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KoT's S Rank Marcus-less HHM Run Log



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Turn Limit: 10

Turns Taken: 9 (...I have...no...idea...how I pulled it off.)

Aggravation Level: Reluctantly going on a blind date that a co-worker set you up on, only to find you that he mistakenly believed you were gay and set you up to date a person of your same gender. It wouldn't even had been that bad (just extremely awkward), except for the fact that your bitter ex decided to eat at the same restaurant that night and...took advantage of the opportunity.

Characters Used: Sain, Wil, Hector, Florina, Guy, Raven, Serra, Matthew.


So, from previous experience, I didn't even think this chapter would be that bad. Annoying, yes, with low hit rates, but not terrible. I was even going to use the opportunity to raise Florina and Bartre, maybe even Fiora. MY GOD, WAS I WRONG! No wonder General_Horace just had Marcus breeze through everything here. It's just crazy, enough to drive a man to lose his sanity (...but not me, for how can one lose what he never had?). I spent a good 5-7 hours total (I'd guess) trying to minimize my turn count here, and many attempts were simply flops due to the fact that it's insanely difficult to kill Kishuna without a killing edge OR Marcus. It's all luck, and because I can't RNG abuse (rules ARE rules) or save-state (not playing a ROM), it was...horrible. My Sain was so useful here, simply because he capped STR by the end of this chapter, at level 16 (that means he proc'd STR for 12 of his 15 level-ups, or EIGHTY PERCENT of the time with a 60% growth rate). He's rocking 34 ATK, 12 AS with a silver lance...as an unpromoted unit. That's pretty crazy -- he's basically been my Marcus Lite for the last couple of chapters.

So how did I do this chapter? I think it's best to do a turn-by-turn analysis, to be honest. After so much time, I basically nearly perfected my strategy. Before I start, though, I must admit something. I used up 4 RNs at the beginning of the chapter so that Sain would proc STR once. I feel ashamed to have done this, but Sain NEEDED the STR proc to ORKO the javelin knights, and it was simply impossible (or damn near it) if Sain couldn't clear the knights in a single enemy phase. How I wish I could forge weapons in this game...FORGE HIT TO THE MAX...and a +MT JAVELIN FOR SAIN!

Turn 1:

Only Hector, Sain, and Wil got in the range of the mages. Sain chugged a pure water and equipped a javelin, Hector equipped a hand axe, and Wil equipped an iron bow and stood on the forest tile that was EXACTLY at the edge of the attacking range of two mages. This allowed him to kill two mages in enemy phase (and they targeted him because with his 0 RES, he was 3HKO'd by fire, and there were 3 mages in range of him; they only had a 48% chance to hit each, though, so his odds of dying were 1/8 in a purely random situation, and 0% if 4 RNs were blown because RNs are set at the beginning of each chapter). This is part of the reason why I fielded Wil -- my early attempts were slowed down severely my the mages and the Nosferatu shaman, and I couldn't afford ANY significant slowing down. Just couldn't happen, simply because I need Guy (the only person who needs to run the whole distance) to reach Kishuna to attack on turn 8 if I want a decent chance at a 9 turn victory. In short, LOL @ archers can't counter on enemy phase. They can...sometimes...if I'm not being an idiot. Which is rare. Oh yeah, and Raven's spending the next two turns completely owning axereaver pegasi (yes, Eclipse, they do have axereavers on HHM).

Turn 2:

Wil was only hit once, so he moved to a forest square and finished off another mage. Serra moved max distance and healed Wil. It's important to have Serra heal AFTER Wil has attacked, because this places her exactly 6 spaces away from Sain in turn 3, who will need healing after turn 2 enemy phase (you'll see why in a minute). Hector moved on the edge of the attack range of the bottom-right-most mage, killing him on enemy phase with a hand axe double. Guy moved to a nearby forest square and killed just about the last mage in the area with an iron sword. Sain, on the other hand, killed the swordreaver guy with a javelin (DAMNIT, I KNEW I SHOULD'VE BROUGHT MY HAND AXE INSTEAD!). "But KoT!", you protest, "Didn't you say a chapter or two ago you have no javelins? And why in the world would you waste one attacking a guy who probably wouldn't hit you even if you attacked in melee range? Perfected strategy my ass!" To that, I would say that I got my javelin from Fiora when she was recruited last chapter, and I use the javelin so that Sain can counter (and hopefully kill) two mages and the Nosferatu shaman on enemy phase. Normally, 1 of the mages is left with 1 HP and the shaman dodged one of Sain's attacks and is left with about 10 health. Florina visits the village and then cantos out of range of any casters, ending up next to Hector.

Turn 3:

Serra moves max distance to heal Sain, Hector uses a Hand Axe to finish off the Nosferatu shaman (...keep on wanting to say druid) and is then promptly rescued by Florina, who cantos JUST within the range of the lone axereaver pegasus in the north. Why, you might ask? You see, this makes the axereaver pegasus attack Florina instead of Merlinus on the enemy phase, preventing Raven from having to backtrack to Merlinus just to kill it. This ultimately allows Florina to rescue Raven on turn 5 and drop him off on turn 6, as opposed to doing it on turns 6 and 7. Wil finishes off the 1 HP mage, and Sain kills the front-most knight with an axereaver (for the extra MT over iron and because a nearby bandit seems to have an unhealthy obsession over Sain...). Guy simply moves max distance; Raven moves near Florina to set up a kill. On enemy phase, Kishuna appears (yay for screwing over enemy mages gee_wiz_emoticon.gif), Sain kills two other knights and the bandit, and two mages fail to leave the edge of the anti-magic zone.

