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KoT's S Rank Marcus-less HHM Run Log



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Chapter 17x: The Port of Badon (...Currently Being Considered As The Site For the Next Pirates of the Caribbean Movie)

Turn Limit: 10

Turns Taken: 5

Aggravation Level: Watching an action movie only to find out I'm apparently not like most guys.

Me: "So, uh, guys, what's the plot of this film?"

"The Guys": "Huh? Plot? That do you mean? There's guns and explosions and blood and evil dudes from South Africa and explosions. What more do you need?"

Me: "You said explosions twice."

"The Guys: "I know."

Me: "So it's like a porno, except replacing the women with special effects? Why not combine the two to have the guy having sex with the woman while both of them blow crap up?"


Me: "...So I'm not invited to watch these films with you guys anymore?"

"The Guys": "Basically."

Characters Used: Kent, Florina, Hector, Guy, Serra, Raven; Canas joins in turn 1.


So going into this chapter, I suddenly find myself the opposite gender, staring naked at something I genuinely desire, bedeviled by a spineless guy, tempted to bite into something juicy and firm...

...That's right, I'm suddenly Eve from the bible as the serpent (I realize snakes have a spine dry.gif) Satan tricks her into eating the forbidden fruit (I bet you were totally thinking of something else gee_wiz_emoticon.gif). And now that I have the attention of all guys and the ire of all women, I just want to say that it's really the perfect allegory for this chapter, as you have so many high level enemies that would give so much experience if they were all killed, but since I'm on a strict turn limit (5 turns to meet G_H's turn count), the only way I can possibly hope to kill nearly everybody is to put my characters in very uncompromising positions (bite the proverbial forbidden fruit, if you will) and likely suffer the dire consequences. But unlike Eve, I can simply restart if I screw up or if RNG completely hates me. Unfortunately, because there are few characters and few turns to do stuff in, it has less to do about any skill I have and more to do with pure luck. There's a reason I called this "The Great RNG/Lottery Chapter" in my EHM S Rank log...because it honestly is.

The 5 turn count is stupidly easy to achieve. I just have Florina fly across the map, visiting every red house except the Devil Axe house along the way and collecting the items the villagers give. I mean, I'm not even sure if I ever have to have anybody but Raven engage in combat to succeed in this regard (and maybe have somebody deal with Damian depending if he moves if nobody is in his attack range -- have never checked this, since I always engage the pirates on turn 1).

I actually beat this once, leaving about 6-7 enemies (Dart and Fargus not included) alive. I decided that I could improve this, and actually managed to whittle this down to 3 enemies (shaman, nomad, and a low level pirate that attacked Florina). I would have whittled this to 2 enemies if the shaman with Nosferatu missed Hector with a 50% hit rate and 1 if Canas had crit the nomad he had attacked on turn 5. Considering that this is HHM, and I haven't used Marcus, I think that's pretty damn nice. I don't know, maybe you guys disagree.

Not much more for me to say, except I'm seriously dreading Pirate Ship now. And that my Hector is definitely not normal. blink.gif

Experience Gained: 753/700

So apparently I barely got more experience than General_Horace did. Damn.

Overall Ranking:

Tactics: 5 (72/72)

Funds: 5

Experience: 5

Survival: 5

Combat: 4 (So everything BUT Combat is 5 stars? Brb, checking to see when hell froze over.)


