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1 minute ago, Edgelord said:

Like, do Bolsanaro supporters even entertain the fact that a lot of the stuff he said does genuinely make him look like a far-right strongman with authoritarian leanings? To say so doesn't mean you are a communist.

They keep doing the "no u" strategy. They say that PT is an authoritary party, that Ciro Gomes is a fascist. They even go at lengths to say that tax evasion, tax fraud etc is a "victimless crime" in order to minimize what he says and does.

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The worst part is that I think it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that he's going to win now, but you have to wait until the end of October to know.

Do you have any islands off the coast of Brazil that are disputed by Britain? May be time to get ourselves some Falklands War two going. Since losing it was one of the contributing factors in the military junta in Argentina losing their power.

not that i think we're in any position for that even as a joke

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Our biggest state in terms of population, SP, just elected as federal deputies:

  • Eduardo Bolsonaro: one of the sons of Jair Bolsonaro, massive shit stirrer and spreader of fake news. A piece of shit who recently said "right-wing women smell nice, leftist women stink and shit on the street"
  • Alexandre Frota: ex-porn star who fights against identity politics and cultural marxism.
  • Joice Hasselmann: a grifter. Plagiarized over SIXTY other journalists, and currently spread the obviously fake rumor that Revista Veja received 600 MILLION reais to give Jair a bad name. Obviously bullshit.
  • Kim Kataguiri: one of the leaders of Movimento Brasil Livre (MBL), a conservative-libertarian-oportunistic organization who came to be during the 2013 protests, alongside other ridiculous groups such as Revoltados ONLINE. Dropped out ofcollege because he claimed to be smarter than the professors. Very dishonest. Probably a chan user.
  • Pastor Marco Feliciano: one of the biggest televangelists there is. Huge homophobe, campaigns in favor of the "gay cure".


That's just a handful of names. We are on our way to becoming an evangelical plutocracy, as opposed to just a plutocracy.


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the cross and the rainbow flag

nothing against gay (or bisexual?) religious people that struggle to find their identity, but I have a feeling Mr. Boss wouldn't approve of it.

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25 minutes ago, Яei Яei said:

Our biggest state in terms of population, SP, just elected as federal deputies:

  • Eduardo Bolsonaro: one of the sons of Jair Bolsonaro, massive shit stirrer and spreader of fake news. A piece of shit who recently said "right-wing women smell nice, leftist women stink and shit on the street"
  • Alexandre Frota: ex-porn star who fights against identity politics and cultural marxism.
  • Joice Hasselmann: a grifter. Plagiarized over SIXTY other journalists, and currently spread the obviously fake rumor that Revista Veja received 600 MILLION reais to give Jair a bad name. Obviously bullshit.
  • Kim Kataguiri: one of the leaders of Movimento Brasil Livre (MBL), a conservative-libertarian-oportunistic organization who came to be during the 2013 protests, alongside other ridiculous groups such as Revoltados ONLINE. Dropped out ofcollege because he claimed to be smarter than the professors. Very dishonest. Probably a chan user.
  • Pastor Marco Feliciano: one of the biggest televangelists there is. Huge homophobe, campaigns in favor of the "gay cure".


That's just a handful of names. We are on our way to becoming an evangelical plutocracy, as opposed to just a plutocracy.


Delete São Paulo

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Also, me from tomorrow until the second round of the election:


If Haddad gets elected, I'll go back to my PT loathing self, but until that happens (if it happens), I'm supporting him lol

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I'll miss Temer's ridiculous over the top mannerisms. His late-term diss tracks to anyone who double-crossed him were really, really good.

Geraldo, não minta.

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so remember what I said about what about if Lula had a higher chance, would you be okay with letting him free

(yeah I know he still probably wouldn't fare any better than Haddad now)

I feel kind of good with May right now. Sure, she's a robot, but she couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery, much less martial law.

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3 minutes ago, Edgelord said:

so remember what I said about what about if Lula had a higher chance, would you be okay with letting him free

(yeah I know he still probably wouldn't fare any better than Haddad now)

I feel kind of good with May right now. Sure, she's a robot, but she couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery, much less martial law.

I doubt Lula would have a higher chance, tho. Haddad did REALLY well where Lula would do well, and I doubt anyone who voted for Bolsonaro would vote for Lula. What drove Bolsonaro was hatred for PT, Lula being in might have made him even stronger.

I also think Haddad would be better at getting anti-Bolsonaro votes on the second round. I know plenty of people who are voting for Haddad on the second round but wouldn't vote for anyone if it was Lula.

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Frota's son came to Twitter and had some strong things to say:

"I'm a son of a former porn star, former cocaine addict, who defends family values but wanted to abort me.

How did he become São Paulo's federal deputy, I don't know"

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3 minutes ago, Edgelord said:

interesting - I saw some comments saying that they felt Haddad was not charismatic at all compared to Lula

not sure if that actually means anything in terms of voting, though

my take on this is that haddad is not at all charismatic when compared to lula - few are, regardless if you support him or not.

from my perception, he would have an easier time uniting the left than haddad, who's much more boring and has this more academic, technical rethoric.

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huurrr if supporting nazism is a crime why isn't supporting communist a crime too huuuuurrrrrrrrrrrr

they killed people

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