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Anyone who's played TWEWY

Lux Aeterna

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I'm just wondering--with the black planet pins, does their power increase with each pin I have, or do I need all six? Because I have four at the moment...

(FFtF would answer this faster so that's why I didn't put this in other games)

And yes, I googled, but I got mixed results.

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The last two are hard to get--one from Fifenfrog, and the other from Panthera Cantus. ;__;

It's been forever since I've played TWEWY, but I'll see what I can bring up.

For both, increase your drop rate. You'll thank me later. Also, stat grind like crazy. Pick a partner and stick with them (I used Joshua, but it's merely preference.)

For the Fifenfrog: You have three options:

- Short combo chains to max fusions quicker

- Long combo chains to have sustained damage

- The Irregular Note pins (really not a good idea, they are hard to use)

For Panthera Cantus: I remember using a strat that involved juggling Panthera Cantus on the bottom screen, using Speed Factor and Her Royal Highness in tandem with Ice Blow/Black Uranus and some from of Force Rounds (optional, if you don't want complications). In doing this, you can focus on the top screen, moving most of the fight up there. It's fairly long, but this is a fairly simple way to make it easier.

Edited by Manix
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That makes one pin left to get. In addition, I beat the hardest boss in the game on ultimate, which is satisfying in and of itself.

I was level *, but I had 8 drop rate (thanks to food). Pins were righty cat, brainy cat, lefty cat, wolf, healing bunny, and splish splash barrier. I basically just dashed around the bottom screen while I had Joshua do most of the work. It was tough, and I lost about five times, but in the end, I finished him off like this...

"Another world awaits!"

"And you're going!"

So satisfying. ;w;

Alright, time to kill the fifenfrog and then all black planet pins are mine.

EDIT: @Above: Yeah, I use Joshua because he has multi-target attacks, levitation, that super awesome angel spear attack, the Jesus Meteor, and decent combat skills. The other two suffer from various issues that make them obselete compared to Joshy.

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Congratulations :)

I like Joshy too. I also love Wolf (or any Velocity Attack pins). Just dash around bottom screen while mashing buttons on top. Mashing in a certain way, of course.

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