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Male!Avatar says 'It's a date!'. Does Female!Avatar?

I have no clue! Checking the Support Conversations thread right now.


fuck Silver Lightning has that claim and she hasn't posted it. >_> Time to grab the C support myself.

Edited by Teddy Bear
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You forgot.

Well let's see...

Noire: Robin.

Robin: Hello, Noire. What can I do for you?

Noire: Oh, nothing. I just wanted to get a good look at you up close.

Robin: Er, well, all right, I suppose. Can I ask what you're looking for?

Noire: It's just that...you're so wonderful and amazing! *Sigh* I wish YOU were my mother.

Robin: Noire! Tharja's a fine young woman, and I'm sure she was...er, will be a fine mother.

Noire: I don't know. She hardly seems like the paragon of caring motherhood.

Robin: Maybe you shouldn't hold her to such lofty standards. If you don't have an image of perfection, she'll seem like a perfectly good candidate.

Noire: Yeah, maybe. But I still think you'd be LEAGUES better! Anyway, so I was wondering... Do you mind if I call you mom?

Robin: Um... Er... I don't...

Noire: You're going to say no, aren't you?

Robin: I just think it would be...strange. People might get the wrong idea.

Noire: *Sniff*

Robin: Oh, for pity's sake, don't look at me with those woebegone eyes! Look, you can't call me mom, but if you want to hang around me, that's fine.

Noire: Really! Gosh, thanks SO much! I'll definitely start doing that!

Robin: Methinks there's more to this than she's letting on...

...........What? I doubt THAT happened with the male Avatar. >_> And Noire... she's Lucina's mother!

Not using my avatar's name.

Edited by Teddy Bear
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No! I said I'll grab the C support. But I would hope it'd be different... because I don't think I'd marry someone who'd ask me to call me as their parent.

Fine fine, I guess I'll try to grab B and A too.

Edited by Teddy Bear
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I think it's just going to continue to be different. >_>

B Support:

Noire: H-hi, Robin. Do you mind if I stand close to you again?

Robin: No, I suppose not. But are you ever going to tell me what this whole mom thing is about?

Noire: It's just that you're so strong and kind and charismatic. You're a true leader, both on and off the battlefield. You have this kindly maternal aura that cocoons everyone who comes near. But you also have a calm, commanding presence that makes people feel safe. You're like a mother to this whole entire army, Robin!

Robin: Gracious! I don't think I've ever been paid such an extravagant compliment. But Noire, I'm still so young. I don't think I'm half the person you think I am.

Noire: You say you're young, but how can you know for sure? You have no memories, right? So who knows when you were born?

Robin: Huh. Well, I suppose I could be an old corne and just not know it. At least I'm aging well.

Noire: Besides, it doesn't matter if you're old! ...At least not to me. I still think you're a perfect mother.

Robin: Noire, what happened to Tharja in the future?

Noire: She died. Just like all the other mothers. Every last one of them.

Robin: Gods have mercy...

Noire: A lot of fathers died first because they were on the front lines... Then the Risen started picking off the rest of us one by one.

Robin: ...I see. That explains why you're seeking a new mother.

Noire: Yeah, I guess. Anyway, thanks for listening to me, Robin. I'd...better go now.

Robin: Oh, Noire...

...........except she is Lucina's mother. \o/

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Wait, is Noire's support the same with female and male Avatar? I know Cynthia's isn't.


Edited by Levant Fortner
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In the B support with Male!Avatar, she talks about how she wants to become more...robust and sturdy.

I find that bullshit, but you know.

She is ultra skinny though. She needs three cheeseburgers. Or pies with beef and cheese in them.

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Oh well, since I already did C and B, here's A too!!

Noire: Robin. You're awake!

Robin: Huh? Noire? Was I sleeping? ...Wait, where am I?

Noire: You're in the nursing tent. You collapsed all of a sudden. The healers say you have thin blood or something.

Robin: Was it you who found and brought me here?

Noire: Yes. I haven't left your side since you arrived. I've spent a lot of time in this tent, so I kind of know how things work.

Robin: Thank you for taking care of me.

Noire: Aw, you don't have to thank me. It was an honor.

Robin: I've been working hard lately—perhaps the exhaustion is catching up to me. Still, I'll have to find a solution. I don't have the luxury of being ill!