Hector   	16.16	33  13  13  14  07  14  02   A Axe                   		C Eliwood
Eliwood  	07.49	22  09  09  09  11  06  04   B Sword                 		C Hector
Lyn      	09.21	30  06  11  13  07  05  02   A Sword
Marcus   	21.23	Base
Rebecca  	08.18	22  08  10  12  08  04  03   C Bow
Lowen    	09.49	30  10  05  11  06  11  01   C Lance D Sword
Bartre   	05.69	31  11  06  03  04  05  01   D Axe
Oswin    	10.23	29  13  09  05  04  13  04   B Lance
Guy      	13.04	33  11  20  20  10  07  04   A Sword
Dorcas   	06.26	33  08  08  08  06  04  00   C Axe
Serra    	08.45	20  07  08  09  11  04  10   B Staff
Matthew  	11.48	22  05  09  20  03  03  01   B Sword
Erk      	07.98	21  09  07  10  05  05  05   C Anima
Priscilla	04.46	17  06  07  08  08  04  07   C Staff
Sain 		12.02	29  17  10  10  07  10  02   C Lance D Sword
Kent 		12.10	30  11  11  13  04  10  06   C Lance C Sword
Florina  	03.77	18  06  08  11  08  04  06   D Lance
Wil      	09.54	26  09  10  10  11  08  00   C Bow
Raven    	06.54	30  10  14  15  03  07  02   C Sword
Lucius   	08.39	21  11  09  12  03  01  10   C Light
Canas    	08.88	Base                           		

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Thanks for missing the point entirely. . .if I'm complaining about it, it means it really does suck (does not apply to every lady on the planet, as I am not every lady on the planet).

Anyway. . .I think -Str, +Spd Hector might not have been so bad, if Wolf Beil was a little more common than "forced at the beginning, and one more at the end". You could chew through horse brigades like that!

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Thanks for missing the point entirely. . .if I'm complaining about it, it means it really does suck (does not apply to every lady on the planet, as I am not every lady on the planet).

Anyway. . .I think -Str, +Spd Hector might not have been so bad, if Wolf Beil was a little more common than "forced at the beginning, and one more at the end". You could chew through horse brigades like that!

No, I understand. What I'm trying to (and apparently failing to) say is that, as a guy, there's no way I honestly say I can relate. I'm sure it does suck, but it would kind of be like you saying "Well, I understand what it must be like to get your junk stuck in a zipper." All I can honestly say that it's not pleasant to be the guy in that situation, because you can't win.

But the problem is that it's hard to try to be funny/flippant/entertaining and not insult somebody, unless you resort to self-depricating humor (because it turns out I don't give a crap if I'm insulted, which leads to me being that guy that everybody always rags on laugh.gif). Why does this feel like a PR campaign when I read this post over (I DID NOT HAVE SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH THAT WOMAN)?

...I used Wolf Beil up by chapter 15, sadly (but you're right, having a +Spd, -STR Hector did not help that situation at all). Hector basically tried to (or was forced to) take Marcus' place early-game, with most of the enemies he killed being cavs or knights. Wears out a preferred weapon awfully fast. blink.gif

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Uh. . .hmmm. . .I think "testicular torsion" would be a better comparison. . .but anyway. . .something you can steal/modify, if you can't think of anything:

You're running a minute late to a party, then you get stuck at the two-and-a-half-minute red light. Just as the light should turn green, a police car roars through the intersection, at full sirens, and resets the cycle, so you get to sit through the red light cycle again.
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You should have saved one use of it for Hammerne.

I actually intended to, and had exactly one use of it going into chapter 15. I was forced to blow it to kill Sealen after 8 straight hours of failed attempts.

I can't say I regret my decision.

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Chapter 18: Pirate Ship (I AM...A MAN...OF THE SEA! ...Sir, You're Pointing the Wrong Way.)

Turn Limit: 11

Turns Taken: 10

Aggravation Level: Eclipse is running a minute late to a party, then she gets stuck at the two-and-a-half-minute red light. Just as the light should turn green, a police car roars through the intersection, at full sirens, and resets the cycle, so she gets to sit through the red light cycle again. In a mad dash to make the party after she parks, she suffers a sudden and irrational case of testicular torsion and then spends the rest of the night pondering how this is possible without testicles.

Characters Used: Hector, Florina, Sain, Kent, Raven, Hector, Serra, Priscilla.


