They look pretty good, but I notice some issues with a few of them ... mostly hair placement(Karina's second pic), anti-aliasing needs(also Karina's second pic, Druid Lilith, and Chelsea), and proportion issues(Druid Lilith).

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