Turn 4:

Wil kills one mage, Guy moves max distance and kills the other with an iron sword. Serra moves to Sain, heals him to full, and then allows Sain to move max distance and kill the last enemy bandit with a javelin double (if not, Matty finishes him off on enemy phase, so whatever). This means that Sain (with a lucky STR level-up) basically ORKO's all but the top-left knight with a javelin on enemy phase (go go stupidly high STR!). Guy, Matthew, and Wil keep on moving forward, Raven kills the last axereaver pegasus, and Florina drops Hector off by the morphs.

Turns 5-6:

Florina picks up Raven and drops him off by the morphs, Wil moves to the edge of the anti-magic zone, positioning himself so he forces mages to make him counter on enemy phase...ends up doubling and ORKO'ing both of them. Sain kills the last javelin knight, and then goes to the left Sniper morph, nearly 2RKO'ing him with the silver lance. Hector kills the southern morph knight with the devil axe by ORKO'ing him with a crit (thank god it didn't backfire!). Matthew steals the silver card from the boss (already forgot his name, tbh).

Turn 7:

Guy managed to reach the left morph and killed him, Sain finished off the north knight morph with a silver lance, Raven and Hector killed the right morph with a lucky iron blade crit, and Wil starts to snipe the boss. Serra stands around, being completely useless, because of the anti-magic field. Florina tries to hit the boss but fails hard.

Turn 8:

Sain one-shots Kishuna with a 2% crit rate/45% hit rate. Talk about lucky! However, I wasn't QUITE expecting it and found myself unable to kill the boss on the same turn (Guy could get in range, but would get killed by the counter, and Serra couldn't reach Guy beforehand). Hector got into position on the really rare chance that the boss didn't kill anybody, and I basically had everybody take cover in hills/forts/etc. Bolting targeted GUY in a fort (that's 70 avoid, people. SEVENTY GODDAMN AVOID...stupid AI. huh.gif)

Turn 9:

So, in getting Guy to cover, he was now out of range of the boss. Sain managed to double the boss with a javelin (couldn't reach him), and Wil finished him off by sniping him with an iron bow with 90% hit rate. (Yes, there's a reason he's my avatar, folks!). Hector seized and that was that. Stupid chapter finished!

...And hey, it only took a countless number of attempts of doing the same strat over and over for RNG to come my way. I mean, you can't improve 40% hit rates magically by being a better player. Sorry it took me 6 hours to finish (got busy in the middle of making it) and that I got so serious'd this post compared to usual.

Experience Gained: 968/1000

...Damn, close enough.

Overall Ranking:

Tactics: 5 (99/103)

Funds: 5

Experience: 5

Survival: 5

Combat: 5


Hector   	18.56	35  14  15  15  07  14  02   A Axe                   		C Eliwood
Eliwood  	08.46	23  09  10  10  11  07  04   B Sword                 		C Hector
Lyn      	11.13	32  08  12  15  08  05  03   A Sword
Marcus   	21.23	Base
Rebecca  	08.86	22  08  10  12  08  04  03   C Bow
Lowen    	09.49	30  10  05  11  06  11  01   C Lance D Sword
Bartre   	06.89	32  11  07  03  04  05  02   C Axe
Oswin    	10.23	29  13  09  05  04  13  04   B Lance
Guy      	15.17	34  12  20  20  11  07  04   A Sword
Dorcas   	06.26	33  08  08  08  06  04  00   C Axe
Serra    	10.99	21  08  09  09  12  04  10   A Staff
Matthew  	13.85	24  05  09  20  05  03  02   B Sword
Erk      	08.60	22  09  08  11  06  05  05   C Anima
Priscilla	05.35	18  06  07  09  09  04  08   C Staff
Sain 		16.55	32  20  10  13  08  12  02   A Lance D Sword
Kent 		14.42	31  12  12  14  04  11  07   C Lance C Sword
Florina  	05.53	20  06  10  12  08  04  06   D Lance
Wil      	12.84	29  11  12  12  12  09  01   B Bow
Raven    	11.47	35  13  16  16  05  09  03   B Sword
Lucius   	08.39	21  11  09  12  03  01  10   C Light
Canas    	08.88	Base 
Fiora    	07.57	Base                           		

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Your Marcus is godly. I want!

Not sure if you were poking fun at my base Marcus or Sain, my "Mini-Marcus" laugh.gif. Sain is stupidly good...he's like Jesus on a horse. Wil isn't turning out too bad either, but he's not Sain's level and doesn't have such lopsided stats.

It's pretty hilarious when Sain can basically almost ORKO Aion with a damn javelin.

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I'm not sure if you meant to type that in Marcus' stats, but it looks weird.

Oh, I was putting 21.-- mainly because I couldn't get the code to work when I tried 20/1.--. In fact, the only way I could get it to work is by posting it like that and copying it from notepad (it won't work if I line it up perfectly on this site). So it works, I'll just assume all prepromos got 20 levels before promotion.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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*Is satisfied, at least until the ending. *

Continue, please. I'm enjoying.

I haven't forgotten, it's just I'm trying to shave a turn off 19xx and it's taken me 7 hours. Gah. I get so close most of the time, only to have Sain miss Theodor twice with a silver lance.