Noire: Oh gods, I'm SO sorry! This is all my fault! It's because of me that you worked yourself to the point of collapse!

Robin: Er, actually you didn't have anything to do with—

Noire: Yes, I did! Don't try to hide it! It's because I told you that you were like our mother, isn't it? You have to take care of yourself, Robin! You have to! Don't take all of our burdens on your own shoulders.

Robin: ......

Noire: And if you ever need a shoulder to lean on, you can just come talk to me.

Robin: You really are a kind soul, Noire. I feel better already knowing that you're around to look after me.

Noire: Hee hee! Me too!

Robin: It's strange to have a whole camp full of my very own grown-up children. But it's a wonderful feeling to have so many people that care for me.

Noire: We DO care for you! ...Especially me.

Yeah BSB is awesome.

One of the best. ;; But I'm kinda surprised you like them too...?

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Zero Point nearly cost me a game over. My Medic and Kirjonen lived through it and I used Hygenia's Bowl next turn.

Full heal/revive too stronk

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Zero Point nearly cost me a game over. My Medic and Kirjonen lived through it and I used Hygenia's Bowl next turn.

Full heal/revive too stronk

Huh... I haven't beed hit by it yet. Was it instant death? >_>

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So uh, guys. I have all the progress for the fanfic my friends and I written all caught up. Here it is:

"The Vaike needs a partner in his life that he can appreciate. He needs...the special bunny wife!"

