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if you and your opposite sex clone were the only people left on earth would you fuck them

I'd totally fuck me of course.

Survival of the human race is more important than "Ewwww, self-cest!!!"

My first kiss with my spouse was during us watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail together. We met from being in the same D&D group together. It's fun when you share more than just lust in common. There's so many lewd things I want to talk about, but it's somewhat frowned upon to discuss in public.

I wouldn't even have lust in common with a partner anyway, since I don't suffer from lust much. \o/

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W-wow two replies in a row for me I feel honored

Hi guys

how are you all?

Late, but fine.

i clicked in this thread and it transported me back to 2014

fuck have i been out this long

You seemed to be doing well

getting deep with LtP

That's a word for it.

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finally, a good video game adaption of a book!

I believe the alternate title for this is "Trying to Clean the House with a Two-Year-Old Around".

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Just tell yourself you only like it ironically

i know lots of people who ironically like furry porn

when the police arrest you for kiddie porn just tell them you were only ironically collecting them to send as footage for the police

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It's one thing to be unhappy and be deluded as to the causes of your unhappiness, but it's another thing when you're all well and familiar with the shitty perspective you have that causes life to be miserable. Then you only have yourself to blame. And just the fact that you know you have shitty thinking patterns, makes your own self-worth go down and compounds things.

You lose your own identity and feel like you truly are nothing. After all, the only thing that gives life meaning is the person themself labeling their lives as meaningful. If one's own brain refuses to do that, then, a personality and happiness cannot develop. You are just nothing if you constantly admit your life is meaningless. Going through the motions, waiting for a silver lining that won't come unless you decide to rebel against yourself. Joy soon becomes an idea, something to want but something you convince yourself is forbidden to you. And as the joy decreases in life, the motivation to take any real action slips away.

The only hope is long term adaptation for one in such a pathetic state as this. Eventually, with enough experience, the proof in favor of living becomes unarguable, and the mind is forced to reach homeostasis. You cannot go on miserable, the human body can't sustain it. Adapt, or die. Until then though, you have to disregard your own conscious. Which is terrifying. But oh well.

Everyone's situation is unique, but I worked through my depression and mental illness by challenging myself in life and giving myself goals that were lofty, but I eventually reached.

I have the dubious honor of having both been held back a year and skipping a year in school. When I was a kid, my way of learning and lack of general social skills was so bad that people thought I was retarded. Many concepts came naturally to me, but I had a hard time conveying that knowledge.

Everyone has unique gifts and potential. Life can be tough, be always know that you aren't alone in your struggles.

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speaking of struggle, i've been constantly tired since school started

i don't know lol, i can deal with this probably

I remember trying to sneak in a nap during study hall sometimes, when I was in High School. I remember having to wake up early as a sophomore to drop my sister off for zero-hour algebra, even though I didn't take any zero-hour courses that year, then I took zero-hour AP Biology as a senior.

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I remember trying to sneak in a nap during study hall sometimes, when I was in High School. I remember having to wake up early as a sophomore to drop my sister off for zero-hour algebra, even though I didn't take any zero-hour courses that year, then I took zero-hour AP Biology as a senior.

i don't take a study hall, only lunch, and i reserve my lunch for reading =(

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i don't take a study hall, only lunch, and i reserve my lunch for reading =(

That's too bad. I needed Study Hall, my mind starts to wander, if I'm sitting in class for too long.

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id much rather just fuck male me tbh.

everything you say is so quotable omg

I'd bang me of either gender tbh

Just tell yourself you only like it ironically

oh shit this is like half of my interests
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no, not yet

first learn japanese, 1cc all the games on lunatic and clear all the extras and read through all the dialogue, get all the endings for each character, clear the extras for each and every character, win a phantasmagoria tournament, read all the novels, magazines, manga, and official profiles, then drink w/ zun

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no, not yet

first learn japanese, 1cc all the games on lunatic and clear all the extras and read through all the dialogue, get all the endings for each character, clear the extras for each and every character, win a phantasmagoria tournament, read all the novels, magazines, manga, and official profiles, then drink w/ zun

aw man

Adventures of scarlet curiosity?

hell yeah it does.

update me on your progress.

Oh and if you like it you should try out ys because the games gameplay is pretty similar to that.

that's coming out on the 20th but I'm gonna get it too :^) BUT SURE I WILL

the one i got is genso rondo, some bullet-like thing

whoa what shit i'm doomed then but maybe not because touhou lolol

cause i did try a ys

Edited by Yuyuko Saigyouji
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Hey hatt.

apparently Armenians are genetic descendants of Hittites.


im the real hattusili

No, dude. We've been over this before, remember? I'm Hattusili I and you're my adopted son Mursili.

For real though, that's pretty awesome. Keep making the storm god Teshub proud!

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