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[FE4] Shin Patch FE4 Draft


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EDIT: Hey. Diadora is still dead. Was the 0x20 skill removed from her in Nightmare that makes her respawn at the beginning of the chapter?

Serves you right. Keep her alive next time. This is exactly as it should have been in FE4 vanilla :P

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Ardan, Lex, Azel, Midir and Dew, huh. Guess my only healer is going to be Fury. Shoulda thought that one through a little better.


Chapter 0: fuck jesus how is this even


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To JUNGBY: 12 turns clear = 12 turns total

Fucking holy fucksticking fuck. I managed to push it through with all of my units together - even Ardan. Azel already gets MVP of the draft, being the only unit who can reliably 1RKO enemies.

To EVANS: 8 turns clear = 20 turns total

fuck jesus holy shit

Midir is the new MVP. So's Azel, but Midir is too.

To GENEVA: 7 turns clear = 27 turns total

That's all I can take for now. FUCK this is brutal at points.

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I do admit that there are a couple of balance issues early on in each generation - the patch has only ever been tested on a regular playthrough :P.

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I like integrity's format so I'm officially stealing it.

To Jungby:11 turns

I took one more turn this time, but I was able to mop up all the enemies before seizing so it probably didn't matter either way.

To Evans: 10 turns

I abused Cuan's javelin much more this time at the bridge. Alvis didn't pull as many enemies, though.

I can see how having 2 ranged attackers would really speed this up, but clearing this in 5 fewer turns is good enough for me.

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Azel's incredible though. He still promotes to a MK right?

He does indeed. Fear his improved caps! The weight reduction in Fire magic really has helped him, keep an eye out for Volcannon in the first gen!

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To Geneva - 8

It would be nice to have a team whose makeup does not render their durability similar to that of a priceless vase.

I hate lances, but it should be worth it in the end. Right?

To Marpha - 8

I hate lances I hate lances I hate lances

To Verdane - 10

At least this is the last I'll be seeing of axes. Diadora is much better with Rezziah.

Meanwhile, in chapter 2...


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Restarted due to auto saving myself into a corner.

Chapter 2 Prep -

I agonize over whether to bother with buying Fin a steel lance, eventually decided not to. Cuan and Sigurd clear the arena. Fin, Ethlin, and Diadora come close but get held up at Keimos. Ethlin nabs Aideen's Relive and Diadora gets the Live staff.

To Heirhein: 14 turns

The Nodion Suicide Brigade actually proved very useful. Keeping Lachesis out of trouble (and penalties) was hard, but worth it for the support. I even managed to kill the High Priest without a silence use! Boss was still problematic. Cuan got the return ring, so I'll need to get that onto Ethlin somehow.

In progress: Levin... ugh. I really need him to get the Elite ring because he needs to be promoted by the start of C4, but that would either require going through the arena, which wastes possible Elite exp, or visiting villages, which is going to slow me down quite a bit. I also would like him to be able to help with the Agusty calvary, but that's not going to be very viable, either. On top of all that, he needs to be at Evans to protect it from Fury's knights.

I'll think of something.

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Team Analysis

Sigurd: Not quite as good but still awesome

Noish: Beast will be paired Ayra

Ayra: Amazing paired with Noish

Lachesis: Will be paired with Beo or Claude, I really want a mounted Rescue user but Beo makes Delmud so good...Hmm will have to think about it

Beo: Very Good

Claude: Also good

Diadre: Playing through before I have had her tank with rezire. She is definitely much better than before

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Prologue 29/29 turns

Had Noish guard the castle and Sigurd soloed. Noish then moved up and guarded the next castle. Sigurd soloed the rest. Sigurd got the Silver Sword. The last boss is so tough.

Name    LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Items  
Sigurd  12 47 43 17 03 16 15 08 14 05  Silver Sword, Slim Sword, Javelin,Speed Ring 
Noish   08 56 38 16 00 11 09 04 13 00  Steel Sword Iron Sword 

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To Anphony: 7 turns

Prayer + Hero Lance + Army of sword wielders = lol

The boss was more problematic, but luckily Cuan landed a crit so it wasn't too much of a problem. Leaving the skill ring on him? Definitely a good decision.

I hate Levin right now.

To Mackily: 13 turns

Had to rush a bit more than I was comfortable with to prevent the NSB from getting sleeped in the only way through. Diadora silenced and got the sleep staff, which will be very useful in the next section.

Levin clears the arena!

To Agusty: 9 turns

It took a while to figure out how I'd deal with the calvary. I ended up letting the Slayer lance go - not that anyone could've used it anyway. Deirdre was crazy good here, being my only non-horse unit avaliable at the time. She also sleeped Shagaal, which made killing him 10 times easier.

Diadora after C3 arena:


So close...


To Madino: 7 turns

Nothing notable happened at all.

UNFORTUNATELY I did not take detailed notes of the rest. The Lenster trio did what you'd expect with most of their items. I'll post their stats with the rest of the characters. Seized Orgahil on turn 31.

Chapter 4 is going to suck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just found a kinda error with the patch. If you attack a ballista with a longbow, they will counter you. The screen then goes black, and it shows you attacking again, but the enemy is gone.

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Just found a kinda error with the patch. If you attack a ballista with a longbow, they will counter you. The screen then goes black, and it shows you attacking again, but the enemy is gone.

I'm afraid the same occurs with siege tomes too. Don't use Longbows! I'm guessing that you guys are having a hard time, don't worry, the next version's prologue should be significantly more doable. It's still possible to 5 turn Jungby!

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Chapter 3


This took forever, and was incredibly hard too. The most difficult parts were Zane, and the cavalry from Agusty. Anyway, I killed Fury.


Sigurd - Is identical as usual.

Alec - Is terrible. He can't damage enemies, and he gets slaughtered by everything.

Jamka - Loses way to much AS with Longbow, but with Killer and Steel he's nice.

Holyn - Eh. Lack of mov is his ish.

Diadora - y u die, gurl?

Aideen - necessary healing. Without her I would't survive.

EDIT: I'm in Chapter 3, and Deirdre is STILL not there. I really hope this doesn't fuck up the game, because you know yo uget subs when a mom dies, and that could make issues in Chapter 6...

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I've fixed the Dierdre thing for the next release. Alec's struggling? It looks like I need a way to improve his offense slightly.

I have him only holding Iron Weapons still (because IIRC he can't really hold much else) but with a sword he's been doing 1x2 damage to people, and with a lance he can't double.

On another note: Jacoban has 33 skill. Looks like I'll need to oneshot him if possible.

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