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I think I finally get it.

[spoiler=Undertale]How could such a powerful monster as Asgore be defeated by a little human child?

Throughout the game, every time you save, the game stresses that you are filled with determination. And when the fight with Asgore starts, the game stresses it once again: you're filled with determination. Asgore, on the other hand is devoid of any determination. He's fighting for a cause he doesn't really support, he doesn't want to kill you, he doesn't want a huge war with mankind. He just wants peace. He just wants everyone to get along. But he feels like he can't let his people down... He made a vow to them, to break the barrier and take control of the surface. He can't let his people down and he can't break his word, but how can he fight for a cause he doesn't believe in at all? Asgore's indecisiveness strips him of all determination.

And that's the answer. You, a human child, are no match in power for Asgore, King of Monsters. If the battle were a pure test of power, you wouldn't stand a chance against Asgore. But it's not a matter of power. It's a matter of determination. Asgore lacks determination. You are filled with determination. That's how you can defeat Asgore.

It shows in the fight against Sans as well. He has 1 HP, 1 ATK, 1 DEF. Logical conclusion is that he's still LV 1, 0 EXP, probably has never fought a single battle either. But he knows that you're a mass murderer. You've killed the people of the underground, and he knows that you'll stop at nothing. You're evil. Sans has no choice. He knows that he must stop you, at all costs. He is bursting with determination. And that is what allows him to be such a menace, despite his weak stats. Sans is the weakest enemy in the game. If it were a mere matter of power, you would be able to kill him in moment's notice. But it's not a mere matter of power. In the end, it all comes down to determination. If you're determined enough to keep fighting him, despite all the losses, and after that, despite the shit he pulls when he decides it's never going be your turn again... if you're determined enough to get through all that, he falls asleep, and then you kill him. If you do that, you end up more determined than him. And that's why you can beat him. It's not your LV, it's not your HP, it's not your ATK, it's not your DEF, it's your determination.

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How are you doing?

I'm doing all right, Criz. The only thing that's worth noting is that I could be getting an apprenticeship working in a mill, though it's still up in the air right now. And how about you?

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Double Post 2: Return of the Revengeance

Double Post 2: Electric Boogaloo

Wow, you guys. ;_______;

I'm doing all right, Criz. The only thing that's worth noting is that I could be getting an apprenticeship working in a mill, though it's still up in the air right now. And how about you?

Ohh! I hope you get it if you want it!

Hmm, I'm fine. I just spent my weekend shopping with my parents and now I'm settling down to do homework.

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Ohh! I hope you get it if you want it!

Hmm, I'm fine. I just spent my weekend shopping with my parents and now I'm settling down to do homework.


I see. Sounds like you've had a nice weekend. Best start cracking down on that work

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Oh, Crizix, I forgot to tell you, I ended up getting an A for my first quater in AP Bio.

The teacher put in our summer assignment right at the last second and it moved me up, lol.

Really? Yay! Your summer pain paid off lmao.


I see. Sounds like you've had a nice weekend. Best start cracking down on that work

I did, thanks. I sure will; I have a lot now thanks to procrastination. xD

Oh so this is Criz's singing voice

Gotta agree with Dusk here

Huh, I thought you've heard it before. o:


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I did, thanks. I sure will; I have a lot now thanks to procrastination. xD

Procrastination? Crizzie, please. Back when I was in college all those years ago we simply couldn't procrastinate, 'else we got kicked out. Best get working!

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However, second quarter bio is looking to be the hardest one of the year.

Not too panicked though, I'll just be studying a wee bit more.

Oh no! Show it who's boss, Shezzy!

Procrastination? Crizzie, please. Back when I was in college all those years ago we simply couldn't procrastinate, 'else we got kicked out. Best get working!

Wow, college back then sounds even tougher than it is now! I am sooo working right now. xD

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Yeah, I've 1cc'd EoSD Hard and cleared SA extra, this is nothing, lol,

Exactly! >w<)b

Haha, I think my course was an exception. Still, best to play it safe rather than sorry

Ohhh, I see. Well then, I shall play it safe. ;w;'

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