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Chapter 19xx: A Glimpse in Time (...Or Where I Spend Way Too Much Time To Shave One...Damn...Turn...)

Turn Limit: 0

Turns Taken: 7

Aggravation Level: You wake up, tired as all hell because you're too nervous to sleep, ready for that big job interview. Dazed, certainly confused, but somehow technically awake, you find out that you slept past the alarm and rush to get ready, brushing your teeth for a good 5 seconds and taking a shower that would, at best, be considered a glorified rinsing of your armpits, crotch, and hair. You have everything...copy of your resume, any recommendations from prior people of note, and even a paper and pen to record any information. You dart into the office at full speed, barely making the appointment, only to find your interviewer staring at you strangely. It turns out that, in your rush, you accidentally put back on your pajamas instead of your good clothes.

Characters Used: Sain (yes, I use him too much), Wil, Kent, Bartre (yes, finally...a cause to field him!), Serra, Florina (yes, even with the ballista), Matthew, Hector.


Hector: Damn, I'm exhausted. Having to follow that amnesiac all the way to these ruins...

Theodor: Hello there! I'm a traveler who randomly ported in suspiciously and wanted to rest by you. May I?

Hector: Of course, random guy in the middle of an isle that kills random travelers whose also wearing shaman garb on an island full of assassins that love to employ users of black magic! How may I help you?

Theodor: I'd like to heavily imply that I'm an evil, soulless douche who loves power and killing people, but when you fail to pick up on it, I'm going to summon a bunch of morphs, cover you in a thick black fog that eats at your very being, and kill you for being an idiot.

Hector: Thank goodness I had my orange juice this morning.

So I hate this chapter too. I can honestly say that it's not hard, just...it reminds me too much of 19x without Marcus. It also seems to have this stupid requirement that your Matthew HAS to be 20 SPD in order for Florina to get the Talisman in the top-left corner AND to low-turn the chapter...I'll explain exactly why later, but somebody please tell me I'm wrong here! 19xx makes me feel like I absolutely suck as a player and honestly made me have to bend my "no RNG abuse" rule pretty seriously (i.e. twice in the whole 7 turns, not like for every move to make it crit or something like that), simply because I had already spent like 7-8 hours with craptastic luck while randomly resetting RNs. I couldn't find any more efficient way to kill nearly every enemy on the map (sans the 2 thieves on the top, since my Florina is low level, sucks at combat, and can't seem to kill either of them in 3 turns), get every treasure (minus a lockpick), not use Marcus, and do it in 7 turns to meet General_Horace's turn count (although I could comfortably do it in 8).

Thus, it all came down to four 60-75% hits to not all connect on Kent in turn 2 enemy phase, not getting the Devil Axe to backfire on Hector the 2 times to use it, having Matthew dodge 2 40% attacks in a row on turn 1 enemy phase, and having Wil dodge at least one of three 40-60% mage/sniper/archer strikes. They ALL had to happen -- no ifs, ands, or buts; this was especially true in the south, where both southern thieves, the troubadour, the mage, and the knight had to reasonably die on turn 3 to get both the Eclipse and Dragonshield items (Matt steals, then Sain kills with a javelin).

So to begin...on turn 1, I did a weird variation of the ferrying technique from chapter 17 to ensure that Florina could get the talisman (this was her only job). It starts with Matthew stealing from the thief; then Wil takes the key from Matthew and attacks the thief with an iron bow, Sain takes the key from Wil and cantos back one space, and then Florina takes the key from Sain and cantos as far north as possible. MATTHEW MUST HAVE 20 SPEED FOR THIS TO WORK, as the original 3 thieves are literally the only ones in the whole damn game that have capped speed (maybe it's different in HHM, and I'm missing one in a later chapter, but I doubt it). I actually forgot that you could steal from an enemy of equal speed, because there's literally like no other situation ever where this has applied to me (stealing Iron Rune from non-HHM Lloyd in CoD, maybe, but I've never actually tried it). Hector sits on the nearest locked door with a thrown axe...essentially free damage on the javelin knight, and Bartre attacks the nearby thief (standing on a forest tile too >.>) with a swordreaver with a 51% hit rate (oh yeah, this has to connect too for this thief to die on turn 1 enemy phase and for my strat to work, simply because he interferes with Serra on turn 3-4 otherwise), and Kent killed the nearest mage.

Turns 2-3 simply involved healing Wil to full after a sniper took a little less than half his health (being 3HKO'd isn't bad, considering it's a goddamn sniper and Wil was like level 12/-- at the time; I tried putting Beccy here, but her durability sucks compared to Wil's), bullrushing to the thief stealing the south-eastern chests, having Kent kill the ballista with a heavy spear and killing both nearby knights on the enemy phase (and not dying in the process), and having Bartre kill the northern 20 SPD thief with a swordreaver and Hector kill both knights and the troubadour. At the end of turn 3, Sain kills the thief by blocking the doorway and killing him with a javelin (forcing the nearby archer to target Sain and dying to a javelin double on enemy phase) after Matt steals the dragonshield. Wil then kills the adjacent mage to prevent Matt from being finished off (after all, Matt's been being owned by archers and mages and crap all along the path) by a successful connect with thunder.

