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About lapismaid

  • Birthday 02/05/1995

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    vibleo gfame
    etrian odyssey
    fire emblem is STINKY who on earth would like it especially fire emblem the binding blade for the gba
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  1. Coming at you June 23rd 2023, the hottest new release from Intelligent Systems, Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade drops tomorrow on the GBA Switch, so why not take the opportunity to draft it? Also there was some other game coming out called "Fire Emblem: Available June 23rd" but nobody cares about that one probably. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 5 players. 2. Roy, Marcus, Merlinus, Lalum/Elphin, and Fae are free for all to use. 3. Three units will remain undrafted. 4. The game will be played on Normal Mode. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories, and dig up items in the desert. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, and opening Doors or Chests. 3. Use of the Warp staff is banned. 4. All Gaiden chapters are required to be visited. Chapter 20x (either route) does not count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken. 5. NPCs may do as they please without penalty. 6. The game must be played out to the True Ending. Penalties: - Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty per unit, per chapter. Exceptions: - Undrafted Thieves may be used to obtain necessary Promotion items. Undrafted NERDS Participants 1. lapis 2. CarmineSword 3. Gradivus 4. 5.
  2. Chapter 24 (3/73): It wasn't that bad actually. Had Miriel rescue forward Laurent up north, with Olivia’s help, then rescued Olivia and Miriel back to safety. Inigo and Lonk did some stuff in the south. Chrom and Flavia took care of stragglers in the middle. Reinforcements spawned on Turn 3, but they all died to Laurent. Chapter 25 (2/75): Cleared out one of the Berserkers at the right hand side with Laurent, then did a rescue + dance chain to get Miriel up on the northernmost fort, then she Rescued Laurent up beside her. Due to her huge HP (i gave her both Seraph Robes and an HP Tonic), along with Fort bonuses, the enemies actually preferred to attack Laurent for some reason which worked out really well. Turn 2 Miriel brought Laurent further north and he crit OHKO’d Aversa with a Ruin crit. Endgame (1/76): Forged a huge Waste called L + Ratio (thanks Ignisol). Robin Rallies the group. Miriel fullmoves up and Rescues Chrom. PRIEST GEROME uses his amazing 4 rescue range to bring Libra slightly further up, and he then rescues Olivia. Henry rescues Laurent, and Laurent kills the Berserker in front of Grima. Olivia dances for him, and then Chrom runs up and attacks Grima. Laurent finishes the job, quadding Grima - with Ignis, Vengeance, and Dual Strikes, the kill is pretty damn likely. Unit Review This was definitely an interesting ruleset. The lack of Pair-up made individual units matter more which was nice, but it also made it much harder to reach certain thresholds for bosskills and such. The lack of Support bonuses in most situations also made EPing things really awful in some instances. Still, it was a fun run for the most part.
  3. Paralogue Morgan (20 free): Training arc for Robin. He went from Lv. 5 to Lv 11.67 so Rally Spectrum coming online seems very likely now. Also got the Bullion, but nothing else. Also saved NPC!Morgan so uh, free Elfire? Chapter 14 (2/57): Took an extra turn to feed EXP to Robin and get the Second Seal chest. Definitely worth it. Robin is Lv 13 now. Henry is doing things! Chapter 15 (3/60): Henry did more things! Robin also is 7 EXP short of Rally Spectrum, life is PAIN. Miriel handled the beach with zero issue. Everyone else cleaned up north. Turn 1, Libra Rescued Say’ri out of harms way. Chapter 16 (1/61): Reclassed Miriel to Valkyrie. Without her humongous Rescue range and 8 move, this would not have been possible. Libra first Rescues her to a specific tile using bodyblock strats; Then, Robin needs to get a 71% dual strike to kill this Hero (and learn Rally Spectrum, hooray!) Afterwards it's a simple matter of Miriel fullmoving, Rescuing Olivia, fullmoving again, and Rescuing Lonk to Bonk! Cervantes. Probably doing Laurent's paralogue next since he'll likely be a big help for