So, I found out the hard way how to beat this level. It involves bringing two healers and then units that use lances but aren't weak to bows. So that leaves...cavaliers. And more...cavaliers. And even more...cavaliers. Damnit, I'm starting to see a pattern here. So soon enough, the map is starting to look like a dream a 6-year old girl might have the day before the birthday she's FINALLY going to get that pony she's always wanted. That being said, the fact that Hector's in here too brings a more morbid scenario to my mind:

Kent: Hey, Hector, my horse has gone missing and I need it to fight off the massive horde of enemies that just boarded our ship. Have you seen it?

Hector: Well, you see, Lyn got kinda sad retelling the story of her parents' death, and I figured her...er...tribe would like horse meat, so I kind of...borrowed...your horse. Turns out that I make a terrible butcher.

Kent: Oh...my god! Pokey? Pokey! What has he done to you?! You monster! How in the hell am I going to fight now?!

Hector: You have legs, don't you? Plus, why the **** are you trying to ride a horse on a ship sailing in rough seas on this crappy ship?

Fargus: *From below deck* What did you say about my ship?!

Hector: I said it was a beautiful gem of the sea!

Kent: Don't worry, Pokey. Papa will help you. Serra? No...wait. Priscilla? PRISCILLA!

Priscilla: Hey....what the **** happened to my horse?!

Hector: I needed practice.

I brought Raven and Florina to give them needed levels. I originally tried to bring Bartre, but I found it pathetic that he was almost one-rounded by mercenaries and was solidly two-rounded by pegasi with iron lances...with wta. How sad, how mother ****ing sad. I have no idea how I'm going to get this guy up to 10/--, much less to 20/5 by the end of this run. I'm trying...I swear to god, I am. This is starting to make leveling Fiona in HM FE10 look like a stroll through the park.

As for the difficulty of the level...it's hard. It really is. Definitely harder than I would expect doing EHM and HNM in recent memory. They add so many mechanics to this level that aren't in any other modes, most notably having way more enemies close to your starting point, two pegasi close to Merlinus (and one has a whip to steal), couple of waves of pegasi before turn 7, shaman spawns by the boss, and harder enemies in general. I tried going defensive at first (usually before I learned you basically had to field two healers and cavs), and that worked terribly. You HAVE to be offensive, as painful as it seems. And now I FINALLY know what people mean when they say that the mast in Pirate Ship is a godsend. I don't know how I would've managed this level if it wasn't for it.

The first couple and last couple of chapters are by far the hardest (as G_H said, and I wholeheartedly agree). The first couple of chapters are where you deal with the couple of initial pegasi with Florina (in my case) and Matthew, making good use of a lancereaver. Sain went and blocked the north-east plank to prevent enemies from swarming in immediately and giving me some room to move healers around -- basically, if enemies start moving into the armory and vendor squares, things do not go well...at all. Hector, Raven, Kent, and the mast formed a barricade on turn 1. Turn 2 is simply holding your initial barricade, stealing the whip and having Florina finish the pegasus off, healing Florina with Priscilla, healing whoever else is lowest with Serra, and praying you get slightly better than average RNG. You see, enemies in the level had a 55-75% chance to hit, and if all of them connected, either Kent or Raven would die. Turn 3 was like turn 2, but easier since I took out the nosferatu druids with one hit of silver axe and the archers/flux druids (all but 1 archer) with javelins.

Then it was a matter of handling the waves of pegasi without dying (not trivial, but compared to the start/end of this chapter, easy crap), setting up positions for turn 7+, and stealing at least one stack of pure water for later (only got one on my successful attempt). Not much to say, but it is important to get that pure water.

The last couple of chapters is just dealing with shaman spawns, waves of enemies from the bottom ship, stealing the ring, and pegasi waves (which are REALLY annoying with your healers being nearby). I had about three successful attempt thwarted solely because his sole Luna cast crit. There's nothing more agonizing than have a 9-turn 2-pure water stack attempt failed because you had to let him attack ONCE and eat bad RNG. And since I'm playing on a Game Boy Micro, no save states. Damnit.

