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Hmm... I've decided, I'll go ahead and do a list for R and D as well... thankfully my work for those is already half-way done thanks to A's list, hehe...

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I'm actually tempted to get Cloudberry Kingdom. I've always been a sucker for co-op 2D platformers.

Yeah, even if Microsoft pulled a 180 regarding their policies, there's no way I'm giving a single cent to a company that's that greedy and uncaring towards their customers (they actually thought restricting their customers with mandatory online and banning used games was good business?). I was actually looking forward to seeing the XBox One get released like that, fail miserably, and squirm and dry up like a maggot on a roasting concrete road.

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Okay just dropping by to play devil's advocate.

To be fair, while the introduction of the policy and well...the policy itself was a total mess, I can understand what they were TRYING to do.

They were trying to copy Steam, and they failed miserably.

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I heard a bit about that. Supposedly, the used game banning was supposed to prevent piracy somehow (I don't really get how that works). I can understand piracy protection, but rendering a person's games useless once their console breaks down and having to pay full price to play them again is really horrible.

Either way, the way it came off to the public's ears, the heavy restrictions with online and used games, and the always on Kinect cameras made the XBox One sound like a horrible idea.

Since I'm probably coming off as a big Microsoft hater, I will say this: the new Killer Instinct does have me interested (even if the free to play mode does seem bad, they at least have a normal download option with everything available except DLC, and a everything plus future DLC option) and I'm glad that Microsoft is actually making use of their purchase of Rare and their franchises (they haven't used a Rare franchise since 2008 for Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts).

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Not much. Just responding to various SF threads, currently.

On a random note, I had this weird dream two nights ago where NinjaMonkey had a Twilight Sparkle avatar. He always struck me as a Rarity or Fluttershy kind of person, since he always goes for the beautiful or cute females. Even then, he made it really clear he hates MLP.

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I know. That's a tame dream compared to some of the other ones I had. You should've seen this one dream I had in High School where this fat kid I knew from school was eating out of a toilet and somehow got electrocuted from the toilet. Or this dream in Grade 7 where one of those jumping green guys in the first Contra got himself and this girl I liked ran over by a truck.

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Would you happen to remember what some of them were?

Let me recollect my thoughts and see if I can remember any.

All I know is my dreams are always very strange...

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Well, I can't say it's to see if it can top it, but here's an example of one of my dreams, it's one I can still remember clearly for the most part. Copying it from the FE4Thread since I posted it there. Remember, the setting is mianly the Incident of Honno-ji from the Samurai Warriors series:

Once more my dreams choose to discard the standard map-stages for something more original. At least it still looked like it was meant to be a temple, though the open areas showed many walkways over this big lake of sorts in the middle of the temple. At least, it was meant to be that way until partway through some areas seemed to be fused with random modern school classrooms. Though there was an area, the antechamber before the room that housed Nobunaga himself, to be this big place with a pit that had spikes, and platforms suspended from the ceilings that were rigged to un-chain from on side, plummeting anyone into the spikes, as a protective measure. Effective, since I actually lured enemies to fall over in the dream.

Then for some reason I saw both Kotaro and Keiji as allied officers. I for the life of me can't think of a reason why the former was helping us... but anyway. The objectives were, pretty creative I'd say. Like forcing an enemy to defect, then escort him to his father to have him defect to our side too. To taking over enemy supplies by... assaulting an actual kitchen within the temple. Not a modern kitchen, but still a kitchen. That had the hallway leading to it bobby trapped with the classic darts being flung from holes in the wall and spikes that rose up from the floor at intervals.

Though the absurdity didn't stop there. By the time the fight was brought to those random classrooms, the place goes Pokémon Conquest on me and suddenly you had hordes of Pokémon fighting each other along the other soldiers. And like this sort of optional objective, I could get an Onix to command myself. Also amusingly other optional objectives had Owain and Noire randomly show up and fight on our side too.