Turns 4-5 involves Kent backtracking a bit and being healed from near death to near full by Serra's mend (hey, 8-9 MAG doesn't hurt!), Sain moving up in the wyvern's range with a silver lance to ORKO them, Hector and Bartre moving west (Oh yeah, Bartre also has to dodge Sleep twice with like 2 RES and thus a 53% hit rate) and killing the two northern-most knights, Wil chugging down 2 vulneraries (I'm almost out of medicine, but screw it, I'm beating this crap in 7 turns come hell or high water) so he can survive killing the sniper and steel bow archer in the bottom of the map (the longbow archer was killed on turn 2 by Wil to prevent Serra from dying in turn 2 enemy phase to the sniper + longbow archer) on turns 6-7.

Turn 6 is finishing off the wyverns (with everybody hanging around 5 health by the end gee_wiz_emoticon.gif) and having Hector double the boss with a steel axe. Turn 6 enemy phase basically proved to me that my Florina is so weak that Theodor would rather try to Eclipse her with a 35% hit rate than use Nosferatu on a low resistance Hector to heal up. Turn 7 was wrapping up the kills for Wil (he got a SKL/RES level up after killing the sniper, which is like the second or third worst level up I've ever gotten for Wil in the last three S rank runs...QQ) and having Sain and Kent finish off Theodor with a silver and iron lance, respectively.

In general, if I could get past the sheer madness and luck required for turns 1-3, I was usually set to make a legitimate 7 turn attempt on it. I had way too many attempts where I could've 7 turned it, but Sain missed with a silver lance or Hector/Sain/Kent were one space too far away from being able to hit Theodor/seize the throne.


P.S. Parentheses...need more parentheses!

P.S.S. I'm noticing a problem coming up in chapter 21. I'm down to 150G, which is too little to raise by doing arena, and the chapter is a biggie for stocking up on cheap weapons/spells that I don't think I'll be able to find until at least Cogs of Destiny. I think I'm going to have to sell a red gem (or maybe even a blue gem) to buy the necessary stuff. Since I have the silver card, this won't affect my assets rank at all, but it will violate my "Sell no gems" rule, which I honestly put up to justify not selling the red gem on chapter 12. Will you guys let me erase this rule without complaining too much or must I be forced to follow it?

P.S.S.S. Finally got a job lined up today as part of a wait staff for a local restaurant/club, I start on Thursday. Is it suddenly normal to be fingerprinted for a job? I probably should've thought twice about applying to the TSA Cafe (you eat once, we grope twice!). But really, they ARE fingerprinting me. o.O

Experience Gained: 762/0

Meh, Sain sucks up so much experience.

Overall Ranking:

Tactics: 4 (106/103)

Funds: 5

Experience: 5

Survival: 5

Combat: 5


Hector   	19.20	36  15  16  16  08  14  03   A Axe               			C Eliwood
Eliwood  	08.46	23  09  10  10  11  07  04   B Sword             			C Hector
Lyn      	11.13	32  08  12  15  08  05  03   A Sword
Marcus   	21.23	Base
Rebecca  	08.86	22  08  10  12  08  04  03   C Bow
Lowen    	09.49	30  10  05  11  06  11  01   C Lance D Sword
Bartre   	07.31	33  12  08  03  04  06  02   C Axe
Oswin    	10.23	29  13  09  05  04  13  04   B Lance
Guy      	15.17	34  12  20  20  11  07  04   A Sword
Dorcas   	06.26	33  08  08  08  06  04  00   C Axe
Serra    	11.50	21  08  09  09  13  04  11   A Staff
Matthew  	15.09	25  06  09  20  06  05  02   B Sword
Erk      	08.60	22  09  08  11  06  05  05   C Anima
Priscilla	05.35	18  06  07  09  09  04  08   C Staff
Sain 		18.12	33  20  10  15  09  13  04   A Lance D Sword
Kent 		15.99	32  13  12  15  04  12  07   B Lance C Sword
Florina  	05.70	20  06  10  12  08  04  06   D Lance
Wil      	14.22	30  12  13  13  12  10  02   B Bow
Raven    	11.47	35  13  16  16  05  09  03   B Sword
Lucius   	08.39	21  11  09  12  03  01  10   C Light
Canas    	08.88	Base 
Fiora    	07.57	Base                       			

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Holy fushigi, that is probably the funniest aggravtion level yet.

Btw, 13th, read my P.S.S. I'd love your opinion on it (as well as any others).

EDIT: You can't reasonably get it without a chest key, but I don't remember seeing ANY before this point in the game, unlike in HNM. So I was forced to steal the one from the thief, somehow get it to Florina without having her in range of the archers, and have her use a door key/chest key to get the Talisman (I think that's WHY that put that random door in). Of course, Florina spends so much time doing this that I was forced to 7 man a chapter where you can only field 8 people and thus every single slot is vital...and of course, no high RES Jaigan to help out. Blah.

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Well, I would say that the rule is kinda pointless with the Silver Card. If this were, say, HNM, I'd say follow it and sell somebody's Iron Weapon, as those are quit literally everywhere. But I'd say sell it.

But that's just me. I haven't played HHM. (Or EHM for that matter.)

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Yep, if you're working for something larger than a family store.

Anyway, I think you encounter max-Speed thieves in that cave right after Hector promotes. It's FUN.

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Chapter 20: Dragon's Gate (A Chapter EASIER On HHM Than EHM...Otherwise Known As "That Chapter Where Hell Froze Over")

Turn Limit: 16

Turns Taken: 10 (Wow...barely made that turn count! It was sooooo close. tongue.gif I bet you when I calculate my experience for this chapter, it's going to suck balls.)

