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Zombie Archer

Hawk King

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I thought this was funny and interesting so i decided to share it.

Ok, so i decided to play Lyn Hard mode this morning. I've been playing quickly with battle animations off, and i've been skipping the story. Well when i got to Chapter 5 i went to kill the archer that Erk had weakened in the story sequence and he had 0 HP... Apparently, that fight with Erk and the archer isn't scripted, and it actually uses RN's, and Erk happened to get a lucky 3% crit.

Well i attacked the 0HP archer with Sain it tinked him for no damage and then the archer died. And sain gained 0 exp.

I took pics of the 0HP on my cell phone. I am unable to put them on here but if anyone would like to PM me their cell # I could send them the pics and then maybe they could post the pics??

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Well that's the first I've heard of it... If it's on the main site then I shouldn't have missed it, so I doubt this is on the main site. Why is this not on the main site?

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Well that's the first I've heard of it... If it's on the main site then I shouldn't have missed it, so I doubt this is on the main site. Why is this not on the main site?

FEShrine mentions it FWIW.

But really, it's pretty trivial.

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