Walhart 2 and a few other things. No idea about Inigo lmao. Edit (03/24/2023): Paralogue Laurent (20 free): Reclassed Henry to Thief, Robin and Libra to Sage. Trained up Henry to Lv 10 and promoted to Trickster. Also reclassed Laurent to Myrmidon, got him to Lv 10 to get Vantage, and then reclassed him again to Dark Mage. Cherche and Vaike hit A support, oh baybee it’s happening maybe!!!! Got all the villages and Goddess Staff. Also very important is that Lonk hit D lances. Chapter 17 (1/62): Trickster Henry immediately paying off bigtime. Olivia, Chrom, Cherche, Lonk in the middle. Libra, Laurent, Robin, Miriel, Henry on the right, the other two on the left but they really don’t do anything. Robin Rallies Spectrum. Then, Laurent Ruin nukes one of the War Monks at the start. Then Libra goes and Rescues Henry, who then Rescues Miriel. Miriel warps up Olivia and gets danced, then warps up Lonk. And then, Lonk bops the boss with a +3 Mt Beastkiller forge (Horse Bonk!) Paralogue Inigo (20 free? i think. it was definitely within limits): Trained dudes. Got Inigo some kills here and there to ~Lv 16. Promoted Laurent to Sorcerer. Lonk killed a lot of stuff up north. Chapter 18 (1/63): Complicated one. I’ll just let the video speak for itself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQlDtJ67CVM Chapter 19 (1/64): It’s a big open field. Walmart is unprotected. Laurent is very powerful. You do the math. Chapter 20 (1/65): Okay, this one was actually pretty complicated. First, I had to forge a Javelin with max Mt for Lonk named Heron’t. So here’s how things go down; in the starting area, the one with 4 enemies in a square formation, Chrom moves into the absolute middle of all of them. From there, Libra moves above him and rescues Robin, who ends up 1 tile above Libra due to all others being blocked. Then, Robin moves forward and rescues Miriel. Trickster!Henry, with his 7 move, is able to then move above Libra (without 7 move this would not be possible) and Rescue Lonk. Lonk is then just barely able to reach the Hero above him with the Javelin forge. From there, Miriel runs up, rescues Olivia, then runs even further and rescues Laurent. Laurent then faces some pretty gross odds to kill Walhart: Luckily, this didn’t take very many attempts (I also gave him a Secret Book after the first attempt, so the odds were very slightly better than in the above picture). Chapter 21 (1/66): Libra runs down and rescues Henry. Henry rescues Robin. Robin rescues Miriel. Miriel rescues Olivia, to rescue Laurent. Laurent kills the boss. The fact that there aren’t enemies blocking the chokepoints like in Lunatic makes this so, SO much easier. Paralogue Tiki (i don’t remember, but it was around 10): Deployed only Chrom and Inigo. Gave Chrom a bunch of Javelins. Had them both stand next to each other on the forest so they could just continuously dodgetank and counter enemies to build Inigo’s axe rank (dual strikes were a big help). He went from E to about 3/4ths of the way through C rank just from this. He also got quite a lot of levels. RIP Tiki though. Paralogue Gerome (20 free): Had Inigo run forward with Hand Axes and stand on the forest to Sol Dodgetank stuff. He reached A-rank Axes just from fighting lots of stuff. Rescued all the villagers (Rescued 2 of them at the end when the enemies started swarming). Gerome was recruited, I guess? I don’t see him doing anything useful honestly. Chapter 22 (1/67): Standard rescue shenanigans. Libra and Henry helped people reach a couple Deadlords for their drops; rigged for a Killer Axe crit from Lonk against the Helswath dude, and Chrom Horse Bonk’d the Valflame Valkyrie. Miriel brought Laurent to Aversa. Chapter 23 (3/70): Helswath!Inigo payed off bigtime here; he had that + a Hammer in his inventory to kill the final General on Turn 3 EP. Had Laurent and Inigo take the top and bottom of the enemy swarm respectively, with the rest of the gang (mostly Miriel and everyone who could use Hammers) cleaned up stragglers. Valflame!Tomefaire!Miriel has such absurd rescue range it’s incredible. She also OHKO’d a couple Assassins which was pretty great. Chapter 24… I am terrified of figuring out this monstrosity. Pre-emptive thoughts are to send Miriel out really far with rescue chains, stand on a Fort, and then Rescue Laurent out to kill things. Probably 3-turning this map, tbh.