Panne walked in, looking at Vaike and rolling her eyes at his idiocy. It was just another day in Chrom's army. "Special...bunny wife?" she asked incredulously, glaring at the fighter. "I'd rather eat a potato than socialize with intolerable man-spawn like you."
With a huff, she walked out of the barracks, leaving a flustered Vaike by himself. "H-Hey baby!" he cried out, leaving the room and pacing after the Taguel. "We're meant to be, don't ya see?!"
Meanwhile, Yarne from the future stared at the two, awestruck. "...THESE are my parents?" he muttered to himself. "...I'd better figure out how to get them hooked up...otherwise the taguel are going to die out!"
Yarne looked down at his hand, seeing it suddenly start to disappear. "T-This isn't good!" he gasped, sprinting to find assistance. "I need to find someone who can help me get to the bottom of this, or no more Taguel!"
The only other person in the room was Maribelle. She was looking at herself in a small handheld mirror, and she was not very pleased with her appearance. "Oh, my," she sniffed. "I do believe I'll have to go down to the shop later and buy more appliances for myself..."
"Maybe Brady's mom will help," Yarne thought, hiding his disappearing hand behind his back as he walked behind the newly promoted Valkyrie. "After all, she seems trustworthy enough."
Turning around, Maribelle gasped seeing Yarne and put her hand mirror away, glaring a bit at the Taguel boy. "Yarne, it isn't polite to sneak up behind people, you know. You could give a lady a heart attack. The nerve."
Yarne smiled sheepishly, running a hand through his blonde skunk stripe. "U-Um, sorry Mrs. Brady's mom. Well...I have a question regarding my parents."
Maribelle seemed to calm slightly. "Ah, Vaike and Panne. A pair I wouldn't imagine would hook up, but compliment each other rather well. What do you need to know, dear boy?" she asked curiously, smiling a bit.
"Progress!" Yarne cheered in his mind. "How did they, you know, hook up? Because...I think something disrupted the past."
As he said that, the Taguel showed the Valkyrie his disappearing hand, causing her to gasp. "This is...quite the strange phenomenon..." she spoke, grabbing the Taguel's non-vanishing hand. "Come on, dear boy. Maribelle will tell you all you need to know if it'll save yourself."
"Alright! One step closer to no extinction!"
"As you can quite tell," she began, "Vaike is kind of...lacking in the smarts section. He's more brawny, y'know? Your mother prefers those with intellect and those who are not human...as you can see, your father is automatically out of both of these departments. Perhaps if you can get your father to stop saying stupid things, maybe your mother will appreciate him more..."
"Any chance we can change things on my mother's end? Although I uh, hate to make them be different people..." Yarne scratched his neck.
"If you feel so poorly about this, we can always just tell them," Maribelle replied.
Yarne shook his head multiple times. "No, they got together as themselves..."
Maribelle straightened up quickly. "Well, I cannot accept a change of the future. Time has to run its course." She stamped the ground with her staff to accentuate her words. Yarne's eyebrows shot up. He began to think back...
"We can't change the past," Brady said.
"We don't have a choice. The present is completely worthless." I hated to agree, but Lucina's the smartest of us.
"Time has to run its course," Brady retorted, but Lucina had already jumped.
Closing his eyes, Yarne suddenly was deep in thought. Maribelle watched the Taguel think curiously until he opened his eyes, brimming with confidence.
"I...I think I know what to do," he declared. "If I can time travel back in time...like I did now...maybe...maybe I can convince them about me, their son. The last living Taguel. It's...It's quite the shot, and I don't know if I'll come back to THIS timeline, but I'm willing to do it."
Maribelle put a hand to her chin. "Do...do you honestly think that your plan will work? I don't want you to not exist, but changing the past is a bit crazy..."
Yarne smiled. "Hey, that's what Lucina, Cynthia, Brady, Noire, the others, and I are trying to accomplish coming back before Grima's rule, right?" he assured her. "I need to find a way to go back in time, though..."
Maribelle pondered this problem. "Perhaps one of the other children can help you..."
Brady just so happened to suddenly walk in. "Oh, hey, Yarne! What'cha-" He tensed as he saw Maribelle. "Aw, MA! Why're ya botherin' the poor bloke?"
"I'm not bothering him!" she snapped. "And it is 'Why are you bothering the poor bloke?' Go on, repeat it!"
Brady rolled his eyes. "Sheesh, Ma...I'm sorry, Yarne..."
Yarne waved his hand, amused at how the two family members were acting. "Don't worry about it, Brady. Besides, your mom's helping me out with something really important that's crucial to my survival."
Brady widened his eyes. "And what would that be?" he asked. "This time, ya sound serious about that survival bullcrap ya like spoutin' out a lot."
Rolling his eyes again, Yarne showed the priest his disappearing left hand. Yelping, Brady almost jumped out of his shoes. "Leapin' lizards!" he shouted. "Y-Yarne, y-your hand! I can't see it no more!"
The Taguel's expression was feared, but determined. "I need to find a way to get to the past to make sure my parents hook up alright. I think something happened, which resulted...in this," he told him, waving his transparent hand. "And...you're gonna help me."
"W-Wha? Me? A m-mope like me?" Brady stuttered, looking down. "I can't do nothin' special, and ya know that."
"Brady!" Maribelle suddenly scolded, glaring at her son.
Running a hand through his black hair, Brady sighed. "S-Sorry Ma...I can't do anything special, and you know that, Yar-"
"I appreciate your grammar getting mended," Maribelle said, smiling before frowning again. "But your friend here needs your help. And I'm ordering you to help him out."
"Yer ORDERIN' me?" Brady yelped. "But Ma-"
"Help him!" she commanded. "Or no more tea for the rest of the week!"
Brady's eyes widened. "...You wouldn't!"
"Oh, yes I would!"
