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Spirtez yo dawg,


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I made this for my dad just now I thought it'd be funny to put him in my hack I've been working on.

Anyways this will now be my Splice/Custom Sprite topic! Woohoo! More to come eventually... I have a bunch of stuff I could put up soon from years of ago...A bunch of big weapons, some poke' evos, and alot more Fire Emblem stuff. I'll see what I can't find.


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A bad mug and an okay battle sprite. A corsair, Pirate promote. (Custom! Yay!)


My female merc.


Bunch artsy abstract stuff.



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...and something I'm rather proud of, it doesn't look that fancy but I am still proud haha. The finalized version of my class trees for my hack. :]

Edited by Lokiyuna
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1. If you want a place to put your images, imageshack and imgur offer free image uploading.

2. *sees .jpg at the end of the corsair pics* Try creating and saving them as .png.

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I'll get them resaved eventually, I know I should use a better host.

Sadly I don't have the Corsairs on my computer anymore which is lame, thus the .jpg. (Dangit photobucket.)

Anything else? Do you like them?

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*kicks .jpg artifacts*

Something about the colors bug me on the first Corsair, but I can't quite put my finger on why. I can't say much else, as I really suck with things like judging shading.

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