  4. Robin is Robin. Default M!Robin to be precise. Robin is +Mag -Luk. Premonition (2/2): Need a dual strike to 2-turn. This is already incredibly toxic lmao. Prologue (3/5): Chrom and Robin combine powers to kill the first Myrm. From there, magical t-block formation is a go! Chrom + Robin DSes can kill Barbs on EP if they don’t roll 22 HP, but if they don’t kill it isn’t a huge deal as long as they die between this EP and next. On Turn 2 Robin then Chrom combine forces to kill the first Mage, and Frederick moves into position to bait the Myrms with the Bronze Sword. The Silver Lance can be used and it makes this chapter much more reliable, at the cost of not funneling EXP into Chrom and Robin, which I definitely think has value for this early in the game. Also saves some Silver Lance uses. Turn 3 Robin kills one of the Myrms that attacked Fred, clearing the way for Chrom to go up and use the Rapier on the Mage - he must score a crit or a Fred Dual Strike to kill him now. Fred then moves up and attacks the boss with Bronze Sword. EP, stuff dies attacking Robin and Fred and the map is cleared. Chapter 1 (3/8): Not terribly complicated, but pretty luck reliant. Robin and Chrom tag team to deal with the Fighter near the start, then Robin takes the northern fort, uses Lissa’s Vulnerary, and just sorta kills things up there. Fred and Chrom head south to clear out enemies and prevent too many from attacking Robin. When the boss approaches, it’s very important that both Fred and Chrom are able to attack him without exposing Chrom to the Archer - either by Robin killing him, or by positioning so that the Archer cannot reach him, so he attacks Robin on EP. Also important that the boss can reach him and die on EP. Like so: Robin barely survives the EP, but barely surviving is still surviving. He got a ton of EXP from all the EP tanking he had to do so he’s solid now. Chapter 2 (4/12): Don’t think I have the manpower to 3 turn this without an *obscene* amount of luck. Everyone heads up and kills things. This map is very Dual Strike reliant honestly to the point that recounting my exact strategy wouldn’t really work out. That said, Miriel and Vaike both were absolutely very helpful in clearing out the bottom. Worked a bit on getting Miriel and Robin’s support up where I could, I’m planning for a Super Laurent eventually after all. Fred charged north and killed stuff. Like the boss. Chapter 3 (4/16): Went up the right. Miriel, Fred, and Robin combined forces to get the Hammer dude (needed a Robin hit + Fred DS) while Fred killed the boss with the Silver Lance. Recruited Kellam on the last turn because I could, his free stuff is nice. Paralogue Donnel (18 free): Training arc. Got the treasures (Rescue my beloved, you’ll have a use someday I promise) and fed a ton of EXP to Chrom, Robin, and Miriel. Vaike killed the boss and got a damn good level which was kinda funny. Chapter 4 (3/19): Went forward. Fred baited and ORKOd a Mage on EP, then got into position to bait “Marth” and one of the Knights with Silver Lance, chunking the first and ORKOing the second. Vaike EPd the other Knight with Hammer. Everyone else killed stuff that got baited over Turn 1. Cleanup turn 3 was pretty sketchy but it worked out. Chapter 5 (6/25): I dunno if this is really feasible to do any faster. Fred can’t double anything but the mages so it’d be heavily reliant on Killer Lance crits and such which sounds terrible. Miriel got a lot of kills here, and Lonk of course handled the bottom. Chapter 6 (4/29): Robin and Miriel on the right, everyone else left. “Marth” dying was actually pivotal here so the Dark Mage would die to Miriel on EP. It also just happened to funnel a lot more EXP onto her, so happy coincidences and such. Fred charged the boss and had to get a Killer Lance crit to actually kill him in time so