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O hai Vashi!

Hey DLV. :)

Patchy!Vashy is best Vashy.

Of course!

Although a Demyx theme is tempting.

Ein tried to use TM42 on Crizix.


Crizix and Nom are incompatible. Nom cannot be learned.


So how are you, Crizzy?

*noms Crizix and Vashiane*

Ack! Quick, distract him with a flan!

Edited by Vashiane
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*noms Crizix and Vashiane*

I'm not very tasty, am I? :o

So how are you, Crizzy?

Ack! Quick, distract him with a flan!

I'm doing good, thanks. How are you?

...Darn it, I don't have any! Where's Shirley when you need her?

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I - I am?

*scratches back of head nervously and blushes* I-I thought you were gonna retort. >_>

*shows friend Cordelia on Google*

*top options were 'fire emblem awakening cordelia hot' and 'fire emblem awakening cordelia swimsuit'**


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*scratches back of head nervously and blushes* I-I thought you were gonna retort. >_>

*shows friend Cordelia on Google*

*top options were 'fire emblem awakening cordelia hot' and 'fire emblem awakening cordelia swimsuit'**


Where was "fire emblem awakening cordelia dead"?

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[spoiler=SRW A Playthrough]Scenario 25 – Starlight serenade

Noctali is angry, learning of what happened to Ethlyn. Tangerine tries to explain they were being deceived, but he scoffs at the explanation. However, Jyosua is able to pipe him down for a bit, as he ponders about how is it possible to hide information from both the Federation and Preventers. Stallinbald asks if it’s the aliens, but Nightmare doesn’t think so, as it would require being very infiltrated to do such thing. He tried to send someone to investigate Luo Company, but it has proven futile. James figures Jprebs, even after loosing his position of minister, is the only one to pull such thing, and with him being connected to Giganos…

Sakusa then informs the Mobile Fortress’s location has been found, and Zerker orders to head there ASAP, and asks for Noctali to cooperate. He agrees on the premise of checking if Ethlyn is being held there, but if she’s not, he’ll search her on his own. I inwardly note of how much he has changed… but I then switch thoughts of finding Gregor... so off I go to the deck.

So yeah, I’m really gonna do it. Alright you loosers of the bet, pay up.

At the Mobile Fortress, a soldier detects our approach. Seph asks Pride is he’s sure about his plan, and Pride tells him yes, so Seph is eager to see this unfold.

Elsewhere, Doga tells Pride he’s counting on him for the operation. Pride tells he’d rather have it as a final option. Something about the Mobile Fortress being their main firepower in space. Doga tries to protest, but Makaze tells him it’s time to head to Earth, and to bring Shirley along, so they leave. Freohr asks Pride if it’s okay, and he tells her that it’s okay, as it will bring in chaos, which is what they want.

At the Nahel Argama deck… I’m informing Gregor of her mother being held at the Mobile Fortress. Gregor is at first glad since he thought she died when Giganos attacked their colony, but is quick to ask how the hell I found out that. I tell him I was informed from within the Mobile Fortress… and if he wants her to not die, he’ll surrender to Giganos. Gregor is speechless, but quickly regains his senses to accuse me of being a spy. Well, how quick to catch on, eh? Anyway, he continues thinking the memory-loss thing was all a lie, but I tell him on the contrary, it was very real, it’s just that I regained them when we encountered Pride. He’s quick to realize it’s when Pikachu detected the mysterious transmission, which makes me realize it got traced. Anyway, he threatens to tell the rest about me, but I bring up the “We have your mother hostage” card again, which is enough to stop him.

In any case, we reach the vicinity of the Mobile Fortress. Giganos units are already there at the ready to protect it. Seph is happy at our arrival, and with the rest still unaware, Gregor and I sortie.

Zerker berates us for sortying before ordered. Pikachu is able to tell Gregor’s acting weird, and he and Zoise plan to sorty too, but I order them to stop! Gregor meanwhile announces his surrender to Giganos, which shocks the group. They try to figure what the heck’s going on, but there’s nothing that can be helped about him. Zerker tries to order the units to sorty, but I speak up again, and tell them to drop their weapons. The group is still just dumbfounded, and I explain about the self-destruct device, and at this position, in-between the battleships, I can take them both out if they do not comply!

Some of the group are still in denial, but I tell them it’s very quite real. After all, their mechanics should know, since they inspected it before, and after seeing Ninji and Vincent’s expressions, they do realize I’m not. I repeat the warning about any funny behavior and I’ll set-up the bomb. Ace says I’ll die too if I do, but I tell her I’m ready to face that consequence, but other than that, depending on their decision, they’ll become part of Shadow Mirror.

