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Probably. XP Sounds painful.

I'm curious to see if I can even reach anywhere near that pitch, but since my whole family is at home, that's probably not a good idea. I wonder if women are into men that can reach that high of pitches. The guy seemed to have a lot of female backup singers and a lot of female fans in the audience.

Speaking of painfulness, I can't even recall the last time I got hit/attacked in the balls. It must have been half a decade or something, since I don't recall ever getting my balls hit ever since after high school graduation. Is that normal?

If you say so. Thanks...

...you're quite doubtful about it huh?

Well, being partly convinced is a lot better than not being convinced at all. You got to start somewhere after all.

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I'm curious to see if I can even reach anywhere near that pitch, but since my whole family is at home, that's probably not a good idea. I wonder if women are into men that can reach that high of pitches. The guy seemed to have a lot of female backup singers and a lot of female fans in the audience.

Speaking of painfulness, I can't even recall the last time I got hit/attacked in the balls. It must have been half a decade or something, since I don't recall ever getting my balls hit ever since after high school graduation. Is that normal?

I got hit in the groin with a hockey stick once. It hurt.

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I recall the last time I got hit in the face by a spherical object. It was yesterday so...

No recent nut shots? Come to think of it, I also can't remember the last time my face got hit by something... Oh wait, it was last week when my forehead got hit by a wall in the washroom. Never mind.

I got hit in the groin with a hockey stick once. It hurt.

How long ago was that?

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...you're quite doubtful about it huh?

Well, being partly convinced is a lot better than not being convinced at all. You got to start somewhere after all.

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Glad to see you changed your name to something more positive.

...wait, man-face? As it, a word that starts with man?

...no... not the words that start with man!!!


In all seriousness, I'm glad your name isn't derogatory anymore.

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No recent nutshots?
I almost got hit in the vital region on monday while playing badmitton. Other then that, two or three years ago, a, er, friend of mine almost kicked me. She just grazed the important thing. And... I can't remember any other instances.
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Zak, you... You clever man you.

Wut I do?

Glad to see you changed your name to something more positive.

...wait, man-face? As it, a word that starts with man?

...no... not the words that start with man!!!


In all seriousness, I'm glad your name isn't derogatory anymore.

But man starts with man.

Heheh. :P

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I almost got hit in the vital region on monday while playing badmitton. Other then that, two or three years ago, a, er, friend of mine almost kicked me. She just grazed the important thing. And... I can't remember any other instances.

So no direct hits that you can recall? Lucky.

The only ones I can recall is when one of my long time friends told me to stand in from of him as he kicked me in the balls in grade 9 and when in grade 5 I somehow squished my balls greatly when standing up from a chair.

But man starts with man

Yeah, in general, I find something wrong with words that have man added in front of them. The word man itself doesn't sound wrong.




Kind of dirty, huh?




You can see where I'm going with this


tart, thong, butter, boob

man-, you know what, I probably shouldn't continue this.

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Flo-Flo can't take everything by herself, and Heath be squishy. Canas gets killed by continuity errors can't Luna tank everything yet, Erk has no promote yet, Lucius too squishy, Serra squishes easily, Priscilla can't even cross that.

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If Florina was used seriously, she should be promoted by this time. It's especially important for drafts unless she's pretty kickass unpromoted. lol No way can Heath handle everything. It's Pent's job, in that case. And Fiora? What about Fiora?

Canas has Nosferatu by this time, Lucius can handle himself, Erk can handle himself, Serra can if promoted, and all Priscilla can do is heal. Are you talking HNM or ENM? Because enemies can't hit in those modes. :/

@Tiamo: I <3 FE7.

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Of course Flo-Flo was promoted. Who do you think I am, someone who no like moe people? And it wasn't for a draft. Kalas isn't hardcore like you. >_> Heath is cool, but enemies kill him dead. Canas... shush you. Lucius' def was almost as bad as Lyndips' def. Erk... Can't walk that far. Lol Serra promoted. I go for 20/1 so... Priscilla could heal, I guess. It was for ENM, I haven't played it since I beat it so >_>

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Erk has full movement in the desert. He can get that far in three turns, like Serra did in the screenshot.

ENM? Promoted Erk, promoted Florina, and Pent can easily solo that crap.

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FE7 was awesome. 8D I don't remember much from it though... at least I still remember more than FE11. :D

and yayayayay time to play FE4 LOL. >_> I'm gonna be SO lost here...and confused.

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FE7 was awesome. 8D I don't remember much from it though... at least I still remember more than FE11. :D

and yayayayay time to play FE4 LOL. >_> I'm gonna be SO lost here...and confused.


FE4 is funny.

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