Aggravation Level: Deciding that you're finally going to take a much needed break from a tedious job. With much anticipation, you buy tickets to that foreign cruise you always wanted to take, which eats up a sizable chunk of your savings. A day or two before the trip, you come down with a serious illness and are forced to cancel your vacation.

Doctor 1: I'm not sure if my patient's going to make it. That's probably one of the worst cases of pneumonia I've ever seen.


Doctor 2: I have a feeling that your patient will be just fine.

Characters Used: Kent, Erk, Rebecca, Wil, Eliwood, Hector, Lyn, Lowen, Canas, Matthew, Serra, Raven; Legault joins on turn 6 or 7.


Dragon's Gate -- it answers so many questions:

1) Who is John Galt Nergal?

2) Is this my blood?

3) What? (Lyn is so absent-minded she makes me look like Sherlock Holmes laugh.gif)

4) Why does my Eliwood keep on living after my numerous attempts to kill him off? (Hint: See his father.)

5) Are morphs too retarded to warp out when they're about to die?

6) Can you mind-control a dragon to help blow up another dragon?

7) Are you my mother ready to rock summon a dragon and destroy all mankind?

So I remember Dragon's Gate being one of the hardest chapters to 10 turn to my satisfaction on EHM, because you essentially HAD to recruit Legault on turn 5 (which was annoying enough to do since you had to essentially cut through a mini-boss and waves of cavs to do so), and then Eliwood HAD to give him an elixir and probably a lancereaver, and then Legault had to fight through like 5-6 knights with crappy STR, steal the member card from the thieves down there, and loot both chests, all in the next 4-5 turns. It's actually REALLY annoying. In HHM, it's like "Hey, dude, you get an extra turn to recruit Legault, and we're totally going to have him steal all the hard crap to acquire. And **** trying to make it hard, let's have the member card thief run to you!"

Really, I'm going to keep this short because it's such an easy chapter and doesn't deserve to be in the same run as 19x and 19xx. I swear, G_H probably didn't even try and was rocking 4 turns under the turn limit here. I'm just disgusted at how easy it is, frankly -- makes 19 look like killing Emerald Weapon w/o KotRT in FF7. In a run where many chapters were so tightly tuned that one single missed attack any time during the chapter could screw me over, having one where I could waltz all over it was so sad. Words cannot describe my fake nerdy sadness (ignoring the fact that the adjectives technically did).

Erk took care of the archer spawns in the south-west archer spawns (and the later mage spawns slightly to the north), Rebecca solo'd the killer bow archer and all of the archer/warrior spawns in that same room by standing on a conveniently placed forest tile, and Lowen and Wil took care of all of the spawns in the middle room (and Wil ORKO'd the steel lance cav, ultimately saving Lyn's life later in the chapter, and weakened a nomad or two) and sniped most of the pegasi that started spawning on turn 8. Hector, Eliwood, and Raven rushed north and killed everything in the way so that Hector could block off the Member Card thief on turn 5 (or was it 6?), recruit Legault on the next turn, and steal the member card.

Lyn, Kent, and Serra rushed on the "traditional" path to the final boss, with Serra using the unlock staff on all three doors along the way to nab some OMNOMNOM experience and because they all had to be opened anyways. Matthew stole the brave bow and the two chests that Legault didn't nab, and then sat on his rear end for the rest of his chapter because he's about as cursed as I've ever seen him in a run. If I'm promoting a thief this runthrough, it's sure as hell will be Legault. Good base stats, similar growths to Matthew, gains tactician bonus (an extra 6-10 avoid is nice when you're already rocking 60-75 of it, since it scales exponentially).

Kent 2RKO'd Cameron on turn 2 enemy phase and turn 3 player phase with ease, and also basically destroyed Darin with some of my last few uses of a heavy lance (seeing his damage go from 2 to 14 when switching from an iron lance to the heavy lance kind of made me chuckle). In my first two attempts on Dragon's Gate, I tried using Lyn's Mani Katti (which I think OHKO's Cameron if it crits), but her crap durability didn't help. Lyn's been slightly cursed, and having the worst level up in the chapter (proc'd +1 LUK only) didn't help. Rebecca, as always with my archers, proc'd a good level. I'm going to officially say either my cartridge is ****ed up or Serenes is wrong on the growths of Wil and Rebecca. Seriously, the number of 4, 5, and perfect level-ups they get is astounding, and their perceived growth rates in every run I've ever done (sans Wil in a single run) are slightly less than or tie Nino's.

Experience Gained: 1517/2100

...I'm actually relatively happy with how close I got to the experience rank considering how many reinforcements I technically skipped over low-turning this. This chapter is known for having a high experience standard, at least in EHM.

