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That's true. Where do you recommend looking?

Ahh, I see. Deciding what to do with your life is really hard...I think that's a good sentiment, though. Helping others feels nice.

Hmmm, I'll say European history for now. I quite enjoyed learning about what happened after the Roman Empire fell last year in college. How about you?

English and trying to get fluent in Spanish. I've been thinking about trying my hand at a third one too but I don't know which one.

That depends on what you're looking for. There's national law, international law, subnational law, all varying from time to time and from place to place (and that's not even counting natural law and custom). Lawbooks are good as a comprehensive resource on a single subject. If your field of research is more general though, the Internet is easiest. It's all about finding the right websites for looking certain stuff up.

Yeah, you have to find your way, which is a very gradual process. I have a strong sense of justice and duty and I let those guide me.

Interesting, interesting. Ah, that is actually an interesting question: when do you believe the Roman Empire fell?

I really want to have an equal interest in all historical topics, but I have some illogical biases, which tend to vary from time to time. I was raised with Roman history, so I'm positively biased towards that. That's a bias that will stick with me forever. I'm slightly negatively biased towards western European history... you learn about it in elementary school and then again in high school and then again in the second phase of high school and I GET IT BY NOW YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO OVER IT AGAIN. That's a bias that will be gone soon. Because school history was always the same stuff, I'm more interested in history I don't know that much about: I made Russia/USSR/Ukraine/Mongolia into the topic of a research paper last year, and Troy was the topic of a research paper the year before that... I also have fond memories of studying Japanese history as a hobby.

Ah, that's interesting. I don't know Spanish myself, so I can't help there!

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Even for a General, a 10% speed growth is bloody atrocious.

Speed? Who needs speed? No one, except for chumps and babies.

Effie, Charlotte, Crimson

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Umm... *Points to Benoit's 10% speed growth*

You're forgetting that's before class growths are even added on. Not to mention, we don't have all of the reclass data yet.

Besides. There's been a few units with around 30% Spd growths or lower that still managed to be good despite that.

Edited by Just call me AL
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Not in any game I've ever played.

Jagen, Ogma, Lena, Wendell, Palla, and Xane in Shadow Dragon. Muarim, Nailah, the Herons, Haar, Mordecai, Kieran, Janaff, Sigrun, Skrimir, Tibarn, Caineghis, and Lehran in FE10. Marcus, Oswin, and Hawkeye in FE7. They all beg to differ.
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The RNG Goddess hates us all though. C:

That depends on what you're looking for. There's national law, international law, subnational law, all varying from time to time and from place to place (and that's not even counting natural law and custom). Lawbooks are good as a comprehensive resource on a single subject. If your field of research is more general though, the Internet is easiest. It's all about finding the right websites for looking certain stuff up.

Yeah, you have to find your way, which is a very gradual process. I have a strong sense of justice and duty and I let those guide me.

Interesting, interesting. Ah, that is actually an interesting question: when do you believe the Roman Empire fell?

I really want to have an equal interest in all historical topics, but I have some illogical biases, which tend to vary from time to time. I was raised with Roman history, so I'm positively biased towards that. That's a bias that will stick with me forever. I'm slightly negatively biased towards western European history... you learn about it in elementary school and then again in high school and then again in the second phase of high school and I GET IT BY NOW YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO OVER IT AGAIN. That's a bias that will be gone soon. Because school history was always the same stuff, I'm more interested in history I don't know that much about: I made Russia/USSR/Ukraine/Mongolia into the topic of a research paper last year, and Troy was the topic of a research paper the year before that... I also have fond memories of studying Japanese history as a hobby.

Ah, that's interesting. I don't know Spanish myself, so I can't help there!

I see, I see. Thanks for the tips!

Mmmm. It's scary though...Say, what do you hope to achieve in life, if I may ask?

Personally, I think it fell when they decided to split it in half with the co-emperors thing.

The general history that's taught in schools is pretty Euro-centric, unfortunately. I feel like I haven't gotten enough exposure to other sides of history myself, although Chinese history is something that I enjoyed looking at in a class in high school.

What languages do you happen to know? o:

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Jagen, Ogma, Lena, Wendell, Palla, and Xane in Shadow Dragon. Muarim, Nailah, the Herons, Haar, Mordecai, Kieran, Janaff, Sigrun, Skrimir, Tibarn, Caineghis, and Lehran in FE10. Marcus, Oswin, and Hawkeye in FE7. They all beg to differ.

I never got far enough in Shadow Dragon to see Palla or Xane, Sigrun has a 25% speed growth, not 30, Mordecai is shit, Muarim has barely any availability to speak of, Lehran has 0% in all growths and can't really do much anyway. Finally, Marcus, Oswin and Hawkeye are in FE7, which is a game I've never played, and don't ever intend to.

I mean I consider most of the people here friends

But whatever don't accept it if you don't want to

Alright, I'll hug it out with you. *Hugs Breezy*
Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Sigrun has a 25% speed growth, not 30

Doesn't change what I said. Since "30 or lower" were my exact words.

Mordecai is shit

He chokes points, shrugs off injuries, and mauls like a pro in 2-E. That's hardly "shit".

Muarim has barely any availability

And any meaningful availability he does have is during FE10's hardest part. Your point?
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