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Oh. Well, I haven't played it. Oh, ZM, play Shadow Dragon, she's in the whole game in chapter 3.

Edited by Emerald Knight
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Lucina loves Darros.
Sad but true.
Drafting again?
Sounds tough?

Yep, it is. I planned to have Marth MAD DASHHHH for the gate, with Cain and jeigan backing him up. His frailness kills him and Cain, so I needed to position everyone goodly. When I FINALLY got my core team to the boss, jeigan had a 65~% chance of hitting with a silver lance, LUCKILY both hits connected. Marth jeigan and Cain survived with 1-2 hp.

I need more friends in my SF friend list. Any takers? :3

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*Watches G.I. Joe*

*Scarlet is seen briefly with the Joes when she should be a prisoner at the Cobra*

Duke: Scarlet is still being held prisoner by Cobra!

I just love how old cartoons make errors like this.

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Emerald and astra knight, thank you both kindly. :) Now that I have a Lance maining-Monster Hunter playing friend, I'll need to find a Hammer, Long Sword and/or Bowgun mainer in SF...

Frigging A--, I cut my thumb with the door lock outside of my house. Luckily(?) it's my left thumb but how will I play video games now?...

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