Brady sighed. "...Yeah, I'll help ya out, Yarne...but don't expect me to know nothin' 'bout this kinda stuff."
Panne watched as three people talked in Maribelle's tent. As much as she wished to remain watchful of all the humans, she could not find it in her capacity to care.
Secretly, she was basically fighting herself. A crush is a crush, and no one can control who they're attracted too, but hers always had a way of pissing her off. She'd felt the same thing weeks earlier with Frederick. He'd started off as a respectable and bold man with a razor-sharp character, and over time he revealed himself to be an unrelatable and disinterested man, basically a complete submissive to every self-supposed whim of the royal siblings. Panne had to change her focus quickly before despair set in, and the focus jumped to the first in line. Vaike.
Vaike was personable, humorous, and just the right amount of confident. No, it was definitely an overdoes of narcissism. Panne decided to break her heart's suppositions before they broke her. The guy had the looks and the personality, and she believed with all her heart that he had the touch, but he lacked the sense and the brains.
Panne entered the field and found Chrom training with Stahl. "Hey, are you up to train?" the knight asked.
"This is a load of malarkey!" Brady sighed as he and Yarne went around camp to find a few others to recruit to save Yarne from extinction. "No one's gonna believe our story, Yarne. Best give up an' tell Ma all 'bout it."
"What, and watch as I disappear faster than you can say 'malarkey'?" Yarne snapped, showing Brady his hand. "This is all the proof we need to get people to join our cause."
Brady pouted a bit, scratching the back of his head. "Alright, alright. Let's see who we can find."
"What's all the commotion here, comrades?"
Turning around hearing the familiar voice, the two saw Owain standing in front of them, twirling around his Missiletainn. "I hear something about disappearing and malarkey, and it intrigues me."
"Owain! Just the man we wanted to see!" Yarne cheered.
"Really? Owain?" Brady asked in disbelief.
"Hey, anyone works for me! Owain, you believe that you can change the past, right?"
Owain's eyes widened a bit at the sudden question. "Well, that's the reason why we all went back in time to assist our parents, am I correct? And things seem to be working so far. So yes, I believe it is indeed possible to change the past," came his response.
Yarne smiled a bit. "Good, because..."
He showed Owain his disappearing hand, causing the myrmidon to jump in shock.
"It's something that happened in the past," Yarne explained, rubbing the back of his head with his other hand. "That's why we're going."
"Hey, if ya want to, Owain, you can take my place!" Brady said cheerfully, only to earn a light punch from Yarne.
Owain tensed. "My sword hand...it's twitching...all right! Owain is IN!"
Brady blinked. "...Uh...you sure bout this, Yarne? Anyone works for you?"
"Yeah. I'm sure." Yarne didn't sound sure.
Owain proceeded to do a bunch of backflips and dramatic poses with his sword. "Who knows what dangers we will face?"
"Paradoxes, extinction...maybe even..."
Backflip and pose.
"But alas, not to us, but to our enemies! As long as my sword hand twitches, we will all be safe, my friends!"
Brady winced. "I'll...be over there...with the normal people." He tried to hurry off, but Yarne grabbed him with his good hand. "Oh, no you don't!" Yarne scolded.
The three then continued on their way through the camp, looking out for anyone they deemed useful.
"My sword hand points to...Chrom! Maybe he'll help us out!" Owain declared, pointing at Chrom's tent, which was the biggest out of all the tents which were set up in the camp. Shaking his head, Yarne sighed.
"The last thing we need to do is make him worry about our problem when he has other things to handle," he told the myrmidon. "We'll get this handled without his help."
Brady looked around. "I told ya recruiting people would be a pain, Yarne..." he grunted.
"Hey, we got Owain, didn't we?"
"Reluctantly, but yes we did."
Owain glared at Brady, clearly offended. "Don't be such a villain, Brady! I'm sure my intellect and words of wisdom will get us to figure out what's happening with our dear friend Yarne and save him! Don't lose hope, friend!"
Brady sighed. "You're gonna get us sent to the crazy house if you keep blabbing nonsense loud enough fer everyone to hear, ya dope..."
"Stop fighting!" Yarne hissed, seeing a familiar archer girl turn her gaze toward the three. "I think we found our next member!"
Nervously, the girl walked up to the three. "I heard Owain chanting something...what's going on with you guys?" she asked, widening her eyes a bit.
"Well-" Yarne started, but her was abruptly interrupted by Lissa's son.
"Noire! Just the gal we wanted to see!" he exclaimed, beaming. Noire looked at him in confusion.
"Would you like to join us on our epic quest to save Yarne?" he asked, turning serious.
"B-But...Yarne's right here..." the girl stuttered, weakly pointing at the Taguel. Sighing, Yarne showed her his missing hand, causing Noire to cover her mouth with her hands to stop herself from screaming loudly.

If you care, cool. Enjoy the read. I'd like for everyone to read it, but that probably won't happen. :P Either way, enjoy.
EDIT: Formatting's a bit off, but fuck it, I want to play FE13 for the rest of the night.
Edited by Zeem
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Huh... I haven't beed hit by it yet. Was it instant death? >_>

Yeah, instant death. I've noticed that the dragons become bigger jerks when they're about to die in EO4. I love my Medic though.

"And so my sword hand says to me, 'SACRED STONES', and I broke a boulder with my mind. *pose*"

"I wish I had a sword hand."

Owain felt ashamed, rubbing his hands in Yarne's face while he was missing one.

"Blood and thunder" muttered Noire as she ate a cheeseburger pie

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ouch Zero Point was such a huge threat in EO1 that your Protector was stuck on Antice duty the entire fight since it could use it whenever it wants.

Good to know they become more aggressive near death.

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