On cue, Shadow Mirror units warp in. Nightmares demands to know who are they, and is a bit puzzled when Pride calls him a Master Sergeant. Huh. Anyway, he reveals I’ve been their spy all along, though Freohr inwardly notices I’m not in the bridge, as planned. Seph is quite pleased they finally Londo Bell at their mercy, though Jprebs realizes Seph is just being used. In any case, the threat works as any sorty order is cancelled, and they’re now on stanby. Majestic demans to know what are theire plans, and Pride tells them it’s to create a world of eternal war! That’s their ideal. The group however thinks otherwise, and Freohr adds in that with war, though it brings destruction, it can also bring creation, and technology advances quickly.

Meanwhile, Seph is getting electrical interference, and hasn’t heard anything from the conversation. Either way, he doesn’t care what Shadow Mirror may be planning, and orders Gregor to attack Londo Bell, or else they’ll kill his mother. Pride meanwhile is giving an ultimatum to Londo Bell to drop their weapons.

All is lost now…

Oh, y ahora, ¿Quién podra defenderlos? Bueno, no el Chapulin Colorado, eso es seguro.

And now in what can only be considered plot twist of the highest caliber… or something that should’ve been seen coming since it’s not that hard to figure it out. I quickly change my position to… near Pride and Amelia. This catches Pride and Freohr by surprise, and I inform Londo Bell about the reason Gregor defected. The duo wants to know what the hell am I doing, and I tell them that I’ve finally realized, the feelings of those who denied us… that we shouldn’t have come here…

… cue self-destruct.

Welp, show’s over. I died. Yep, the playthrough is done. Everyone can go home now.


The group is shocked, but unfortunately, Pride and Freohr are still alive, their mechs were just heavily damaged, but can still act. So much for that sacrifice. In any case, Zerker is quick to order unit deployment. Pride states they mustn’t stay here with their mechas in their current status. The transportation device is still intact so they can flee. However, Freohr detects and picks up something… huh, my escape pod!? Yeah right, as if I something like that explosion really killed me… anyway, they warp out. Seph isn’t happy at their retreat however, and orders Gregor to attack. Pikachu and Zoise aren’t sure what to do about this, considering his current predicament, but Gregor tells them to just avoid direct hits.

Stage begin!

PartyZerker (Lv28 ) – Nahel ArgamaAceTactician (Lv28) – Nadesico [Y Unit]Zoise0 (Lv12) – Dragonar Type-2 CustomPikachu (Lv30) – Dragonar Type-3 CustomLux (Lv31), Raven (Lv31) , TheFush(Lv31) – Getter Robo GSRC (Lv30), Sara (Lv30) – KerotElieson (Lv30) – DaimosAceNoctali (Lv29) – God GundamSamven (Lv28) – Aestevalis Samven [OG]Knight (Lv28) – Great MazingerJamesBCrazy (Lv28) – Daitarn 3Nightmare (Lv28) – Full-Armor GundamGoD (Lv28), Cluie (Lv28), Comet (Lv28), ThGhosteon (Lv28), AgileTit-Tyrant (Lv28) – Combattler VGodot (Lv28) – GrendizerJudas (Lv25) – Drill SpazerFuun Saiki (Lv25) – Fuun Saiki [Mecha]


Seph (Lv31) – Gilgazamne

Gregor (Lv28) – Dragonar Type-1 Custom

Giganos Soldier (Lv30) – Gilgazamne [Green] x2

Shadow Mirror (Lv30) – Angelg x3

Giganos Soldier (Lv29) – Geyzam x3

Shadow Mirror (Lv29) – Gespenst mk-II x6

Giganos Soldier (Lv28) – Dein x6

Well, quite the events that transpired huh. Despite so, it’s quite a standard stage. Gregor can retreat the standard way, but as with the Nadesico and Aestevalises before, there’s no penalty for taking it down so… come here extra EXP and money! lol

In any case, come Turn 2, Narga and co. arrive to help Londo Bell out. However, he’s confused as to why Gregor is with Seph.

Neutral reinforce

Narga_Rocks (Lv31) – Falguen

ePamplemouss (Lv30) – Stark Dein

LonelyWallcrab (Lv29) – Yact-Gelf

PKLucas (Lv29) – Leby-Gelf

Ike-Mike (Lv29) – Gelf

Next turn, Ein, Coaster, and TheEnd arrive. They take this chance to sneak into the fortress, which they do so immediatly.

Once Seph gets defeated, or retreats, he gets into the fortress and Narga and co. head inside in pursuit too.

Once the battle is over, all of a sudden the Newtypes detect something emanating from the fortress, and the Combattler Team’s robot detects some sort of energy wave. This is bad, as it’s locking in place the mechas.

At the Mobile Fortress, Ein and co. have reached the System Room, searching for the core of the control system. However, they notice the soldiers have been taken care of already… by none other than Persona! Ein asks where is Shirley, and Persona reveals she was taken to MO-III, and Doga went there alongside Makaze and their forces. TE asks what he’s doing here, and he explains he was here to stop the control system, but now Londo Bell has to take care of the rest. He also reveals about Doga’s plans, Operation Meteor. It’s… a Colony Drop? Not original, but instead of an actual colony, he planned to drop… the Mobile Fortress!? And to make it as effective, he… had about 10 nukes inside ready to detonate on impact! Ein states Giganos wouldn’t let them use their trump card like that, and Persona explains Doga was only using them, Seph didn’t even knew about the operation. Coaster then asks about Marthur, but Ein figures he wouldn’t join them to stop them, so then… he joined for real? Either way, Persona has finished his part of stopping the control system, and now they must be on their way to chase after Doga.

