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Guys what should I call the rival guy in Soul Silver. Do know I can't name him after my "rival" seeing as how A)He went to the dark side and B)We aren't on speaking terms/Haven't talked in alot.

Maybe Zurg?

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Brady: Ha! I hear you there, chump! You can come kill me now. You’re just lucky I don’t have my old man’s skill with a blade.
Chrom: Your father is a swordsman?
Brady: None of your damn business, dog!
Chrom: Do you always speak this way to Ylissean royalty?
Brady: I am Ylissean royalty!
Chrom: …What?
Brady: …Huh?
Chrom: Humor me here for a moment. What’s your mother’s name?
Brady: Maribelle.
Chrom: Maribelle is my wife. ...Which would make you my son. Seems Lucina failed to mention this little detail.
Brady: Huh. Yeah, I guess we look alike. I mean, if ya squint real hard… Sorry I called you a dog, Pop. …Oh, and I’m Brady. Sooo… Must be disappointin’ that your son can’t fight, huh?
Chrom: You seem to be doing fine to me. There’s more tom combat than swinging a blade around, you know. And besides, you’ve chosen to heal instead of harm. I couldn’t be prouder than that.
Brady: …Really? Aw, thanks. That means a lot, Pop.
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Zurg sounds too Disney-y. ZM is.... nah, I don't see you as a rival person to me. Maybe in a friendly competition, but that's it.


How about Cyrus?

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Wanna know what's weird? Whenever I play Samurai Warriors 3, with Ina on the same map and in the same army, I stop what I'm doing just to help her. I often ignore the other officers that need help too. What does this mean.
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[spoiler=Backstories yay]Paula - 19 - Landsknecht: The leader of the guild. She only recently became an explorer just to emulate her late parents. She learned how to fight from her mother, who was also a Landsknecht. She often speaks her mind, but she sugarcoats her opinions if they're negative.

Xylou - 24 - Runemaster: Paula's older brother. While he doesn't care much for exploring, he does care deeply about the well being of his sister. So he joined her in becoming an explorer to keep her safe from harm, which is dumb, in a way. Since he never cared about exploring, he never cared about fighting. He only picked the Runemaster profession because it seemed the easiest. Snarky and somewhat cynical, he rarely ever smiles.

Esmerelda - 17 - Medic: Paula's best friend. Another green horn explorer. She went along with Paula because she wanted to help out, and she was studying to become a doctor, so being a Medic was a perfect fit for her. Her parents were against her becoming an explorer, but she practically told them, 'It's okay! Paula and Xylou will keep me safe!'. Plucky and forever cheery, she keeps the teams' morale high.(and their HP!)

Meyrla - 21 - Nightseeker: Another good friend of Paula's. She comes from a long line of assasins, ninjas, sword fighters and murderers, she has natural fighting ability. While she doesn't know much about exploring, she was eager help Paula because, 'Sparring with my family is very boring.'. She hardly speaks and always has a blank stare with her tongue out.

Connie - 22 - Fortress: The only experienced member. He never speaks of his past exploits, since he figures no one cares. He acts as the groups' shield during tough battles, he's not afraid to cave in a monster's skull with his mace either. He came up with the guild name saying, 'It represents the qualities of a good friendship, trust, honesty, togetherness and burgers.' The last one is debatable. Calm and easy going, he puts the teams' mind at ease with his shield. He also hates mantis monsters.

By the way, Ein help.

Edited by Leafeon
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Everyone but my Medic has three skill points and I have no clue what to do with them. Also I killed the Furyhorn with everyone alive, whoop.
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Let's see...

Landy, Medy, Forty, Runey, and Nighty....


Every class should have their unique class skill ASAP.


Landy should get Sonic Raid to level 3 then get all three Links to level 1. Then upgrade the Links as you go but I'm not sure to how much. I currently have them at level 3 each and they do just fine for the extra damage they provide. Sonic Raid is great since it always goes first and triggers Proficiency.

Power Boost and Vanguard are nice but I never use Vanguard... Although it's good if you can protect the Landy i.e. have a Fortress with Ally Guard.

Minerology for possible extra mining which is nice.


Medy should focus on healing of course. Line Heal is a must as is Patch Up so she doesn't have to use TP as much.

The status recovery skills at 3 when you can. You won't really need them until later anyway.


Runey... Yeah. You want each Rune at level 3 ASAP. The attack variant of each are fine at level 1. At level 3 the Runes reduce damage by 50%. I maxed them out by the second area.

Runic Gleam is nice for the extra damage and it opens up the pathway for some REALLY nice skills.


Forty should get Ally Shield, Strike Guard, Element Guard, Taunt, and Iron Wall. I would NOT get Line Shield when it first becomes available since they changed the way it works and now the Forty takes ALL damage for anyone he blocks for. Fortress are pretty straight forward though.


No idea about the Nightseeker to be honest.

ACTUALLY. From the little I know of them, sticking them in the backrow or whatever and having them go to town with their throw skills to inflict status ailments and then dealing even more damage to enemies that are afflicted because of their unique skill is what they do best. And they are also valuable exploring peeps to make it a little easier to explore and minimize risks.

Edited by Ein
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