that was fun. oh and Lonk killed Gaius, rip. Chapter 7 (4/33): Again, not sure this can really be done much faster (at least, within my own messy standards of reliability). Charged forward, Fred lured the boss and Miriel killed him. Chapter 8 (6/39): Uuuuuuugh. Gregor and Nowi both died (they went left to get the Master Seal, which they succeeded at), Miriel ran down to the Second Seal, Vaike got the Rescue, everyone killed things. Paralogue Anna 1 (12 free): Got Miriel to Lv. 15 on Turn 1 and then promoted to Sage. Lonk hit Lv 10 and reclassed to Wyvern Rider. He got a whole 100 exp off killing the boss, funny shit. Anna died and the village got destroyed but eh. Robin and Miriel got married afterwards. Chapter 9 (3/42): This was an interesting one. So first turn, Miriel moves down and Rescues Frederick, who moves onto the top tile of the leftmost fort and attacks the mage with Hand Axe. Next, Lonk moves next to Miriel and attacks the mage, needing either to dodge a 65% attack, get a Dual Strike, or dodge the Archer on EP. Everyone else moves into position. On EP, Fred counters lots of stuff, and leaves a Dark Mage just barely alive (unequipped Luna for reliability). Turn 2, Miriel moved just one tile right of the corner of the wall and could barely rescue Chrom all the way down. He recruited Libra, then traded him a Hammer (slight Mt and Hit forge, tho i think the Mt was unnecessary) named Bonk!, as well as a Hand Axe. Libra moved into range of a lot of enemies to the right, with the Hand Axe equipped, to lure them closer. Everyone else killed stuff or moved into position. Turn 3, Miriel got on the left fort by the boss and Rescued Libra, who moved up and either smacked the boss, or equips hammer and uses a Concoction for EP killing. Miriel kills everything on EP, with a handful of stragglers picked off by everyone else. RIP Tharja. Chapter 10 (3/45): Miriel Rescued Lonk ahead. He flew up to Mustafa and bopped him with a Bronze Axe forge. Everyone else self-improved or killed thieves. Rescued Fred over with Libra to OHKO the Master Seal and Seraph Robe thieves. Chapter 11 (3/48): Miriel got Rescued down to the left by Libra on Turn 1 with help from an Olivia Dance. She EP’d everything except for 1 merc who got KE crit by Chrom on Turn 3 EP. Fred baited a couple enemies in the magic side (the Sage and a Mage), then left the rest of the work to Robin. Chrom worked with Olivia to clean them up. Turn 2 Miriel baited Gangrel, and leaves him with exactly enough HP that Fred can come in with the Silver Lance and KO on Turn 3. Chrom and Olivia got married afterwards, as planned. Whoo, Chrom!Inigo, let's go? Chapter 12 (6/54): Sent Miriel, Robin, and Fred directly north, everyone else left. Very stupid map. Chrom reclassed to Cavalier in the middle of it, at least? I could definitely get 5 turns if I tried harder here but the lack of terrain makes routing a bunch of things on EP an unreliable pain at this point for the team. That said, sending Fred north with Miriel was worth it because she has C support (boosting her avoid even further with Robin also adjacent) and he was able to pick off a couple dudes with Beastkiller. At least I have Cherche now? Paralogue Villagers (20 free): Had the boss waste the Elixir so Cherche could get more EXP. Actually fed kills to Olivia amidst the dance spam lmao. Paralogue Anna For Real (13 free): Lonk got to Lv 10 and promoted to Wyvern Lord. He is very large now. Olivia ruined the dance+staff grinding setup on the last enemy with a low% crit, rip. Took the Chest Key from Donnel’s paralogue and got the Large Bullion. Chapter 13 (1/55): Danced Miriel up a little bit and Rescued Lonk. He bopped the boss with a Bronze Lance because he could. Everyone else got a tiny bit of EXP. Vaike and Cherche hit B support so that's nice. Gerome may exist yet!
