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I'm 16 years old thank you very much

You broke your promises

You're the one who wanted so much attention from Sophie that you fucking used me

considering how you act, i can barely tell the difference

Sorry if my shit excuse of a life is a lot harder to manage with than someone of your feeble nature can understand.

This is coming from the someone that came to the other thread running thinking Sophia was there simply from mentioning her

and how he gets all emo and shit if she doesn't reply to him

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Kids are immature, is all.

Doesn't help that the other girl I was friends with had a crush on me.

Happened twice so far, two different people.

Also, I do believe your mind is still perfectly intact Soledai, age doesn't seem to have tampered with you.

"How about you stop with the overused old man jokes."

Not so, you seem pretty mature for you age.

Heh, well, while it's not all that great to have happen, at least you don't have trouble socializing... confirm?

Trust me, I am way different in real life than I am here.

It's otay though.

You're okay either way.

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I suppose, but this case is special since it was like a privileged spot on the ignore list.


You want me to always think of you as adorable, eh?

I can do that even without the quote >w>

Eir, eh? I see I see.

Wow, that's sure something.


Yes. C:

She's the goddess of healing and surgery.

that just means you're not used to the sight of Solizix

That's a new one. 0:

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considering how you act, i can barely tell the difference

Sorry if my shit excuse of a life is a lot harder to manage with than someone of your feeble nature can understand.

This is coming from the someone that came to the other thread running thinking Sophia was there simply from mentioning her

and how he gets all emo and shit if she doesn't reply to him

And considering how you act I'm surprised you're older than half the people who actually are decent people


you fucking promised me you would stop

You were the one who told me you would

and now you're turning it around on me

How hilarious

Oh cool

How funny

I'm sorry did one of your closest friends almost commit suicide and now I'm fucking worried about anyone who I get close to

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Considering i'm talking to someone who's head is so far up there own ass, i'll just let it die

like something as stupid and unproductive like this should be

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My last post was on 6021. What have I missed?

Well, I was here--

Not much of anything, really.

Wow, I'm here <_<

Edited by Soledai
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To those present

I apologize for my outburst

It was unlike me and knowing that those words came from me makes me sick to stomach

I just want to say

I'm sorry

No, but I knocked out an essay with ten days to spare.

good shit man
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I'm actually pretty respected, which is weird considering how little I value popularity/interaction.

Kids like me because I act really mature, always am armed with a sarcastic joke that makes them laugh, and they think I'm nice, in a way. A lot of this may be persona/ego, but enh.

Being liked is not what I intend to happen, but oh well, they leave me alone.


It's people like you that give me hope for the next generation

Wow, I'm here <_<

i was about to say something about sol and crizuzu, but it looks like I was beaten to the punch
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Wow, I always leave threads at the perfect times.

Oh, it's otay Shock.

I think.

i'll be ok

It'll take a lot worse to keep down forever

or until next semester rolls by ;u;

I'm a big boy

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