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I said what the fuck when reading Kjelle and Severa's Harvest conversation...

Kjelle H-hey, Shevera... Y'know what? You're cute. Real...really *hic* cute.

Severa Huh? Kjelle?! Why are you slurring? Are you sick? What the heck's gotten into you?

Kjelle Mmmebbe I got a toofache. 'Cause yer shooo *hic* shweet. Heh heh. I been thinkin'... I...I'm tired of all these *hic* weak boys... I wanna shpend more time with... with... you inshtead... 'Cause yer sho shtrong *hic* and pretty... Reeeeal pretty...

Severa H-hands, Kjelle! Hands to yourself! Honestly, what is wrong with you?! Look at you! Your cheeks are all flush!

Kjelle I dunno... But I feel reeeally good! Hee hee... *hic*

Severa Ack! Let go, you brute! You're sqeezing the life out of me! Oh, don't tell me... I think I've figured out the secret to that "miracle brew" of yours.

Kjelle Didja? Gosh, and yer shmart too... Thish just proofs it! Hee hee... "proof." Shounds funny, doesn't it? That thief shaid it too. He shaid this shtuff was "hundred proof."

Severa He said WHAT?!

Kjelle Sheveraaa... C'meeeeere...

Severa And quit tugging at my clothes! You'll stretch them out, you lummox! Rrrgh! You've left me no choice. Sorry, Kjelle, but... HU-YAAAH!

Kjelle Ngwauh?!

Severa *Huff, huff* *Ahem* ...Um, Kjelle? Are you, like, still alive?

Kjelle Owww... Ngh? Where... Severa, what happened?

Severa Ah, good. Sounds like that did the trick. ...It better have. I think I chipped a nail.

Kjelle I can't seem to remember what- Severa, why are your clothes on all crooked?

Severa Where do I even begin, except to say THAT THIS WAS ALL YOUR FAULT!

Kjelle How about...at the beginning? And maybe...a little softer? ...Argh, why is my head pounding? Sorry, but I think I need to go lie down for a little while.

Severa Yes, maybe you'd better. You'll be doing us all a favor. (Kjelle leaves)

Severa Mm? It's that stupid bottle... She must have dropped it when I slugged her. Wait... This thing doesn't say anything about "proof"! It says "truth"! Gods, this print is so tiny, how can... Oh, gods... "Truth Serum"?! "This patented blend of fast-acting herbs relieves the body and mind of tension. allowing users to speak their minds more frankly than they ever thought possible!" Wait, then that was... Then she really... WHAAAAAAAT?!

This is the second part of it. Nintendo, uh...what?

Edited by ZMesu
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I'm thinking the Yggdrasil compound was created using some kind of other wordly thing if EO3 is any indication.

So, are all of the trees alien things or what.


I love how sigable this is.

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