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About MacLovin

  • Birthday 12/24/1995


  • Member Title
    Your Friendly Neighbor

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  • Interests
    Comics, srpgs, fe, srw, shining force, farces, bad jokes, and tipos.

    Oh and I guess I'll have to say playing fe7 chaos mode o'er and o'er.
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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

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    Order of Heroes

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  1. so when do i move into the closet under the stairs.
  2. College is fine if you have a set path of any kind. However, there is a degree of flexibility with certain degrees if you do play it right. There's plenty of applications to non-STEM/Law degrees beyond teaching, but it also helps if you make up your mind. Getting a bachelor's degree can be tricky to fund, but getting the right degree does help.
  3. Nah, even mixed-race people get shit on once certain people figure out you're mixed race. It's usually the racial supremacy extremists who do this. (Black or White supremacists. Haven't seen Asian supremacists, funny enough.)
  4. If we're going to continue the parallel you brought up in the first line, it kinda goes through a looooot of smaller similar parallels that I'm not sure I'd be able to give appropriate wording to given that it's squicky material and it's almost 3 in the morning. But the Philippines is the one weird place where the rest of the region isn't sure whether or not to treat solely like menial labor since everyone there learns english as a second language due to the schools. (Country has a major brain drain issue. But that's another discussion.) But additionally, said countries in first-world asia tend to send their kids to the Philippines to grow up in the english speaking private schools. There's a substantial number of south korean, mainland china, taiwanese, and japanese children being put through the private schools in the country. (There's like a dozen in each major city or thereabouts.) Sensitive Content.
  5. I'm half-filipino but I'm tan enough that random people think I'm hispanic. However, I can confirm that in South Asian cultures, lighter skin is considered a sign of beauty and that's why skin whitening creams and treatments exist there. Additionally, yes Asian Cultures are kinda more judgmental but that's a nuanced topic and I only really have in-depth knowledge of the Filipino culture. The gist of it in the Philippines is more to do with the country being a really mixed shebang of cultures from all over the world blended together. However, the class stratification in said country revolves around people with very strong caucasian or mainland chinese(or japanese) blood where their skin is lighter and facial features less Australasian iirc. But yeah, being lighter skinned is also kind of a weird status-symbol on some level there.
  6. Have Devdan. He has the strength of ten men.
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