In the Command Room, an explosion is registered. They figure it was the System Room being destroyed, and now the control system is acting abnormal. Seph orders them to do something, and Gregor tells him he promised him he could see his mother. Seph yells at him, saying now’s not the time for that, and Gregor protests, but Seph threatens to kill them both if he doesn’t pipe down. Jprebe figures it’s probably time to use that…

Outside, Vashiane detects the Ein and co. exiting the fortress. Tangerine asks them if they found Shirley inside, but TE tells them she was already moved to MO-III, where Makaze and her forces are ready for Earth reentry. They’ll be leaving for MO-III, leaving the Mobile Fortress to us. Before they leave, Noctali wants to know if Ethlyn and/or the Devil Gundam were in there. Persona states it’s not definite, but what certain is that they have a trump card in there, so Noctali is ready to head in to find out!

At the fortress, Jprebs has come to where Ethlyn and Hikarusaman are being held to take the former away. Ethlyn wants to know what he wanst from her, and he tells her if she remembers about what Caladbolg said about what was needed to pilot the Devil Gundam. He states that with research, he found of another condition. He tells her that there was a reason why he thought of NTG, Isa, and NG as candidates. What do the 3 have in common? Bingo! Not only are they strong-willed, but can also give birth to new life. So basically… the Devil Gundam can only operate at its perfect capability is if it’s piloted by a woman. How sexist of it. And so, in she goes into the cockpit.

Outside, the group is shocked to see the fortress shanging… it’s the DG cells! Seph is happy, stating this is Gigano’s secret weapon, the Devil Mobile Fortress! Noctali now knows without a doubt Ethlyn is in there, but then they also note it’s heading to Earth! And it has now recovered from the previous explosion to boot. Damn. CA notes that the Makaze forces are also heading to Earth, and Tangerine is concern that perhaps Ein and co. may not be enough to stop them. Just then, Samven tells Ace they should go to MO-III to help them out, and leave the Devil Colony to Zerker and the others. Some others also want to head there, and so, the group gets split as follows:

To MO-III: The Nadesico and Aestevalies, the Getter team and co., the Zambot team, James and co., the Combattler team, Nightmare, LordMonde and Eclipse, Tangerine, Sanger, and Godot and co.

To Devil Colony: The Nahel Argama, the rest of the MS squad, D-Team, the Shuffle Union, the Mazinger teams, Voltes team, and Elieson and co.

At Jaburo, RedFox is informing Saint of the recent events. An alarm should be sent to the other Federation bases, though Saint is angry that things have come to this. RedFox is left wondering how things came to this, and GenericOperator comments it was the work of spies. He states he knows where Shirley is being held and will be heading there. Saint meanwhile states come what may, he’ll kill them all!

So well then, what situation should be followed suit?

Secret alert!

This next route split is a bit funny. Both routes have a secret, but, the one at MO-III only affects when you get it, not if you get it. Meanwhile, the one at Devil Colony can be missed if the route is not taken, so this will be following the Devil Colony route for it.

And just to leave this with an ominous note, a Federation soldier inwardly goes about a plan starting in 20 minutes. Hm? What’s that about… oh boy…

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I'm not very tasty, am I? :o

I'm doing good, thanks. How are you?

...Darn it, I don't have any! Where's Shirley when you need her?

I'm lovely, I have fudge.

I'll wear my penguin hat. Summoning tactics, away!

*scratches back of head nervously and blushes* I-I thought you were gonna retort. >_>

*shows friend Cordelia on Google*

*top options were 'fire emblem awakening cordelia hot' and 'fire emblem awakening cordelia swimsuit'**


W-With what? I wouldn't know how to respond to that really...

Or at least not anything that isn't stuttering myself into silence.

Tch, silly fanboys...

Someone called?

*reads Acacia's update*

... Huh. Hey Shirley.

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… cue self-destruct.

Welp, show’s over. I died. Yep, the playthrough is done. Everyone can go home now.


After a long and torturous day, I'm finally home


I'm lovely, I have fudge.

I'll wear my penguin hat. Summoning tactics, away!

I have vanilla and raspberries. XD


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Oh, Vashiane's here? Hey there!

Well, I have been playing games significantly less lately so......

Hey to you too. :)

Kick back and relax a bit, okay? You're home now.



I have vanilla and raspberries. XD


That sounds delicious. I love raspberries. Second-favorite only to the straw.

Penguins are pretty adorbs. XD

hi there. Actually, it was Acacia who summoned me here. XD

Ah, I see. :D

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