All in all... the only thing I'm disappointing with was... no fire. Come on, it's the Honno-ji incident, (Though at this point it was less of an incident and more like a concentrated full-on war, but whatever) why was the place not set on fire...! Oh wait, the place had a big lake instead of a courtyard. Setting the place on fire was probably just a dumb thing to do with all the water available to douse it...

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I'm not remembering too many.

Or in detail for whatever reason.

One I remember partially is that, everyone, everywhere, had a bulldog's face instead of a normal human face, and I was the only one that had a normal face for whatever reason...

Another I had isn't too weird, but it confused the hell out of me.

I woke up (still dreaming) in the middle of the night, I went to go get a snack (at like midnight for whatever reason), when I got out to the kitchen, my dog randomly talked to me, then I woke up (still dreaming), and I was suddenly awake at my grandmother's house, I walked out to my grandmother to talk to her, something weird happened (don't remember that part), and then I actually woke up, in real life.

Needless to say that dream was very confusing to me...

Recalling one of my nightmares...

I was young, and in the dream my school started to collapse from the top, and everyone probably died, knowing my nightmares, someone always dies...

I had another dream where I was a serial killer for whatever reason, but the dream played out like an RPG for some reason.

I don't get my dreams.

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Okay what?

Anyway, as I mentioned, this was easier. So I present, the SRW R cast list:

Raul Guneden - AcaciaSgt

Amuro Ray - TheEnd
Bright Noah - DarkLegendVampire
Fa Yuiri - KittyofTime
Camille Bidan - Holmes
Quattro Bageena - PKLucas
Four Murasame - AceTactician
Judau Ashta - Doga
Roux Louka - Amelia
Elpe Puru - RedFoxofFire
Puru Two - Tangerine
Domon Kashuu - NinjaMonkey
Rain Mikamura - Ayanami
Sai Sici - Rehab
Chibodee Crocket - Lux
Georde de Sand - Marthur
Argo Gulskii - ReiRei
Allenby Biazury - NTG
Master Asia - ZM
Garrod Ran - Pilot
Tifa Adiil - Sara
Jamil Nate - Sirius
Witts Shu - Charlie
Roby Roy - Shengar
Karis Northeast - Enkidu
Paula Cis - ThorOdinson
Lancelow Dowell - Gregor
Enil El - Ethlyn
Lucrezia Noin - Fia
Zechs Marqueese - Zak
Heero Yui - UbelEngel
Duo Maxwell - Sask
Trowa Barton - Sangygul
Quatre Reberba Winner - AstraLunaSol
Zhang Wufei - Enjorlas
Tenkawa Akito - Integrity
Misumaru Yurika - Hatari
Daigouji Gai - MajesticPaladin
Subaru Ryoko - Popo
Amano Hikaru - Ymir
Maki Izumi - UtsuhoReiuji
Shiratori Tsukumo - Pride
Genichiro - Narga_Rocks
Kami Kappei - Boney
Kamie Uchuuta - Laevanteinn
Kamikita Keiko - Foxxie
Haran Banjo - FruitNinja
Gou Kenichi - Balcerzak
Gou Daijiro - Nightmare
Gou Hiroshi - Raivix
Mine Ippei - Randoman
Oka Megumi - Makaze
Aoi Hyouma - Breezy
Naniwa Jyuuzou - Seph
Nishikawa Daisuke - Raven
Nanbara Chizuru - Freohr
Matsuki Kosuke - GenericOperator
Ichinoki Kenta - Ein
Ichinoki Kazuyoshi - ConstableReggie
Ginga Izumo - KingMarth64
Hokuto Kusanagi - Emerald
Altea - SlayerX
Vega - Vashiane
Susumu Kirakuni - ColonelM
Subaru - Ninji
Eris Williamette - Ether
Kabuto Kouji - Garland
Yumi Sayaka - Eclipse
Boss - Interest
Tsurugi Tetsuya - Rey
Homura Jun - Annie
Gou Ichimonji - Jyosua
Shu Tachibana - Shirley
Sai Daidou - Levant
Jack King - CaptainAmerica

Mary King - Crizix

This is quite fun. Now D is left to make a list of...

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