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Reccomended HHM units


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My first HHM run

Any reccomendations

Aside from the obvious Pally+Fliers+Mounts rush

Also, anything I should/Should'nt do??

And Yes, I am planning on using Raven and Geitz.

And all 4 KC users.

And Harken/Hawkeye

But, are there thing that I should know, like HNM maps that turn into FOW maps in HHM??

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Is Erk worth it in HHM?

Considering the fact that he has earlygame and LHM along with decent supports.

But by th time he becomes good-Pent comes with Louise and Rofl stomps him......

And yes, I'm gonna get fucked up by the desert, NOF, COD, and VOD/SOT soooo bad-considering the fact that I keep forgetting about pure water......

I hear that there are 29 Mag Druids with status staves in HHM.

Is this true??

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Erk is worth it because he can 1RKO Knights even at base level with Thunder. He can also 1RKO other enemies with Thunder, and it isn't because of supports. Although him x Priscilla help.

And yes, Druid enemies really suck. Save Pure Waters for everyone. Train Lucius is you want to (I personally do).

Edited by Jigglypuff
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Lucius, Serra, Erk, Prissy, and maybe Canas.....

Looks like Guiding Ring competition is hotter than fe6 hero crests.

Yeah-I'll end up using Erk and Lucius, and depending on who's turning out better-the others gonna be benched for Pent.

So if Erk magically surppasses Lucius in everything-he's gonna get a slot for the rest of the game.

Sigh, and no, I'm not using Nino.

I'll just mounts+Raven/Harken/Hawkeye/Pent/Geitz/Louise bumrush everything, and let Nino alone

(Doesn't have the heart to kill her......... I'll let PicKLe do that)

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You shouldn't be training all those magic users. It'd be redundant. Why have Serra as a fighter when Lucius completely outclases her? Or the situation between Canas and Erk? If you want to train mages at combat, just concentrate on Erk, Lucius and MAYBE Canas. Also, Lucius has better Mag/Res than Erk, the high Mag helps Lucius have somewhat competetent Atk along the way. His Res is really going to help you tank those Sleep staves.

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I take it your going more for completion rather than ranked or low turn count.

Its worth doing Lyn's mode too to make the earlier chapters easier. You do not really have to train up Serra or Wil or Wallace, but its worth getting the others to at least lv5 or higher. I think you can get everyone to lv7+ with all the experience available in Lyn's mode. If you do not use the Knight's Crest (using a trick in normal mode, or simply play hard mode for lyn), you can use the angelic robe and strength ring and still have a high enough funds rank to get Lyn a blue gem when she rejoins you later on.

In the early parts of HHM, your going to have to use everyone and train somewhat evenly until you get to chapter 14 with the first preparation screen. After that, you need to start focusing on which units to train up. Hector is obviously a must go unit. Eliwood and Lyn drop off in usage relatively quickly because they are not outstanding really in any stat. Eliwood fails to double or do enough damage to kill or is too weak to take too many hits. Lyn just lacks the ability to take hits and at least give off some size able damage. And with such late promotion, there stats do not really improve all that much quickly.

Magic: Lucius is really good due to high speed, magic, resistance, and enough speed to double almost everything he needs too. Plus, C staff upon promotion is great as another restore user to deal with all the sleep, silence, and berserk staffs later on. Priscilla is useful for being a mounted healer due to higher movement and the ability to at least carry people around. Not outstanding as a fighter after promotion, but can hold up. Serra is like Priscilla. Good as a staffbot and can join in combat after promotion. Until then, your still stuck with someone with low movement and cannot at least carry people on the side. Pent will be worth using simply because he gets A staff and will likely have the highest magic of most of your units for awhile. Canas is difficult to train since he will lack the ability to double most of the time unless you get good speed. The main reason to use him is he can make later chapters easier to finish against bosses like Limstella, Ursula, and Sonia. Nino can be extremely good if you put an extreme amount of effort into training her, but with very little show time its probably not worth it.

****At the very least, its good to use Priscilla and Lucius.

Fliers Any of them are fine to rely on. Actually, if you can get decent strength for all Pegasus sisters, then this with their support circle makes them fine combat units. Espically in the magic driven chapters later on. Heath is a great unit too due to high skill, speed, and strength for certain missions. Vaida, too late, too bad, unneccesary.

Knights Sain is good to use due to his high strength since few units can deal lots of damage early/mid point in the game. Kent is an averaged unit which does not excel in much. Lowen will be average and become a tank in defense. Marcus is honestly not that bad to use because its only when the others get trained up very well do they surpass Marcus in only a couple points in a few stats. Plus, they start with lower weapon rankings than Marcus. And Marcus has the utility on his side at an early and late game advantage. Lets not mention Wallance. Oswin is slow, but you'll find plenty of chapters and situations in chapters for his tanking to be very handy and to get necessary experience to level up. He makes an excellent reserve unit to use depending on the chapter too. Not sure about Isadora. Inferior version to Marcus other than speed.

Archers Bow users do not really stand out too much. Useable, but they take up spots in chapters where you would need to be using necessary units (thief, healer) on low deployment chapters.

Hero Dorcas and Bartre again do not stand out too much compared to other units, and you can just use Geitz and Hawkeye as replacements for them without the effort of training them. They are very useful for early chapters where you need all the units you can get, but later on they fall short. Raven is a great unit later mid-game and into late-game. Harken can replace even a trained Raven though. Harken has slightly reduced str, skl, spd, but he makes up for it in Con, def, res, and weapon ranking. Guy can help out early-mid game since he will have decent strength and enough speed to double most enemies (or avoid getting doubled). Harken is more useful than Karel. Karla is pointless to rely on due to poor availability.

Overall, your going to be using a lot of units over the course of the game. Some only temporarily or others for long term use. Its hard to define just one team to bring in since it all changes with the objectives of the chapter and the availability of units.

Edited by Eryth
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But, are there thing that I should know, like HNM maps that turn into FOW maps in HHM??

The desert does.

Also, Cog of Destiny is full of powerful magic users (valkyries and high-level druids with status staves), and you will need to be fast and lucky in Battle Before Dawn because the axes are mostly Swordreavers and a bunch of them start pretty close to Zephiel (it's not much fun for Jaffar either).

But it looks like you already knew about all of that

Edited by zahlman
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