Overall Ranking:

Tactics: 5 (116/119)

Funds: 5

Experience: 5 (14194/11400)

Survival: 5

Combat: 5


Hector   	19.84	36  15  16  16  08  14  03   A Axe               			C Eliwood
Eliwood  	09.43	24  09  11  11  12  07  04   A Sword             			C Hector
Lyn      	12.13	32  08  12  15  08  06  03   A Sword
Marcus   	21.23	Base
Rebecca  	10.60	23  10  12  13  10  04  03   B Bow
Lowen    	11.32	32  10  05  13  08  11  03   B Lance D Sword
Bartre   	07.31	33  12  08  03  04  06  02   C Axe
Oswin    	10.23	29  13  09  05  04  13  04   B Lance
Guy      	15.17	34  12  20  20  11  07  04   A Sword
Dorcas   	06.26	33  08  08  08  06  04  00   C Axe
Serra    	12.70	21  08  09  10  14  04  12   A Staff
Matthew  	15.09	25  06  09  20  06  05  02   B Sword
Erk      	09.98	23  09  08  12  07  05  05   B Anima
Priscilla	05.35	18  06  07  09  09  04  08   C Staff
Sain 		18.12	33  20  10  15  09  13  04   A Lance D Sword
Kent 		18.79	35  15  13  16  06  13  08   B Lance C Sword
Florina  	05.70	20  06  10  12  08  04  06   D Lance
Wil      	14.91	30  12  13  13  12  10  02   B Bow
Raven    	12.94	36  13  16  17  06  09  03   B Sword
Lucius   	08.39	21  11  09  12  03  01  10   C Light
Canas    	10.23	21  11  10  09  07  05  09   B Dark 
Fiora    	07.57	Base
Legault  	12.10	Base                       			

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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I took 12 turns because I wanted the secret shop... I think...

I don't even remember...I'll have to double-check your video. I know you were slightly slower to clear the cavs and nomads than in my attempt, but that really wasn't a big deal. You also had Hector block off the thief at the top-left corner at about the same time as I did, which is actually how I got the idea.

I just know I saw you basically clearing 80% of the chapter in 6 turns like I did and then wondering what you did the other 6 turns.

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Don't bother checking my video, it cuts out at like turn 10.

But yeah, I left the boss alive until turn 11, because I sent Lowen down to the secret shop at the very bottom to buy killer weapons. Marcus/Hector could have easily killed the boss much earlier.

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Don't bother checking my video, it cuts out at like turn 10.

But yeah, I left the boss alive until turn 11, because I sent Lowen down to the secret shop at the very bottom to buy killer weapons. Marcus/Hector could have easily killed the boss much earlier.

I almost got a 9 turn clear in one particularly nice attempt, which I think is about the minimum you can reasonably going to do it in and recruit Legault and get the member card and the swag. But I think 10 turning it is plenty good enough, and all of the extra kills I snagged I think justified the extra time.

...Although I'm a little shocked at how much more experience that you got than I did on this chapter. I mean, 2 extra turns of pegasi, and maybe finishing off the knights in that top-right corner, but that doesn't equate to a 500 experience difference.

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I had Marcus hanging around too, so Idk. The Pegasi and Knights almost equated for a level each, and I think I tend to get a little more exp with my healers (my Serra has 4 levels on yours, and Prissy has 5). Otherwise my units were just lower levelled?

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I had Marcus hanging around too, so Idk. The Pegasi and Knights almost equated for a level each, and I think I tend to get a little more exp with my healers (my Serra has 4 levels on yours, and Prissy has 5). Otherwise my units were just lower levelled?

Idk, but I just did a rough calculation of total experience, and I'm coming up about 100 experience short of your run (and about 4 turns ahead) at this current time. Which definitely is odd, considering I have no Marcus soaking up experience. I guess it must be the healers and Hector/Sain/Kent soaking up experience in place of Marcus, but idk. Sain/Kent/Hector are a bit overleveled, but I think I'm doing a decent job fielding lower level units to milk some extra experience in chapters.

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The next 3 chapters have somewhat tough to meet requirements all across the board, see how your exp and such compare then. Even if your within 500-1000 exp of my run, I don't think you should worry too much, I think I had ~4200 excess exp, and I didn't really go for any exp after 28x. And don't use my turncounts lategame as references, they are pretty slow (especially 28x)

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Chapter 21: New Resolve (...Turns Out I Noticed I Forgot to Steal The Guiding Rung Back In Pirate Ship. Damnit, And Matthew Was In Place To Do It Too...)

Turn Limit: 9

Turns Taken: 7

Aggravation Level: Having a great run only to find out that you missed one of the more valuable items in the game. And, of course, it would be the most sought-out promotion item I'm going to have on my team. GAH~ QQ

Characters Used: Florina, Fiora, Eliwood, Hector, Serra, Legault, Bartre, Wil.


So I'm not sure why General_Horace hates this chapter so much. The fog of war can be trivialized with a single use of the staff Torch by Serra on turn 1, and it's not all that hard of a chapter. Really, the hardest part of the chapter is rushing to kill Oleg before you die in a sea of reinforcement wyvern knights. Seriously, the spawn rate they have in HHM is pretty crazy. The biggest goals in this chapter for me were to get a good level/some cash with Wil in the arena, since his stats are so solid (and because I found out that Rebecca can't double most HM arena enemies even with her crazy high speed and she has crap duability compared to Wil), feed Florina, Bartre, and maybe Fiora some kills, and buy CRAPLOADS of stuff. Actually, I still have the "shopping list" I wrote down (no, seriously, I looked through my inventory and made a physical list; how sad is that?). Here it is:

Iron Sword x5

Steel Sword x4

Mend x3

Heal x3

Thunder x2

Iron Axe x3

Steel Axe x3

Hand Axe x3

Iron Lance x5

Steel Lance x2

Javelin x4 (and I fear even this was not enough)

Vulnerary x1

Pure Water x3

...And I think that about covers it. Hopefully, most of this stuff will last me the majority of the rest of the game, considering that I had to sell a white gem and red gem to buy all of it even with the silver card.

