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RD hacking, and availability


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Sorry if this is a noobish question, but I would really appreciate any help!

So, I was wondering how hacking radiant dawn would work in regards to making certain characters available in chapters that they aren't. Specifically, I want to add the LEA (Tormod and co.) to Micaiah's army for 3-6, 3-12 and 3-13. And then, I'd like to add them to Micaiah's part 4 chapters as well.

And thus another question arises: What happens in part 4, ch. 4, Revelations? I suppose I could just let Tormod and co. be playable in 4-P, and 4-3, as well as 4-4, but will Tormod and co. in 4-4 be as he was last seen, or will he be as he was from the end of Part 1?

And finally, like... HOW do you do these changes?

Thanks in advance, I can't emphasize how much this means to me. This is my favourite game of all time, and I'll like it even more once I tweak things so certain people aren't completely shafted/beat with a stick/pushed in a hole/tied to a weight ad pushed off a cliff. ^_^#

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If not by modifying the actual event data, you can use the Gecko codes (basically Action Replay-esque?) to switch out units. I forget the name, but there's an account on YouTube that has a ton of videos of some of these codes and some info on how to use them. Goldie-something I think she was.

I don't know the extent of the codes, but you could certainly swap out an existing character for some of the ones you want. Adding them may be a bit more complex--replacing is usually much more simpler because you can just tell the game to load a different unit--you don't have to figure out the game decides to call out a unit at a specific chapter and at a specific coordinate. Just change (if simple) an ID.

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If not by modifying the actual event data, you can use the Gecko codes (basically Action Replay-esque?) to switch out units. I forget the name, but there's an account on YouTube that has a ton of videos of some of these codes and some info on how to use them. Goldie-something I think she was.

I don't know the extent of the codes, but you could certainly swap out an existing character for some of the ones you want. Adding them may be a bit more complex--replacing is usually much more simpler because you can just tell the game to load a different unit--you don't have to figure out the game decides to call out a unit at a specific chapter and at a specific coordinate. Just change (if simple) an ID.


All she does is RAM hacking however...

From what I remember, the units are stored in the RAM, and basically, just like the GBA ones, have the coordinates in the unit's data "off map" like FF or something IIRC.

So basically, they have to have joined, either by being in the chapter and recruiting them, or simply changing their allegiance byte, and then she uses the "Warp to whatever chapter you want" code.

I've had some funny results, such as a completely new Micaiah being generated on Rival's Collide when I used my final tower team from Rebirth part 3 warped to said chapters after the battle with the King of Dragons.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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All she does is RAM hacking however...

Thus you save your file once you have the changes, and if the game does nothing fancy, so would the characters become permanently saved to your team.

If one only wants to bring in certain characters earlier, then that's all one really has to worry about--getting the characters onto your team. Now, what happens when the game really does want Topuck or Vika on your team, and you already have one--that might be a bit interesting to deal with. I don't know if you could swap out the characters before they're actually drawn on the map. If it was just event data it wouldn't matter, but I have a feeling that when Topuck shows up later in Oliver's mansion, it's not part of an event which preceeds him being on the map (or in other words, Topuck is drawn on the map before the event takes place, and would then need to be swapped out or else have whatever will happen happen with two Topucks active at the same time).

If it is an event before Topuck is drawn to the map, then there's nothing to worry over because this is just Topuck for show. But in either case a remedy would be to just swap out the original Topuck with some other character or something like that.

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And thus another question arises: What happens in part 4, ch. 4, Revelations? I suppose I could just let Tormod and co. be playable in 4-P, and 4-3, as well as 4-4, but will Tormod and co. in 4-4 be as he was last seen, or will he be as he was from the end of Part 1?

And finally, like... HOW do you do these changes?

Thanks in advance, I can't emphasize how much this means to me. This is my favourite game of all time, and I'll like it even more once I tweak things so certain people aren't completely shafted/beat with a stick/pushed in a hole/tied to a weight ad pushed off a cliff. ^_^#

Personally, I would have Tormod and co join Ike and company in part 3, since Ike is fighting for his friends the laguz. Then when part 4 rolls around you can have them join whichever team you want.

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