  5. As is Inigo's fate to be unpicked and free to everyone, it is my fate to pick Flavia. Probably decently helpful for the last couple maps honestly.
  6. Libra and uhhhhh, Henry? he can nostank kind of, i guess. maybe go Trickster for some Rescue shenanigans or something.
  7. NO I GOT SNIPED not that this was any kind of surprise Miriel+Laurent and... Lonk? Lonk.
  8. finally logged in to formally confirm my participation i have no idea what the Meta:tm: will be like w/o pairup so this will be THE WORST
  9. Chapter 12 (6/82): Yeah. I sent Marcus up the right side, Geese, Astolfo, Bors, and Merlinus also there to loot, everyone else (including Chad) on the left. Merlinus died Turn 1, RIP. Shin actually did most of the fighting this chapter, killing both starting Fighters, a Hand Axe fighter, the Warrior, and everyone in the Corridors Of Agh. Probably promoting soon. Recruited Raigh and had him eat the Speedwings since literally nobody else needs them. He’ll probably be useful. Maybe. Hopefully I can manage to get the Guiding Ring in Chapter 14. Larum ate an Angelic Robe on the final turn. Got the left side loot with Barth. Chapter 12x (5/87): Ran forward with the horses + Larum. Saul and Astolfo hung around the start. Astolfo stole back the Elixir one of the thieves took then stole his Lockpick. Saul got a lot of combat EXP. Raigh went up northwest with the intent of using a Chest Key to get a Chest Key but he didn't make it in time so he just self-improved. Lance KE crit the boss, Marcus got the Elixir on the way and then the White Gem, Shin got the Red Gem. Chapter 13 (6/93): Cavalry rush. Marcus picked up Lance Turn 1 and got danced to drop him as far ahead as possible. They pretty much fullmoved every turn. Shin promoted mid-map so he could ferry Roy ahead and reach Flaer for the kill cause Lance needed to go Killer shopping, and Marcus had to clear his path from this obnoxious cav that kept blocking him. Lance and Marcus hit C support which is pretty funny, probably will be useful. Raigh went to get the Body Ring. Chapter 14 (8/101): Yeah… Saul and Roy worked their way to the throne. I had convoydrop to make Roy eat the second Speedwings on Turn 1 so the Mercenaries would attack Saul over him. Dieck got the Talisman and Silver Card, Miledy the Speedwings, Raigh the Silver Blade and Warp (took the bottom route to kill that group of Wyverns), Astolfo the Boots (given to Lance), and Marcus the Silence staff. Had Shanna ferry Sophia to the Guiding Ring and also get chained the Silver Card to buy a shitload of Flux, some more Lightnings, and Pure Water. Also got an extra Nosferatu just in case. Saul did the bosskill and was pretty competent at it relatively speaking, needing 3 out of 6 hits at a bit above 50%.
  10. Chapter 7 (6/34): This was so stupid. I love it. Marcus takes the 2 use Iron Sword and the 5 use Javelin I have, along with some other random crap, and charges the right hand Knight with the sword. Dieck Armorslayers the left knight and Lance picks up Roy and moves on up. EP Marcus breaks the Javelin against a Knight, a Merc, and importantly, a Javelin Soldier from the town area which kills him. Marcus spends the rest of the chapter in a mad dash up the right side of the map, through the village, stopping to grab some supplies at the rightmost armory along the way. His goal is to get the Barrier Staff, which he can by Turn 6. He’s assisted by NPC!Trec and NPC!Zealot who kindly kill an Archer blocking his path and distract all the enemies there from my other dudes down south. Using Shanna, I’m able to trade off the Armorslayer from Dieck to Lance on Turn 2, and have her fly away to safety. Lance goes key shopping with a free space so he can pick up a Door Key to fight the boss. Dieck clears his path and spends the rest of the chapter distracting enemies with Saul. Merlinus gets the