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Removable roof tiles.


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This is one for all the mappers out there.wink.gif

I'm using one of the castle tilesets from FE7 (0A009B0C to be exact), and i'm wondering if there are any tiles in this set that can be used for removable roof tiles like what you see in chapters like 6, 25/27, etc. I've checked the maps here, but they show the map with the tile changes, so it's no help. thanks guys.

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The best that you could do with that tileset would just be to use doors. If you were able to use a different tileset, FE6's Bern Keep or FE8's 79 7A 7B (Grado Keep) tilesets do have roof tiles in them and are still castle tilesets...

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Problem is, if you try to have a unit already loaded in the room like in FE7, will it still work, or will the unit appear to be standing on the roof?

Perhaps I could PM one of you with more details?

Edited by Richter Belmont
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I haven't really tried that method by myself (I rarely use roofs at all in my maps), but I would guess that the enemies would appear on top of those "roof" tiles, so that if you wanted to use them, you'd need the game to load the the moment the door is open or something like that.

Or just don't use roofs/use a different tileset.

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Or just don't use roofs/use a different tileset.

Can't. The map has to be a completely indoor castle. It's actually supposed to be a basement. So, i'll have to roll with a mod of your idea. Set a tile in front of the wall that will cause a tile change, and then set units to load in the same event. It just won't look right with a unit just popping out of nowhere, but at least it's only going to be one unit on one tile that's changing. Did that make any sense?

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Problem is, if you try to have a unit already loaded in the room like in FE7, will it still work, or will the unit appear to be standing on the roof?

Perhaps I could PM one of you with more details?

I don't exactly remember how it works, but the unit loads as soon as the door opens, so I guess trigger a loading event right after the tile changes?

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