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you know marine le pen? that ultra racist right-winger?

she's a communist, in the eyes of bolsominions


AdF? also commies


but why? they think Bolsoleiro is too extreme.

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the worst thing is: since even the most extreme of the extremists think we are too fucking rowdy, who's gonna trade with us?

usa supports violent dictatorships such as saudi arabia, but at the very fucking least they have loads and loads of money. we're broke.

unless we prostitute ourselves and our Amazon Forest, there's little to do in this department other than get rekt. we are going to get isolated, or in the best case scenario, a lapdog to a global power.


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Most country don't look at the government when trading, you can relax when it comes to this. Everyone trades with Saudi Arabia, Russia and Turkey.

Trading is good for both sides, so a country won't avoid trading with another one just because they don't like that country's government, unless there are sanctions in place, and I don't really think Bolsonaro would go far enough for us to get those in place here. Like, he'd have to go REALLY far. Straight up dictatorship far, and even then he'd have to piss of another country. Most sanctions happen because of a country messing with another one, not because of internal affairs.

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ain't sure about that, chief.

if you couple what others say about us and what we say about others, it just cannot lead to something good. there's basically zero strategy or pragmatism here, to the point where i just can't see a long lasting trading partnership that would benefit us just as much as the other side.

a so-called patriot saluting the american flag is surreal.


and the actual propaganda they are showing on tv might be the most dishonest thing i've ever seen

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Brazil is already quite the protectionist country, I don't see how the trades we already have in place would go away with Bolsonaro.

I fear for him becoming president a lot, but this is not an area in which one should be that concerned, really.

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the dude he's appointing as his finance minister (and who he relies on any basic question about economy) is being investigated already.

there's a non-zero chance of him fucking up economy by his own incompetence, and those who supported him will blame PT regardless.

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Just to be clear here: PT absolutely fucked up the economy back in Dilma's term, and they fucked it hard. Guido Mantega was a disaster of a finance minister.

I'm sure Haddad will be much better, São Paulo did pretty well financially when he was mayor, but Dilma's term was an absolutely disaster when it comes to economics, and her policies are the main reason we got in the crisis.

I loathe PT, I just think they're much better than a despicable fascist, as is almost everyone else.

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well yeah, PT might be shit but they aren't a far-right lunatic

hence why I think swinging all the way to the far-right isn't going to (and won't) solve any problems

but a distressing time, that is the type of atmosphere that the far-right festers best in.

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I agree with you 100% here (except about loathing PT). The main point here is that even if Bolsonaro gets completely irresponsible with the economy, he has PT as his scapegoat.

Similarly to what's happening in Argentina, the Kirschners still get shit even when Macri is the one making mistakes. It seems impossible for some to say "yeah, this party here was incompetent in this term, but I think that the one we elected did some rough shit too and helped absolutely nothing"

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True, that's what's fucked up, his crazy brainwashed supporters think he can do no wrong. Scary stuff.

5 minutes ago, Edgelord said:

well yeah, PT might be shit but they aren't a far-right lunatic

hence why I think swinging all the way to the far-right isn't going to (and won't) solve any problems

but a distressing time, that is the type of atmosphere that the far-right festers best in.

I agree Tryhard. I'd vote for satan if he was running against Bolsonaro.

And besides, Haddad isn't really bad, I don't think he'd take risks with the economy at all. I do really want him to win.

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Haddad is actually really good. To the point where even a major asshole like Doria had nothing bad to say about him at a point where he had no reason to do so - Doria is inclined to go wherever the momentum is, and at that time Dilma just got impeached, and Haddad lost in the first turn IIRC. 

Absolutely no reason to pander to him, saying he was bigger and better than PT, but yet he still did. 



Bolsonaro is corrupt? Well, so was PT!

Bolsonaro fucked the economy? It was Dilma's evil heritage!

Bolsonaro is a nazi? No, Lula was the one who incited anger into the hearts of people!

Etc, etc.

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Since today was a holiday I decided to play some games and actually managed to make progress on GoW

I think I'm close to beating it. I think it's been like 5 months since I beat a game that wasn't a replay of a Fire Emblem.

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46 minutes ago, Nobody said:

Since today was a holiday I decided to play some games and actually managed to make progress on GoW

I think I'm close to beating it. I think it's been like 5 months since I beat a game that wasn't a replay of a Fire Emblem.

shit it's been 5 moinths since i've even played a game at all

being a freelance translator/subtitler rocks but man i get no rest at all sometimes

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