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lol@III-6 HM


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just played chapter 3-6, and omg that was ugly.

Micaiah somehow managed to survive by dodging 2 tiger attacks on last turn, but everyone but her, Sothe and BK were killed.

North was blocked by screwed Nolan 20/1 and Zihark -/5 (C support) and the right side was blocked by Sothe -/5 assisted by Micaiah and Volug (C assist Aran).

BK came in this side to help.

Fot thr fun I saved on a new file after the map.

Now is it possible to survive chapter III-13 ?

For the record Fiona, Edward 6, Leonardo 6 still live.

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Oh, they can all die for all I care. The problem is when they *all* die, then what does he do? I don't think the yellow units have the power to push to Ike and keep shit from hitting the No Fly Zone, and I don't think the yellow units with no healing can survive twelve turns of laguz given the way they die.

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but everyone but her, Sothe and BK were killed.


There's like 40 enemies and only half of them can damage him for 1 Dmg.

This is why we don't just skim, Soul. As for your predicament, you may be able to survive the rest of DB part 3. I would keep a pre-chapter save lying around in case it proves impossible so you can come back.


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Tauro will save you come 3-13... Just give him about everything you have... :unsure:

Although... 3-12 is another story... I doubt Tauro is good enough to kill everything...

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I'd argue that Tauroneo would do better in 3-12 than 3-13 because he has fewer exits to cover. He and Sothe and however many generics you please can just wall up the left or the right corner and whittle at things while Mic heals them.

EDIT: That said, you might be right. Enough BEXP to T3 Tauroneo and then some and hope for a lucky Luna on Ike :P

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I was just thinking it might be hard to meet the enemy kill count the chapter requires quickly and safely... Specially since allies just go and get themselves killed. And sothe begins to show some weakness and frailty... Much less than in 3-6, but he doesn't have a 3x weapon against beorc

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Quickly and safely obviously don't matter if his only living units from 3-6 are Edward, Leonardo and Fiona.

I mean safely, because its likely Micaiah will be open to attacks at one point or another. The allies won't hold the line forever, even if sothe is next to them.

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I just noticed that now. But shouldn't there be another comma before "were killed"?

Nope. That sentence is grammatically impeccable.

The only way there would be punctuation before "were killed" would be if Sothe and the BK had been an offset, as follows:

"but everyone but her - and Sothe and BK - were killed."

As it stands, with a comma, it would be the intensely awkward:

"last turn, but everyone but her, Sothe and BK, were killed."

Which is bad because it makes it look like the above. He would be defining "her" as "Sothe and BK".

According to some people (self unincluded) there ought to have been a comma after Sothe:

"last turn, but everyone but her, Sothe, and BK were killed."

But no, there's no reason for a comma before "were killed" in any of these scenarios.

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Sothe can solo 3-6 3-12 and 3-13.

Did it on my Knives only PT.

Except this is hard mode and Sothe didn't get everything shoved into his mouth i would assume. I think most likely, everything went to Nolan trying to save him from his demise...

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Nope. That sentence is grammatically impeccable.

The only way there would be punctuation before "were killed" would be if Sothe and the BK had been an offset, as follows:

"but everyone but her - and Sothe and BK - were killed."

As it stands, with a comma, it would be the intensely awkward:

"last turn, but everyone but her, Sothe and BK, were killed."

Which is bad because it makes it look like the above. He would be defining "her" as "Sothe and BK".

According to some people (self unincluded) there ought to have been a comma after Sothe:

"last turn, but everyone but her, Sothe, and BK were killed."

But no, there's no reason for a comma before "were killed" in any of these scenarios.

ok sorry 8[ (Repulsuif)

Also try something like Sothe and Resolve for 3-13 if you don't know how to beat it. :awesome:

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Except this is hard mode and Sothe didn't get everything shoved into his mouth i would assume. I think most likely, everything went to Nolan trying to save him from his demise...

I also played on Hard Mode and Sothe had gained super crappy levels (though his transfer was good)

It kinda depends how godly your Ike is and if you still have the resolve scroll. (which spawns on Tauro if you hadn't removed it.

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