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You choose the units, I play through this game

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Chapter 6: 10 turns (73 total)

I only deployed Eirika and Garcia on this one. Then I simply went through the middle. Had to defend for a number of turns to prevent swarming and either unit dying.

Chapter 7: 11 turns (84 total)

Renvall time. Neimi needs to stop sucking before I permanently bench her. Eirika moves ahead to the boss, the rest lags just a little behind to take care of all the enemies.

Chapter 8: 13 turns (97 total)

I think this map is kind of the usual. Eirika pretty much just rushes to the throne, Garcia and Natasha follow, Lute goes over to Eph to help and Neimi pretty much does nothing.

Level	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Resources
Eirika	20	36	12	18	20	18	14	3	Dragonshield, Angelic Robe
Ephraim	12	28	10	12	14	9	11	4	
Garcia	20	41	19	18	9	9	10	4	Secret Book
Lute	6	20	8	7	9	12	4	5	
Kyle	11	30	10	10	11	7	10	3	
Natasha	3	18	2	4	8	7	4	6	
Neimi	5	19	4	8	7	5	4	4	

Okay, let's do a little performance review

Eirika: Got lots of str procs in the beginning, which made her combat a lot better. Ended up average, but oh well. Most notable is her def; 14! 14 def on Eirika! That's unheard of! I've had 20/20 Eirika's with that! She's a tank!

Ephraim: Eph is Eph.

Garcia: His hitrates annoyed me, so I gave him a secret book and then he started proccing skl like crazy. Spd is low. Will feed him the very first speedwing I get.

Lute: Generic spellcaster. 3HKO's most. Kind of below average

Kyle: PROCS SKILL AND SPEED THIS TIME AROUND THANK GOD. Average-ish, not really great.

Natasha: Healing is helpful. that's pretty much Natasha

Neimi: Look at her stats. ZERO str procs. Not worth the deployment slot, really.

Continuing on with my run now.

Chapter 9: 19 turns (116 total)

Taking it slowly. I miss Amelia. Funny, cause I think this chapter could have been played faster had I not deployed Neimi (and Lute and Natasha)

Edited by Daigoji Excellen
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You people thought this was dead, didn't you?

Well guess what?

Chapter 10: 14 turns (130 total)

Didn't bother bringing Neimi. First few turns are spent defending, then Eirika breaks south while the rest stays near the starting point and eventually works toward the gate. Eirika recruits Innes who then recruits Gerik for the Hero Crest and they start retreating toward the gate. Gerik gets the crest to Garcia, who promotes to Hero, and I finish the chapter a few turns later.

Chapter 11: 14 turns (144 total)

Good thing no chests in this chapter are interesting. Kyle gets promoted before I start the chapter. All in all, this kind of annoys me. Kill All with Fog Of War just to fuck with you... Well I guess I can farm Torch spam EXP...

Chapter 12:

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Okay kids, time for some more!

Chapter 12: 17 turns (161 total)

Kyle moves ahead and plows through lots of units. Pretty much everyone else stays back to deal with the fliers and reinforcements. Then I push everyone up, recruit Ewan and kill all the remaining enemies. That's purdy much it.

Chapter 13: 12? turns (173 total)

Ewan has turned out even more extremely blessed than in my previous playthrough. This chapter is I think the hardest in Eirika's path, especially with a squishy team like mine. First turns are spent with my good units(eirika, garcia, kyle, innes) taking out bastillae and the first enemies from the east. Then I start retreating to deal with the enemy reinforcements coming from the west, and to prepare for cormag. I also recruit Amelia somewhere along the way. After that, cormag GET and I take on cavalier reinforcements. After THAT Carlo drops in and I get sandwiched though I manage to fight through that and by the time I am done dealing with that situation I start pushing ahead toward the east and the chapter ends.

Chapter 14: 18 turns (191 total)

Goals for this chapter: Get Member Card, buy 2 Guiding Rings, loot the other.Garcia goes southwest solo, Cormag, Natasha and Lute stake out the middle path for the entirety of the chapter and everyone else goes after Rennac. Rennac is recruited, everyone moves up. I expected Carlyle taking a long while, so I sent Innes up to buy the stuff I want from the secret shop, then by some very lucky RNG Kyle gets 2 hits in which puts Carlyle into crit kill range for killing edge!eirika, who pulls it off. chapter ends on turn 18.

Chapter 15: 13 turns (204 total)

Oh boy chapter 15 already. No thieves unfortunately still means no thieves, so no hunting for treasure for me =/ My battle plan is as follows: Cormag gets Axereaver and goes to kill Caellach, someone kills the zerker and grabs the Dragon Axe, which is then transported to Garcia who will use it to oneshot Valter. Kyle, L'arachel, Ewan and Cormag go left, everyone else stays right. Zerker is lured by Eirika, and killed by Lute. Ewan makes his way down to where Ephraim eventually shows up and kicks much ass along with him, Cormag takes a while on Caellach but eventually whips him, I get the bulk of my army down into the desert, grab the swiftsoles and defend from peg knights, shamans and wyverns from there. Garcia makes a dash down toward Valter and predictably oneshots him, I kill off a few more randoms and the chapter ends.

