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Capcom got what was comming to them.


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Ah, so you're one of those people who scream their eyes out when the game still has several months to go and few if any outside of the game company has played it. Have fun having your faith in humanity crushed, as, even regardless of quality, it will sell well.

I personally think the gem system looks awesome, but it's pointless to argue when pretty much all we have as ammo is speculation.

while i don't know much about SF vs Tekken, i do know that UMVC3 didn't sell very well.

personaly i think SF vs Tekken will sell much better due to how its being marketed.

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My brother actually played Street Fighter x Tekken at a Gaming Expo recently. He liked it but he's a fan of Street Fighter IV and he said it had a similar feel.

He said the Tekken characters all got their moves changed so they fit into a SF 2D system so when he took a team of Ken and Yoshimitsu (his Tekken main), he really messed up as Yoshi but when he switched to Ken and Sagat the combos started racking up and he enjoyed it.

As for Pandora mode, it was pretty much useless and no one used it. Capcom are overhauling anyway so it didn't matter.

Right, forgot about conventions. That's awesome. Yeah, the pandora system seemed pretty useless to me. Far too much risk for something that seems to amount to a glorified X Factor.

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