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I think there is a way that genes can be tested to see how closely they are under the "neanderthal" race, he probably just thinks higher of it then anything it really is.

"The race does not go to the beautiful, smartest, most creative, most handsome, strongest or most agile in life. Evolution does not favor the "good" and punish the "bad." You don't understand what is being talked about. It normally goes to tapeworms and parasitic dung eating opportunists who find shortcuts around all of that.

You must have missed the hardcore scientific evidence that has now spilled out that not only is Homo Sapiens physically smaller in both brain and muscle mass but that every single thing that has been identified as being constructed by him over the past 40,000 years looks like sh*t thrown into a blender while it was turned on.

His weapons, artwork, culture, crafts and habitations seem like the work of children wherever we have Neanderthals to compare with. Imagine a mob of evil rape mongoloids who have throwing arms like Joe Dimaggio and breeds like locusts. The police, fire and rescue crews can't believe this retarded bitch is killing them from thirty meters away with a rain of spears. After all, these are just retards. Yet every time they try to arrest the evil mob of rape retards a hail of deadly spears cuts them down. Nobody can believe it and when you blink there are hundreds more.

This is how the Neanderthal felt. He probably could not fathom how a retarded ass-monkey could possibly prevail against him when he had six times their physical strength and ten times their agility as a warrior. It didn't matter. They always attacked in groups at least 300 strong and just turned the air into a rain of spears everywhere you looked. The Neanderthal never had a chance to fight any of these creatures. They were no warriors and they had no honor. They were evil spear-chucking rape retards and nothing could stop them. They swept over Europe like a zombie invasion and their hideous women dropped litters on the ground as they walked behind them. The mighty Neanderthal's only hope to prevail against this demonic horde was to develop air-cooled fan belt fed machine guns and manufacture bullets a thousand rounds a day. Their technology just could not catch up quickly enough to save them from the drooling horde of the rape retard armies."

he also thinks that since neanderthal's continuously and repeatedly made cave paintings in an attempt to perfect them that is where his "perfectionism" comes from. the difference being those neanderthals actually 'released' cave paintings

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