In conclusion, I think Phantom Ship is harder without Seth, but Pirate Ship takes the cake as one of the most annoying FE levels ever made.

Experience Gained: 1233/1450

Damn, missed this one. It's a toughie to meet, simply because it's hard to field anybody who's low level. And worse than G_H by 40 EXP, although that's probably because I ended a turn earlier.

Overall Ranking:

Tactics: 5 (82/83)

Funds: 5

Experience: 5

Survival: 5

Combat: 5 (That took long enough. )


UNIT     	LEVEL	HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS   WEP LEVEL                   	SUPPORT
Hector   	16.96	33  13  13  14  07  14  02   A Axe                       	C Eliwood
Eliwood  	07.49	22  09  09  09  11  06  04   B Sword                     	C Hector
Lyn      	09.21	30  06  11  13  07  05  02   A Sword
Marcus   	21.23	Base
Rebecca  	08.18	22  08  10  12  08  04  03   C Bow
Lowen    	09.49	30  10  05  11  06  11  01   C Lance D Sword
Bartre   	05.69	31  11  06  03  04  05  01   D Axe
Oswin    	10.23	29  13  09  05  04  13  04   B Lance
Guy      	13.04	33  11  20  20  10  07  04   A Sword
Dorcas   	06.26	33  08  08  08  06  04  00   C Axe
Serra    	09.55	20  08  08  09  12  04  10   A Staff
Matthew  	13.14	24  05  09  20  05  03  02   B Sword
Erk      	07.98	21  09  07  10  05  05  05   C Anima
Priscilla	05.35	18  06  07  09  09  04  08   C Staff
Sain     	13.68	30  17  10  11  07  10  02   C Lance D Sword
Kent     	14.42	31  12  12  14  04  11  07   C Lance C Sword
Florina  	05.16	20  06  10  12  08  04  06   D Lance
Wil      	09.54	26  09  10  10  11  08  00   C Bow
Raven    	09.05	33  12  16  16  05  09  02   C Sword
Lucius   	08.39	21  11  09  12  03  01  10   C Light
Canas    	08.88	Base                               	

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Shh...you're ruining the joke with logic! cool.gif

(Thanks for still reading, btw.)

Someone has to be the smart one

I don't know why there'd be horses running around on a ship that's in danger of sinking.

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Someone has to be the smart one

I don't know why there'd be horses running around on a ship that's in danger of sinking.

I heard Sain's horse was doing a scene for Sex and the City.

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I love reading the log here.

Also, I'm stealing your idea of Aggravation Level.

With proper crediting to you, of course. I wanted it in my FE11 H5 run.

Go ahead. I've been reading it myself. I've been meaning to do H5 myself, but I loathe C1. After spending forever on some of these HHM chapters without Marcus (13x, 15, and to a lesser extent, 18), I think I've developed the mental fortitude to do it eventually.

Glad that you're enjoying it. Makes me happy. laugh.gif

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I wouldn't know for sure, since I haven't played HHM all the way through yet, but I think you have to feed Bartre experience early and often and pray (and/or abuse the RNG) for a few points of Speed, because he gets left in the dust otherwise.

Sorry if I burst your bubble.

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I wouldn't know for sure, since I haven't played HHM all the way through yet, but I think you have to feed Bartre experience early and often and pray (and/or abuse the RNG) for a few points of Speed, because he gets left in the dust otherwise.

Sorry if I burst your bubble.

Nah, I figured as such. But I've had the most craptastic luck with his speed. Even when he got like 5-6 5 stat level ups in my HNM/EHM (where it's infintely easier to raise him), he only ends up as mediocre most of the time. My god, his speed is still base -- which is 3 SPD!

I'll field him for a couple more chapters and TRY to get him into not-doubed range, but if I can't, he's just costing me too much to use; I might be forced to give up Karla simply because there's no way in heaven or earth I can get a guy to 20/5 without significant effort if he's going to be sitting at 3 SPD until like level 10.

