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Classical Conditioning


Neutral Stimulus -> No Response

Unconditioned Stimulus -> Unconditioned Response


Neutral Stimulus + Unconditioned Stimulus -> Unconditioned Response


Conditioned Stimulus -> Conditioned Response

Where Conditioned Stimulus = Neutral Stimulus and Conditioned Response = Unconditioned Response

To make it gone, simply remove the Neutral stimulus during the process for a while

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Recipient is the Dog

Neutral Stimulus is Bell

The Unconditioned Stimulus is food

When you ring a bell(Neutral) -> The dog have no response(NR)

When you give a food(Unconditioned) -> The dog drools(response)


Ring a bell(Neutral) and give a food at the same time(unconditioned) -> The dog drools


Ring a Bell(Conditioned) -> And the dog drolls(Conditioned Response)

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Yeah, it's certainly a valid way of thinking...

For Classical Conditioning, just think about that experiment where the guy rang a bell when he gave a dog food and it eventually started drooling at the sound of the bell, no food required. I don't remember the Big 5, sorry.

Classical Conditioning


Neutral Stimulus -> No Response

Unconditioned Stimulus -> Response


Neutral Stimulus + Unconditioned Stimulus -> Response


Conditioned Stimulus -> Response

Where Conditioned Stimulus = Neutral Stimulus

To make it gone, simply remove the Neutral stimulus during the process for a while

Thanks guys! I think I'm all set for tomorrow

God damn it Hero King.


*knocks out cold*

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Big 5 Traits:

Opennes to experience - largely aligned with intelligence, and prospensity for innovation and ability to solve problem. Willingness to try new experience instead of staying in a routine

Concentiousness - commitment to work

Extraversion - disposition to experience positive emotional states, and to engage in one's environment, be sociable, and self confident

Agreeableness - tendency of the person willingness and capacity to cooperate and be helpful to one group, rather than to be selfish and hostile toward others

Neurotiscism - The tendency to experience unpleasant emotions

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Thanks guys! I think I'm all set for tomorrow

*knocks out cold*


Whoops. Perhaps I shouldn't have let it slide after all... *tucks into a sleeping bag* I expect him to stay there this time.

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Hey Shirley, do you know that you have a slight chance of being playable in SSB4 based on the screenshot on the official site today?

He is just different

I suppose so. If only there was something we could do to cheer the guy up.

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