bottom Torch staff village, then works his way over to the Killing Edge and Hero Crest. Once Lance buys keys, Merlinus gives a Chest and Door key to Clarine, who ferries them to Allen, who ferries them to Marcus. Bors then picks up Clarine so she isn’t targeted and doesn’t penalize me, distracts and kills a couple enemies, then gets the Physic village. Shanna and Allen spend the rest of the chapter helping each other get Shanna into position to visit the Hand Axe shop on Turn 6. All this prep work because I forgot to shop in Chapter 4. Never again. Lance has to survive a rough EP with the boss and several reinforcements on Turn 5, and then Armorslayer him down on Turn 6, having dropped Roy on Turn 5 in seize range. Hilariously, Zealot actually comes running up to lend a hand and kills a random archer which, uh, I guess could’ve been helpful if it was blocking Roy’s path somehow. The Barrier staff should help Saul’s EXP quite a bit, and probably be helpful for Chapter 14 dodging Sleep. Chapter 8 (15/49): Bleh. It’s Chapter 8, what else can you expect. Got everything of value on the left side with Marcus, Lance killed the boss, Astolfo stole two Lockpicks and a set of Chest Keys. Saul used Barrier a couple times and otherwise spammed Mend the entire time on Merlinus. Bors was also there to deal with stragglers. Chapter 8x (8/57): Yeah. Promoted Lance and Dieck. Had Saul constantly heal Merlinus while this one Mercenary kept trying to kill him. Astolfo stole three Vulneraries and got some kills so that’s nice I guess. Roy got a lot of EXP from all the Steel Axe Fighters in the map. Lance and Roy also hit C support so that’s nice, made the Henning kill a lot more bearable. Chapter 9 (7/64): I have no idea how I used to get 6 turns here, but I think I got 7 the last time I had to recruit Shin too so that would probably have something to do with it. Anyways Saul spammed Torch, Dieck/Marcus/Lance all rushed forward, Shin got a couple kills and a level here thanks to Dieck whiffing an Archer and leaving him on low HP for Shin to finish off. Deployed Shanna to buy a Torch on the last turn. Saul’s already Lv 10. Chapter 10 (6/70): Rushed down with Lance while other people killed things. Stole a Vulnerary with Astolfo. Shanna flew down NPC!Geese and he got take-dropped by Allen (he was an NPC still, it’s allowed!) so Roy could recruit him, then Roy got taken aaaaall the way down to Lance and dropped exactly 5 tiles from the throne. Geese got the Swordreaver village. Saul hit Lv 11. Chapter 11 (6/76): Oh man this was great. Roy, Lance, Marcus, and BORS up top, everyone else down south. Basically the top four broke the wall down, and BORS ORKO’d the Longbow Archer so Lance could run forward with Roy in tow. Marcus got the Speedwings village, and Lance had to kill the boss on EP with a crit so he could run to the Angelic Robe village on the final turn which thankfully wasn’t too bad. Down south, meanwhile, Shin with THE GOOSE charge forward with Dieck and the rest picking up from beind. Geese’ objective is to reach the southern wall and start busting it down with the Brave Axe, with some help. Merlinus gets the Restore and Dracoshield villages, Astolfo rushes to the Sleep staff village, tanking a Silver Bow from Klein in the process, Dieck gets the cash money, and once the wall is broken, Shin picks up Geese, gets danced, and drops him in range so they both can get the Orion’s Bolt and Axereaver villages. Clarine recruits Klein on the last turn. Shanna bought some Lightning tomes, a couple Hand Axes to restock, and a Killer Axe cause I might need it for Marcus. Saul hit Lv 12 on Turn 5 and promoted on Turn 6, finally, I've never had him get this high before promoting lol. He also hit B staves so he got immediate A staves when he promoted. In conclusion; Bors has unironic value to this team, and I am now very wealthy.
