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I used to have class from 10:45 to 12:30 on Tuesdays, which made them a lot more bearable!

But starting this week, I'll be in college from 10:45 to 5:30. The last 3.5 hours are the same subject and it's an incredibly boring subject.

So RIP bearable Tuesdays.

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>tfw you get into touhou at a young age

>tfw you were a secondary shitposter who recited touhou memes

>tfw still can't beat 2hus on lunatic


i don't think i'm much of a tough grader, but i'm pretty good at cutting off somebody's rambling or making something sound better.

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Does anyone here have a Volcanion they are willing to part with? Posting this here, cause no one actually ever looks at the Pokemon Wi-fi topic in the pokemon thread.

I have a variety of event legendaries (though i do not specifically know most of the events they come from, just remember from back in HG when i acquired most of them), starters, and other legendaries (caught in-game).

PM me if you are interested.

I also have a shit ton of the shiny Galileo rayquazas (given out last fall/summer). All are legitimate, as i acquired them with pokemon bank and restarting Pokemon AS over and over again.

Edited by SlayerX
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tbh, probably my biggest problem with shmups is endurance. i like playing stages in short bursts or something like a boss battle rush, but having minutes dedicated to getting power ups and memorizing how to not die in preparation for a boss just feels more like a chore than actual fun. well at least i'm better than the first time i played touhou lol.

i'd feel bad about not being qualified to unlock something first

why do i feel the need to validate myself in video games?

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how can i take it easy when my LIFE is on the line, shezzy? i don't know, for things like roguelites and roguelikes i can handle but for shmups, i can't get the feel of it. maybe it's the amount of objects on the screen and having things constantly moving around is a strain to my eyes (also, i'm feeling like i'm getting more and more blind every year) maybe i'll get over my fear of fast moving bullets and play something that isn't pofv, lol

uh, i tend to try to have Good Tastes and know learn that's in fashion. but now that i'm thinking about it: is that really ok? most of the time i feel like i'm a pretentious fuck trying to be cooler than what i actually am tbh. not sure if there will ever be a level where i feel comfortable with what i have

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yeah the only thing i have to do is git gud, i see what you mean.

unfortunately getting gud takes effort, and shmups seem like a time investment to actually get fun out of (as i stated earlier). maybe i'll consider investing my time in it.

i have a couple of years to git gud anyways not like i'm short on time

it's a pretty impossible ideal, but the more impossible it is the more beautiful etc. etc. etc.

i'm not that irritated about it. but i just don't feel comfortable talking about any subject because i feel like i might be ignorant about it, and i can't think anything worse than not actually being right.

maybe i should start investing in religion or something. nothing wrong with gnosticism, the best meme around

or i'll just make a contract with the devil? i've been trying for 16 years but nothing's come out of it

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