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(FE4) Tag Team four. That's right folks, three in a little over one day.


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Think of the most painful, torturous way to die. Now please go kill Midayle using that method.



Don't care. Stay dead. Please.


Edited by Darros
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Um, Integ. Strikethrough.

Considering how cheeky you've been regarding the matter and the fact that that was the entirety of your post, I found it natural to assume some truth in it.

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Chapter 2


Gah I hate this chapter because sleep staff place.

Also Sigurd's gotten strong enough to the point where enemies don't attack him anymore. <___<

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Chapter 4


My turncounts are the worst. Anywhoo, everyone but Aideen promoted, but she's ready to! Sigurd got hit by Blizzard. Twice. <_<

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And now for someone none of you like and/or care about! Me!



7 above my goal ;~;

I blame Midayle.

Anywhoo, it would have been sonner, but two WHORES got in my way. They're the same whores as last time. Take a guess who.

Sigurd, the Man, 192 Kills woohoo.


Yay Sigurd. Sigurd was awesome, as always.

Arden, invaluable (yet useless), 6 Kills.


He saved me headache in the prologu, and then wasted RNG's like a boss. Fond of Ayra, aren't we all?

Beowulf, would have been helpful, but he was glued to Briggid, still he managed 32 Kills


He was a monster. Then Briggid showed up and he bascially sat by her for two chapters. Yaay. ;/

Briggid, monster, 21 Kills.


She was a combat monster, ORKOing everythin she ever fought, but she also fucked up my gameplay so bad by costing turns for Ichival, and then holding back Beowulf.

Aideen and Jamka, 35 Kills and none of them were Aideens


OTP for life. Also I missed the pursuit ring and then saved over. After I saved over I realized I missed it. Sorry!

Now let's get a save file.


12 luck? Awesome!


And you have even more!


Zak your starting team sure is lucky!


Patty, I guess.

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Ch6: A new draft, a new emu 30/237

I had to switch to ZSNES because my Firewall Bawwww's at SNES9x.


So first, reset so that Celice can get his 3rd leadership star. Then generic rush East and frake teh bawss. Radney stayed safely behind so that she didn't get a WTFPenalty. After she recruited Johan, I had Frog-girl Lana warp her back to the safe non-penalizing home castle. Johalva got beat just because. Hero axe guy's army held me up by only doing indirect attacks like a group of pussies, causing me to have to burn teh turns trying to cut through. After seizing Isaac and getting the Lightning Medal, I had Llama-Lana warp Julia so that Celice can give her the Rezire. Celice 1-shotted the boss and on the next turn, Amid killed off the last enemy on the map, causing him to get stat bonuses that were so high, his stats cycled back around to what you see. Not really. And then Celice seized the final castle, finishing the map and leaving the desert on the South-Western portion of the map to be unexplored for the day.

And Darros, Baaaaaaw I told you to have Fin get teh Hero Lance! D:

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Oh hooray I'm cared about. :D

Originally I wasn't going to reply but then I remembered this board has different rules

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Yeah Darros, you're too :awesome: to not care about!

Chapter 7: The desert of Baaaaaaw!!! 40/277

Johan died! :cry:


So I still hate this chapter with a passion. Obviously I had to keep Shannan alive this time, which wasn't too hard. Celice ran forwards ASAP to kill and seize, and then I had to fight Ishtor's troops. It wasn't too hard, although Ishtor was at a point where he was able to death-shot Johan with a 100%, and I haven't set up a good SS system for ZSNES yet, leaving me to either restart or continue, so I had to move forwards.


I had Shannan put Aless down before that nasty ass gave me a nasty-ass penalty. 2 of the Mage Sisters felt the need to attack Celice while adjacent to him, which is quite fine by me, honestly. Not-Tinny tried to make a run for it, but eventually I blocked her off and had Amid recruit the crap out of her. And then Celice pwn'd Blume and won the map with a not-respectable turncount of 40.

Also I kept Fin and Jake Leaf survive, meaning that now I can recruit Altenna and have her neutralize Arion and have him beat the Dark Warlords.

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holy shit just read this

holy shit we smashed the record, that drafted team was OP

I could improve it, but it would require my team include all of Aideen, Ethlin, Claude, Laylea, and probably Ares. Cause THAT'S going to happen.

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I could improve it, but it would require my team include all of Aideen, Ethlin, Claude, Laylea, and probably Ares. Cause THAT'S going to happen.

4. crashman(1)* and Rein(2): Ethlin, Leaf, Altenna, Lachesis, Nanna, Delmund, Lex, Beowulf, Aless, Laylea, Radney, Johan, Dimna, Hannibal

It's not super impossible. Besides, you've gotten Levin and Tiltyu twice at least which I resent greatly, so you have some high degree of luck.

Chapter 8: I made it in 20!!! 20/297

Woohoo, improvement!


So Leaf and co ran to the home castle to hide, Celice and a bunch of others went to beat Muhammad (they show his mugshot in game. :dry: ), and Muh-Amid and Integ's Waifu went into the mountains to get their bonuses (sadly, Amid never actually got his. :( ). Oifey and Lana stayed to guard the castle from the power company. Celice must keep forgetting to pay the bills. So stab stab kill kill, and Fawful is recruited. Blume dies with a critical, and castle es seized.

Amid had to fight through the Thracian troops, which was a PITA, but he survived. I attacked a dragonwhatsit who was on a river, and...


Neat BG. Note to self: PB converts BMP to shitty JPG

Faval and Lester saved the villagers.

Celice charged South and one-shotted the boss like he usually does and seized for the victory.

And is Imageshack any better? Because PB keeps crushing my images and it's annoying me.

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