  11. Chapter 1 (4/4): Marcus picked up Roy on Turn 1, as you do. Lance attacked one of the Fighters and on EP they all ganged up on him. Lance then killed the Archer with Iron Lance and got trade equipped back to the Iron Sword for EP by Marcus as he moved forward. Lance once again was the main target of the enemies; after a Str level he ORKO'd the Fighters and after a Spd level he doubled the Brigand too. Marcus dropped Roy on Turn 3. He crit a fighter on EP with the Rapier which wasn’t necessary but cool for the 30 Exp. Lance killed the Brigand and one remaining Fighter on Turn 3 EP, then killed the other Fighter who attacked Roy to just hit Lv 4. Marcus killed the boss and Roy seized. Bors got the village for DA MONEY. This was a pretty satisfying clear, outside of the one Fighter that Roy crit and the boss, Lance got every kill this chapter. Roy… will need some work. Chapter 2 (6/10): Roy killed a Soldier and then got dropped on the fort so he could get some EXP. Also dropped him on Turn 3, just with the easternmost fort. Bors got an almost perfect level killing the two Hand Axe Fighters at the start plus one Roy left on low health, which was funny. At least he can double Soldiers now! Chapter 3 (6/16): Everyone charged forward except Bors who stood around at the start and killed dudes for EXP. Merlinus ran and got the Mend village on the last turn. Chapter 4 (4/20): So this was actually kinda tricky. Bors and Marcus combined efforts to drop Lance a few tiles ahead on Turn 1, and on Turn 2 Dieck killed the Cavalier that didn’t die to Lance and then got picked up by Lance, who moved to a magic tile two shy of Marcus’ full movement range. Marcus then took and dropped Dieck 1D 1L of Lance, and canto’d ahead 1 tile with the Silver Lance equipped. Bors and Roy fullmoved with Bors Rescuing Roy so he can hand him off on Turn 3. EP, all the melee enemies get owned by Iron Blade!Dieck and Silver Lance!Marcus with the Nomad attacking Dieck and the Archer approaching. Bors gave Roy to Lance, who in turn gave Roy to Marcus while moving down exactly 7 tiles away from the Angelic Robe village. Dieck moved and killed the Archer so Marcus could drop Roy in a very specific spot exactly 5 tiles from the throne, then Canto’d to fight Erik on EP with the Hand Axe (he got a str/spd level, could’ve used a Javelin otherwise). EP Roy just has to dodge one out of 4 enemies to survive which isn’t too bad. Clarine recruits herself, then Marcus kills Erik using either the Silver Lance or Iron Axe (which i did for more WExp), Bors and Dieck got a couple kills, Lance got the Angelic Robe, and Roy seized. Merlinus got the Door Key at some point. I forgot to send Shanna shopping so hopefully that doesn’t come back to bite me. It… shouldn’t? Chapter 5 (3/23): Bors picked up Roy Turn 1. Opened the door by taking Dieck from Lance, then had Marcus canto one space further. He killed a lot of stuff with the rest of the Hand Axe and switched to a Javelin afterwards. Bors handed Roy to Lance so he could drop him near the gate. Marcus fought Dory over Turn 2 PP and EP with the Iron Axe, leaving him on exactly 1 HP for Lance to finish. Chapter 6 (5/28): Marcus, Roy, Dieck up the right, Lance and Bors up the middle, Merlinus to the right. He got dropped to 1 HP by the Merc so Saul could heal him up. Dieck and Marcus worked to give Roy a rescue-bump on Turn 1. Marcus opened the door to Sue on Turn 2, and then Rescued her out of there so Dieck could drop her in Roy’s fullmove range. She then ran back into her cell to hide because uh, she’s undrafted! Lance just took on the pile of enemies in the middle, with Bors clearing a couple Soldiers to help him out. It's really funny to me that Bors is actually contributing meaningfully in combat. He then Javelin’d the middle Mage in the boss room from melee range so that on Turn 4, Marcus could Rescue Roy and canto to just below Lance, so he could take-drop him in range to seize next turn, and canto’d next to the boss with an Iron Sword. Bosskill was pretty annoying needing 3/4 hits to connect but Lance is god so it worked out. Everyone else just got EXP where they could on the final turn. Marcus also barely hit D axes so he can use the Hammer now. Chapter 7’s gonna be rough, probably gonna drop a couple turns there to get more villages and the Barrier staff. Also the shopping that I really should've done with Shanna in Chapter 4.
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