I mean, him running around with 50-70% hit rates on lance-wielders while wearing iron weapons and then taking 80% of his health in the counterattack does him no favors, you know? Means I can't even feed him kills reliably.


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He doesn't even have to use Bartre if he doesn't want to.

As his stated goal is to recruit every character except Wallace and Harken, and I do not understand how it is possible to recruit Karla without using Bartre, I'm inclined to disagree with you.

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Chapter 19: The Dread Isle (Are You Tired of Living? Do you Wish to Be Enveloped By A Cold, Endless Fog? Then We Have the Place for You! With Fargus Cruise Ships Ltd., You Can Travel to the Dread Isle in Style! Only 100,000G Per Tour--Sign Up Today! One-Way Trip Only.)

Turn Limit: 10

Turns Taken: 8

Aggravation Level: Getting a bad flip of the coin.

Me: "Hello, good--can you give me a moment?"

Me: *Flips coin* "Hrm...landed on heads."

Customer: "Is there a problem?"

Me: "No, no! Hello, ma'am!"

Customer: "I'm a guy."

Me: "Are you sure?"

Customer: "Yeah..."

Me: "Damnit."

Characters Used: Sain, Rebecca, Wil, Guy, Eliwood, Serra, Erk, Hector, Bartre, Lyn, Raven, Florina; Dart joins in turn 1.


Before we start, I have a question to ask: Uhai is supposed to be this honorable man, but he likes to go and kidnap women and threaten to kill them? My god, Chris Brown should apply to be an honorary Sacaen tribe member -- they'd take him in a heartbeat! At least he can pretend to sing.

There was really no reason to justify taking those particular characters other than the fact that Sain is best to get the Torch staff (since he can one-shot the thief), Guy is decent at soloing all of the pegasi and nomads in the northwest (yes, yes, Kent is better, but he and Sain are so high leveled they're trashing my exp rank and I didn't want to field both...plus, I'm broke and have no javelins atm), and Raven is a goddamn killing machine with a longsword if he goes to the island in the center of the map. Everybody else was simply fielded since they were low level and needed any experience I could possibly feed them (especially Bartre).

All in all, this is...a pretty easy chapter. I had to restart a few times mainly because I had horrible luck. By that, I mean I had Sain die by being hit with a flurry of attacks of 40%, 60%, 50%, and 60% hit rates, respectively, which is like less than a 10% chance to die before true hit is calculated -- and this happened like 3-4 times after resetting RNs randomly. I also had Raven die of a pirate with a hand axe (think like 8% true hit, if that)...TWICE! Again, after resetting RNs randomly between each attempt.

Priscilla: So, doctor, why is Raven not responding to my constant flirting?

Doctor: I'm not sure, but I have a feeling it has something to do with this hand axe wedged in his chest. We're running tests now.

So finally my luck wasn't complete crap, and I succeeded by having Eliwood fight the bandits that spawned in the northeast (helped out later by Fiora), Guy fight off the 6-7 pegasi and the pirate and the 2 nomads in the northwest (did I say like HHM bonus Guy?), Raven take care of all of the enemies on the mini-island (there were like 8-9 of them, and some from the southern section of the map were stupid enough to attack Raven as well), and everybody else rush south towards Uhai. Lyn moved max distance every turn and eventually reached within a few squares of Uhai on turn 6, where Sain lured out the longbow from Uhai, taking 10x2 damage in the process (Sain had 21 health left. :>) On turn 7, Sain attacked Uhai with the horseslayer, dealing about 15-18 damage to him, and Lyn did about 8-9 damage with the Mani Katti (her 6-ish STR was TERRIBLE and did her no favors here). On turn 7 enemy phase, Uhai attacked Lyn with a killing edge, which thankfully didn't crit, but Lyn didn't crit either, which would've allowed me to finish in 7 turns.

