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DDS characters are more fleshed out and lovable, Nocturne is arguably a bit more interesting.

DDS battles is more standard with party members and stuff, but I like that they have demon forms, and the whole demon/human form thing in battle can make it more interesting. Nocturne has demons though. I like DDSs battles but Nocturne is more interesting.

Both games have great music but DDS takes the cake. I love Muladhara from DDS1 and Alive from DDS2 but Nocturne is still good.

I prefer the setting and plot in DDS, generally.

I beat DDS1 and I'm at the final dungeon in 2, just finished Kabukicho Prison in Nocturne.

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I could try SJ eventually but the biggest problem is money haha. Someday.

I also need to finish DDS2.

Ruined Japan is alright but my biggest problem with it is that it's in most smt games, and the junkyard is pretty cool as far as fiction settings go.

Fleshed out characters works for dds because it's already like a jrpg in most regards, and that drives it home.

Fought 3 fiends and completed the labyrinth's first kalpa, haven't started the second.



I've been told that physical Demi-fiend is good but I don't want to neglect magic either.

I might be overleveled. I grinded about 8 levels in preparation for Matador, then about 5 more when Dante gave me trouble.

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I'm pretty sure that's the one you get if you finish the fifth kalpa, right? I have no idea which one I'm going for honestly, but I'll finish the labyrinth if I can.

I have no idea which route is the coolest, or what I should do to get it, I'm just doing whatever. This playthrough is mostly blind, with some exceptions.

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I'll probably go for that then, since I might never come back to the game if it doesn't leave a good impression. I know the labyrinth is annoying though, and going through 4 more increasingly hard sections of it doesn't sound too appealing.

I think I was planning on going the human route, I'm not going to let some radical glow in the dark tattoos change who I am! That was the plan at least lol.

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Well, there is one thing I absolutely hate about this game: Game over is Demi-fiend dies. I just got one shotted by Kin-ki, instant game over. He did 290, iirc MCs health isn't above 280.

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You haven't experienced true hell until you've gotten to level 8 of the minivan, everything from then on is awful

I beat it but that magatama wasn't worth the suffering

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oh man, took me a second. ka(l)pa lol

But I beat the mingame, took a break after that and meant to come back to it later, didn't save like a dumbass. Mom was getting angry at around 2:00 am and was adamant about me going to bed earlier so I just turned it off to be safe.

Lost all minigame progress. Are you sure the magatama isn't worth? I thought you need them all for a certain item.

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Finally got around to beating the minivan again, the good thing is that it's easier the second time.

Also, the enemies in the Obelisk are pretty weak for me. Was fighting an Eligor, he got to low health and used Dragon Eye (plus four blinking turn icons), and the first thing he did with them is flee the battle. I laughed pretty hard.

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Yeah I didn't think of it like that, edited the post.

On an unrelated note part of me is regretting immature with the name choices. I used my name for Demi-fiend and everything else was default. If my sister played this game she would definitely not be mature or merciful with those decisions.

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On another unrelated note, the Collected Manikin opened up a shop where I bought all of the magatamas. All the money I got from the second :Kappa: is gone now.

Once I take down one more fiend, I should be able to go to the third :Kappa: I think. I've fought White and Red riders if memory serves.

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Most smt games go for pretty cheap online but I just got Nocturne on PSN. DDS is pretty cheap too, got both of them.

I barely own physical disks anymore, especially for PS2 games. I lost so many games ;-;

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