Considering my army is back together now, it's a good moment to take a few and show you how everyone is doing

Level	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Resources
Eirika	20	36	14	18	20	18	14	3	Dragonshield, Angelic Robe, Energy Ring
Ephraim	18	35	15	17	18	12	13	6	
Garcia	20/8	49	24	23	13	12	14	6	Secret Book, Speedwing
Lute	20	24	17	8	13	18	4	11	
Kyle	18/8	45	18	18	18	10	14	8	
Natasha	10/2	25	7	8	12	13	9	13	
Neimi	7	20	4	9	9	6	4	4	
L'Arachel	7	19	9	9	13	14	5	11	
Innes	4	32	15	14	15	16	11	11	
Ewan	10/17	29	17	13	19	16	11	12	
Cormag	18	37	20	14	16	10	15	2	

Eirika: Eirika is still the same as she was back at chapter 8. Though she now has received an energy Ring, which helps put her into ORKO range for a good number of enemies. Her Def being 14 means that even now, she rarely takes over 5 damage from any attack. Overall I rate her among the best units I've had so far

Ephraim: Ephraim will be Ephraim. Slightly above average or average in pretty much everything. Very solid unit with a great personal weapon at the times when you need it the most. Very good unit whose place on the tiering list will be lowered because of his availability.

GARcia: Carried about half of the earlygame burden and still being very very useful more than halfway through the game. Speed is below average by 2, so I'm grateful for the Hero promotion path and the speedwing I so painstakingly got from Amelia. Average pretty much everywhere else except for his skl, which now helps his hit rates against swords. Though I'm finding him in combination with the steel blade also a good idea. Probably the best unit in this PT so far.

Kyle: fortunately for Kyle he didn't get his stats raped all across the board. Sort of. The result is a Kyle who trades some str and def for some spd and skl. Honestly I would have gone for average everything because he'd be better that way, but he's still the guy I can throw at pretty much everything and except him to get out on top. Also mounted, which has it's uses every now and then. Yet another unit fit for top tier.

Lute: Under average in just about everything except luck. Doesn't double, so she loses pretty much the main draw of mages; kickass offense. Pretty mediocre, really.

Natasha: Another unit who does poorly across the board. She's got decentish def but not the HP to escape from being 2HKO'd. Was also doubled very often before her chapter 15 promotion. All in all, I think she's outlived her most of her usefulness.

Neimi: No str proc in 6 level ups equals fuck you. Nuff said. Bottom feeder by default.

L'arachel: Comes in and beats Natasha in everything but staff level. Probably gonna carry the primary healer torch from now on.

Innes: He starts at level 1, he's now 4. What could this mean?! He's an archer, and therefore he's very limited, but he's kinda similar to earlygame Shinon in FE9. You can use him to meatshield, since his def, res and hp are all pretty solid. Definitely not a useful kinda guy, but not exactly worthless or detrimental.

Ewan: Had 12? spd by 10/1. Yup. Blessed across the board. Bigtime. Again. And almost right from the moment I could use him. Still, availability and unable to take a hit. So he's definitely okay.

Cormag: Yo dawg, I heard you like blessedness to I put more blessedness on your blessedness. Cormag is above his average in most stats and has been an alround solid performer since I got him, which sorta puts him into the same range as Ewan if not for more mov, so more enemy exposure and better tank abilities. Right now he's a good/great unit to have around.

Edited by Daigoji Excellen
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Chapter 16: 7 turns (211 total)

Eirika gets the swiftsoles. I move up into the castle, let Natasha warp Eirika and Ewan up towards the boss. Garcia, Kyle and Cormag take the normal route. The rest stays back and takes on the drak mages and whatnot. Once there, cormag, Gar and Kyle start whipping throne room enemies and through a not so very lucky killer axe crit, Garcia oneshots Orson and Eirika moves in to capture on turn 7.

Chapter 17: 5 turns (216 total)

Eirika gets 5 res on promotion WTF O_O. Cormag promotes because he hit 20 on chapter 16. I will promote Ewan whenever he either hits one of his caps (spd is one away) or when he hits 20. This one chapter is fairly easy and straightforward if it weren't for those damn reinforcements all the time. Anyway, Innes is teleported near Syrene and recruits her the next turn, eirika and Kyle rush toward the boss, everyone else gets up to the middle plateau and tries to defend my healers and other pathetically weak units like Syrene.

Chapter 18: 8 turns (224 total)

Everyone scurries about and I get a 8 turn clear. L'arachel is still at level 9.

Edited by Daigoji Excellen
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