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Portraits and character info screen


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Hey there everyone. I just came up with one weird issue while inserting portraits. I've had no issues inserting them, they look fine and all. Conversations move smoothly and yadayada. The problem arises when I check the charater info screen:


As you can see, the portraits are at a different height level. However, the actual portraits are at the exact same height:


I've checked everywhere through the Nightmare modules and FEditorADV, and I just can't find any single option that can shift the height level for the portraits in this screen (it is the only one that has them like this). The portrait offsets just don't offer any hint of where I can change that "positioning" value either.

For your information, this is on FE7 North America, and these are the characters they're substituting:

  • "May" in Kent's place.
  • "Redheart" in Serra's place.

Any idea on how I can level the portrait's positions? Most are at the height of May's one, but if there's a way to set a different position for the portrait to show, I'd actually like to swap them all to that of Redheart's height level. Anyway, hope you can help me with this. Not a major issue, but it sure makes the hack look a bit off.

...erm...yes, you can ask why I'm "ponyfying" FE7

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First, if you allow me to say this, lol at the hack's concept. XD Love to see hacks that remember that when you replace all mugs, then the FE style becomes but a vague memory. :)

And no need to ask, the world seems to be getting "ponyfied" lately. ;)

Secondly, I am sorry to say this but Serra's mug is hardcoded in a way which makes she always seem a tile(8 pixels) higher in the stat screen than she actually is; It takes ASM(Very little but still) to make her show in that height. I did create at one point a patch to fix this for FE8, but I honestly don't remember ever working in an FE7 solution.

The easiest solution would be to just mark which are the mugs with that quirk. I believe I posted a list at one point for FE8, and I *think* I posted one for FE7 as well with it. Emphasis on think.

Were I you I would put Redheart's mug in another slot, and used that one instead of Serra's. And save Serra's slot for something non-pony like an antagonist of sorts, or a flying unit(Since in theory a flying unit could be higher than another non-flying one) or the like. That would be the easy solution. If I find that old post in which I discussed that, and if there is FE7 info in it, I could perhaps hardcode the game to work in a single way for you, but were I you I would use the fact some mugs are taller than others in my advantage. ;)(Or as class card slots at least. XD)

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Somehow I already expected it would be one mighty task to pull that off. What I can guess is that these portriats appear for the FE girls, as they're kind of short compared to the guys (lol asian stature)

Thanks for the information though. I'll probably just swap Redheart's portrait to another place and see how it works. I keep a record of where is each portrait, so it shouldn't have any trouble if I change things here and there. I know of a character that will definitely appreciate the height difference *coughBigMaccough*

Again, thanks for your tips :3

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