On the plus side, I killed every enemy on the map...or would have, if I hadn't forgotten about two or three enemies at the top of the map that could've easily been finished off by Guy/Dart/Eliwood/Fiora. Bartre gained a good level here...and didn't proc speed again. 3 SPD 4 lyfe! Hell yeah! GOD DAMN YOU BARTRE CAN YOU PLEASE AT LEAST HIT 6 AS?!

...Did I mention I love Guy and his 50 avoid at level 13?

Experience Gained: 1112/1100

...I knew those 3 enemies would cost me. Barely made the rank.

Overall Ranking:

Tactics: 5 (90/93)

Funds: 5

Experience: 5

Survival: 5

Combat: 5


UNIT     	LEVEL	HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS   WEP LEVEL                   	SUPPORT
Hector   	17.21	34  14  14  14  07  14  02   A Axe                       	C Eliwood
Eliwood  	08.46	23  09  10  10  11  07  04   B Sword                     	C Hector
Lyn      	11.13	32  08  12  15  08  05  03   A Sword
Marcus   	21.23	Base
Rebecca  	08.86	22  08  10  12  08  04  03   C Bow
Lowen    	09.49	30  10  05  11  06  11  01   C Lance D Sword
Bartre   	06.89	32  11  07  03  04  05  02   C Axe
Oswin    	10.23	29  13  09  05  04  13  04   B Lance
Guy      	13.84	33  11  20  20  10  07  04   A Sword
Dorcas   	06.26	33  08  08  08  06  04  00   C Axe
Serra    	10.28	21  08  09  09  12  04  10   A Staff
Matthew  	13.14	24  05  09  20  05  03  02   B Sword
Erk      	08.60	22  09  08  11  06  05  05   C Anima
Priscilla	05.35	18  06  07  09  09  04  08   C Staff
Sain     	14.71	31  18  10  12  07  10  02   B Lance D Sword
Kent     	14.42	31  12  12  14  04  11  07   C Lance C Sword
Florina  	05.26	20  06  10  12  08  04  06   D Lance
Wil      	10.53	27  10  11  11  11  08  00   C Bow
Raven    	10.31	34  13  16  16  05  09  02   B Sword
Lucius   	08.39	21  11  09  12  03  01  10   C Light
Canas    	08.88	Base 
Fiora    	07.57	Base                               	

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Hmmmm. . .can Bartre reliably hit the pegasus knights and their ilk? IIRC, the ones wielding heavier weapons make excellent target practice.

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Hmmmm. . .can Bartre reliably hit the pegasus knights and their ilk? IIRC, the ones wielding heavier weapons make excellent target practice.

It's largely what's been propping him up. Steel lance pegasi are about the only enemies that don't double him.

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Lessee. . .if you got the Hammer, he might be useful on a chapter that you'll be seeing really soon. If you're really good about things, you might be able to trap some of the more annoying units, and beat them up, too.

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Lessee. . .if you got the Hammer, he might be useful on a chapter that you'll be seeing really soon. If you're really good about things, you might be able to trap some of the more annoying units, and beat them up, too.

I assume you're referring to 19x, which might work. I always thought that the 10 turn count limit was annoyingly short, though, and will probably screw with things. Hopefully I'll get Bartre a couple more levels and at least get him to 4-5 SPD soon.

P.S. I'm totally trying out the Canas drop on 19x. He's still like level 8 atm, and Canas should be automatically useful just because of Luna. wink.gif

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I know there's also a few flying annoyances that like to harry Merlinus, but I don't remember if they're the ones wielding Axereavers. If they're using heavy weapons, they can be viable targets, too.

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I know there's also a few flying annoyances that like to harry Merlinus, but I don't remember if they're the ones wielding Axereavers. If they're using heavy weapons, they can be viable targets, too.

On HHM, I'm pretty sure that those pegasi do use Axereavers.

On the upside, Axereavers are pretty heavy, so those pegasi are good fodder for a sword wielder. On the downside, sword wielders generally don't need that bonus.

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