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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 114


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Best: Patty

Honorable mention to 1st tier Micaiah, Ninian, Olwen, Sigurd, Roy and FE5! Nanna

Worst: Sylvia even if zettai ryouiki are obvious fanservice, they are dressed at least (being a dancer is not an excuse, Ninian and Feena have clothes)

Dishonorable mention to any half nude character, Sonya, 3rd tier Micaiah, Asvel, Arthur and Sanaki

Edit: Nominating best/worst way to get a game over.

Edited by Sartek
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Nominating Best/Worst Thunder Mage.

There's one problem that I have with this nomination: There are (according to FE Wiki/This site) only 3 Thunder Mages to vote for (Tailito, Linda and FE10!Ilyana). How about Best/Worst Thunder Magic user, instead?

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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There's one problem that I have with this nomination: There are (according to FE Wiki/This site) only 3 Thunder Mages to vote for (Tailito, Linda and FE10!Ilyana). How about Best/Worst Thunder Magic user, instead?

Has Best/Worst Mage been used?
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I guess Mage works, but it's kinda broad. :\

In this case, broad is fine. And those of a specific type is actually too narrow (NM said that the only known "thunder mages" are Tiltyu, Linda, and Ilyana. Meanwhile "fire mage" has Tormod and Calill, and "wind mage" has Amid, Soren, and Bastian. I'm not gonna mention Light Mage/Sage since I consider that to be a different version of Monk/Bishop, but I'm not speaking for everyone in that case.) considering that magic classes that use the same magic types are almost never split like in FE10 and the Jugdral games most of the time. Same goes for magic itself since every single offensive spell is usable by any magic user who can use them in FEs 1, 2, 3, 11, and 12. Anima magic isn't split either in the GBA FEs. Edited by Little Al
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Best: Machuya. Honorable mentions to most FE5/FE4/FE10 females, Leaf and Percival.

Worst: Catria. Paola and Est also count, but I'm going by FE12 and Catria is the only one who has official art.

Also, nominating Best/Worst mage.

Edited by mai
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I would like to nominate Best/Worst NPC.

Yes, I know it's been done, and yes, apparently it's against the rules (though it's not in them...) but that was like 2 years ago. I think it'd be interesting to see how opinions have changed and the opinions of new people. Not too unreasonable a request, I hope?

Edited by Luka Megurine
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Heather. I'm not joking.


Luara wears pants under her skirt

Lucia still wears those crazy boots




Vika wears shorts

And Marcia, Sigrun, Sanaki, Titania, too.

Best: FE10 Tanith. Why can't every Falcoknight look as cool as Tanith does, especially when she promotes to 3rd tier...

Honourable mentions to Aless, Amalda, Percival, Pelleas, Lucia, Caineghis

Worst: FE1 Marth.

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Best: Raven(fe7)/ Sigurd(fe4)/Marth. Can't really decide, they all look cool and well equipped to fight.

Worst: Ilyana. Dishonourable mention to all chars with miniskirts. I'm surprised they haven't been raped.

Nominate: Best/Worst Ogma archetype

Edited by blues
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I would like to nominate Best/Worst NPC.

Yes, I know it's been done, and yes, apparently it's against the rules (though it's not in them...) but that was like 2 years ago. I think it'd be interesting to see how opinions have changed and the opinions of new people. Not too unreasonable a request, I hope?

did you miss this or ignore it completely ;/

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