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"PMU" runs are silly


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Well, at least you know what I'm saying now! That's it, I'm not even remotely qualified to try and go for the goal or object of the challenge, so why even try? I know that you don't have to WIN to have fun but falling into the realm of epic fail without being to stop it from happening doesn't sound fun at all.

But getting out 2nd place isn't "epic fail".

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Ahah, now I can explain my point!

I understand you you could get second or third or whatever and still have fun, but I'd be getting dead last by an enormous margin without even being able to close the gap and I'd be getting beat in really pathetic ways.

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Crash, you know I've always done my best to look our for you, right (even though you probably ignore me half the time)? Take my advice: instead of continuing to make yourself look stupid, just try a draft. Forget about winning. Forget about the competition. Just go in, pick the best team you can, and, to the best of your ability, try to get a reasonably low turn count. Don't worry about finding the best strategy or constantly resetting for small mistakes, just play the game as you normally would (aside from the unit restrictions) while making finishing chapters a higher priority than it may normally be for you. Will you do poorly on your first try? Yeah. We all did. My first draft was PoR and I sucked hard, so much so that I actually restarted it because I saw how awful it was (but you don't have to do that, I'm a competitive person by nature). And yet, I still enjoyed it, and not only that, I got better as a result.

Just give it a shot. Because you'll never know until you try.

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