As for tactics, I had Florina take care of the two monks in the lower-left corner (having Serra barrier her on turn 1 so that she wouldn't die in the process) and visit the two left-most houses. Fiora, on the other hand, had shopping duty, visiting all three armories and the vendor, as well as killing a monk or two and visiting the top-right house. Serra torched and barrier'd on turn 1 with a little help from Ninian, and just went on her usual insane in the membrane healing duty from there on in. Eliwood, Hector, Legault, and Wil basically crushed all of the fliers, rushing forward as fast as possible so that I could get Wil to the arena ASAP. Bartre snagged as many kills as humanly possible, which is harder than it sounds simply because everything but steel lance pegasi and shine monks double him and basically almost ORKO him; he also basically rushed to the wyrmslayer house once the main force rushed Oleg, since there was no way he could expose himself like that and live, which sucks.

Beating Oleg was simply a matter of luring him on a turn where I had wiped out most of the reinforcements, usually with Legault for wta and high evasion to force him to use a bow. Then, once he was out, I simply stole the promotion item from him (and made DAMN sure I didn't make the same mistake twice...you have no idea how much that STILL pisses me off), had Hector nearly 2RKO him with the help of Ninian and then had Eliwood finish him off; Eliwood needed the experience and Hector just capped his level, which kind of sucks, because I'll be forced to field him until he promotes in Cogs of Destiny and he will need to kill a thing or two.

Damn my poor memory and not stealing that Guiding Ring. I feel like my whole run is stained somehow as a result.

Experience Gained: 1058/1200

...Not meeting experience ranks is starting to annoy me a bit. Something tells me chapter 22 is going to be worse...

Overall Ranking:

Tactics: 5 (123/128)

Funds: 5

Experience: 5 (15252/12600)

Survival: 5

Combat: 5


UNIT     	LEVEL	HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS   WEP LEVEL                   	SUPPORT
Hector   	20.00	36  16  17  16  08  15  03   A Axe                       	C Eliwood
Eliwood  	11.62	25  10  12  12  13  09  05   A Sword                     	C Hector
Lyn      	12.13	32  08  12  15  08  06  03   A Sword
Marcus   	21.23	Base
Rebecca  	10.60	23  10  12  13  10  04  03   B Bow
Lowen    	11.32	32  10  05  13  08  11  03   B Lance D Sword
Bartre   	08.65	34  13  09  04  04  07  02   C Axe
Oswin    	10.23	29  13  09  05  04  13  04   B Lance
Guy      	15.17	34  12  20  20  11  07  04   A Sword
Dorcas   	06.26	33  08  08  08  06  04  00   C Axe
Serra    	14.09	23  08  10  12  16  04  14   A Staff
Matthew  	15.09	25  06  09  20  06  05  02   B Sword
Erk      	09.98	23  09  08  12  07  05  05   B Anima
Priscilla	05.35	18  06  07  09  09  04  08   C Staff
Sain     	18.12	33  20  10  15  09  13  04   A Lance D Sword
Kent     	18.79	35  15  13  16  06  13  08   B Lance C Sword
Florina  	07.18	20  08  12  14  09  04  06   C Lance
Wil      	15.80	31  12  14  14  12  11  02   A Bow
Raven    	12.94	36  13  16  17  06  09  03   B Sword
Lucius   	08.39	21  11  09  12  03  01  10   C Light
Canas    	10.23	21  11  10  09  07  05  09   B Dark 
Fiora    	07.99	Base
Legault  	14.10	30  10  15  17  12  09  05   C Sword
Ninian   	07.71	Base                               	

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Chapter 22: Kinship's Bond (Fire Emblem's Re-Enactment of the Movie 300. WE. ARE. OSTIA!)

Turn Limit: 12

Turns Taken: 9

Aggravation Level: It's a busy day at the supermarket, and you're stuck in a long, extraordinarily slow moving line; so, after contemplating after the variety of physical and mental ailments you're sure the cashier must be suffering from, you notice that the other line seems to be shorter and moving quicker. It is, of course, only once you switch lanes that the line you moved out of starts to move about ten times faster; your new line, as is par for the course today, slows to a halt because your new cashier decided it was the perfect time to take a break.

Characters Used: Rebecca, Lowen, Hector, Ninian, Lyn, Eliwood, Kent, Serra, Priscilla, Bartre, Legault; Isadora joined on turn 1, Heath joined on turn 3, Rath joined on turn 4.


Well, we're starting to wind up into mid-game here, and Intelligent Systems is beginning to show its true colors. You see, most games tend to like to throw harder enemies. But not IS...oh no. Other than the wyvern knights, which are tough to deal with without the proper tools, the enemies stat-wise are freakishly similar to back in chapters 17 and 18...there are simply like 75 of them now instead of like 20-35 back in 17. The sheer number of enemies in this level is just ridiculous; you start out with about 35 enemies to begin with, and about 4-5 more spill out every single turn to attempt to destroy you, be in monk/knight spawns or wyvern knights or mages or...well, you get the point. MANY WHELPS ENEMIES, DEAL WTH IT! 100 shame points if you got the reference. 100 more if you link the video.

