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FE6 FEditor Problems


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Hey guys,

I've been importing animations and editing portraits in FEditor. After I finish, everything works normally, I can reopen the ROM later. However, when I have anything in my storage, the game glitches because it creates an extra spot at the very end of my character list. So, if I have anything in my inventory at the end of a chapter, this glitch occurs. Additionally, if I restart the chapter, my storage completely clears. Any suggestions on what to change? This is only a problem from chapter5 onwards, because of the unit select screen.

It's the only glitch I'm finding after making tons of edits. I've tried just changing a portrait's colors, that alone causes the glitch. Doesn't matter how little/ tons I do. FEditor itself is causing the problem. Is there something stupid I'm forgetting?

Edited by Bryan
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FEditor itself is causing the problem. Is there something stupid I'm forgetting?

Other known issues include:

*Graphic Glitches During Level Up (Fixable)

*Storage glitch where everything in your inventory disappears (Not Fixable without modifying the source code)

Yep. FE6 just isn't made to be used with FEditor until someone fixes it >_>;

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