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Calvary Promotion

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I need help deciding which units to promote to which classes in my Calvary Run. I normally LOATHE Great Knights because of their subordinate speed and movement to Paladins, but in this case, it's probably a good idea to promote at least ONE of Franz, Kyle, Forde, or Amelia to Great Knight so I can S rank in Axes and have someone for Garm at the end. Anyway, I need some help deciding which one to promote to GK.

Also, if later in the game(probably like two or three chapters) I realize that it'll be extremely difficult to succeed using only Seth, Franz, Kyle, Forde, Amelia, and Duessel, I might decide to include all mounted units, including Vanessa, Tana, Cormag, and Serene. Are Tana and Vanessa best as Falcon-Knights, or should I make one of them a Wyvern Knight?

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I normally LOATHE Great Knights because of their subordinate speed [...] to Paladins

I'm not sure where people get this idea, because it isn't true. Great Knights have the same speed cap as Paladins. Male cavs get an extra point of speed from promoting to Great Knight and two extra con, making them a bit faster than Paladins in practice.

That aside, I don't think it really makes a difference which character you promote to Great Knight. I've seen people in the past recommend promoting Kyle to Great Knight because he is more likely to take advantage of said class' higher strength cap, but... lolcaps. Just go with whichever character you feel could benefit the most from the Great Knight's superior promotion gains.

Also, I think you mean cavalry. Calvary is the area where Jesus was said to be crucified. ^^;

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Also, I think you mean cavalry. Calvary is the area where Jesus was said to be crucified. ^^;

Oh, you.

You'll be fine with that team, anyway. I've managed with worse.

Duracell can go ahead and S his Axes (hell, he starts with A) so there's absolutely no need to promote anybody you don't want to to a GK.

Not that that would stop me from promoting EVERYBODY to Great Knights, but that's just me.

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Also, if later in the game(probably like two or three chapters) I realize that it'll be extremely difficult to succeed using only Seth, Franz, Kyle, Forde, Amelia, and Duessel,

Oh come on I soloed the game with him and it was easy. There should be no difficulty if Seth is included.

And by solo, I mean Eirika was literally 1/1 by the end of the game. And Eph was whatever his base level is (I think 5+6 for not his route bonus?)/1.

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Seth solo was pretty fun and actually pretty interesting in places. There was some complicated rescuedrop shenanigans I had to pull in 16 due to Bolting+promoted enemies+Seth running out of Javelins yet again. That was actually really fun.

But anyway, Seth is pretty much best choice for S swords since base A rank is pretty hot. The only Cav->Paladin I've ever even gotten to A swords in GBA was Lance and that's because FE6 hitrates are ass unlike FE8.

As for promotion: Do you care about turncounts? If so, go Paladin. If not, FE8's easy enough it doesn't really matter.

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I had Seth go S Swords on his solorun since Audhulma helps a lot with the gorgon chapters as well with Lyon and the likes. It's not like he really needs the S rank bonus on Javelins, game's easy enough as it is.

I mean if 1/1 Eirika can actually dodge stuff in Chapter 20 while I unload her for more Javelins, the enemies are pretty damn pathetic.

Hell, he might even slow down just enough for Franz and the other scrubs to not fall behind in levels so much. Except Duessel 'cuz he's manly.

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Unfortunately, Seth already has S on Lances. I didn't plan it that way, it just kind of happened. I had been using both Swords and Lances evenly with Seth and... well his Lance stat just met the S rank slightly before his Sword did.

On the notion of cavalry/Calvary.... Well. We all have minor screw-ups and dyslexic moments at times. I actually DID know the difference, I guess I just didn't catch myself. No wonder Firefox kept putting a squiggly under it and recommend it be capitalized.

As for the Dues., I know that he'll most likely S axes, but I plan on training Kyle/Forde/Franz to be way stronger than Duessel by the time I get him, in turn having one of them be a much stronger GK than Duessel.

Turncounts aren't a priority to me. I'd rather have fun beating the hell out of the enemies than racing to the finish. This is the reason I never compete in draft tournaments.

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I've also done a similar run in the past for shits and giggles using Lords, Seth, Franz, and Christmas Knights (Renais Knights run). You don't /have/ to have Seth solo everything even if he's in play, especially if you're not going for speed.

Seth had a level lead over everyone in that run and was easily best, but were everyone else useless? No. Hell knows those route chapters could've used some extra hands.

Well then, what chapter are you on? If early enough, Franz has the best shot at S swords due to availability. Or whichever of the Christmas Knights with the better sword rank, think it was Forde. Even so, FE8's like 22 chapters long. You'll have to spam swords a lot and basically limit your javelin use on said character because Javelins make lance rank go up like crazy.

Axe rank on one of Forde/Franz/Kyle isn't implausible, especially since all the good axes besides Killer, Silver, and Garm are E rank anyway, though E is still a lot of WEXP to go through to S and it means they'll never touch a lance or sword again (not that it matters, handaxes~). S axes on Duessel is good just in case you don't get them to S fast enough.

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Yeah, I wasn't saying that a Seth solo would be an awful thing, it's just not the kind of run he seems to want to do.

Using Seth != Seth solo. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

If Duessel isn't getting Garm, I'd say spam up Kyle as S Axes because I say so.

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I'm on chapter 8. I'm going to have Franz S Rank swords, Kyle go GK and S rank Axes(spam it A LOT) and I'll figure out Forded and Amelia when I get to them promoting. And I'll use Seth because he's good and I can split my units easier on maps where I need to.

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If you're going slow enough anyway, might as well make Kyle the GK. If you somehow want to get everyone to 20/20 (I dunno if there's enough exp in FE8 to go around though for that but w/e besides abuse and stuff) then Kyle can actually use that STR cap, but lolcaps anyway. He might as well take the extra speed boost.

Edit: Ninja! Well that works.

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Normally, there's no necessity for a healer. But as this playthrough is for fun, there's no reason not to train one. I'll go Mage Knight for aforementioned reasons.

Edit: And you should play FE8 again. Despite it's easy difficulty, it's one of my favorites and is still plenty of fun.

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Well yeah, it's your playthrough, use whomever you like. :D

I probably will. I still need to do Sethsolo on Ephraim's route anyway. Only did Eirika's route so far. Might have to make an exception on C15 though since Saleh and Innes aren't exactly that good at surviving unequipped and taking turns rescuing Eirika. :P

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