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JSND Alter Dragon Boner

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About JSND Alter Dragon Boner

  • Birthday 05/28/1994


  • Member Title
    Legends are told about the man once known as the Dragon Boner

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    A lot of stuff
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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    New Mystery of the Emblem

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    Hardin (Cipher)


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  1. Using Hardin as Move Man support is going to be funny if nothing else lmao
  2. Being Iron+ is a sweet spot i like for them. Its not like you'd immediately main them over Iron anyway and Iron being the "basic" makes it easy to plan the numbers around them Fates trying to overcomplicate shit is dumb
  3. thx (yeah i randomly logged in somehow and end up seeing this kek)
  4. No bias 100% but Hardin!Archanea definitely didn't fall too fast outside of probably chapter count. Even ignoring the herculean achievement that Anri's Way are supposed to be perceived as(for all intent and purpose Anri's way was essentially a Shonen training arc), to win WOH Marth had to notice an opening in the formation of the entire nation, and even after that works he had to make a desperate rush against Hardin's throne before he got overrun after the message about Marth's ambush spreads around, both in game and in lore. And even beyond all that the only reason the strategy even work in the first place is because Aurelis effectively betrayed Hardin Hardin!Archanea was definitely the juggernaut that showcases the hype about it being the strongest Archanea have ever been completely, lore wise.
  5. I might remember it wrong but iirc Seliph is indeed tied to Deidre as a solo child. Mechanically speaking Julia isn't Deidre's child. As you mentioned it kinda make sense if its the case since Seliph, just like every daughter character in the game, is a pallete swap of Deidre but i dont exactly know the game mechanic inside out lol, its just what i thought based on my interpretation on Nightmare module usages lol
  6. Its actually somewhat mentioned in story that the entire reason Marth managed to stay in Talys for as long as he did and then some is basically because Hardin is genuinely that much of a problem against Dohlr's invasion attempts so thats a very likely "something" that can give
  7. To be honest it might as well say "FE12/FE11 and pretty much the rest of the series" even then FE12/FE11 had their enemy phase stuff. Just SIGNIFICANTLY less than other games. Its based on how due to a lot of factors, the most effective way to tackle most things in New Mystery is to set up a good enemy phase with strong player phase - this honestly is all FE, but you can notice it if you have played 12. Trying to enemy phase in FE12 the way you did in other games would just get you fucking killed, most of the time(stuff like Swordmaster in some stages of the game works, and Nosfeatu is super super broken in this game so EP with them is sometimes your answer)
  8. Whats the deal with Zeiss again? A bit related though it still kinda kills me to remember how if you consider ONLY growth in the context of FE6, excluding deliberate overpowered growth(thieves, Karel, Fae) the top character would probably be along the lines of.... Miledy, Shin, Dorothy, Wendy, Roy, Allance. It kinda showcases how messed up it is that one of the BASED GODDESS of FE(Miledy) also contends for havings one of the best growth in the game
  9. Oh hey i havent posted here in a while Finally finished all the Abyssal up until now, Legendary Seliph map was what made me hiatus for a while so its kinda ironic the last map is completed with OG Seliph The one that took longest is Bram entirely because iirc he havent got a rerun until now.
  10. ah im actually extremely familiar with SRW Proof Its just that i dont know the cast list of SRW V to make pick a char
  11. ill be that basic ***** around and say my boy Koji Kabuto ....mostly because i dont know the hell is in this game lmaooo
  12. Brada actually have one extremely super specific but rather unique niche Being able to use Chan Gong set up without MLB Scope That said it IS true that shes kinda average - part of it is because her specs are weaker than Fionn in a meta where Fionn is the checkmark for viability. Shes also competing with Parvati who is basically a Monarch
  13. Like 2 No seriously, literally 2 I was only needing AxA iirc, but it shows double AAA and im like "oh pog"
  14. uhuh yeah so i actually kinda still play this game Chiron is value Kappa
  15. I was talking a stupidly highly invested Alance. The most extreme version is something like Irysa's giga rig run where Alan is almost as good as Percival when the chapter count isnt even half of the chapter when Perci joined.
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