So, unfortunately for my experience rank, I had to field Kent and his freakishly high 8-10 RES to deal with all of the enemies on the left-hand edge of the map (and then forgot to bring his promo item, and he nabbed like 2-3 no experience kills, which cost me like 18 experience on my rank), and Hector very occassionally chipped in a kill or two to prevent me from being overwhelmed by enemies in the middle. Like Dragon's Gate, I actually found the HHM version of this chapter easier, despite the many, MANY more mobs. No more having green units steal as many kills, no more ballista I can't reach without pulling Eubans, no more green units pulling Eubans all the way up to Nils (I kid you not!) and causing a game over. It's just a lot less stupid in design

I managed to recruit Heath (FEEL THE POWER OF TOFFEE GOODNESS!) and kill the enemy thief very early on by having Priscilla use the Unlock staff on the door blocking my units from reaching him, and then having Kent move into the space and ORKO a swordslayer fighter with a javelin...this is possible with the help of Ninian and the cav's 7 MOV. That enemy phase, Kent ORKO'd the nomad and other fighter, and left both wyvern riders (and Heath) near death. On the second turn, Hector moved about 10 spaces towards Heath, again with the help of Ninian, and Kent finished off one of the wyverns, having Prissy-Poo heal him afterwards. Isadora came in and finished off the other wyvern; this is about the only kill she'll get all game, as I said I'm trying to use prepromotes very sparingly.

The third turn had Legault solo one of the nearby mages, gain a second action, and steal the enemy thief's lockpick (hey, it's a free 1k gold, I'll take it, especially after losing that 10k gold in assets due to my sheer stupidity), Hector recruit Heath, Heath one-shot the enemy thief with his axereaver (double reaver bonus FTW), and Kent block off the left-hand doorway with a javelin (allowing him to kill every other mage on that enemy phase). From that point on in the chapter, Kent solo'd the enemies on the left edge, Isadora went up to buy 4 physics, 1 barrier, and 2 stacks of Chest Keyx5 in the secret shop (Kent traded her a member and silver card on turn 1), Legault looted the chests, and Hector/Heath went to help kill knight/monk reinforcements and later push south towards Eubans.

Meanwhile, in the center, I had Eliwood and Hector take care of the first few knights/cavs, since they were about the only two who could move past the green knights on turn 1, and Lowen get into position so he could block off the breakable wall on turn 2 (to see what happens when you don't, feel free to see General_Horace's video and watch as about 8 enemies manage to swarm around Raven and nearly kill him). Then, once it was blocked off, it was simply a matter of keeping Lowen alive (which wasn't too bad given Lowen's high-ish SPD, DEF, and STR, and that he ORKO'd the swordreaver fighters with an iron lance) and having Eliwood, Lyn, Bartre, and Rebecca take care of the spawns coming in from the front door. I do admit that I took a little too long to recruit Rath, simply because I found great opportunities to catch up and actually get ahead of reinforcement spawns using Lyn's Mani Katti -- I needed every ounce of killing power I could muster early on. It cost me a little experience (about 20-30 total), but I can't completely regret it. I am pissed I'm falling behind G_H's run in experience, though, despite the fact that he managed to trash the experience rank.

By turn 5-6, I had cleared about 90% of the map and decided to push down to Eubans, eventually killing him by weakening him with Hector and finishing him off with Lyn's Mani Katti, which was actually only possible because she managed to get two STR level-ups in a row. There really wasn't anything significant that happened during this time, and I think I actually blanked out somewhere in the middle of it since I was stuck watching Psych at the same time (hey, don't judge me!). Since I was so efficient (too efficient, probably) at clearing away the enemies, I basically managed to get a slightly faster victory than G_H, at the cost of some experience (he probably won this chapter overall, though).

Experience Gained: 1481/1700


Overall Ranking:

Tactics: 5 (132/139)

Funds: 5

Experience: 5 (16743/14300)

Survival: 5

Combat: 5


Hector   	20.00	36  16  17  16  08  15  03   A Axe                   		C Eliwood
Eliwood  	12.86	26  10  13  13  14  10  06   A Sword                 		C Hector
Lyn      	14.02	34  10  14  17  10  06  04   A Sword
Marcus   	21.23	Base
Rebecca  	11.63	24  10  12  14  11  04  04   B Bow
Lowen    	13.37	34  11  06  13  09  11  03   B Lance D Sword
Bartre   	09.31	35  14  10  05  04  08  02   C Axe
Oswin    	10.23	29  13  09  05  04  13  04   B Lance
Guy      	15.17	34  12  20  20  11  07  04   A Sword
Dorcas   	06.26	33  08  08  08  06  04  00   C Axe
Serra    	15.17	24  09  10  13  16  04  15   A Staff
Matthew  	15.09	25  06  09  20  06  05  02   B Sword
Erk      	09.98	23  09  08  12  07  05  05   B Anima
Priscilla	06.55	19  06  08  10  10  04  09   B Staff
Sain 		18.12	33  20  10  15  09  13  04   A Lance D Sword
Kent 		20.00	37  16  13  17  07  13  10   A Lance C Sword
Florina  	07.18	20  08  12  14  09  04  06   C Lance
Wil      	15.80	31  12  14  14  12  11  02   A Bow
Raven    	12.94	36  13  16  17  06  09  03   B Sword
Lucius   	08.39	21  11  09  12  03  01  10   C Light
Canas    	10.23	21  11  10  09  07  05  09   B Dark 
Fiora    	07.99	Base
Legault  	14.88	30  10  15  17  12  09  05   C Sword
Ninian   	08.52	20  01  00  18  17  07  10 
Rath 		08.18	26  09  10  10  06  07  02   C Bow
Isadora  	21.26	28  13  12  16  10  08  06   A Sword B Lance D Axe
Heath    	08.42	32  13  09  08  07  12  01   B Lance                      	

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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