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The Story of Life and SF Mafia


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So many of you probably know me. If you don't, fuck off, you're not important.

Since I'm starting my service in a week (assuming that the army is going to stop being stupid as fuck), I officially have no more time in my life for mafia. So... why not reminisce about the good old days?

This is the story of how I became the most notorious player in SF Mafia. Maybe greatest (up for debate with Tables) but definitely most notorious. If you think that I'm a conceited asshole for saying that, I couldn't give a shit. It's probably since you weren't here when I was and saw the amazing shit that I pulled in my time here.

Spoon's games:

I got hooked on mafia about a year and a half ago (probably closer to two years because I was at Dal at the time) when I first played in one of Spoon's games. Games were simple back then. The flavour was town vs. mafia and outside contact was allowed but not used. Why? I don't know.

I started in the 2nd mafia game Spoon had. I was Mafia and I played pretty well, considering that I had never played a game of mafia before. Proto and I threw fingers back and forth at each other, all the while knowing that we were both mafia. We ended up winning the game because the town fully believed that Proto was innocent, thanks to our public fighting and me pulling mafia on death.

Then, I came up with this idea. Why not mass-message the town and pretend to be the cop? I could claim that I pulled a guilty report on you (each person) and wait for the response. I shared it with Proto and he thought that it was brilliant. This idea never really came to fruition (shitton of writing could be the reason) but what it did was plant the seed in my head that I could abuse private messaging for my own gain. I used a modified version of this stunt in Round 3 in order to publicly out Hikarusa (even though I got lynched instead of him). At that point, I knew that I could get really good at this type of game if I started using my brain properly.

Other games that I can't remember:

Afterwards, I basically honed my skills in OC games. A lot of games that I can't remember clearly happened during this time, none of which were terribly exciting or important. Mini Mafia 5, FE10 Mafia, FE9 Mafia, Choral Mafia... None of them are really worth mentioning from a gameplay point of view simply because they weren't interesting enough for me to remember them.

However, I used these games to learn what I could and couldn't get away with. Mafia Round 4 had me running the town smarts in the open until I died (including single-handedly nailing Lux as a mole). Mafia Round 5 had me killing all the smart people simply so that I could argue with idiots later (one of my trademarks) and also pushing a full lynch off of myself when I should not have survived the day. A lot of other games were just pretty boring.

I also stated my philosophy early in my Mafia career. Specifically here. I refused to take credit for a win unless I worked my ass off to get it. It's why I always played hard. I played to win and I had fun in attempting to win. I was never a sore loser towards people that outplayed me. Ever. I also started insulting people's intelligence at this point because not only was it fun but it was also true.

Train Mafia 2:

So Spoon had made this game called Train Mafia 1 (which I have looked over with a fine toothed comb and still have no memory of it) early during SF Mafia's inception where I was one of the mafia members. It was... well, I don't remember it.

But then Spoon went and made a second game called *gasp* Train Mafia 2. I know, original name. Here's the game if anyone wants to take a peak at it. It was really old and really fun but it marked a new era of OC games. Spoon wanted the town to band together and make smart and informed lynches. He didn't explicitly say that but it was his goal with creating that game.

He also pulled a little more shit. For one, he gave Tables a very overpowered Wolf role. Tables could either kill with any flavour he wanted OR he could block any malicious actions directed at him (kills, hooks, inspections...). In addition, Spoon also provided him with a bunch of hand-written fake claims, mostly so that the Wolf could "have a chance". In reality, it was pretty fucking nuts and it's no wonder that Tables won. But he also used his smarts to do it so don't think I'm slamming Tables' game.

The other little thing that Spoon did was toss me an interesting role. A Rogue. It hadn't existed in SF Mafia before and Spoon gave it to me because he wanted to see if I could provide him with a little entertainment. His opinion was that the role was pretty useless once people knew it existed but until then, I could enjoy myself. The best part is that Spoon had no clue of how much entertainment it would provide.

On paper, my game looked like shit. Day 1, I make this random claim that Fayt was running one of the factions, he outs me as a Wolf and I have to berate people to get him lynched by using really shitty logic. Then I'm killed the following night and my role is nothing like what I claimed it to be. In fact, I'm town oriented. Huh?

What actually happened was that I created this fake role PM about being a Wolf because I wanted to find a way to purposely get myself killed and mole the mafias to find out who they really were. I managed to find Fayt through random PM and Bizz via MSN which put me in contact with both mafias. Fayt wanted me to act as his little psuedo killer while WoMC agreed to my plan of moling the shit out of the town. Fayt's idea wasn't really my cup of tea and I told him that. In return, he took it as a threat for some silly reason. We had some bickering for a bit and then I told Spoon "screw it, he's gonna hang". I outed Fayt and Fayt returned the favour. I really had to work hard to push the lynch onto him but it worked and I was revealed to the town. The funny part was that I was going to mention do it that night but the argument with Fayt made me act sooner.

Now, this seems pointless until you look at the next two lynches. See, I had actually told both Ether and Raymond my true identity and gave them the names of mafia members. Since I was really working for the town, I managed to get 3/6 mafia members lynched single-handedly while only playing until the end of Night 2.

The rest of the game didn't really matter but this was truly the turning point for me. At this point, I basically hit reverence level. Nobody on SF Mafia had ever tried anything like it and the crazy part was that it worked beautifully. Suddenly, I became the new evil monster of SF Mafia simply because I was that good at pulling shit.

The rest will come at a later time. If you're all interested about listening to about how big my ego is.

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I've said it before and I think I'll say it again, y'all overrate my mafia skills. I used to be good, but that's because I'm a fast learner and everyone was new, so I rose quickly to the top. But I've long since hit my plateau, and you, Bal, Anouleth* and others has all since surpassed me.

Still, an interesting read.

*Assuming he's decent as mafia.

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